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# Posted: 6 Nov 2012 07:45pm - Edited by: pleasant7
I am new here! I am really enjoying this Site! My husband and I have acreage in Benton County in extreme north Mississippi. We have a 16 x 20 screened room wired to run off our generator. We have not added plumbing yet and have a portable potty in the bathroom for now. My husband built it himself and we put a metal roof on. The inside is still unfinished so I am enjoying seeing what everyone has done. Hoping I can post photos! fall view
|  cabin 16x20
|  beautiful woods
|  view from cabin
old buddy
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 06:25am
pleasant7 Welcome to the forum! You'll find a lot of great cabins and even better tips for things you never thought about. How big is your cabin? I see you have a 16X20 screened room. Are you planning on wooden walls before it's all done? Keep the pics coming.You surroundings are beautiful
Keep us updated....Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 08:33am
welcome pleasant7-we will so enjoy having u join us cabineers.love your cabin.its very wonderful.will love to hear alot more from u.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 09:04am - Edited by: pleasant7
Hey yall! The structure is 16x20 with the front 2/3rd of it screened. The back wall is solid with two small rooms used as a bathroom and storage for now. My husband put a beautiful stained glass windows in the center of the back wall. We are talking about closing up some of the screened section to make it more functional year round. I will be posting more photos. Money is tight so we do a little at a time, lol! wildlife
|  bathroom/portable toilet
|  air mattress for now!
|  still in progress!
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 04:36pm
old buddy Thank you! I just love this Site!
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 04:38pm
cabingal3 Thank you. Just posted a few more pictures.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 05:25pm
its just so fine.i love how it is screened in with so many windows.love this place.whoa!i think its deer thirty.thanks for letting us see the cabin and your land.pretty good.always love southern cabins but actually love any cabin.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 08:59pm
cabingal3 Thanks for the kind words. We do love it as well. We try to go once every other week since it is only 50 miles from home. We hope to retire there.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 09:21pm
Great looking place and welcome!!!!
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 10:28pm
neb Thanks. We have been blessed to find good materials at decent prices. The interior doors are from an older home in Memphis. I paid $10 per door that included hardware and the glass door knobs. I think we bought about 10 or more doors. Since then we moved an old house to another section of the property and plan to renovate it. The stained glass is one of many pieces I bought thru the classifieds and paid very little for it. I'm grateful my husband is handy with a saw as well, lol!
# Posted: 7 Nov 2012 11:27pm
Yep, it is always nice to have that handy man to cut the costs!!! LOL
# Posted: 8 Nov 2012 05:41am
pleasant7-we are planning on retiring at our woods too..it takes us five hours to get there so we dont get there as often as we would like.one day though-we will not have to travel.we will wake up and be home already.cant wait for the day.its coming closer. goodness!ten bucks for a door is pretty dog gone good.there is for sure some good deals to be found out there.my hubby got this big hexagon window.its huge for a song and we put it in our cabin.it gives us alot of natural lite.i love stained glass and glass door knobs too.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2012 05:42am
i just looked closer to your stained glass windows pleasant7.they r very beautiful.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2012 09:38am
cabingal3 Hey once again! Where is your cabin located? There is a National Forest very close to our place. The only problems we have had was a coon hunter and rabbit hunter trespassing plus someone stole a huge hornets nest that was visible from the street. We had planned to get it and hang it in the cabin. We have nice neighbors who cut up a big tree for us that fell a couple of years ago across our entrance. We were not there when it happened and we're very surprised at the good deed!
# Posted: 8 Nov 2012 11:23am
gal.we live up in oregon.my family use to have a cabin in my childhood on black lake in louisiana. we have our cabin up near crater lake area in oregon.about 15 miles as the crow flies.the soil is pumice.no snakes.the only rocks in our soil are pumice rocks and if u put them in water-they float.we are in wild fire country.a while ago.some meth labbers were making meth and a mobile home blew up and burnt up alot of land were are cabin is close to.sure scary.we were sure glad the wind was blowing the other way.they have dog sled races up where we live.we are twenty miles either way from hi priced stores but 60-70 miles from a real town.life flight would have to come and fly us out if we got hurt.lots of ice and snow.we have alot of nice neighorbors too.they want to help us all the time but we just are workers out there n they think we are anti social cause we dont want to take them up on offers to stay at their guest cabins.we will socialize more once we live out there. i hate when tresspassers come on our property. i look n look for signs of this.we had a truck the scrap man took.i never noticed the truck was gone i was so busy looking at the ground for signs of people being there.hee hee. that was so nice of your neighbors to cut that tree.we had a wild sick rabid cat and no gun.it was all crazy while we were building.we went and got our neighbor and he shot it for us. neighbors are a good thing out there.as long as they dont make a pest of themselves.so far. we have alot of good neighbors out by us.it sounds like u do to... hugs cabi.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2012 11:46am
cabingal3 Wow! I don't want to be that remote! LOL! Sounds like a quiet place and that is nice, aside from the meth lab, lol! I am glad your cabin was spared in the fire. We have see a few very nice snows the past few years which makes it difficult to get out to our cabin when that happens. Mississippi doesn't snow plow roads in the country! Sorry for any typos! I fell at our cabin a few weeks ago and broke my right arm. I'm having to do everything with the left hand which is hard. I'm still learning to navigate this Site too. Happy camping!
# Posted: 8 Nov 2012 05:23pm
oh my word.u have a broken arm!!so u cant drive truck now right?well our roads are not maintained by the county either.we keep trying to get someone out there to plow past our drive.we have not gotten ahold of the correct person somehow.we have had to put on snowshoes and haul all our stuff in.thats amazing u have had snows.i always think of Mississippi as hot.not too fun to have a broken arm thats for sure.your place is so homey.u are set up good with your nice cabin.ours is a cabiney camping cabin.we will make the house more refined and normal.we camped out in a tent for so long .now the cabin seems pretty uptown.take care of yourself.