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Barrys Bay
# Posted: 8 Aug 2009 09:22pm
Here are some pics to follow up on since we had a company build our shed, err bunkie. We built a porch and overhang on our own along with a camp kitchen on the side for all our cooking needs. Adding the porch has made a huge difference for us as we now have more liveable space. We also installed light fixtures powered by deep cycle batteries which make a big difference at night. The next goal will be to enclose the porch with screen. We also have a new outhouse but we are forced to use garbage bags when in it as the hole we dug last fall filled with water in the spring and we are trying to figure out where to relocate the outhouse to avoid this problem. Any suggestions? DSCF2452_Desktop_Re.jpg
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Barrys Bay
# Posted: 8 Aug 2009 09:25pm
Here are some more pics DSC_0847_Desktop_Re.jpg
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Barrys Bay
# Posted: 8 Aug 2009 09:27pm
Even more pics DSC_0354_Desktop_Re.jpg
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# Posted: 9 Aug 2009 02:00pm
Thanks for sharing pictures, Barrys Bay! The clear roof over the porch is nice.
# Posted: 9 Aug 2009 09:34pm
I too found that having a covered porch on a small cabin makes a huge difference.
Could you use a composting toilet inside the outhouse?
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 10 Aug 2009 11:48pm
How does a composting toilet work and how much does it cost?
# Posted: 11 Aug 2009 09:38am
You could always go with a Humanure toilet. They are super cheap. http://www.jenkinspublishing.com/humanure.html
# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:51pm
Any interior pictures? Just the size I want to build. Looks great!
# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 08:12pm
For the outhouse I used a moldering privy from the Appalachian Trail club. We had the same problem as you with a flooded poop hole - good for animals but not so much for a crapper! This design builds up - so very little digging & you end up with a real throne! Going into three years and it has been a success - we have it surrounded with pine trees for lots of privacy and a nice scent.
# Posted: 1 Mar 2011 06:39pm
Barrys Bay
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 1 Mar 2011 08:03pm
Here are some more recent upgrades since 2009 & 2010. We pulled out some elbow grease and finished the front porch. As you can see from our "Wall of Shame", we really have enjoyed the porch quite nicely. We did not build the cabin, but we built the porch, and that was essentially our first time to build anything. Every time I go up there now I get antsy to build stuff, I enjoy it so much! We also experimented with solar for the first time. The 30W panel gives us enough power to charge the laptop, drill batteries, stereo, during spring-fall.
Please let us know what you think. Front Cabin View
|  Interior Porch
|  "Wall of Shame"
|  Solar Panel 30W
# Posted: 1 Mar 2011 08:34pm
Looks real cozy. You did a fine job on the porch and tying it in with the bunkie and you deserve to have a wall of shame (I prefer "wall of taste" except that "Canadian" that is supposed to pass as beer... I am a Canuck with tepid British/UK ale/stout tastes.) Porches sure increase the living space when you have a smallish shed/cabin/bunkie/shack. May I ask what the dimensions of your bunkie are?
A composting toilet/outhouse sounds like it would be the ticket for your situation.
Thanks for sharing the pix. Bugs
# Posted: 1 Mar 2011 08:49pm - Edited by: squirrel
I really like the porch over hang was thinking of doing something similar on my cabin we have some 12" x 24" drawers that came out of a factory we salavaged with the bottoms removed it would look just about like that now was not sure if it would look good with the clear poly on it now I know it'll look good so Thanks for the pic like what you did with your bunkie looks really cool
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 1 Mar 2011 09:06pm
LOL, Thanks bugs! Actually we have one small rule round here parts o' the land: Drink the best beers first. The rest are just chasers. After you've savoured the 3rd one (this varies), you can't tell what you're drinking afterwards, you just know it works as well as the good ones.
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 1 Mar 2011 10:29pm
Bugs, the cabin is 12x8, the porch is 12x7. We could have made it 12x8 but there is a huge tree in the corner which got in the way. So total is 12x15. We continue to rely on the outhouse we built 2 years ago, it has not flooded since.
# Posted: 2 Mar 2011 07:19am
nice camp, really like the porch.Good job!!!
# Posted: 2 Mar 2011 08:01am
Nice Job, BB. Those clear panels are a great idea. If your outhouse floods again and your looking for options....try the lovable loo / humanure compost concept. Works for us and my wife / kids love it...not near as "odourful" as the traditional outhouse! Where's your property located? Canada / US. etc.?
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 2 Mar 2011 09:47am
It's in Ontario. Not far from water, and we avoid the waterfront tax.
# Posted: 2 Mar 2011 10:08am
good job ! exactly what i want to do.... but the township bylaws put the plans on hold
# Posted: 2 Mar 2011 08:06pm
Hi Barry, Spee, I'm in South western Ontario (Lake Huron). I know the bylaws are restrictive in Ontario...but we went for it anyway...with the blessings of our neighbors. Like you. Barry...just a walk to the water...but no waterfront taxes! Life is just too short and I won't have any $$ for a 1000sq. ft. dwelling in the near future....it's ridiculous.
# Posted: 27 May 2012 03:20pm
I just happened to be browsing websites and links to suggestions for building a small bunkie, hopefully with a modest screened porch attached. I have a nice home on a small pond in Plymouth, MA with an extra lot that I'll be applying to build the bunkie on (since no second home or larger structure is permitted). What's a coincidence is that I have vacationed around the Barry's Bay, Ontario area most of my life and then find these helpful tips from "Barry". I hope to build something similar to what's pictured here and will try to post a few photos once it's built. Thanks!
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 28 May 2012 12:26am
Well ChipStew, it's nice to know people are still checking this site for ideas. I haven't updated for a long while, but plan to. "Barry" is actually a chick (me) that you see in the photos. I recently changed jobs to work for a reno company and believe I have found my nieche. Farting around with construction projects helped me grow a pair. Barry's Bay has changed little over the 20 years I've been going there. Apparently there is a rumour we are getting a Tim Hortons soon (we must be jealous of Bancroft, they have two ). I built a nice camp kitchen last year, and have recently built benches around the fire pit from pallets. Pallets are great as they're free. I have to think of more projects this year or I'll go crazy. It's good to keep busy and challenge yourself. Good luck with your project and make sure you post your progress. We always learn from each other.
# Posted: 28 May 2012 08:33am - Edited by: OwenChristensen
Hi, I'm from Duluth mn. Where is Barry's Bay? I met a lot from Canooks at there fish camps in the bays south of Thunder Bay. I was hired to build a cabin there. It's a cool area.
Here's the cabin.