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# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 06:14pm
Hey Bugs, I've been looking at that wall heater as well, for all the same reasons. The old coleman vented gravity heater I have gives off a smell...probably because it's 30 years old (from an old tent trailer). It works great, but not sure about a permanent install in the bunkie if I can't ditch the odour. I like the fact that you can see a flame for the effect in yours. I'm pricing them at @ 700.00 here in southern Ontario. Where did you order yours from and was your price around the same? Thanks..great pics as always.
# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 09:53pm
I must say: I never get tired of looking at your photos. They are amazing.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2012 07:49pm
I spent the last couple of hours going over this thread and I just loved it! It is neat to see that other people have the same love for the outdoors and a small cabin as I do. I thought I was alone in that quest...so glad I found other like minded people!
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 08:30am - Edited by: bugs
I think your price is about right. We ordered ours in from Nanimo, BC as we could not find a supplier in SK. The retailer put together an entire package for us. Unfortunately we still have not tried it out for real yet. Next spring we will finish the install and give it a test.
ErinsMom: We too are always surprised how rich and abundant the flora and fauna of our place is.
Jeffrey: My!!! You must have been quite bored to sift through the entire thread/blog. It is getting a tad long.
One of the neat things about this site is that most people here enjoy the out of doors in some fashion. Some hunt, some hunt with a camera, some atv/snowmobile and some hike and snowshoe and others just sit and soak up the ambiance, but we all appreciate getting out of urban confines. And, the concept of a small or micro cabin instead of a typical sized cabin (small house) adds an interesting element (and challenges) and at least in our case made the whole dream much more affordable. We now appreciate that a lot of the STUFF we have is really not necessary and actually often complicates and gets in the way of "quality of life".
# Posted: 18 Feb 2013 10:51am
Finally made it out to our sanctuary after almost 2 and a half months stuck in the city. Good for the soul to hear the heart beating, feel the sun on your face...could almost see the silence. All was intact other than the three feet of snow or more (lots of snow for SK) that we had to snow shoe/flounder through. Lots of snow
|  The little shack
|  Winter shack
|  View of our fields and pond
# Posted: 18 Feb 2013 10:53am
The moose files!!! cow and calf in the snow
|  young bull
|  nice sized bull
|  Moose at the window
# Posted: 18 Feb 2013 11:27am
the moose look fat and healthy ,i'll bet they have fine coats this time of year .lots of snow for the pond come spring.nice
# Posted: 1 Apr 2013 04:26pm
Got out for another snow shoe to RDL on Good Friday. +3C and blazing sun. The snow is waist deep in places and that is with snow shoes on. The deer seem to like following our tracks. It has been a hard winter for them with all the snow. Lots are starving. Ours can at least munch on the hay bales and browse in the fields.
But the sun is getting warmer. Squirrels are chasing each other. The skunks are out of hibernation. And, horned larks, Canada geese, crows, robins and mountain bluebirds are around. Spring is coming it appears. Scenic snowshoes
|  Visitors at the shack
|  Tired of winter coyote
|  RDL from across the pond.
# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 05:46pm
We happened to be at garden show where one vendor was selling old aerial photos of farm yards. Found the old farm yard we have at RDL. Kind of neat to see what is still standing and how the place has changed. The picture was taken in 1965.
The barn was burned down in ~1970's. The fire got away from the people and melted alot of the glass in the old cars and burned many trees through the bush which still bear the scars today. The house was moved on in the early 1960's from a nearby town.
# Posted: 1 May 2013 11:29am - Edited by: bugs
Got out to our place finally after a month's hiatus. Spring is slowly coming but the snow is still deep. It will be a couple of weeks before we can drive up to the shack. At least we were able to park off the road.
Caught what we think is a fisher on the trail cam. The inset image was taken an hour later. It appears to have a squirrel in its mouth.
Lots of deer are starving due to the long winter and deep snow.
# Posted: 1 May 2013 11:40am
Wow, lots of wild life! 
# Posted: 9 May 2013 05:57pm
looks like a fisher to me. man they are big aren't they. great posts.
# Posted: 9 May 2013 06:03pm
Wow great photos bugs. I've never even heard of a fisher before (thanks google for enlightening me *LOL*). It's hard to imagine that you still have that much snow on the ground this late in the year.
# Posted: 29 May 2013 04:13pm - Edited by: bugs
Spring has finally arrived. There is still a bit of snow in some of the north exposed fence lines and a couple of roads are flooded. Finally getting out to our little place each weekend now. Rose breasted grossbeak
|  Courting red necked grebes
|  The ticks are out!
|  |
# Posted: 29 May 2013 04:16pm
Our little dock is almost awash.
We bought some new lawn furniture for the shack and are trying out some recycled rubber tiles to see how they hold up to the rigors of elk and moose hooves. new furniture and rubber tiles
|  dock and shack
|  sunset from the dock
|  |
# Posted: 29 May 2013 10:44pm
Bugs, always enjoy your post and pictures. 
Hope the deer did OK through the winter.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 03:45pm
We invited a local Nature Society and Entomological Society out to our place for a Saturday field trip. Seems people had a lot of fun bird watching and looking at plants and insects. They were also keen on the composting toilet, solar power setup and the concept of a small cabin.
"Our" elk have started calving!!!  Nature Society Group
|  baby elk
|  cedar waxwing
|  chipmunk munching on dandelion
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 03:48pm
I even dug out the macro lens.
My sunset photography was pleasantly interrupted by one of our beavers swimming through the scene.  caterpiller
|  Dot-tailed skimmer
|  Skipper butterfly
|  Beaver in the sunset
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 04:05pm
Beaver in the sunset pic is beautiful!
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 04:58pm
gosh.what great pics.this is wonderful to see.thank u.
# Posted: 24 Jun 2013 04:51pm
Had another splendid weekend at RDL. Saturday we woke up to a Vancouver Island/British Isle fog. Sunday morning we woke up to a glassy pond that begged us to sit with our first cup of coffee and enjoy the peace. We sat there watching the orioles, rose-breasted grosbeaks, warblers and flycatchers searching for food in the bushes around us. Tree swallows and hummingbirds were zipping over our heads. On the pond red necked grebes, black terns and a loon were fishing causing ripples on the surface. In the field a massive bull elk and white-tailed buck were grazing. Not a human made sound to be heard. It was very difficult to leave the chair even to get breakfast and then worse yet to start packing for the trip home.
We checked out part of our land we have never been to and toured the old farm house this weekend to see if we had a vulture nesting in it. Turns out the raccoons have been using it. Learned way too much about "raccoon communal latrines". Not even a vulture could put up with that.   aphid farming ants
|  bird dropping weevil
|  bee mimic beetle
|  Silvery blue butterfly
# Posted: 24 Jun 2013 04:53pm - Edited by: bugs
couple of non bug shots beaver
|  elk cows and calf
|  Eastern phoebe chicks
|  foggy morning
# Posted: 24 Jun 2013 07:07pm
You are an amazing photographer. I really enjoy your pictures!!!
# Posted: 2 Jul 2013 07:40am
Hope all my fellow Canucks got out and showed their colours yesterday . Canada is not perfect but it is sure better than most other places....And we get a long weekend to spend at the shack
We have hoards of mosquitoes this year. It seems we always bring a few into the shack every time we open the door and they attack just as we are falling asleep. So we bought some surplus army bug nets to go with our surplus army cots. They work terrific.
"Our" moose had her calf out with her while she was munching on water plants. Nice to watch while having breakfast. bug net
|  too close to the camera
|  grill cleaner
|  cow and calf
# Posted: 2 Jul 2013 07:41am
Some bugs tiger swallowtail
|  wasp
|  ringlet
|  white admiral
# Posted: 2 Jul 2013 08:00am
You seem to have all the best things at any cabin.
# Posted: 2 Aug 2013 05:28pm
Hi Folks
Since our cook shelter has been a phoebe nursery for the past two & half months we had to come up with a place to do our dishes. We put in a drop leaf shelf in our porch works really slick.  shelf
|  dishes
|  Poplar Borer Long Horned Beetle
|  Fine set of antlers developing
# Posted: 3 Aug 2013 09:33am
bugs you have a great place with evey thing one would love to have live it up enjoy it love all of the photo's 
# Posted: 6 Sep 2013 11:25am
Hi folks
Last weekend we were surprised to see 30 yards of gravel on the drive way and at the yard site. Neighbour dropped it off for us. Hope he is going to spread it for us too!
Thoroughly enjoying our little place relaxing and working on hobbies. We picked enough chokecherries for 10 gallons off wine. Look forward to the tasting in two years time. While the lady wife was picking the berries she heard a rustle in the long grass coming toward her. Out came a little fawn. After about 10 minutes a snort from the bush and the fawn bounded away. Gravel!!!
|  Chokecherries...soon to become wine!
|  Curious fawn.
|  Moon, campfire and bug light trap
# Posted: 6 Sep 2013 11:27am
And of course some more pix from the month. Cratered moon
|  Going for a swim
|  Mosquito
|  fire in the sky
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