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# Posted: 9 Jul 2009 07:24pm - Edited by: TheLoringLank
Here's what's been keeping us busy this summer:

Built a 600 sq. ft. cabin on my 70 acres in northern Ontario. We inherited the property from my wife's grandparents - it's a large pie shaped lot with around 400 feet of waterfront.
We've been saving and wanting to do this for a long time now. I'm proud to say I was able to avoid debt in building it. A friend of mine did the design work and helped with the labour along with my wife and me.
Interior isn't done yet, we're running a plywood floor and open stud walls. The loft's floor is all tongue and groove red pine. The frame cabin is built out of local unstamped lumber - most of which was rough hewn and beautiful to work with. There are no building codes up in this area of Ontario due to the lack of an organized township.
Interior shots:

Say 'hi' to my mother-in-law:

As you can see there are some pretty sweet angles on the place to make the best use out of our space. The interior angled wall with the red door will be a bathroom - we're working on a counterweight for the door so it doesn't slam into the woodstove (it will be installed over the next few weekends). The angled outside wall will be in our dining area and will have a built in bench along it.
I love it - can't wait to get some good use out of it this summer. It's also got a nice 16'x16' deck... of which a portion will be screened in next year.
Here's the view...


Hope you all like it!
# Posted: 9 Jul 2009 07:28pm
Just finished off the interior this past week:
8" red pine boards for walls and ceiling - all insulated in Roxul, pre-wired for solar. Also installed my chimney for my wood stove. Can't wait to actually start using this place!
Next up we'll be installing the same tongue and groove 6" flooring to the lower level.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:11am
Wow! Very intriguing cabin design and wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Quoting: TheLoringLank There are no building codes up in this area of Ontario due to the lack of an organized township. Lucky you...
The tree stomp that's holding the corner of the second floor - I assume it has/provides sufficient support (it is not clear from the pictures).
# Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:19am
That piece of wood is iron wood - one of the densest woods in our area of Canada and incredibly strong. A standing dead tree has far more load bearing capacity than a 6" x 6" post. There is much more holding up that corner anyways (two 6"x12" beams that support the overhang). Because of the lack of building code we decided to be creative - the cabin is very structurally sound - even overbuilt - all the drawings have had proper engineering figured into them (snow load, bearing weights, etc...).
The tree rests on a 6"x8" joist just below the deck.
Here's a pic:

Vince P
# Posted: 12 Jul 2009 09:44am
WOW! That is one sweet looking place!
# Posted: 13 Jul 2009 05:56pm
Great design, great use of the space, and some very unusual point of view. Bravo!
# Posted: 17 Jul 2009 01:53pm
very very nice - super cool design with angled walls etc I hunt deer and grouse in the area - love it. I considered getting a lot there, but it's a bit far from Toronto. I am still looking for land for my dream cabin :-)
# Posted: 21 Jul 2009 10:31am
Very nice place! I like the debt-free aspect too. Would you be willing to share your costs to date? Thanks. Cabin and setting look fantastic.
# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 02:40pm
Thanks guys. Last summer we finished off the interior of the cabin using 8" pine planking. We also finished the floors using Red Pine. Here are some updated pictures on my Facebook:
This summer we will be adding a small solar array to our cabin (two 80W Sharp panels, 4 golf cart batteries, a 1800W inverter, and a 30A charge controller). We'll likely also begin work on our rain water collection system which will feed our gravity feed water supply for washing.
# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 02:41pm
Total cost to date (down to the last screw) is $14875 - that's with the interior all finished as well.
# Posted: 21 Jul 2010 11:36am
Great cabin! I love how you mixed the modern with the rustic and of course the off-grid aspect to the structure. A very unique look.
# Posted: 21 Jul 2010 07:02pm
Great looking cabin and a pretty sweet spot too! is that $14K Can or US?
# Posted: 8 Dec 2010 02:53pm
and how much was the building permit? id love to build something like that but in my township, there is a 950 min and a 11000 building permit fee :(
# Posted: 8 Dec 2010 07:22pm
u are in heaven.wonderful place.thanks for sharing.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 01:02am
Nice, I'm hoping to build mine in that area, did you run into any issues with the area being srounded by an Enhanced Management zone? 2nd being located in an unincorporated part of Perry sound, did you need a building permit?
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 12:33pm
maybe it's just me, but i'd be somewhat afraid to open/close/adjust that slanted window for fear of falling out.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 09:59pm
There are no building codes up in this area of Ontario due to the lack of an organized township.
He didn't need a permit, there are no building inspectors or regulations in those unorganized townships way up North in ON.. thats one of the positive draws to do this up there.. The only real downsides are the long drives and the very short summers..
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 11:27pm
Quoting: dabones He didn't need a permit, there are no building inspectors or regulations in those unorganized townships way up North in ON
Check out: http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page2103.aspx You are right - it would appear there are areas in Ontario that don't require permits, but you would want to check very carefully to make sure you are in one of those limited areas. You also MUST build to the Ontario building code regardless of whether a permit is needed or not.
Another place to check out is: http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page1754.aspx
# Posted: 26 Jun 2011 06:52am
We are on High Rock Island and are your neighbours. Very nice cabin! You did an excellent job of building yours, stop by sometime! We are planning on taking down the old cottage and building a new in the near future. we have rough plans we drew up ourselves but are looking for someone to draw the plans can you suggest someone that may help us?