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# Posted: 23 Jan 2012 11:30pm
Like the cabin...after reading TB's post, hope it's still there.
# Posted: 25 Jan 2012 04:49pm
Trollbridge: I was unaware of any tornadoes in the area of my cabin. I was there on Sunday. It looked pretty fine then.
# Posted: 18 Mar 2012 08:43pm
Worked on the gutters last weekend I was at the cabin. Dumped one side into a 55 gal barrel with no first flush diverter yet. Got several ideas from another thread. Will start working on it in a few weeks after the wedding next weekend. Cant get out of it since everyone would notice if the groom didn't show up. Guess the cabin will have to take a back seat.
# Posted: 18 Mar 2012 10:07pm
Goin to the Chapel and I'm gonna get married..........
........................Yes.......the groom kinda needs to be there!!!! 
I'm so excited for you! Have an incredible day!!!!! Will you be going on a honeymoon????
# Posted: 18 Mar 2012 10:38pm
Congratulations Bzzzzzt!!! That is exciting news!!!! 
# Posted: 19 Mar 2012 05:16pm
Trollbridge: We're just getting a bed & breakfast for a couple days. Might even stay at the cabin one night. รท) With all the rain over the last few days I bet that 55 gal drum is full.
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 07:46am
Doesn't matter where you are going-just getting away together as you start life as a married couple will be special. Enjoy the B&B and the cabin!
We had our first thunderstorm of the spring last night...was great! Hopefully your tank will be full and better yet stay full as you go through the heat of the summer!
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 08:04pm
I gotta dump the water or boil the hell out of it. With about 20 gal in it it was really nasty.
And thanks for the well wishes.
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 09:04pm
Congrats! I wish you many many.years of good health and happiness! Lisa
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 09:26pm
Whaaaaaaat? Seriously? Did you have the first flush diverter thingy on????? Hmmmmm....looks like after the honeymoon you will have to figure this out a little better.................................and you thought you had it ............. don't be fooled................ 3rd time is usually the charm for me!
# Posted: 21 Mar 2012 08:59pm
When I set it up 3 weeks ago we'd been having a severe drought and I didn't have time to build a first flush diverter and was just curious how much water I could expect. Now we've had an almost flood so I bet my barrel is over flowing. I'll filter it somehow and clean out the barrell.
3 more days!
# Posted: 21 Mar 2012 09:18pm - Edited by: trollbridge
You sound excited...no cold feet for you huh!
I'll bet your barrel is overflowing by now! What is your current rainfall total? It has been wet, wet, wet down there! That is how our spring/early summer was last year. The ground never could absorb all the water before we would get dumped on again...I was beginning to think we had lakefront property!!!!!
Hopefully the rain will stop and the sun will be shining brightly for your big day!
# Posted: 24 Mar 2012 07:56pm
Went out to the cabin yesterday. Barrel was slammed full of icky water. I dumped it all out. Gotta get that first flush diverter built.
Also, I got married this afternoon. Just a wonderful day with the love of my life. All that and she was the inspiration for the cabin. Great lady.
# Posted: 24 Mar 2012 09:51pm
Bzzzzzt......................Get off the computer now and go do what newlyweds are s'pose to be doing................... 
Seriously though....congratulations! You two are going to have many happy years and lots of memories to make at your cabin! Did you have nice weather? No rain? I'm so happy for you and I can tell how happy you are too Enjoy your time away together!
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 12:13pm
Congratulations Bzzzzzt.....May your lives be full of happiness and adventure!!!!
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 04:53pm
Congratulations. May your lives be filled with joy. God bless you and your new bride.
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 05:19pm
Well I went down to the cabin this weekend and got a little work done on the water catchment system. I worked on it Saturday morning and it rained about an inch or so Saturday afternoon. I collected 20 gal of water. Even with my window sheer filter the water came out brown. I'm going to do some more next time to the window sheer filter but I'm also going to get one of these filters http://www.amazon.com/Culligan-RV-700-Recreational-Vehicle-Filter/dp/B0010EG5AO or one like them and see if I can clean up what I already collected and what I'm sure I will collect over the next couple weeks until I can return.
I also caught this video of a deer on my trail cam. Click the image, it's a video. 
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 07:29pm
How's married life Bzzzzzt????
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 09:54pm
So far so good.
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 10:41pm
Happy for you!!!
# Posted: 7 Jun 2012 11:31pm
Hey all, haven't posted much here in a while. Life has been too busy to do much to the cabin.
In any event,we're headed down to the cabin this weekend. I bought a 45W Harbor Freight solar panel kit and a 70AH Marine battery that I'm going to mess with this weekend some. I may end up building some sort of permanent stand for them but I'll make that determination after I mess with it some.
Also, this will be the first time we'll be taking our younger daughter to the cabin to stay the weekend with us. Gonna have to clear out the loft for her a place to sleep. I have all my junk stored up there currently. We bought a camping cot for her to sleep on from K Mart.
The last time we were there we upgraded the batteries in the Wild Game camera that uses C size batteries. It was eating batteries like crazy for no apparent reason and it was suggested that we switch to Lithium batteries. The only problem is that we couldn't find any C size lithium batteries so I found some battery adapters ( URL ) and we put some AA lithium batteries in it and this will be our first attempt to go see if they worked any better than the regular alkaline batteries. We shall see.
And most of all we're going to go to the cabin and just have a restful weekend. I hope everyone has the opportunity to relax at their cabin this weekend as well.
# Posted: 8 Jun 2012 10:32am
Have a great weekend! Hope your daughter enjoys the weekend at the cabin too. Did you get your water system all figured out?
# Posted: 8 Jun 2012 07:46pm
Not quite. It still needs a little tuning.
# Posted: 8 Jun 2012 11:40pm
My daughter and I had a great day at the cabin. We also got quite a few videos of deer and coyotes and the county assessor measuring my cabin. Today we set up our Harbor Freight solar panels and the battery. Let me tell you, it sure is nice being able to have the lights on without the generator running. 4 - 26watt CFL lamps are just under 1 amp so with the 70 amp hour battery we can have lights for 70 hours assuming we do nothing else. The solar cells put out fairly well in the afternoon so I'm hoping it'll recharge the battery during the day.
I used collected rain water to shower tonight. It is still discolored but I filtered it twice and it didn't stink so I figured I'd try it. The water was really soft and felt really well despite the "tea" look of the water.
This is the first time we've had our daughter down here with us so I had to clean out the loft for room to put her cot. She's been really excited about coming all week and has been enjoying herself all day. I even got her out in the field with an old sling weed whacker that I keep around for good measure.
All in all we've had a really great day and plan to have another one just like it tomorrow.
# Posted: 10 Jun 2012 06:35pm
Hope you had another GREAT day!!
# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 02:34pm
Want to mess with the County Assessor's mind a bit? Drop by his office and inquire if everything is all right. Tell him you saw him measuring the cabin. There was obviously nobody near the cabin, while he was there. It will keep him guessing. Congratulations! Live life like there is no tomorrow, because one day there won't be.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 05:26pm
There's a little bit of a story that I think is linked to the county assessor's visit. The realtor that I used to purchase the property in 2011 is trying hard to sell the adjacent properties and have been giving guided tours of my cabin to prospective buyers of the other properties. I sent them an email and asked them very politely if they could please not advertise that our cabin is out there for privacy reasons. 8 days later there's a county assessor with a measuring wheel at my cabin that is a mile down a dirt road, then a quarter mile down a private road that looks like someone's driveway to the untrained eye and then 500 or so feet back in the woods and sufficiently covered with trees to obscure the view from satellite images. Oh, and right past 2 "No Trespassing" signs. Yeah, I don't think the county assessor just stumbled upon it.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 06:01pm - Edited by: Bzzzzzt
Click the pictures. They're all videos.
More Deer Video: 
Limping Coyote video: 
Also County Assessor video: 
I know this was the county assessor because my other cam took This shortly after: 
# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 07:16pm
great video off the tax lady ... wonder is she makes house calls...LOL( just kidding) really nice that they turned you in after the email- --i would call him up and tell a few things!!!!! and he need not ask any of of prospective clients ask you about the area.... wolves bears snakes & haints & a crazy man in a newly taxed cabin!!!!..LOL
# Posted: 12 Jun 2012 09:31pm
Turkey Hunter: I was thinking about putting up signs that say something to the effect of "EPA Testing in area DO NOT DISTURB!"
LOL If the guy who is selling the land wasn't such a nice guy I might do something like that.
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