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# Posted: 14 May 2012 09:57am
great pic;s----really like the elk and the razor back boar---on the hogs it only takes a pair and you will have dozens in no time!!!!!
# Posted: 14 May 2012 11:04pm
Quoting: turkeyhunter on the hogs it only takes a pair and you will have dozens in no time!!!!!
They will sure tear the hell outta some land and quick...start shooting them. they mainly come out at night to feed. We hunt them with Dogs here in Florida. Then reach down grabbing their rear legs flipping them onto the ground.
# Posted: 15 May 2012 05:09pm
Hogs are vicious. My brother-in-law heard his dog bark; went outside to find a wild hog in the yard. The hog charged at him with the dog getting between the two. They have destroyed my uncle's pasture fields. Bevis is right; start shooting. That being said: I always love your photos. Your place seems so peaceful.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:54pm
Hey folks
Been on holidays to England for a couple of weeks so am just catching up on all the goings on with people's builds and summers.
We have finally gotten into the weekly "workin' for the weekend/cabin"...if the weather cooperates.
Had a month of trail cam pix to wade through but got some interesting shots and finally we no longer need to be envious of people's cat shots as we have a lynx wandering through. lots of bull
|  tussle
|  lynx
|  Mom wait up!!!
# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:58pm
As usual the "people" around the yard have proved very photogenic. Some pics from breakfast. The two elk spent an hour feeding on our hayland while we were having breakfast. breakfast time
|  scratching
|  orange tux
|  "Our" elk
# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 05:03pm
We have finally had to do some mowing. Last year we just a weed whacker but it took over a day to get things tidied up so this year we bought a string mower.
Was delighted to completely mow the yard site and our long driveway in less than two hours!!!! Definitely a keeper.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 08:45pm
Fabulous animal/bird photos bugs!!!
# Posted: 26 Jun 2012 09:18pm
I was just wondering where you've been. I've missed the photos you share of all sorts of wildlife!
# Posted: 5 Jul 2012 05:00pm
A tale of Poo
Last weekend we dug out our first composted poo from the compost bin that has been sitting there, with an occasional stir, since Aug 2011. Other than the biodegradable bags that appear not to be so, everything looked like compost should with just a few degrading aspen shavings recognizable. We are going to use the final product as inoculum for the bins that we are filling now. Two of our bins were down to ΒΌ or 1/3 their original amount so we dumped them into the compost bin for final decomposition. So our system of using garbage bins and layering leaf mold over each weekend's deposit seems to work. With the four bins we are using at least two are going through the primary stages of decomp and composting. In a year or so they will be ready to empty into the black composter for final composting.
It is nice when things work out.
And we were serenaded to boot!  toilet with poo bins
|  composter and final product
|  bin ready for the composter
|  yellow singer
# Posted: 5 Jul 2012 05:02pm
As the Cdn readers likely know we, in SK, have been going through some terrible weather the last couple of weeks. Lots of heavy thunderstorms, tornadoes and high winds. We have been chased out both Fridays by massive black clouds. So far RDL has survived other than having to chain saw our way up our drive way and the ponds are filling up to flood levels again.
Our little porch has become something of a nursery. The eastern phoebes have started a second brood of four eggs and a robin has built a nest in the porch as well and is sitting on 4 lovely blue robin's egg blue eggs. Makes for an interesting time when we go into the porch as they are too nervous to stay on the nests. So far they are tolerating us with only an occasional panic.
The trail cameras as always are providing wonderful images. Like other folks places the fawns are out taking their first steps. We have also noticed a couple of bull elk that are going to be big come fall.
We almost had a stowaway/new pet. Just spotted the garter snake heading in the truck box. For some reason, maybe the mild winter, we have lots of snakes of all sizes around this year. porch nests
|  patient phoebe
|  robin's eggs
|  stowaway
# Posted: 5 Jul 2012 05:05pm
The buck was taken from the shed window. Is is sometimes nice when the wildlife comes to you!! buck
|  elk A
|  elk B
|  doe and fawn
# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 05:40pm
Hi folks
A couple of pix from last weekend. I love the one of the phoebe enjoying some sun. It seemed to be mesmerized for a few minutes. They seem to be tolerating our intrusion on their nursery reasonably well.
Watched a spectacular sunset develop over our pond from the dock.
To me this is what IT is all about.   enjoying the sun
|  pot perch
|  on the prowl
|  glassy pond sunset
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 06:35pm
Always awesome, Bugs, always awesome. Thanks for the show
# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 10:16pm
Hope you move into a better weather pattern. The sunset photo is magnificent!
# Posted: 25 Jul 2012 03:50pm
Wait......100 acre "POND"? Here we call that a division of watercraft! lol
# Posted: 25 Jul 2012 04:38pm
Great pics. I enjoy them a lot. Keep 'em comming.
# Posted: 6 Aug 2012 11:00am
Finally got another project done. We now have heat!!!
Still don't appreciate it yet as it was +30C during the install but in a few weeks methinks we will enjoy it when it is below freezing outside.
We decided on the wall mounted, vented, DV12 10,000 btu version which supposedly heats 330 sq ft. It is non electric and has a variable control thermostat that adjusts the gas flow from max down to 2200 btu's. So we should not be roasted out of the place nor wake up with frost on our mustaches. And the flame is visible so we have that "fire place feel" that always makes a body feel warm.
We have run into a funny problem with one of our elk. It seems to like propane tank covers. For the last couple of weeks the trail camera at the yard has caught it removing the cover from one of our propane tanks and then carrying it around the yard. Too much time on its hooves it appears. heater
|  exhaust and intake
|  regulator
|  propane cover
# Posted: 6 Aug 2012 11:07am
Some pix from the place.
The good fat head minnow population that has developed in the pond seems to have brought in a group of cormorants that fish for awhile and then sit on the beaver lodge or dead trees to digest and dry out.
We have continued to dodge some tornadoes and severe storms. Our luck will run out soon I suspect and the shack will be in the pond or scattered around the yard. Did get some wonderful cloud images. cormorants and geese
|  churning clouds
|  bucks
|  chipmunk
# Posted: 6 Aug 2012 08:25pm
nice heater bugs that will be safe!!! we are pleged by cormorants in lake Erie hope you don't get too many they can make a mess..
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 01:31pm
Yes Just, hope the heater works well. We put bit of money into it and it took a bit to install. We will see how it heats in a couple of weeks when the temp drops.
Just you sure called it. At first there was one or two cormorants then maybe ten or so but last trip out we saw a flock of about 40 cormorants resting and fishing in our pond. I suspect they could really devastate a stocked pond/lake.
"Our" bucks are sure getting nicely decked out for the rut. Still in velvet tho. Interesting we are still seeing some late fawns.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 07:16pm
I*'ll take the one on the right if thats ok bugs. On a different note I have a old school chum getting a award at the country music awards in saskatoon on fri. night his name is Ralph Murphy he is getting the idustry builders award for hs fifty years in the canadain music bus. he is a singer song writter auther.So if i get to come i may stop arround for that deer tye him to a tree would you ..
# Posted: 29 Aug 2012 04:40pm
That explains all the urbane cowboy hats down town!!! I almost fit in with my Hoggs of Fife hat.
Just, maybe you would like this big guy. Looks like he is almost ready for the rut.
Migration is just starting. Lots of Canada's are flying and soon there will be a steady stream of all types of geese, ducks and cranes. Always a treat.
Added another beastie to the RDL list last week. Finally captured a Winnie on a trail camera. Quite pleased . We suspected there would be a few in the area. Much more enjoyable to see than the wild boar. Now all we need is a couple of wolves and a cougar to pose for the camera. We are too far north for pronghorn yet and woodland caribou are further north. We see mule deer in the fields near our place but have yet to see one at RDL. Semi wild bison are across the river so we don't expect to see them. bull elk
|  goose take off
|  soaring pelicans
|  Winnie
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 10:17am - Edited by: bugs
This weekend we had our first site with the nature group that is considering our property as a protected nature sanctuary. It seemed to go well altho it was raining most of the visit. An interesting point was brought up in the conversation as to how to value the physical and mental health benefits of being in nature. Benefits seem obvious but are they tangible enough to put a $ figure on them such as tourism, value of land, value of structures, comparable supermarket value for meat from hunting etc. sunset
|  red "blue" moon
|  wet skunk
|  |
# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 02:00pm

# Posted: 11 Sep 2012 11:46am - Edited by: bugs
This past weekend our place was invaded by pelicans. Not sure if they were feeding or just wanted to get away from the crowded lake that they usually spend time at...too many people types and motor boats.
Anyway they congregated on the beaver lodge. I did see the beaver trying to work around the pelicans and cormorants....winter IS coming. But I think I did detect an exasperated look on his face while he tried to deal with these unwanted guests ruining his mud roof, arguing with each other and doo dooing everywhere. (Sounds like a recent thread on SCF that I read.)
The trail cam caught a fur ball. Not sure if it is a mink or marten.
Migration has begun. pelicans
|  more pelicans
|  drying cormorant
|  mink or marten
# Posted: 11 Sep 2012 11:52am
more pix
# Posted: 11 Sep 2012 07:05pm
Wow nice sunset.
# Posted: 17 Sep 2012 03:43pm - Edited by: bugs
We got up to RDL for one last time before we leave for a two week holiday and miss two weekends of visits. Methinks we are addicted to our weekend shack. Every Monday morning after we get back from the RDL we start watching the weather forecasts for the coming weekend.
Sure great to be up there. Got the trails chainsawed and the last of the heater fittings sealed. Did a lot of bird watching. Migration is in full swing. The bushes are full of warblers and sparrows. One massive train of snow geese flocks was continuous from the ne to the sw horizons. Spectacular!!!! And with the arrival of juncos and the first frost there is no doubt it is autumn and winter is just around the corner.
Saw the pelicans feeding in the pond so there must be enough minnows and they must be large enough for pelicans to make a meal. There are now about 40 pelicans and a similar number of cormorants at the pond.
We saw a number of vultures this trip. Is it a bad omen when three vultures circle slowly low over you while you are chainsawing???? Are they waiting for a prospective mishap and lunch????
Even a bald eagle stopped by for a visit.
We were able to take the afternoon off and go for a wonderful long stroll about our holdings. We really don't appreciate how big the place is until we start walking the trails and the fields. We still have not walked everywhere and seen all the place has to offer. junco
|  young vulture
|  itsy bitsy spider
|  |
# Posted: 17 Sep 2012 03:46pm
more pix  old car and house
|  out standing in his field
|  pond view
|  final light
# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 10:22am
Love the wildlife you have! Great pics!
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