# Posted: 20 Jul 2013 11:17am - Edited by: ericfromcowtown
Just back from a couple of days of yard work (pushing back the jungle) at the cabin. Without a chipper, proper burn barrel, and being restricted to how many bags of cuttings I can haul out in my minivan, it's a slow process. Forty years of overgrowth is going to take awhile to clear. As I clear the brush I am finding buried old baseballs and other signs of a time when this cabin was a hive of activity.
The Saskatoon berries are also making an appearance. The property is covered in them. I remember my mom sending us kids out with an ice cream bucket to pick berries, and I can't wait to do the same with my kids.
I'll start another post on the old homestead I hiked into. Pictures from back in the day when everyone's home was a small cabin. Clearing a View
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