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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:22pm - Edited by: madmo
In August of 2011 I found 2.5 acres listed for sale buy owner on Craigslist. The asking price was $11,500 because the property has 275' of river frontage. Before I made the 8 hour trek to look at the land, I'd already managed to talk this motivated seller down to $8,000 site unseen. So I loaded up my camping gear and hopped in the Liberty in hopes of finding a little piece of heaven in the U.P. I could call my own.... oldbridge1.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:26pm
Wow.... So beautiful.... Welcome from a fellow michigander!!! I am just east of traverse city....
# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:39pm
Once there, I set up camp, walked the land and noticed that a good portion of it was cut back by the seller who had plans to build his own place at one time. I drove around the area and fell in love with the quiet seclusion. That night I built a fire and had a beer under the stars knowing that this land was going to be mine!! camp.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:41pm
I owned a cabin on the Platte River near Honor for 8 years. Been fishing and hunting that area for 30 years.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:05pm - Edited by: madmo
When I got back home from my trip, I made the property owner a $5,000 cash offer and he accepted!! I found out that anything under 200 sq. ft., that is a semi-perminent structure, doesn't require a permit to build, I started searching Craigslist for used Materials and soon had my floor pre-framed in my garage back home. I hauled the floor sections back up over the Mighty Bridge, burned the brush from my building site, mowed the drive into the site and leveled my cinder blocks. The floor is done!! Thanks to my girlfriend Amber for her help!! newdrive.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:19pm - Edited by: madmo
Back home, I jumped right back on Craigslist to find a guy selling lumber that he'd salvaged from a tear down job. I bought enough wood to frame the walls and build the roof for $75!! I also found an entire roll of house wrap for $40. The Windows were free and the steel entry door was $25. I got enough (brand new) insulation from a guy to do the walls and ceiling for $75. I bought some nails and supplies from a reclaim store in town called Habitat for Humanity. All of the Vinyl siding, including all the J channel and strips were purchased from the guy who tore down his old house. I paid him $15 and had enough to do 3 sides of the cabin!! The most expensive part was the $150 I spent on 2 rolls of Ice and Water for the roof. I don't plan on putting a metal roof on until the spring so I decided not to go with the cheap tar paper. I have to thank my buddy Chris for helping me that weekend. He"s a damn good friend!! walls.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:33pm - Edited by: madmo
The next trip up would be with my cousin Bruce. We spent a week at MadMo Camp and did the Vinyl siding and Insulation between deer hunts. I ended up buying enough used Tongue and Groove from a local up there to do the 4th exterior wall and 2 lower inside walls. Again I want to thank my cuz for his handy work. The vinyl got dirty from laying on the ground. It'll clean up well next Spring :) I had a great time up there that week hanging out with him working on the camp and we still managed to shoot 5 deer in 4 days!! tyvex.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:36pm
Way to go madmo! Don't let any moss grow! Nice find. Great deal on the purchase! Keep it coming!
# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:37pm
more picture from opening week of Deer in Michigan fire.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:55pm
Good buy and looks like you have done a ton of work. Are you going to live there year around?
# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:57pm - Edited by: madmo
On the inside I plan on a small pull out sleeper love seat and 2 bunk beds on main floor. There will be a loft big enough for a queen size mattress. I'll install the small dbl kitchen sink and cupboards(I paid $1 for the sink and the cupboards were given to me by a buddy. The counter top was free off Craigslist, so was the window). The wood stove will be finished and I have some pergo flooring that was given to me by one of my good friends who just remodeled her kitchen. The 10 sheets of beaded board(ceiling) I got off CL and I traded a guy for the Generator. I'll post more pictures when I get back up there in the Spring!! Thanks for looking and I enjoy reading any input, ideas, or comments on MadMo Camp. Happy Holidays!! bruce.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:58pm - Edited by: madmo
future Kitchen and Camp Inspiration. left is Mad (Maddie) Right is Mo (Morgan)
# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 11:00pm - Edited by: madmo
I live down state. This will be my hunt\fish camp for now. I plan on spending more time up there when I retire. I'd love to try some trapping in that area. Lots of Wildlife in the Western end of the Upper Penninsula; Wolf, Coyote, Bobcat, Cougar, Bear, Deer, Moose, etc
# Posted: 14 Dec 2011 12:12am
Great story and pics, -and cute kids!
# Posted: 14 Dec 2011 11:26am
Welcome madmo!
Congrats on finding your piece of heaven on earth! Nice finds on craigslist too. Keep posting your story and progress-it is fun to read!
So in the UP no permits were needed for your building but can you legally use it as a dwelling? Lucky you if you can! We had looked for land in the UP but ultimately decided we wanted to be closer to home-we are in northwestern WI.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2011 01:14pm - Edited by: madmo
Its called a semi perminent out building an it is not approved for a sole dwelling space. No electricity and no running water. I plan on picking up two porta potty's and converting one into a shower. Putting a pressure treated bench and floor in there after I cut out the holding tank. They sell the on demand hot water heaters at Cabelas. Ill attach that to a holding tank and fire up the generator to pump the water for pressure.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 08:58am
really nice place-----great job on the camp
looks lots of deer up that way as well. nice 8pt !!!! and doe for the freezer!!!!!!
i use to read about the UP hunting camps in sports afield when i was a kid, always wanted to hunt there,and visit.
looks like you might a cousin from down south...LOL i love deals on Craigslist and the restore for deals as well............
# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 02:00pm
That's funny turkeyhunter cause I saw your picture on one of the other chats and thought you look allot like the guy who owns the camp down the road from me. He's a turkey hunter too. Perhaps you do have a cousin in the U.P. !! Lol
# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 03:08pm
looks like you're close to Paradise,mi.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 03:15pm
Wow....Those are amazing deals you got. What a shopper!! *S* I hope you are keeping a running tab on costs so we can see what the final cost is for everything. It looks like your place is turning out great. Keep the photos coming.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 07:44pm
madmo, I am so upset. I can't find anything on craigslist in my area.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 07:51pm
Quoting: madmo I saw your picture on one of the other chats and thought you look allot like the guy who owns the camp down the road from me. He's a turkey hunter too. Perhaps you do have a cousin in the U.P. !! Lol
to funny----:-)
Quoting: Erins#1Mom I am so upset. I can't find anything on craigslist in my area.
look under the free section, the materials section on craigs list............ALSO search nearby towns as welll.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 09:32pm - Edited by: madmo
My camp is in the Western U.P. I'm actually 4 hours from the town of Paradise,Mi. Truth be told, anything north of the big bridge is paradise to me :) Yes, for sure check all the free postings on CL and also look under Materials and Bartering. I've traded stuff that I have no use for anymore for stuff that I want/need for my camp. Everyone's happy that way!!
# Posted: 16 Dec 2011 01:23pm - Edited by: Bevis
Quoting: Erins#1Mom I can't find anything on craigslist in my area.
Try using this for Craigslist
# Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:35pm - Edited by: madmo
Well you should look in my area cause..... I just picked up 50 tongue and groove boards 8ft x 8" for a dollar each, an 8ft farm gate (barely used) for $25 and a twin top full bottom bunk bed for free!! All off Craigslist today!! Truth be told, you just have to keep and eye out, look every day and be patient, you"ll find the deals.....
Happy Holidays, Ron
# Posted: 18 Dec 2011 09:32pm
Quoting: madmo Well you should look in my area cause..... I just picked up 50 tongue and groove boards 8ft x 8" for a dollar each, an 8ft farm gate (barely used) for $25 and a twin top full bottom bunk bed for free!! All off Craigslist today!! Truth be told, you just have to keep and eye out, look every day and be patient, you"ll find the deals.....
nice score!!!!!! i luv craigs list.....awsesome deals for sure!!!
# Posted: 3 Jan 2012 07:56pm
took the family up to camp over the new year. i finished off one wall but did'nt take pictures. this trip was mostly to deliver supplies for future projects. happy new year to all of you!!!
# Posted: 3 Jan 2012 09:48pm
happy new year to you as well to---my cousin from the NAWTH.....:-)
glad ya got some work done and had a good new years with your family---