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SE Ohio
# Posted: 7 Nov 2011 08:16pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
I've been posting here for a bit, sporadically.
I purchased this place last year from a guy who did a pretty good job of building. It is 14 x 24 indoors, off-grid, no running water. I love it! The kids range from loving it to tolerating it (barely)
Located in Vinton Co, Ohio's most-forested least-populated county. Lots of outdoors to take in. Lots to do around there (but the locals don't think so). We explore, hike, bike, swim, target shoot, eat out, cook out, etc. If only my job didn't get in the way...
Anyone else nearby? Cabin through the woods
|  Inside
|  Critter gitter commutes with me
|  Terracing the hillside path
# Posted: 7 Nov 2011 08:34pm
Nice cabin in the woods! Keep posting about your adventures!
# Posted: 7 Nov 2011 09:39pm
Does ~5 hours count as "nearby"?
old buddy
# Posted: 7 Nov 2011 09:46pm
Boy the Ohioans are coming out of the woodwork on here. Always nice to see another Buckeye on here...Welcome to the forum
# Posted: 7 Nov 2011 11:23pm
Very cool thanks for letting us see it!
# Posted: 8 Nov 2011 08:49am
Howdy SE Ohio. I'm from Ohio as well (north central), but my property and soon-to-be cabin are in northern KY. I drive right past Vinton Co on my way down there. Very nice cabin you've got there.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 8 Nov 2011 08:43pm
Rob O - 5 hours is a bit far... More than half a day at work!
Thanks for the kind words, all.
testing123, you must have quite a drive to N KY? I used to live in Cinci-
SE Ohio
# Posted: 8 Nov 2011 08:46pm
Harbor Freight 45 watt solar panel. These go on sale for about $150 several times a year. This keeps my 12v system charged for my minimal electrical requirements (stereo and lighting).
# Posted: 8 Nov 2011 08:47pm
Very nice cabin. The inside looks very cozy and inviting! Congratulations!!
# Posted: 24 Nov 2011 09:25am - Edited by: buckybuck
Quoting: SE Ohio Anyone else nearby? I've got 14 acres in Vinton County. Right now, we've got an RV there, but there will be a cabin at some point. Just need the time. I actually built a cabin 30 years ago, so I'm not sure I need to self-build this time. Sometimes I think I'd be just as happy to buy a pre-fab skid cabin and have someone drop it there, along with a cooler full of beer.
There seem to be several folks here with places in southern Ohio (admittedly, we seem to be the only two in Vinton County, better known as the Hocking Hills' tony neighborhood). I think Dfossum's place is somewhere between us and the community of Knockemstiff. Forum members BlaneHill and OldBuddy are somewhere in the 'hood.
I wish there was an easier way folks on this forum who have land and cabins in the same locale could place one another or contact each other. Myself, I'm not too comfortable giving out the specific location of my place on an open forum. And at the same time, I really don't want to granularize the Small Cabin Forum by proposing a separate forum segregated by physical location.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 26 Nov 2011 08:34pm
Hello Buckybuck/neighbor! Thanks for the update on the locals.
I'm also a bit shy about exact locations in the county, but I don't mind mentioning the county 'cause there are so many lots there.
We're just back from Thanksgiving at the cabin. Lots of deer hunters getting set up for gun season (starts Monday). I plan to hunt elsewhere, as Vinton Co. gets a bit congested with lead flying everywhere!
SE Ohio
# Posted: 26 Nov 2011 08:43pm
Another upgrade- This little 12 volt bilge pump works ok with a low flow shower head. We drop the pump in a tank of hot water, flip a switch and HOT SHOWER!!! Mama really likes it. Pump was about $25 on-line. It really doesn't need the narrow profile unless you are using a tank with a small opening.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 26 Nov 2011 08:48pm
We spent an hour scavenging rocks from the creek. These were added to a terrace gravel bed to form a flagstone path where there had been sloping slippery clay mud... Another nice upgrade. Keeps the boys from tracking as much mud! Keeps the wife happy, too.
# Posted: 27 Nov 2011 08:00am - Edited by: buckybuck
Quoting: SE Ohio We're just back from Thanksgiving at the cabin. Lots of deer hunters getting set up for gun season (starts Monday). I plan to hunt elsewhere, as Vinton Co. gets a bit congested with lead flying everywhere!
My wife and I were there Friday, closing things up for the year. I doubt we'll be there much more until spring, but maybe next year we can get together for lunch sometime in McArthur--we like Moma Renie's (especially for breakfast), and Main Eatery. (I don't mean to slight owners of any other restaurants in Vinton County, I just haven't eaten at either one of the other restaurants yet).
I've already had bow hunters wandering onto my place looking for deer they'd shot.
You probably know that wild turkey hunting is also popular in Vinton County. If you haven't been to the Wild Turkey Festival in McArthur (first weekend in May), check it out. It's a hoot. There aren't many events you can attend where carnival midway game prizes include inflatable assault rifles.
# Posted: 4 Dec 2011 09:45pm
Just for the record, our 12X16 is in Jefferson County, Ohio, approximately 2-3 air miles from the Ohio River. It's "back-woodsey" but not desolate. I'm Old Old Buddy and Old Buddy is my 36 year old son. He came up with the name because my best friend calls both of us Old Buddy, as we call him. I'm sure the hills around here are about as high in elevation as they get in Ohio, on average. The high spot on our property is probably around 1200 feet above sea level. Aren't the Hocking Hills lower than that on average?
Welcome to the site and good luck with your future build. I just spent my first night in the cabin and it only took about thirteen months! If I would have had a four-wheeler like I just purchased, it wouldn't have taken nearly as long. Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:11am
I had suspected that there had to be a few other Vinton County folks on here but couldn't identify them. We discovered VC about 14 years ago and love it. Our "shack" was meant to serve us for about 5 years while the kids were small and then we'd move on to other things. If I'd had known we'd have it this long I would have built it better... But in my defense, forums like this didn't exist in those days. The kids or wife never had much interest in it but they tolerate it as my hobby. My son who's now iin college has used it a few times lately and had lots of fun.
I've not tried Mama Renie's for breakfast but would highly recommend their tenderloins. And if you come from the west make sure you stop early in the morning for donuts at the Family Donut shop in Londonderry (along Rte 50). The glazed ones just melt in your mouth.
I'll be anxious to read about your adventures. I think I recognize your cabin from a real estate listing a while back. Nobody quite knew where the property lines were on the last piece of property we bought. The previous owner said he was pretty sure the south line ran right by the neighbor's outhouse. I posted that on Facebook and said that you've just got to love that kind of place.
# Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:08am
I'm fortunate that the previous owner marked the property lines very well, having followed the surveyor. He staked the lot corners and tied ribbons to trees all along the property lines. I've followed up with signage, although I know tresspassers will claim blindness, etc.
For "eats", I like breakfast at the Iron Kettle, where the 5 of us are fed for under $20. Dinner: Lee's Steakhouse is a bit south down 93 but worth the drive- But they close at 8 pm!
I hope to work on another project over Christmas and have pictures to post...
# Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:20am
I did have a little adventure over Thanksgiving while hiking a Zaleski State Forest bridle path. I found a minor map error that sent me 3 miles in the wrong direction. The path was near a road and I didn't hear but 2 cars in three hours. Fortunately, the second car stopped and gave me a ride from "lost" to "found". After getting back to the cabin, I studied the map and realized I wasn't at fault. I still couldn't admit to my wife (who was waiting at the cabin) that I got "misplaced" until the next day.
I did report the map error to at the Forest Service office (where you can get an erroneous map), but I don't think they'll be fixing it anytime soon...
SE Ohio
# Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:27pm
Attaching pdf of Zaleski State Forest Bridle Paths for those that visit Vinton Co. I've not seen any trail rules posted, but I'm sure motors are prohibited, and walking is fine. I've yet to see anyone riding a horse, but plenty of tracks. Trails were cleared out this year, so minimal briars etc impeding your way.
# Posted: 21 Dec 2011 05:22pm
Wow! At least three folks here with estates in Vinton County! That probably means we could have some clout there.
Since I woke up early today, off work for the holidays. had nothing better to do, and the forecast was for a rare 60 degrees in December, I drove over to my place to check up on things this morning. I live near Dayton, so I drive through Londonderry. I wish I had seen the post about doughnuts before I headed over. I was also in Wellston today, and could have had lunch at Lee's.
I keep forgetting about the Iron Kettle. I think it's been there for years.
# Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:22pm
Buckybuck - we have too much in common. I had nothing in particular to do in Vinton County today but went anyway. Always nice to know the shack's still OK, or at least as OK as it was last time I left it. I also live near Dayton and may have passed you on Rte 35.
# Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:38am
Quoting: VC_fan Buckybuck - we have too much in common.
I promise I'm gonna stop hijacking SE Ohio's thread after this, but I have to ask. Yesterday, I was talking to my 95-year-old neighbor (who, by the way, owns a cabin on an island on a Canadian lake, which ought to narrow this down enough), and he reminded me that the people who used to live in the house behind his have a cabin in Vinton County. Is that you?
By the way, there's contact information in my member profile if anyone in the 'hood wants to contact me directly.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 31 Dec 2011 07:36pm
Just got back from a few vacation days of work. Tackled a chore that has been bugging me for a while, and that is moving the Harbor Freight solar panel. It was at a fine height before I added the terracing and walkway, then it was too low. Now it's just right, but was a afternoon of work for one person with hand tools. Solar panel at head-bumping height
|  New and improved height
|  |  |
# Posted: 1 Jan 2012 11:29am
Actually, to get it moved in an afternoon with one person and hand tools is doing pretty well. I built our 16x20 shack almost entirely by myself (70+ year old father in law helped with the auger and brothers helped with the T&G 3/4" plywoood sheets for the floor) and survived but I'm not sure I'd want to do it again. I've been tempted by the HF solar system and hope you'll let us know how it's working out for you.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 1 Jan 2012 12:46pm
The HF system has worked out pretty good for me. It is about 2 years old now, and no problems with the charge controller (some people had early failures). Neat thing about the charge controller is USB and assorted low voltage DC jacks. There is a 5 amp fuse/limit on the controller, so I often bypass the controller and run directly off a 12 volt deep cycle marine battery. The system came with two low lumen CF bulbs which I rarely use, instead using 12 v 15 watt CF bulbs (available online or through RV stores). Connect the charge controller to the battery each visit, being careful to switch on when it's sunny, off when it's dark. The controller uses some power to light its battery voltage display (so off at dark), and I don't want to overcharge the battery by leaving it on for weeks at a time. HF recommends against leaving the charger on continuously.
I replaced the flimsy metal panel frame that came with the system with a sturdy 2 x 4 pressure treated frame. The perforated steel rod supports allow me to tilt the panel for best seasonal sun angle.
The HF system goes on sale for about $150 US several times a year.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 14 Jan 2012 07:32pm
I went to Vinton County for deer-muzzle loader season the other weekend. I ended up with 4 hunters tresspassing and ruining any potential hunt for me. They did it in a hurry, ran to a vehicle and took off. They saw me earlier and they knew I was set up to hunt near their crossing point. They could have diverted a few hundred feet to the state forest, but nah... I think I'll put up a blind next year and let them guess if I'm in it!
SE Ohio
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 06:08pm
Just got back from another Vinton county visit. The Iron Kettle has been sold and will close this week, to reopen at a later date. 
SE Ohio
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 08:34pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
More cabin improvements.
Hard-wired the Horrible (Harbor) Freight solar charge controller with a fuse and diode in series with each panel. This keeps the battery from discharging in low-light conditions (got the idea from a HF solar panel on-line discussion group).
Boot brush also from HF. The boys gave it a workout this weekend!
Added running water. The boys got to wash their hands with soap and running water (it was really necessary!) Solar charger
|  Boot brush
|  Running water
|  |
SE Ohio
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 08:42pm
This works for me- I charge the battery outdoors to avoid explosive gasses near my woodburner. I bring it indoors to use as the battery works better when warm. On cold nights the battery won't light my 12 v compact fluorescents, so indoors the battery stays.
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 09:53pm
How 'bout that. I also was in the 'hood on Saturday doing some miscellaneous chores at my place. I really hadn't planned on getting back there until April, but we seem to have lucked out with the weather this winter. I did notice a lot of standing water in fields along US 50 as I headed over, but somehow most of it missed my corner of Vinton County.
Don't forget the Wild Turkey Festival, first weekend in May in McArthur!
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