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# Posted: 13 Aug 2013 04:16pm
Sad to hear about the Super Valu going away. I also usually try to swing in and get a little something there but I guess I didn't do that often enough. One of my first and fondest memories of Vinton County was going to the hardware store (thank goodness that's not closing). Probably 10 years ago. I bought a little something and whoever was taking my money got out one of those cards that had a chart with "if you spend this" then "tax is this". I remembered seeing those 40 years ago when I was a little kid but hadn't thought about them since. Unfortunately, they have now advanced beyond technology. I'll keep an eye out for the bike. Take care.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 25 Aug 2013 07:50pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
Not much level on my land... Took a few hours to dig out a flat path to the outdoor sink from the front door. Lowes delivered the wall blocks and I was able to find the pavers here and there. Pavers state "Nelsonville Block" , made nearby many years ago.
Anyway, it'll be nice to wash up without tracking in mud!
SE Ohio
# Posted: 5 Sep 2013 01:05pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
Had a nice visit over Labor Day weekend. Did not turn out nearly as wet as weatherman warned! It rained a bit Saturday morning and was dry after that.
Got capstones placed on retaining wall with Landscaping Block adhesive (from caulk tube). Did not give dry time, but overnight seemed to work just fine.
Got three tan-colored concrete blocks from Menards and "glued" these end-to-end for a step down from entry bridge. Used pressure-treated wood spacers to even the stepdown heights. Worked fine.
Went to creek bed and shoveled a bag of sand to sweep between pavers. According to the weatherman, it should have all washed in! As it was humid, the sand never dried and the kids tracked indoors about half a sand bag...
Kids entertained themselves with tubs and water from rainbarrels. We did spend one day at Lake Snowden, which was almost unused despite being a Holiday weekend! At times we had the whole swimming area to ourselves. Lake Hope was busier but has a toxic algae bloom (yeech!).
Soon we'll be closing the "pools" for the season...   Concrete block step
|  Capstones and sand
|  Two pools now!
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SE Ohio
# Posted: 22 Oct 2013 08:00pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
Another weekend visit, did a little fall planting. Lowes had Rhodies marked down to $6, so I picked up a few as they do well in shade ( which is all I have!). Emptied compost peat mix for fertilizer. Stuff happens...
Managed to work on more terracing. Trying to level out a few spots on the 25 degree slopes. Should be able to eat at the picnic table without peas rolling off the plates soon!
My kids will be disappointed as the only video game store in McArthur OH has closed. The video/game rental/sales store sign was gone and the store is dark. The local grocery closed last month. At least the hardware store is still open.
Lake Hope St Park ROAR festival next weekend. Lots of free activities. Hope to get pictures of my wife throwing spears! Hayrides and good eats, etc, as well as an excuse to be a tourist instead of cabin chores. Rhodie freshly planted with pottie soil!
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SE Ohio
# Posted: 6 Nov 2013 02:59pm
Inspired by another thread, we too have added a "scare-tresspasser" to our property. He startles me every time I step out onto the deck. I can only hope he catches the eye of others. He'll be getting a faux firearm next visit.
I might just add a few of these guys...
SE Ohio
# Posted: 10 Feb 2014 10:58am - Edited by: SE Ohio
A recent article about the only Vinton County grocer closing:
http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/02/09/loss-of-only-grocer-hurts-ru ral-county.html
I hope another grocer enters the market. We would often buy dinner groceries after having a breakfast in the big city (McArthur, the county seat).
We visited the cabin over New Years and once since, arriving on a Friday evening in a snowstorm. Close to the cabin, the minivan would not get up a steep narrow snow-covered local road, had to back up for about 10 minutes. White knuckle driving! Had to take a safer and longer route.
It was 20 degrees in the cabin when we arrived at 8 pm. By judicious use of finely split locust in the woodstove and firing up the kerosene stove burners, it was 50 degrees an hour later. Even later I had to get up and crack open a window (hot!). Had lots of red coals in the morning for an easy woodstove restart.
We picked a nice flat rail-trail for our after-breakfast hike. Saw lots of coyote tracks on same path. My son carried a walking stick to double as a weapon should a coyote approach (not really a worry, but it makes him feel secure). He found a horseshoe and a telegraph pole glass insulator to add to his collection of boy stuff.
My son spent several hours sledding while I did my chores. Found one corner of the cabin where the vertical trim board stopped about an inch from the floor. Closer examination revealed a strong breeze coming in, and what looked like a dirty path. Mouse trail! Got that hole stopped up with a tight-fitting wedge. I think this has been their main entry point. My traps were all "full" when we arrived; will be interesting to compare next time.
For next time I've ordered some "corn cob" style 12 Volt LED bulbs to put in the main fixture. Presently one 15 watt/12v CF bulb lights our 14' x 24' space. Fixture will hold 4 bulbs, and 3 of the new bulbs will give me more lumens and same or slightly less amp draw from batteries. The LEDs also shouldn't be so temp sensitive, and multiple bulbs provide a backup should one bulb fail. We won't be stuck in complete darkness!
My water barrels had frozen pretty much solid due to our extreme cold. I think the area got between -20 and -10 F shortly before out visit. I'm glad I left the barrels about half full for the winter. They showed no signs of splitting.
We "installed" another security guard that we found on trash night. He has a matching orange vest (see previous employee) So far he has been working without any complaint despite the weather.
My only complaint is that our deer feeder motor quit. Will have to cobble a replacement or get an "end of season" special. Always something to do when you own a cabin! Needed lots of wood during last visit
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# Posted: 10 Feb 2014 04:29pm
I was told by somebody that McArthur would be getting a super Dollar General or Family Dollar (not sure which, and I don't remember the exact phrase) in March. Plan to add about 3000 square feet and it will be a fairly complete grocery. I'd rather have a nice local family-operated place but I guess we'll take what we can get.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 10 Feb 2014 05:21pm
New store is "Dollar General Plus", not once- thought "Dollar General Market", so it won't have much in way of groceries. Sigh.
# Posted: 10 Feb 2014 08:30pm
Sooooo, to recap, in 2013 Vinton County lost its only grocery store but gained its first fast food restaurant when a McDonalds opened directly across the street from the high school. I guess you can't stop progress.
Truth be told, however, I always preferred going a few extra miles to the Kroger in Wellston. With its narrow aisles and wooden floors, it takes me back to the tiny A&P that was the sole market in the small town where I grew up.
The Wellston Kroger has only six very narrow aisles and three checkouts. In contrast, the Kroger three blocks from my house in Dayton has 17 checkouts, a wine cellar, a bank, a cell phone outlet, and a Starbucks. And it's nowhere close to being the biggest anymore.
I've read that the Kroger in McConnellsville is the smallest Kroger anywhere, even smaller than the one in Wellston, but I'm skeptical. Maybe one of the Morgan County people here can refute this.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 11 Feb 2014 12:27pm
So far I've managed to not drive by the McDonalds with my kids in the car. They don't know there is one in town!
For breakfast we often eat at Main Street Diner/Mullin's and use the wifi. Only complaint is the bacon. Mama Renie's has better bacon, but crappy hash brown potatoes. Lake Hope Lodge looks to have a good weekend breakfast but at much higher prices, so I've avoided. Dinner at Lodge is quite good with prices comparable to Lee's Steak House in Wellston.
I'll have to have breakfast at Lee's and then try Wellston Kroger!
# Posted: 11 Feb 2014 07:35pm
The locals are so proud of the new Lake Hope lodge that I've had to try it. Had lunch there twice. Same thing both times. An excellent burger with pulled pork piled on top. Very good and reasonably priced. Really like the tenderloin at Mama Renie's. But usually when I get to be there I just prefer to stay at the shack and mess around instead of venturing out too much...
SE Ohio
# Posted: 12 Feb 2014 09:56am
VC Fan,
I took like hanging out at the shack, prefer not to have to venture away. I do find getting out for breakfast gets the family moving quicker in the morning with minimal complaints, 'cause everyone is hungry and us older folks are in need of caffiene. After breakfast typically run any errands (grocery, hardware) and then an activity (hiking, exploring, canoeing).
In the past, we'd make a beverage at the cabin, kids would be hungry/whiny/fighting while we consumed. Then no two of three kids would agree on breakfast offering, so I'd have to accomodate. Then wife would want to take a shower, clean up the cabin a bit, and presto! Lunchtime is upon us (see hungry/whiny/fighting above). Finally it would be after noon and I had experienced nothing I couldn't have experienced at my city-home! Cabin time is too precious for all that.
When I take only one of my boys, we can usually "sync" on our breakfast, and we're out the cabin door and off exploring the woods quite early. Often there will be an afternoon nap (priceless!). Dinner menu is also easier with only one kid along, nice to grill/cook at cabin (Phad Thai with venison and shrimp is one boy's favorite, and he helps prepare it).
Have not tried Mama Renie's tenderloin. Maybe next family trip.
Hope to get back to Vinton county soon. Kid's calendars don't always allow. This Saturday, a special achievement test on SATURDAY morning, combined with scouts on Sunday evening ruined potential 3-day weekend (no school on President's Day). Sigh...
SE Ohio
# Posted: 29 Mar 2014 07:04pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
Took my second grader to cabin for Spring Break, just returned. It didn't quite feel springlike! A mix of weather, minimal warm, mostly winter.
Good news is that the Moonville Rail (foot/bike) Trail has funding to add a major bridge near (allegedly haunted) Moonville tunnel and over Raccoon Creek. Tunnel will be more accessible to the disabled, and eventually the trail will allow for 20 miles plus hiking/biking to Athens Ohio area.
Had a minor blizzard while we were there. No problem, we had indoor projects and plenty of firewood!
Possibly related, we killed, indoors, about 10 wasps each day over the week! Were they coming in with the firewood? Very few flies indoors this year since we added weather stripping.
Had dinner at Lake Hope Lodge. The perch was a hit with my boy. Great view from Lodge. After a hard day's work, I like someone else to do the cooking!
Hard day consisted of digging, obtaining creek stones, and stacking stones to terrace my 30 degree slope. While searching for stones, we found old lily bulbs going back to 19th century possibly. We transplanted a few...
Made some time to fly kites (no picture, sorry)
Found and transcribed a few more cemeteries here and there. My son actually found a couple of "submerged" grave markers and dug them out. Posted them at findagrave.com. Added some adventure to our explorations!
45 watt solar panel kept our batteries charged sufficiently for lighting, stereo, and occasional video.
Overall it was a great week! Can't wait to go back. Brakeman ghost with lantern in tunnel
|  Blowing blizzard
|  Pioneer bulbs
|  Lodge dinner view
old old buddy
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 07:45am - Edited by: old old buddy
SE Ohio I'd say your wasps were in the cabin and as you gradually heated it up they come out of their dormant stage although it seems awful early for that at this time of year. I'm guessing they were slow reacting and pretty easy to kill. We normally have a few in the spring and summer but not this early in the year. Check your eaves and all around your windows and cracks real good or you'll have a "job" on your hands.
Good luck
Old Old Buddy
SE Ohio
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 11:06am
I'll take another look to see if I can find more entry points. There is a gap between stove pipe and metal surround that is big enough, cannot do anything about that one. They were easy enough to swat, but I'm glad 50-60 didn't all come out at once! No telling how many will be dead on the windowsills next time due to warm weather we're having now.
old old buddy
# Posted: 2 Apr 2014 07:29am
SE Ohio Sounds good. You know......I always think about them dang things when I'm about to drift off for a nap or ready to go to sleep at night. Know what I mean? OOB
# Posted: 2 Apr 2014 01:46pm
Quoting: SE Ohio Possibly related, we killed, indoors, about 10 wasps each day over the week! Were they coming in with the firewood? Very few flies indoors this year since we added weather stripping.
We're in Athens and just got back. Had TONS of flys and a handful of wasps too. The week sure started out rough but ended up beautiful! Looks like you guys had a great time. I've heard great things about the new Lake Hope Lodge...have to get up there some time!
# Posted: 2 Apr 2014 06:00pm
I just came back from de-winterizing my camper. Also had a wasp. Even better, I had a thrill when I fired up the propane water heater and saw flames shooting out the side! After quickly shutting the propane off, I discovered that the elbow pipe that feeds the fuel/air mix into the firebox was clogged with oriental ladybug carcasses. I had a similar problem with the refrigerator flame at the end of last season.
In other Vinton County news:
I noticed that the traffic light in Hamden is still not working, meaning the number of working traffic lights in the county is still down 50 percent.
Also, while it's hard to beat the view at the new Lake Hope Lodge, the Hocking Hills Lodge restaurant is pretty good too. I especially like that they both go out of their way to feature locally-grown items.
I read in the Vinton County Courier that McArthur's Wild Turkey Festival (May 2-4) is going to be alcohol-free this year.
# Posted: 2 Apr 2014 07:28pm
A McDonalds in McArthur? An alcohol-free WTF? Jim Nabors singing Back Home Again in Indiana at the Indy 500 for the last time live in person? The world as I know it seems to be coming to a sad end. And people are worried about Russia and global warming...
SE Ohio
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 10:35am
Had a nice prolonged Easter visit (Fri-Sat-Sun). Got down a bit late on Thursday, but getting there is the hard part! Once at the cabin time takes on a new dimension.
After a nice breakfast in town, we hit the local rail trail. It is wide and level with very little mud. Hiked out to wetlands and lake area and saw many swallows and waterfowl, beaver dens and a large snapping turtle. Lollipops (aka rocket fuel) provided hiking energy.
Notice that the firewood shelter didn't keep out much blowing snow over the winter, so decided to add an extension. I made a template on a previous trip and did most cutting at my on-grid home. The extension still needs some bracing for wind and next year's snow, but it is a start in the right direction. While there we cut up a few dead trees that had potential to block the driveway. More firewood!
Recent windstorm knocked over a large tree which took down two smaller trees, all pretty close to the wood storage! Probably 5 years worth of firewood there if it turns out to be good stuff (subject of another thread).
For entertainment, the boys filled their squirt guns and shot down plastic army men (remember these?). Dollar store visit pre-trip helps fight potential boredom.
Easter egg hunt at the state park was well organized this year. They formed small groups and dispersed them around the perimeter of the hunt area. Parents weren't allowed to pick up eggs. Last year our youngest (then 3) got only one egg! This year most kids got about the same number of eggs. I should also mention they kept the upper age limit at 12. Last year I swear some of the "kids" needed to shave!
Our kids brought their goodies home and spent the afternoon re-hiding it. This was my free time to cut wood (free time is a rarity).
For dinner, we made fajitas, idea stolen from a recent boy scout campout. Got pre-cooked chicken and beef from frozen food section at grocery (not in Vinton county!) and cut up and baggied veggies and mushrooms prior to trip. Ingredients waited patiently in cooler. Dump components into skillet and they cooked up quickly with no "is the chicken cooked completely?"worries (had a bad experience on time...) Meal was a hit with the kids, as they built their own fajitas to taste. This will become a regular menu item at both homes.
Only two weeks until Wild Turkey Festival! This event closes the main street of McArthur and keeps the kids entertained. We buy a limited number of ride tickets and let them pick and choose. The kids like getting their mother on the wildest rides because she screams so well, and not at them   Rail-Trail by wetlands
|  Firewood shelter roof extension
|  Rocket fuel
|  Squirt guns and army men
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 10:42am
Wow...looks like a great time!!! Keep up the posts! Can't wait to get settled into our place.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 6 May 2014 01:14pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
Just sitting down to write after another visit.
The kids enjoyed the Wild Turkey Festival. They went through $40 worth of ride tickets in about a half hour, or so it seemed.
When we first arrived, the singing contest was about to start on the stage. There were a good amount of seats and lots of food vendors close by. First thought was those food vendors got the prime real estate with all the entertainment by them. Then the contest started. I had to cover my ears... Simon Cowell would have thrown down his brat and cotton candy and stormed off. Next thought was those poor food vendors. They can't leave their stations to escape the "entertainment".
The Vinton County Sheriff had a food trailor set up and had really good prices. $1 hot dogs, $.50 chips, etc. Elsewhere those same hot dogs were $2.50 or more. I fed the kids pretty cheaply.
Weather was good overall. It threatened rain but only occasionally sprinkled. I was able to stack some more firewood. some good locust. I still need to split it, but at least its off the ground. I'm pretty well set (for weekend use) if we have a repeat of this last winter.
Got a pleasant surprise while there. The kids called me over to see a snake. Turns out it's a black rat snake, a great consumer of things I don't want in my cabin, namely mice! This guy was between 3 and 4' long with lots of room to grow. I hope he sticks around.
On that note I had another mouse caught in an indoor trap. I'm thinking they're still getting in somewhere. The hunt continues.
It was time for plumbing maintenance. I noticed that my rain barrels had not filled despite ample rain. Turns out the screen filter between diverter tubing and barrel was stopped up on 2 of 3 barrels. Cleaned 'em good. Water also overflowed from a stopped up downspout, probably a chipmunk nest (I saw one run in). Cleaned that out too (here, snakey snakey snakey...) Decided it was time to clean gutter covers and gutters. Everything is nice, clean and unclogged and ready for next rain.
Found no indoor wasps 
Spring is running a bit late? My locusts are late budding out.
The weekend just flew by. Cannot wait to go back... Stacked high for next winter
|  Locusts without buds
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# Posted: 11 May 2014 09:41am - Edited by: buckybuck
A buddy and I were in the 'hood that weekend too. That was the first time he had ever been there, and I had every intention of introducing him to the WTF.
However, we had spent a couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday morning unsuccessfully hunting for mushrooms. As we were heading to the WTF, I happened to mention that the festival was alcohol-free this year, and my buddy commented that asking him to spend time in McArthur without something to drink after having wasted a couple of days in fruitless mushroom hunting might send him over the edge. So we kept going, and I initiated him to the haunted Moonville Tunnel experience instead.
We also stopped at the lodge at Lake Hope. The lodge has a great buffet until 2 p.m. on Sundays. It includes the locally-sourced pulled pork and beef brisket. About $13.
I also noticed that the traffic light in Hamden has been removed for good, leaving the one in the middle of McArthur as the only remaining red-yellow-green traffic light in the county. However, my wife and I were going through McArthur the other morning when school was starting, and I realized that the new McDonalds is sited exactly midway between two school entrances, on the other side of the highway. Sadly, I predict at least two traffic lights being installed at that location at some point.
# Posted: 11 May 2014 09:51am
Sounds like a lot of fun SE. Summer will be here soon!
SE Ohio
# Posted: 7 Jun 2014 04:34pm
Belated update... Visited the cabin for a major project last weekend. Our hillside lot is just that, all hillside. Even our "leveled" area had a healthy slope to it. So we had some work done.
We got a great bunch of local guys with some heavy equipment to do some leveling. The results look pretty darn good! My boys really enjoyed the whole spectacle. It was an all-day affair. But now we have a large (enough) level area for our firepit, picnic table, chairs, benches, and even the occasional guest tent!
Almost forgot weed block fabric for under gravel surface. Ran out, so most gravel was pushed to fabric'd side. Will complete fabric layer and spread gravel. I have no delusion that weeds won't pop up, 'cause they will eventually as leaves rot and a soil layer is formed within the gravel over the fabric. But the roots will be shallow and weeds will pull up easily until fabric is compromised.
Busy working on plans for a cabin expansion. I may have to join the middle-sized cabin forum upon completion! Need to have separate sleeping area from kids if we are to ever sleep past 6 am... Wife wants larger areas, I want to minimize size not so much for costs as for maintenance. Retaining wall with inspector
|  Before weed block fabric laid
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# Posted: 7 Jun 2014 08:39pm
Wow! I'm not sure landscaping like that fits in Vinton County. Should be very nice for you. My kids all grew before I got a flat spot and then there was no need. Curious - you mention an inspector. Is that like a real government inspector?
SE Ohio
# Posted: 8 Jun 2014 08:00am
The "inspector" is barefoot guy in shorts, back to camera, a.k.a. my 8-year old! He kept a close eye on the crew, letting me know that they buried their cigarette butts in the backfill. He also reported they used colorful language "a lot!" No other VinCo inspectors, except prop tax guy who will eventually notice this improvement...
# Posted: 8 Jun 2014 10:04am
That does look really nice, darn it. So much for my dreams of first place in the 2014 Community Pride award for my bridge remodeling project.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 8 Jun 2014 06:05pm
If you get rid of that center bridge support, you can trap a burglar's ATV!
SE Ohio
# Posted: 14 Jun 2014 12:02pm
New friend, copperhead found sunning on road. Tried to strike from 5 feet (missed). I bet he has eaten his share of mice! Relocated him to safer spot.
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