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Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 30 Dec 2012 06:42pm
Hello All
Like many others on this forum we have been inspired by all the great stories told here and want to pay back with our own.
We purchased a lake front lot 1 year ago and we are in the process of designing our cottage. While that process happens we have been enjoying the lake in our bunkie, a 100sf cabin.
We are water access, off grid and loving it!
# Posted: 30 Dec 2012 07:05pm
# Posted: 31 Dec 2012 10:48am
Nothing like building on bedrock, eh? Breathtaking scenery.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 31 Dec 2012 11:53am
Thanks Montanagirl and Nirky
We built the bunkie on deck blocks resting on the bedrock, no risk of frost!! With the larger cottage we are considering bolting steel supports and building the floor system on them. This would avoid any need to bring in concrete.
Has anyone built on bedrock?
# Posted: 31 Dec 2012 12:45pm
Can you tell us where you are located and if you ran into any issues building the cabin? I'm always looking for a new piece of property to build on, kind of the poor man's life of multiple addresses on a budget!!! More pictures is always a good thing too, thanks.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2013 12:37pm
Ontario lakeside Wow. I love your lot! It reminded me of a time I went muskie fishing in Honey Harbor, Ontario. I couldn't believe all the solid rock islands. You didn't need to worry about getting your shoes/boots muddy...there wasn't any dirt visible....just solid rock.
What really amazed me was the fact that we would pass a little channel between two smaller islands and the channel would only be 30-40 feet wide, yet the water was anywhere from 80-110 feet deep!! Yikes 
My friend caught a 51" "Tiger Muskie" and tied the North American record that year (1995 I think). It was a beautiful area...just like yours!
I'll be watching for your site for progression photos. How big is your lot? Are you a long way from Honey Harbor? I remember it was just at the access to Georgian Bay. Beautiful country.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 1 Jan 2013 12:47pm
Beautiful place. Love it!!!!!
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 1 Jan 2013 03:10pm
Thanks everyone
Our lot is 2 hours north east of Toronto. a large section of this area is Canadian shield. Bedrock that was exposed by the glaciers. Oldbuddy, we are not near Georgian Bay but the geography is very similar. We have a rock wall on one site of our lot that is about 30' high and the water is about another 30' deep.
Our lake was owned by a lumber company until 2008. then it was divided into lots. Several of us on the lake have yet to build full cottages and have bunkies, although they are technically not permitted no one has has any issues with the inspectors yet!
Here are a couple more pictures P1090248.jpg
|  P1090256.jpg
|  P1090260.jpg
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# Posted: 2 Jan 2013 02:08pm
Ontario lakeside I went fishing one year (1994) with my buddy that caught the big muskie in 1995. We fished the Cawortha's? Is the spelling right? I remember there were four lakes and the names were Rice Lake, Pigeon Lake, Buckhorn Lake and I have forgotten the fourth. If you are two hours east of Toronto you have to be fairly close to them..correct?
I was the typical Yankee in Canada. I had been fishing less than 30 minutes, caught a skinny 30 inch Muskie and before you know it.....I had a Muskie lore buried in the knuckle of my ring-finger about 5/8 of an inch deep. The hook was about 1/2" wide with an 1/8" barb. Off to the hospital we went...about an hour away. The Doctor and all the nurses were laughing at me. Fortunately, I was able to fish without any problem the rest of the week!
It is a beautiful area. Remember this.....you can't take too many photos 
Old Old Buddy (My son has us registered here under Old Buddy)
# Posted: 2 Jan 2013 02:55pm
Absolutely breathtaking!! I would love to see more photos. How soon do you intend to build your cottage and do you have a design/floorplan in mind?
# Posted: 2 Jan 2013 08:41pm
Ontario Lakeside,
You have a magical location! I love the picture with the drift wood. It reminds me of exploring the backwaters of the BWCAW in northern Minnesota.
We have also built on bedrock using 18 piers to support the structure. However, we were able to hire much of the preparation. Exposing the bedrock (4-18 inches of rocky soil) and drilling anchor pins (3 each pier). The concrete was hand mixed and poured into 10" sonic tubes.
Yes it was alot of work.
# Posted: 3 Jan 2013 04:33pm
Hey welcome! What a great place you have there! I freaked out a little when I clicked on your bunkie picture...it looks just like land that we almost bought! It had the same look with the bedrock and the way you positioned your bunkie is the same as we were going to do. It also had a lake-it was owned by an electric co. The area was so neat....very cabinish, in the snow belt, but ultimately pretty far from home and off a mud road that didn't provide very good year round access. We even got stuck in the mud when our tires slid off the tree logs that were placed in two tracks down the length of the road. . Always an adventure...probably a good thing we ended up building off a road that at least has a good base of gravel.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 24 Feb 2013 10:28pm
Some good news. we found a bunch of free 2X4s from a local theater that was taking down its sets. looks like enough to build a storage shed by the water. Im going to build it in our driveway and then take it apart for reassembly on site. Cant wait till spring!
# Posted: 24 Feb 2013 10:59pm
Beautiful location and lake. Love the bunkie and the brick hearth for the stove. Are the bricks set in anything or just loose? Might steal that idea for under the stove at our place in MN.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 25 Feb 2013 06:12am
Hey Jaransont3
Thanks, the bricks are loose. I intend to install a wooden curb to hold them in place.
# Posted: 25 Feb 2013 07:44am
Thanks for the added info.
Is the floor under the bricks just wood or something flame resistant? Just asking because one concern I would have with the loose brick is a hot ember falling down between them and not knowing about or even getting to it of you do know about.
I might leave the copper sheet I have under the stove now and put the bricks on to of it. Or maybe just set them with mortar and seal it.
I like the idea of a wooden frame for them. A little friendlier surface to stub your toe on than the bricks. 
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 25 Feb 2013 08:03am
We do have a sheet of galvanized steel under the bricks. I may morter them in when i do the edging.
# Posted: 25 Feb 2013 08:08am
Ahh. Good. Great minds think alike. 
# Posted: 11 Apr 2013 04:23pm - Edited by: leonk
good looking lake, Haliburton?
if you don't mind me asking - what's the land prices in your area? I am still looking for my land in ON...
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 9 May 2013 11:06pm
We are east of Peterborough. Lakefront is expensive.
# Posted: 10 May 2013 07:51am
Quoting: Ontario lakeside Lakefront is expensive.
so I hear the question is how expensive - prices are all over, thanks.
# Posted: 10 May 2013 10:22am
beautiful views ...
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 4 Feb 2014 09:16pm
Hello all
We had a busy summer building at the cabin and I wanted to share a new project I have in the works. I have been recording the whole build and I am in the process of editing it. I have posted some videos of some of our adventures so far and some of my other projects.
In the next couple of months I will be uploading details on my design and the building permit application, a tour of the land and our plans and then a series of "this old house" style building videos.
I wanted to ask you guys for some input on the videos I have up and hear your input before I get to far along.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 4 Feb 2014 09:16pm
Here is the link!
# Posted: 8 May 2014 09:49pm
Great Videos. I just watched them all.  Hoping the ice is out at my place cause I'm going up Saturday!
# Posted: 9 May 2014 05:35pm
Good videos. Nice to see the family working together
# Posted: 11 May 2014 10:44pm
hello.love your cabin and land.so beautiful. love your wood stove.can u tell me what the back of the stove is? we are getting ready to install a woodstove and looking for ideas.thank u.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 11 May 2014 11:24pm
Hey cabingal3
Thanks for the kind words. I used a sheet of 3mm thick hot rolled steel behind our stove. It is bent into the corner and held between two wooden cleats. I also put spacers to hold the steel 1/2" from the wall. This reflects the heat into the room and keeps the wood paneling cool. Simple and cheap. I think the steel was about $30
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 11 May 2014 11:25pm
I forgot to mention. I waxed the steel with automotive wax to prevent rusting.
# Posted: 11 May 2014 11:25pm
thank u Ontario lakeside.good to know.
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