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# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 10:26am
12volt Walmart O2 Fans
If you skip to just about 1/2 way through to 4:58 in the film, you'll see the O2 fans that I modified for use on my camper's newly installed 12 volt system. With a small solar panel, I see no reason why I couldn't run the fans on high along with both the fluorescent and / or LED lighting and never have to worry about running out of power during the summer at camp. These fans work very well and provide a nice cooling breeze on the low setting and plenty of air on the high. Given the drop in temperature in the evening, they do a great job of flushing out the warmer air with the cool air of the surrounding forest as soon as the sun begins to set. Our first trip out with them tied in revealed a drop in voltage from 12.8 to 12.53 volts over the course of 2 days running them on low for just about the entire time (48 hours) and the use of the LED's / Fluorescent (sporadically) when needed in the evening. I was impressed with the output versus the consumption. I'm using a 29m interstate deep cycle battery that for now I'm charging at home and lugging back and forth. Eventually, when I purchase a briefcase solar panel from HFT, I can eliminate this chore. I see no reason why this entire setup cannot be duplicated within my "Shed Mahal" to keep the loft area cooler during the day and nearly freezing at night.
Specifics: (2) 12volt O2 Walmart Fans (2) Marine Locking 12volt (cigarette) plugs with internal 10amp fuse (2) Marine Locking 12volt female (cigarette) receptacles (2) 6' wound 14/16 (don't know which) gauge leads
10 gauge to the rear of the 12volt receptacle fused at 10amps at the main power distribution bank.
# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 04:56pm
Like, thanks for posting. Scott
# Posted: 14 Aug 2014 06:05am
I just picked up the 8" O2 fan at Wally for 11 bucks on sale. Uses approx 4.5 watts on low and 5.5w on high. Using on low is plenty of fan for me. Comes with an AC adapter only. I'm using it with a 12v car adapter that I have with my small solar charged system.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 14 Aug 2014 07:18am
I too have been using an O2 Cool fan. Love the cool breeze! Mine was set up with a battery pack that holds 8 D cells (12 volts DC). Since my cabin is wired for 120 but supplied with 12 v DC, I made the fan a power cord and plugged it in to a wall socket. No dead or leaky D cell worries.
For those unaccustomed, the O2 battery pack had an adjustment knob that didn't control fan speed (?). There was a separate switch for that. Through disassembly I found out it was a thermostat! That could have led to dead D cells if I had left fan connected when I was away.
I have a 45 watt Solar array and 2 - 6 volt golf cart batteries in series. Fan use does not dim my lights or have any noticeable effect. Cool breeze makes all the difference on a muggy night, and in winter can also more evenly distribute some hot air from wood stove.
# Posted: 14 Aug 2014 10:10am - Edited by: ChuckDynasty
Yes the 8" I bought holds 8 D Cells for 12v which is why I was interested in this fan...not all of their fans are 12v. Also the 8 Batteries which are located in the base act as ballast without the weight of the batteries it will tip over easily. I don't believe mine has a thermostat. I'm going to pick up another.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 14 Aug 2014 11:35am
Mine is different model (tent model?), as the battery pack is separate and the fan has a magnetic base. It sticks to a steel plate very well. Mine must be an older model as it isn't listed on O2 Cools website, but Amazon is selling one for about $55 more than I paid...
http://www.amazon.com/O2-Cool-Portable-Emergency-Charger/dp/B0018EGJNE/ref=sr_1_11?s= home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1408030243&sr=1-11&keywords=battery+fans
I like my fan, but not $80 like!
# Posted: 15 Aug 2014 11:10am - Edited by: ChuckDynasty
Bunch of different models. I bought another 8" and saw a 5" electric or usb powered one. I bought the 5" as well for it's usb capability. I think they make it for office use. Kill O Watt measured 1.5w. Under $10
# Posted: 16 Aug 2014 04:02am
Cool fan, can somebody please check on the box to see if it's effective at moving N2 as well as O2? 