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# Posted: 13 Oct 2012 12:16pm - Edited by: OkieGal
Hello I bought my cabin back in May 2012 and finally decided to join a forum, why you ask so I can get some Ideas from some folks who already been there and done that. My Cabin is a 16x30 (lesser footprint though Derksen deluxe lofted Barn cabin, I do love it but am stuck on the floor plan i'll post some pics. Oh and Being 25 with no carpenters experience doesn't help either :P Y'all have a good one! Oh one more thing this will be my permanent residence! SANY1252.JPG
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# Posted: 13 Oct 2012 12:30pm
Here is my floor plan not perfect but hey :P
# Posted: 14 Oct 2012 09:55pm
Nice size! Good looking place.
# Posted: 15 Oct 2012 10:10pm
A full time home that is great. How much land do you have and do yo live off of the land?
# Posted: 15 Oct 2012 10:32pm
I have a little over an acre and I do plan on building a green house (small) and having a few pigs but that's about it oh and chickens, gotta have chickens
# Posted: 25 Oct 2012 06:29pm
Hey okie gal.
# Posted: 25 Oct 2012 06:36pm
Ok.sorry.didnt mean for that to post without the rest of my message I am so excited for you..I will be doing this within the next year(God willing)I am going to get the 16x40 derksen lofted cabin with the side porch. I am twice your age. I ,too, have no experience but a lot of friends and relatives do. I am concerned about codes and them telling me "no .you can't do this" we will see how it goes. I am buying an acre of land from my mom. She lives in a very rural type county, and even out of any city limits. Your foundation looks so good. What exactly did you do? Is it blocks? Thanks!
# Posted: 25 Oct 2012 06:39pm
Ok.dumb question. I went back and looked at pics again and see that it is indeed blocks. Did you do that by yourself and did the delivery people set it onto them? Thanks again..
# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 08:49am - Edited by: Rifraf
I love that model (deluxe lofted barn) I wanted to get that one too, but here they charge more for that model, and you get less internal space. If I get another one I think I may get that one.
Love it.
Gagirl61, I cant speak for OkieGal, but all the sellers of those types of cabins around here will level them on blocks for you as part of the free delivery and installation. You have to supply the blocks though.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 10:17am
Thanks so much, Rifraf. Are you sure about the space thing? I went in the model and it felt HUGE! I am getting the lofted, too. It has a loft on both ends with plenty of room to create bedrooms. Then that entire bottom area will be for my bathroom,kitchen ,dining,living Sooooo excited. You want to hear a real hoot? I want one of those Premier baths in mine that you just step into Take care!
# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 10:39am
What i meant is they sell the deluxe model here for about 7200 (12x32 size) and the standard lofted barn cabin for 6600.00 12x32
They have the same outer size, but because if the in-cut of the bay window porch you loose inside space. For me , inside space was a big issue. I wish I could have just been able to put more money down on a larger model to make up for lost space and get the bay porch. Oh well..
Cant wait to see you progress on yours.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 11:50am
Thanks for all the reply's Ya'll, Okay I am Renting to own the cabin and yes Rifraf is right they leveled it but I bought the blocks. for the 16x30 it was around 10,200.00 and really for a 5 year note, I couldn't beat that. The acre that my cabin sits on has been in the family since they came to Oklahoma which was back when they where called sooners so my family has lived on or next to this property for over a 100 years, the old house in the back was my great grandparents my great grandfather built and the house next to it adjacent to it really where my parents live was my great uncles, my parents are 95% finished remodeling. All my roots stand hear on my little acre and I couldn't be happier with what I have. Not many people my age have this opportunity, and I count my blessings as long as they and I are still here.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 11:52am
My biggest thing at this stage is setting up my hot water heater IDK if I want to go with the tank-less type or just get 40 gallon and build a little room for it? Any ideas?

# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 12:04pm - Edited by: Rifraf
Hi OkieGal,
I have had both now. I like the tankless because it can mount on a wall and I have been able to keep all my utilities on the same service.
The downside is you will need about 220v 40 amps dedicated to the tank less electric to get the hot water you would expect in a home. The smaller 110/120v units dont allow the water speed you will want. They are all a breeze to connect though.
.. my electric bill is never over 100.00 and averages around 85.00 a month. Thats with a lot of hot water for baths, and dishes for 5 people, and obviously thats in combination with all our other electric needs including 220v ac/heat
So I do think the electric tankless is dirt cheap to operate.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 12:31pm
Love your place. It should certainly be large enough for you. We have a very small water heater (25 gallon I think) but we run it really hot so you have to mix it with cold water to use it and that makes it seem like you have a bigger tank. Note that you have to have a scald guard shower if you do this! We chose a small tank because it fits under the kitchen counter. We have it in the corner of the cupboard (normally wasted space) and we access it from an old door in the room next to the kitchen.
As you start working on the inside remember that you will need storage!!! We thought we had tons of it, but still wish we had more after living here 5 years full time. Make sure to use every inch of space you have. There are lots of threads on this forum with really great ideas that people have used. In our living room we have a shelf positioned high up that runs around all the walls of the room. We use it for books and photos, etc. Buy a bed that has storage drawers under it - you will be so glad you have that space.
Make sure you find room to put a washer and dryer (stackable?) and if you are using baseboard heaters for heat, be sure the baseboards are positioned in places that won't end up behind furniture.
An outdoor shed will be necessary to keep your gardening tools, etc.
Good luck. Can't wait to see more as you progress!!!
# Posted: 21 Jun 2013 02:39am
So, how has your plan gone? Pictures of your interior layout? Did you go with a tankless, or regular water heater?
# Posted: 17 Nov 2016 09:11pm
4 years later it is done pics coming soon!