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# Posted: 1 Sep 2012 12:33am - Edited by: SkyLlama
Hello Everyone!
I'm new to this forum in the sense of posting, but I've been lurking for far longer so I guess I should I say a bit about my self and my plans for a small cabin. 
First off please forgive the terrible grammar and overall poor quality of this post. I'm posting with a more or less broken keyboard and I can't catch every letter the does or does not get typed (stupid netbooks). 
I'm 19 (I'd bet the youngest here) and have lived in Nova Scotia for most of my life at this point. I just graduated in June and I'm not really sure where I'm going in life right now, so I decided I was going to take some time to do something I'd enjoy and have some more time to think.
I've wanted to do something like this for a while now, but for a long time I didn't have the skill set I needed. Thanks to some really amazing programs being implemented in the NS school system at the moment regrading the trades I've come out of school knowing all the basics I need for this sort of thing. The interesting thing is our school was where all the pilot programs were tested so had I been in another school I wouldn't have learned any of this type of thing.
I've decided to build something rather small because it's more manageable for me in terms of my skills and that I won't have much help, but more so because I can more easily afford something a bit smaller. I've done a few designs with everything I think I'd want (I know I'll think of a million new things while building) and I've settled on 120 sq. ft.
I've read all the codes and regulation within my county and while I can't comply 100% (septic and things like that) I've talked to a few people and I shouldn't any real issues. I've made sure to do my homework on this one. 
When it comes to heating I plan to use the building in the winter so I'm planning on putting a small wood stove in it which I think still might be a bit much. I've thought about propane, but I've had issues with it before and I'm very wary of it.
My next biggest concern is electricity which I'll need some of. A few months ago there was a sale on solar panels and I was able to get two 30 watt panels for just under 200$ (amazing deal here). I'm not worried about having much power as I only really want to be able to power a few lights a 3g router and a laptop. From what I can find even the most basic set up will cope with that.
So far I've levelled off the area I'm building which was a major pain and I've built the floor frame which went very well. I'm planning on going to the hardware store to buy some plywood so I can get the floor covered so I can start building the walls sometime this month.
My number one goal at the moment is to get the walls up and the roof on before it starts to snow in November. It's not a huge issue if I don't, but it'd be nice.
When I'm able I'll take a few photos and show you guys what I've done so far and I'll keep taking them along the way. I'd have taken some photos tonight, but my cars being fixed so I can't do any work at the moment 
I'd like to also say thanks to the owner of this site as it's a great resource for people like me who have lots of questions.
- Llama
# Posted: 1 Sep 2012 04:05pm
Great start! I bought my 10 acres when I was 25 yrs old....Seems like forever that I have had it now! I am still building and always adding on or tweeking things....kepp up the updates!
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 07:42am
you are at a great age to do this and with your experience of living in Novia Scotia all your life-i bet u know alot already on what u need and want.good luck and we sure would love pics when u get going on this adventure.i think the size of your place sounds perfect for one person.we have a little bit more than that and we are two old chubby people and we have plenty of space.we use under the bed for storage,have a loft and book cases.some cabinets hung on the wall for storage.so all in all-we have plenty of room.good luck.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 01:06pm - Edited by: SkyLlama
So I was working some today and while I only had my cell phone on me I did take a few photos. My Pre takes horrible photos but they're something 
There are a ton of things you'll notice I need to do and thanks to a little poor planning initially they've happened in sort of the wrong order. The site a bit messy but I had to clear a lot out from even that area as it was very grown up before.
It's hard to see in the photo, but the entire area is levelled off. When I can barrow a friends truck I'll get the proper stuff for the foundation set up, but as it is I don't want to put that all in my car.
There is still one or two trees that I need to get rid of as I didn't think they'd be a problem, but due to a slight change of mind for placement they became issues today.
As it is though the floor frame is done and all I need to do is the proper foundation and cover the surface.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 06:16pm
hey.pretty cool.looks like when we started our little cabin.good job.thanks for sharing.its great!
# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 02:23pm - Edited by: SkyLlama
I went and bought some plywood today and some stuff to get the foundation done right.
Only had my Pre (more convenient then a proper camera), but I did take a few photos. I laid out the plywood to make sure it all went together like I expected and it did. I still have to cut a bit more but it's all good.
http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/627/cimg0050h.jpg http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/6718/cimg0053oo.jpg
I plan to work on the foundation sometime this weekend and then get the floor all done.
# Posted: 5 Sep 2012 06:32pm
What are you going to use to insulate the floor?
# Posted: 10 Sep 2012 06:12pm
Hey welcome to the forum. looks good so far, the only thing i notice was the cinder blocks. they should be with the holes up and down if that's what your going to use for a foundation. I build posts for my
# Posted: 10 Sep 2012 06:16pm
sorry about that, my computer hiccuped..... I built post out of cinder blocks to support my carrying beam. After the floor was built someone pointed out i had a bunch of them the wrong way. they are load bearing if the cells (holes) are up and down not horizontal. like what you have done so far, keep up the good work and keep the pic's coming. Nice to have another maritimer on here. Im in NB on the bay of fundy....
# Posted: 28 Sep 2012 02:05pm
It's been quite a while since I've posted mostly because I've not done a lot the last few weeks. I've been quite sick, but I've been felling moderately better the last few days so I fixed the foundation and put up a wall.
The wall I put up was the easy one because it won't have any windows in it. That side is facing North and there is no significant light that would come through the window unlike the east, west and south side (mostly due to trees blocking light on that side).
The wall took me about an hour to do and I don't think my arm is going to forgive me anytime soon.
I've also found some free windows and a door. I had estimated a cost I thought they'd be, but found some on Kijiji free 
http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/2967/img00000061.jpg http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/4589/img00000060.jpg http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2796/img00000062g.jpg
# Posted: 28 Sep 2012 02:10pm
And thanks for that quoddycamper, very useful to know
I'm on the other side of the bay. On a nice day I can just see NB in the distance.
# Posted: 28 Sep 2012 03:21pm
SkyLlama, Please see post How to add pictures to your post on Small Cabin Forum.
# Posted: 28 Sep 2012 05:00pm
Hi, great to see another Nova Scotian on the site. Just one comment from the last set of pictures, its best to put the top plate on once all your walls are up so that you can overlap the ends with the other wall sections. Adds a lot of strength to the structure.
Looks like a great start to your cabin. I started mine about this same time last year and was staying in the cabin by he new year. enjoy
# Posted: 28 Sep 2012 07:59pm
Thanks for that bit of info. Now that I think of it that does make a lot of logical sense. I could get it off so I could do that later on with the walls.
I don't know if I'll be staying in mine by then, but I hope.
# Posted: 2 Oct 2012 06:54pm
I've been working bit on and off the last few days finishing up some important tasks and all is going well, but I have a question.
We've had a fair amount of rain recently and while it hasn't hurt anything yet will it? Should I get a decent sized tarp to put over unfinished walls and such? I ever thought about this before, but I thought I should ask while everything is fine.
# Posted: 2 Oct 2012 07:22pm
Personally I wouldn't worry about it. Houses are built all the time and exposed to the weather. Having said that, I wouldn't go years without having it weather tight either. You can always put a coat of paint or stain on the floor if your really concerned.
My 2 cents
# Posted: 26 Oct 2012 05:10pm - Edited by: SkyLlama
I've gotten a little more done in the last few days. I don't have a lot to report as I've been quite sick once again and have been in and out of the doctors trying to find out what the issue is, but with some help I got some work done.
Being sick also means I haven't had as much money as normal so that's slowed my progress down a bit too.
I got another wall done and another started and I've cleaned up the area a bit a by cutting down a few small trees that were in the way or would become a problem later on.
I'll try and get a few photos of what I've done up until this point maybe tomorrow, but it's happily starting to look more like a cabin all the time 
I also have to start thinking more about the roof and getting it done and that is a bit daunting. I've sort of got it worked out on paper, but the angles I need and design still confuses me a little bit, but I'm trying to get it all figured out. I'll have to do more searching in the next few days I get it all figured out for good.