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# Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:45am
TB...We are planning our trip to Moquah in July...we hope! Those shingles are tough and cheap and easy to install! No maint either!
hattie...thanks for the compliment! It's hard work and alot of planning as you know...the planning is the toughest part for me as I like to do it right the first time or not do it at all (probably why its not done yet after 17 yrs! LOL). The sunroom has morphed into a different use and is not used like I intended...I originally thought that we would be sitting there on summer nights with the screens in (the first year we were up there the mosquitos were horrible)...not sure what happened as the bugs have been non existent ever since??!! The large door/windows are pretty but are heavy and hard to take out to replace with summer screens.... so the windows stay in year round now and we are thinnking about replacing them with crank out type windows and using the space as a dining nook. It would be a nice sunny spot to sit in the winter if it wasnt the catch all space that it is now! LOL I hate clutter and this place is a magnet for second hand stuff wheather we use it or not!

# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:04pm - Edited by: Sustainusfarm
2001-2006 ...not much in the way of building except we finished the shed that was attached to the porch...no photo of that as it only lasted two years and we expanded that to make space for a bath "room"( a room eventually for a bath). Edit: The OSB wall now comes all the way to the light fixture and I moved the door to face the picture taker. Now we have a foyer area with a bath area to the back. the expansion before the final expansion.
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# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:10pm
2007 we worked on the kitchen and sunroom finishes, installed an LP heater in the kitchen and started bringing more furniture, dishes, cha cha's and such. I just painted the OSB in the sunroom a light green color and the texture looks like rough plaster. Ceiling in the sunroom is knotty pine. Kitchen
|  Sunroom/screen porch
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# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:14pm
Just few more pics... Livingroom pic unfinished to this day!
|  Window pediments painted light green
|  Porch pic
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# Posted: 28 Jun 2012 07:15pm - Edited by: Sustainusfarm
I remember way back when I got a quote to have electricity brought to the cabin...$18,000!!! I thought I would be patient and wait until someone from Chicago bought the property at the end of the road and let them pay for the electric, then I would piggyback as they went past my place. Well, in 2008 it happened!! Not only did they bring the lines right past my driveway , they buried them all under ground because our road had just been designated a "rustic road". Total cost for me..........$1,200!!! Wooohooo!!! I know, I know....not roughing it anymore! But it sure is nice to have the cofee already done when you wake up, have air conditioning, Satelite TV (200 channels), and no noisy generator! Ahh the simple life....Still need a well! I am hauling water up in 5 gallon jugs...not fun! So this new fandangled electric thing had us doing all kinds of projects... In the next few years we hung ceiling fans on the porch, bought a microwave, put some outlets outside, put in satelite TV (just for weather reports and radar of course!), Now this year 2012 I am working on an outdoor theatre so we can watch movies under the stars on a 200" screen ( all portable of course). The other big project for this year was the Amish loggers came to thin our stand of red pine that was planted in the 70's. It really needed thinning and we made about $1000 truck load (3 trucks) and that money is going towards a well in the fall if things go as planned. And here we are the full almost done cabin build as of this year....
We still have to drywall...I am thinking about adding a 1st floor bedroom for the elders and someday a real bathroom.... Here are a few pics of the logging. I know it looks drastic in a few areas because we clear cut an area so we could plant an orchard and garden and have a view of the rest of the property. Other than the clear cut area we just removed every other tree.... to be continued...... My view from the outhouse before logging
|  after logging
|  Before logging
|  After
# Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:55am
Love how your porch wraps around!
# Posted: 1 Jul 2012 11:27am
Just got word that the logging operation is complete! All the remaining logs that were stacked along the driveway are loaded and hauled to the mill...waiting for the next paycheck! Working now on a plan to cover the underside of the porch roof and get it painted, maybe we will install another ceiling fan out there as well....
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 09:58pm
Ahhhhh, cooler temps!! So...We decided to head up to the cabin this morning to check out how all the newly planted trees and other plants were doing after the high temps and no rain this past week....Everything was wilted or crisp and dead! I watered what I could from the nearly depleted rain barrel...just as I finished up and was going to take the last watering can from the barrel the plastic spigot broke into a million pieces and out drained the last of the water! Time for a new rain water collection system! As for the completed logging operation, here are few pics of the finally cleared and cleaned up driveway...We also repaired the gate latch that the logging truck hit on his way out of the drive. The last big tree mess we have to clean up is the clear cut area where the fruit trees will eventually go along with the garden. We plan on burning most of that this winter after the snow falls. Drive is clear and empty of logs!
|  Nice cleaned up drive way
|  The mess we have to tackle yet, being burnt this winter.
|  Dead plants
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:10pm - Edited by: Sustainusfarm
I measured the clawfoot tub that has been sitting in the yard for the last 10 years in preperation of doing something with the space we added last year for a new bathroom, foyer and closet area. This same area needs to have the exterior siding finished as well.....Projects, Projects!!!! Oh yeah....we have a 50 wide easement on the north portion of our property that a Wisconsin Gas line goes through...guess what?? Just after we get all the trees cleaned up and hauled off to the mill they decide that this September they are putting in a new gas line and clearing the entire 50 ft easement!! UGGG! More clean up this fall and now I have to convince them to cut and stack the logs so I can have them hauled off as well....Projects, Projects!!!! But I love it all!!  New addition for bath and foyer
|  closer view
|  Just inside the door looking into the new addition.
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# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:20pm
Hope your plants come back!
I see air conditioning units in your upper windows......at least you can be comfortable while you are there during hot weather!
You keep plugging away on your projects cause your place looks really cool. I love your porch swing!
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 10:50pm
TB...those plants are crispy dead!! Now with all the brown and dry pine branches I worry about fire! Heading up to the cabin again tomorrow to get the supplies to cover the underside of the porch roof...we are planning to use a 3/8" T-111 that looks like bead board...we will paint it before we put it up so we don't "goober" (inside joke you know who you are) up the cedar decking. Not sure if we will get anything done except to gather the materials...If I do work on it I will post pics....
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 11:08pm
LOVE love love your cabin ! Its just wonderful !!!
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 11:58am
Quoting: Sustainusfarm so we don't "goober" (inside joke you know who you are) up the cedar decking. Ha Ha Ha!!!!! Don't you want "goobers" hangin down...you could pull up a chair and a stop watch and time how long it takes them to fall off onto your floor-sounds like quite the pass time doesn't it?????? LOL!
# Posted: 12 Jul 2012 12:19pm - Edited by: Sustainusfarm
Well...we are back from our short but fantastic trip to the cabin....Tuesday night we arrrived at about 4:30pm opened all the windows and decided to go for a swim at a small lake close by. The water was as warm as bath water, was glassy smooth and we were the only ones there...except for two amish kids who rode up in their buggy!!! The next morning we had a mishap with a flat tire. Just as we pulled out of the driveway at 9:30am heading to pick up supplies, the rear passenger tire went flat! Nothing like changing a flat tire on a gravel road...got the tire changed then brought it to a little shop in town and they tried to fix it but the 4" nail went thru the tread and came out the sidewall....bummer....new tire...bummer...no tires in stock that fit our car...bummer again....We ended up driving 30 min north to get, not one, but two new tires...bummer number 4!! Good news... the tire shop was right next to Buffalo Wild Wings and the Goodwill store!! After that 3 hour detour we ended up gettting our supplies from the Menards store right down the street from the tire shop, loaded up 10 sheets of 3/8" beaded plywood and six 10' soffit vents ontop of the car roof and headed back to the cabin at 40 MPH on back country roads... Side note: Our cabin is about 2 miles south of the famous serial killer Ed Gein's old famstead where he made lamp shades out of womans skin that he dug out of local cemetaries!! So...we made a detour to see the farm...there are no buildings left! Was kinda creepy too! We returned back to the cabin after our 7 hour detour, unloaded the supplies, fixed the rain barrel, grabbbed the dogs and went back for another fantasic swim in the lake! While there, I heard this LOUD swishing noise, I mean it was really loud! I looked up and out in the lake was a huge water spout!! It had to be 100 ft across and was sucking water up into the air!!! Video Headed back to the cabin, loaded the car at 6pm and headed back home with a stop for a quick dinner! 9pm we got home and went to bed! We are ready to begin the porch ceiling project on our next visit! First evenings swim
|  Cabin_6_004.jpg
|  Plywood stacked and ready to go for next time!
|  Porch ceiling we will be working on
# Posted: 13 Jul 2012 04:48pm
Too,too funny!!!! You are the second person on here in a week who has got a flat tire.....I wonder who is next-bad things always happen in 3's and being Friday the 13th and all...makes me think. Pretty dangerous...me thinking! lol! I'm kinda glad we aren't planning a trip to the cabin though-we have a way of getting flat tires there too, once in my van and once on a skid steer trailer. There has been a number of other car "situations" that the cabin has caused but we won't mention those 
Have you seen the documentary about Ed Gein? I heard it is pretty creepy-makes sense though-who makes lampshades out of womens skin??????
Glad you had a good visit all things considered. Have never seen a water spout but it would be awesome! I hope your ceiling goes up without a hitch!
# Posted: 13 Jul 2012 08:40pm
Sounds like you had an incredible day in spite of the flat tire. For some people, they would have let that flat time ruin their day.
Good for you!
Your place is looking great. I have really enjoyed your story!
# Posted: 15 Jul 2012 01:58pm
Thanks MJW...your on the road aren't you?? We would like to do winters on the road in warmer climates and spend summers at the cabin ( maybe it will be called the ranch by then). That flat tire we had cost us a good amount of time that day, but we got to drive roads we have never been on before!
I found a "used" but never used 1250 gallon water tank in a dark green color on CL for $200!! This could be the start of another project....Thinking about putting rain gutters on a section of cabin roof to collect rain water and use it for outdoor watering, firefighting if need be and showers. Not sure on the showers yet as I will then have to figure out a filter system to make it clean enough....Ideas on filter setups not for drinking water???? to be continued on that one....
# Posted: 25 Jul 2012 07:25pm - Edited by: Sustainusfarm
The used tank was a no go...it was from a busines that makes acrlyic panels...it smelled like glue or something in the tank so I passed....next project... Tomorrow I go up to the cabin to meet with the gas company guys to disscuss the area of plantation pines they are going to cut down to clear their right of way...it is going ot be a 50 ft swath thru the northern end of our property...Our driveway entrance off the road just so happens to be right at that point so once the trees are gone my gate at the road will be useless as you will be able to drive right around the gate! On the bright side, they are going to cut the logs to the 8ft lengths I need and stack them so the logging truck can come get them and bring them to the mill! Tomorrow I will be trying to convice them to clean up the mess too! Ahhh..another $1000 for the "well" fund!!! Gate and driveway
|  Everything to the right of the car will be clear cut for the right of way
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# Posted: 25 Jul 2012 10:56pm
Sorry for the late reply, Sustainusfarm. I should subscribe to all the threads I reply to, I suppose. 
Yes, we are full time RVers, currently in the Cape Girardeau, MO area for the next couple of weeks. Hot! Hot! Hot!
They are calling for rain tomorrow... and jeepers creepers I hope they are right. I had enough crunchy grass in KY to last me for a while. haha
# Posted: 3 Aug 2012 11:53pm
MJW..we found a 32ft 2006 Winnebago Sightseer that we really like.....only 7000 miles on it! Our forst rip may be out to Yellowstone this fall.....we'll see how that pans out! As for the cabin I met the gas company who is clear cutting down their `right of way' that goes through our property...they have agreed to leave a buffer of trees along the road (see pics)so that my dirve and gate are not made useless! The trees they do clear cut (they are being very nice) are being cut to my specified length of 8ft and stacked so I can call the truck to pick up another full load of logs....Another $1000 to go to the well project! We have yet to finish the porch ceiling as it has been to hot to work up there without water.....till next time.... Trees taped off that are going to be saved
|  cabin_001.jpg
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# Posted: 4 Aug 2012 12:00am
Here is a youtube link...it finally rained!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsX-uo28BtE&feature=plcp
# Posted: 16 Aug 2012 04:27pm
Heading up to the cabin on Sunday to work on the porch ceiling.... Or maybe just sit on the porch.. Work on the gas line will be done sometime in Sept or October....
# Posted: 17 Aug 2012 12:10pm
Have a great time on Sunday, hope you get lots done 
# Posted: 17 Aug 2012 08:32pm
I sure like your cabin. It has a simular footprint and look as mine. You have better trim work.
# Posted: 21 Aug 2012 03:15pm
Well it appears that test and relaxation to the place of working on the porch ceiling... Some will call me lazy and ... Well I have to agree!! Lol We did get some wood laid up for our upcoming winter visits... Oh yeah and our trees are dying from pine beetles brought on by stress from the drought! I am guessing a loss of about 30 % from the beetles! Bummer and just after we logged this spring!
# Posted: 21 Aug 2012 06:21pm
Sorry to here about those beetles. I worry because of all the pines I have, but it's not that dry here. Relax and enjoy. The work will wait.
# Posted: 21 Aug 2012 06:51pm
that sounds a lot like a place I looked at a couple springs ago when I was looking for land. It was a 20 acre parcel, and all of the trees were scotch pine. It was west of Sturgeon Lake a bit, and north of the paved road. I decided against it because of the pine beetle issues, I didn't want my entire parcel to be dead trees. It was quite beautiful though when I was looking in late winter.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2012 09:57pm
Beetles are common...I had a lot of circumstances come together to create the beetle population that we have right now....the drought put the live trees under tremendous stress and all the scraps of trees left from the logging this spring was the food to get the beetles going more than usual...We will see how may trees we actually loose to this, I suspect 30%! It will regenerate though and there will be more diversification as well!
# Posted: 29 Aug 2012 10:15pm
Hey sustainus...you must be playing less hooky these days huh? lol Haven't seen you around as much.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2012 10:55pm
TB...I am not playing hooky as much! LOL I am busy working on selling all the new foreclosures coming up in Wisconsin..5,000 of them!!!...I am only working on 33 of those! We are planning a 11 day trip to the cabin mid to late Sept. Maybe we will work more on the cabin then...?? 
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