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# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 12:09am - Edited by: jessafiddle
I've enjoyed reading all the post over the years, thanks to all for your great post.
My family purchased this land (5 acres)about a year ago, we have tried everything from moving mobile homes on it to renting sheds, nothing has ever really worked out. The mobile home places want to take the deed to finance a home and the sheds are to expensive. Long story short were gonna build. Im really not sure were the money's gonna come from, but Lord willin, it will happen. We have so far cleared the road and most of the homesite,( those bobcats are expensive ), I hope to get the rest with a chainsaw and elbow grease. The road needs some culverts (very expensive) and gravel, but for now I would like to start on the "cabin". Any ideas or advise would be nice, we would like to build something under $10,000. My father was a carpenter and taught me the trade, so I have the know-how, never really reached out like this, so any help would be appreciated. I'll post some pics just so you can get an idea of what the property looks like. The last one is a shed i rented $400 a month, bad move gotta go!!
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 12:48am - Edited by: VTweekender
Welcome to the forum !! Looks like a great slice of earth you have there! So many things come into play, are you going to use it as a getaway or permanent residence? You can certainly go a long way on 10k....craigslist "materials" is a valuable source for savings...
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 01:07am
Thanks VTweekender,
We plan to live there eventually, have 3 teen boys, were out growing are 900 sq ft house in the "city". were used to living in small spaces, Were homeschooling are kids and building a small cabin would be great for there learning and bonding with their father.
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 07:04am
Oh what a goldin oppertunity.My kids grew up helping me build our house,garage,tree house and dozens of projects and to this day they still rave about it.My daughter got into habitate for humanities ,absolutely loves it.She says she owes it all to those younger years helping dad.
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 07:17am
Very nice and welcome!!!!!
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 07:49am
Congrats Jessa! I know you must be stoked. I would be . Keep those pics coming.
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 09:04pm
How about some ideas to get started, my beautiful wife has always liked a-frame homes, whats the good and bads of the a-frame, Ive really only seen them up north, due i guess to the snow fall? I also am thinking I want to stay away from concrete work. Thinking more of a post and pier type foundation. I'm actually going to be able to get out there and start on it next weekend, looking forward to that!! Happy 4th to all!!
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 09:07pm
not to get 2 much off topic but any idea on removing stumps that have worked for yall, this ones in the road and its gotta go, no access to heavy machinery at this time.
# Posted: 30 Jun 2012 10:36pm
# Posted: 1 Jul 2012 02:52pm
wow there proud of um....
# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 11:33am
Quoting: jessafiddle My father was a carpenter and taught me the trade, so I have the know-how, First of all, welcome to the forum. Now, down to business. You CAN do this, but remember one thing, if nothing else, and I mean absolutely no disrespect to your father. But, remember, modern building techniques are not always the best, but are ALWAYS the most expensive. If your father tought you some of the old techniques, like actually driving a nail with a hammer instead of an air nailer, then you are off to a wonderful start!
If you are going to use "engineered lumber" , air compressors, air nailers, rented back hoe's, and lumber from Lowe's, you will have to build an 8x8 storage shed to make it for 10K.
BUT.....there are other ways you can have a really nice cabin of respectible size for 10K with the right materials and methods.
Just my 2C 
Again, welcome, and good luck. Keep us posted!
# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 12:06pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
you could dry in a 20 x 30 cabin---for under 10g.... i shopped for the best deal for materials--- and get that shed back to it's owner---400 bucks a month will buy a lot of materials!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rent nothing........
# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 08:45pm - Edited by: jessafiddle
yea no kidding about the shed, what 20x30 plans did u use? Im going out this weekend, hoping to start, but not sure which way to go, I have $400 bucks(shed payment) to start with, I will be getting another $1000 or so, soon as well, what can I do with $400 to start? Im thinking a foundation footprint of 20x30 should be big enough and universal enough for several plans. ? 2 story, maybe loft?
Concrete tubes, or 8x8 treated buried 4 foot with concrete? either with gravel on bottom.... im leaning toward 8x8, what distance in between and how many ,from yalls experience, Im not having to conform to any codes, locals dont care as long as i dont hook to the gridd, which I have no intentions of doing. I
ps. my dad never used a air nailer, I have once on a deck, I think it would be a disgrace to my dad and kids, not to have my boys swinging a hammer, "its just not right not having purple thumbs by the end of the day"!!!!!
# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 09:02pm
me and the wife and kids really like this cabin, any ideas were the plans came from?
# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 07:11am
Hi.....and welcome again to the forum. I think your 8X8 idea is great because once you have a strong foundation you can build it just about any way you like and not worry about it sagging. I wouldn't go much beyond eight foot between posts but that's just me.
My son (OLD BUDDY) and I wrapped all of our posts with a 2X10 "belt and bolted it all together with 1/2" bolts (two per post). Believe me...when you bolt it all together with a 2X10 or even 2X12....she ain't going no where.
We didn't uge the tubes...we just dug the holes with spud bar and cleaned them out with a post-hole digger. It was 25%dirt and 75% rock. I know tubes saves you concrete but for less than four dollars per 80# bag.....I don't kile to skimp on the foundation. We used joist hangers for the floor hangers and then run two 2X8's down the middle of the cabin to support the floor in the middle (bolted to the posts on each side with two 1/2" bolts). Don't forget to insulate the floor and then put felt paper on top the floor joists before putting the plywood down. Good vapor barrier.Good luck!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 09:49am
On your question about the A frame....They look nice and all but the usable space inside is a waste of floorspace because of the very sloped roof.....I know this because friends have an A frame on a lake lot and they are always complaining that it is cramped, they have no wall space to hang anything and the only light comes from the windows on the endwalls. The loft is super cramped as well!
# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 12:03pm
jessafiddle -welcome and excited to see what u will be coming up with.good for u.got your land.all will fall into place one way or another.
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 07:07pm - Edited by: jessafiddle
Hey, hope everybody is havin a good 4th, anyway, got to the property and shot a pic of the home site, just excited and thought i would share. Thanks for the info, keep it coming!!
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 07:10pm
oldbuddy do u have a pic of the foundation?
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 09:32pm
jessafiddle Yes. You can look at our build on the main page. We are titled "12X16 on a hilltop in Ohio."
We have ten pages of the progression of our build with a lot of family/grandkid stuff also. The first two pages will show you all you will need to see as far as the foundation. I read through it last night from start to finish and it took nearly an hour!
I've read through several or these cabin forums burning up the hours on the "net." They each have their own story...just like you.
I'm Old Old Buddy (the Dad) and Old Buddy is my son. I hope you enjoy this site. Everyone on here is unknown to me but somehow I feel like I know these people we've been talking to for the last one year plus. I hope you find some information you can use.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 09:58pm - Edited by: neb
Quoting: jessafiddle me and the wife and kids really like this cabin, any ideas were the plans came from? I say go for it!!! Plans are what you want them. Copy the outside style and make your inside fit for you. My home I'm in now I biult from a picture of just the outside and the rest I drew out to make it the way we wanted it. Plans are nice but you can do it yourself. Good luck and welcome to the site.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 09:40pm - Edited by: jessafiddle
I was laid off from my job today, this site has a happy mood and my intentions aren't to bring it down, But if anyone out there is looking for land in 35115 Montevallo AL, let me know, its 5 acres and I will sell for $15,000, just putting the word out. My family's dream of living in the woods will happen one day, just not today!! I hope and pray this economy pics up soon.....
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:25pm

# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:32pm

# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:37pm - Edited by: steveqvs
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:38pm
so sorry.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 12:23am

# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 12:57am
 Quoting: jessafiddle I was laid off from my job today, jessafiddle.i am so sorry to hear this news.are u sure u should sell your land? gosh.so many times we did this and was so sorry. i pray u get a job or unemployment and can hold onto your land. i am so sorry.its a tuff economy for sure.we can all surely feel it. hugs and prayers to u and your family.i am so sorry.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 02:09pm
Jessafiddle, sorry to hear about your job . I was laid off as well a few months ago and have been freelancing since.. The economy is the reason we decided to live in a tiny cabin. Best wishes to you , good luck.
# Posted: 17 Jan 2013 06:30pm
Found a new job paying 4x as much....saved the house were in, the bank came through on a loan mod.....lots of nights on my knees praying to our heavenly Father....still have a tax lien on the land but im about to pay it off....things looking up and the build is on....thanks for all the nice comments and prayers, yall are awsome, looking foward to my build with your help, thanks and God bless...
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