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# Posted: 23 Feb 2012 01:10am
Just wanted to share a look at our future cabin site. I'm not sure just how far along we'll get this year. I guess it will depend on how well we can keep our arthritis held at bay and stretch our dollars, LOL! the beginnings of our road in
|  starting to clear our site last Nov.
|  burning off brush pile at future homesite
|  finally some gravel on our lane!
# Posted: 23 Feb 2012 10:03am
Quoting: tnky03 I guess it will depend on how well we can keep our arthritis held at bay and stretch our dollars, LOL! very funny and sooo true!!!! Enjoy the process...the adventure is about to begin!!!!!
# Posted: 7 Mar 2012 07:40pm
Loos like a beautiful site -- any firm plans on the structure?
# Posted: 7 Mar 2012 09:50pm
Well, we thought we were settled on our plan for this site and do love the view. However, as we learn more of our states regulations... down to even a permit for a deck and requirements as to lumber to build it with and what type of nails, now we are considering just a "shed" for storage (for us, LOL) and going farther back on property and out of sight. Have decided on a very basic design with sloped single-sided roof, rough sawn lumber in and out to maintain rustic look. If we decide on seeking a permit to just build a "shed" will go for 14x30 most likely.
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 12:53pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Thought I should come over to your project thread so that I don't hijack TomChums thread.
I am a bit confused....are you currently living full time in your RV? That is the impression I got when I read that you are thrilled to have no mortgage payment and small utility bills which "HIGH FIVE"...way to go!!!! Some day I hope that is my situation too.
Don't all the regulations just kill a good time?!??? So many hoops to jump through!! Many people here do the same thing-build a garage or shed but use it as a cabin. We did that with our little bunkhouse-but boy was I paranoid about it. I am so far past that now though! LOL! Just make sure you don't make it look too cozy or you may call attention to it. Building further back and therefore being more hidden will be good too. We are completely hidden from the street even during the winter and it didn't happen that way by accident! Maintaining your trailer is going to take away a lot of the suspicions any people/agencies may have.
When do you think you will get started? Do you have any help or will you be working pretty much by yourselves? It is pretty exciting isn't it? I would love to see/hear about what plans you have made. The 14x 30 should be a good size to work with. Will it be mostly open inside with a bedroom and bathroom?
Your land is pretty...the photos of your road in remind me of ours. How many acres do you have? I am thrilled for you-I remember being extremely excited but nervous too. There was so much to always transport and people to feed and sooo many things to remember. Mentally it was exhausting most the time...and thank God nobody ever had an accident or hurt themselves (except my husband...but he doesn't count! LOL! You know what I mean!) I'll be in trouble for that one! That alone is amazing when I consider the "iffy" ways we find to reach something or hold something up. YIKES! At the end of the day though there is such a feeling of accomplishment and pride. You will also sleep really, really well at night after a full day of fresh air and hard physical work!!!
So with that...let the good times roll!!!! 
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 01:44pm
Yes, we are in the RV full-time, since Nov. last year. We have 4.5 acres. I do love it here but it will be nice farther back with little noise from the state road nearby. It will just be my hubby and I building I guess, unless we can con some relatives to come help, lol! My hubs has been a builder most of his life and thinks having help is not help is they don't anything about building, lol! I hope to get started soon... we just need to sell off a few more things we do not need and free up money to begin. Our "shed" will face the woods and will look very shed-like, lol! I am excited and love rustic, so little fuss. We will have a small private bedroom and bathroom, the rest will be open. Hopefully, we can see this through. We both have arthritis, mine Rheumatoid, so lots of days we don't get too far. It is an adventure and I'll be glad even when we can get the foundation ready, until then I will work on some raised beds for veggies to enjoy this summer!
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 10:00pm
Your plans sound good! Bonus that your husband is a builder Look on the bright side....you are already use to the aches and pains of arthritis so you won't even notice all the new aches and pains that you will inevitably be getting right?!? LOL! Gotta "stay positive" I always say....and when that isn't cutting it for me I tell myself that "this too shall pass!" 
Mr Troll
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 10:19pm
I just saw your comment and yeah you got some essplainin to dooo
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 11:58pm
Quoting: tnky03 My hubs has been a builder most of his life and thinks having help is not help if they don't anything about building, lol!
He is right, if you have to explain *everything* to your helpers it's often quicker to just do it yourself
If you are on the KY side of the border buy up another .5 acres and use the farm exemption. I dunno the TN laws but they probably have a similar exemption
# Posted: 21 Mar 2012 09:17am
We se in KY. Is 5 acres all that is needed for farm exemption? We thought you had to have 10? Yes, TB the "this too shall pass" is great to remember. Thanks for the encouragement.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2012 09:25pm
Your welcome
I had to follow my own advice today.......and well...the stress did pass!!
# Posted: 22 Mar 2012 12:00am
Quoting: tnky03 We se in KY. Is 5 acres all that is needed for farm exemption? We thought you had to have 10?
From my notes
"Agricultural Use" means the use of a tract of at least five (5) contiguous acres for the production of agricultural or horticultural crops"
Sorry but I can't quote book and verse, I just cut and pasted random stuff that pertained to my project and called the responsible parties to verify.