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# Posted: 9 Jun 2010 09:34pm
tomorrow night I am going up to the cabin to install a clear water pump that I built. I am also going to finish off some interior work and relax after a month away from the family at work.
P.S. I included a how-to of the pump goign from fountain to in-line. Feel fre to use it as you must. The file is in MS Works format (WPS). Sorry about the format, I am on a computer that is new to me.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:21pm
I'm not sure why, but that how-to for the inline pump didn't post. I will continue to try to convert that so everyone can see it.
I went up to the cabin a 3 days ago. I was quite impressed to see it made it through a fairly harsh winter in Oklahoma. Here is the missing items that needed to be finished.
--MikeW bathroom_ceiling_mis.jpg
|  last_two_half_panels.jpg
|  last_sheet_in_bathro.jpg
|  |
# Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:26pm
Here are the things I completed. I hung the ceiling in the loft. I was able to put the window trim on both windows. For the record, I will be adding two more windows upstairs hopefully next weekend. I would have posted pictures of both windows, but they look identical just facing different directions. Use your imagination. The water pump is a top view. It works good enough for me. The shower curtain was a US$3.00 must have item.
--MikeW loft_ceiling_complet.jpg
|  shower_curtain_hung..jpg
|  water_pump_installed.jpg
|  window_trimmed_in.JP.jpg
# Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:18pm - Edited by: unixfmike
Here's the how-to for that pump.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2010 02:08am
Nice work! Had a question for you about vapor barriers/visqueen Like you, I tar-papered the exterior, ran r13 and I'm about to throw my interior panels up. A buddy of mine mentioned the fact that I might need a vapor barrier between paneling and r-13 to protect against condensation. Like you, my cabin is a glorified shed, not something I'm living in for extended amounts of time. To me it seems like a vapor barrier and the tar paper is overkill. Our cabin is in central Washington, dry side some snow but not very harsh weather. I do plan to put in a small wood stove (sheep herder style), had to promise my wife. I have the ozark stove too, they rock! Take care. AJ
# Posted: 21 Jun 2010 08:54am
Like my cabin, I doubt you'll have a need for a 3rd vapor barrier? The asphalt paper on the outside is the 1st and the backing on the insulation is the 2nd. I don't really see a need for a 3rd layer unless you experience never ending rain. Not to mention the fact that insulation will act like a sponge.
# Posted: 27 Jun 2010 05:43pm
looking good.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2010 10:26pm
Hi, new here, Nice work, thanks for the detailed reports, your project is very inspiring
# Posted: 8 Aug 2010 03:20pm
I spent some time at the cabin again this weekend. Unfortunately it wasn't much more than an overnight trip. I was finally able to finishe the one last nightmare wood panel with 2 power outlets, two light switches, and a circuit breaker box to cut out in it, not to mention the door. I also wired in two more outlets. I was able to finish trimming out my last window down stairs. Speaking of stairs, I finally have two steps going up to the front door! It is a heck of a lot better than two levels of loose and wobbly bricks. I think it might be safer too. Me and the boy walked around the land for a while looking for "thin" sapplings to use for a hand rail. Those are not easy to find, nor are they easy to cut to the correct fit. I was lucky enough to manage with a sharp chain saw blade and a lot of familiarity with the chain saw.
Other than that, I had to clean up the undergrowth on the road in, and fix a couple of broken things. I did notice that my shower might be leaking from the drain, what a total buzz kill. A quick rain storm poured down and kind of forced us out. If I had the Jeep I wouldn't have minded. I wasn't going to risk a bad storm in a heavy 2 wheel drive with a lot of "soupy mud". Countdown, 5 days before I go back!
# Posted: 8 Aug 2010 04:57pm
Thanks for all the ideas and a great cabin you have.
# Posted: 8 Aug 2010 05:59pm
Thanks for the compliment. I like your land you got there too. I see lots of similarities. Best of luck with your build.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2010 11:28pm
This is awesome. I was able to get more work done this weekend. I also was able to get an internet connection through my cell phone. this is awesome stuff. I will have pictures to post once I get home tomorrow.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2010 05:37pm
Here are the pictures from the work I did thrusday night, and friday.
01. I started cutting trees for a clover patch (deer food). 02. Stairs with handrail. The closet is also trimmed in. 03. I made a carroms board similar to "Dungeon Maze" for the kids. 04. The loft wall is finished. 01_clover_patch.JPG
|  02_stairs.JPG
|  03_carroms.JPG
|  04_loft_wall.JPG
# Posted: 28 Aug 2010 05:39pm - Edited by: unixfmike
More work pictures..
05. Bathroom ceiling finsihed. 06. Bathroom walls finished. 07. Rise on the stairs is boxed in. 08. Fancy cutting on the handrail. 05_bthroom_ceiling.J.jpg
|  06_bathroom_wall.JPG
|  07_stair_rise.JPG
|  09_stairs_rise_top.J.jpg
# Posted: 28 Aug 2010 05:45pm
More progress. The last picture from Thursday and Friday night. The bathroom needs to get painted and floored. The living room needs to get floored. The ceiling needs 3 last panels hung. The loft needs 2 panels hung, but I m going to install some windows before that happens. I got some ideas, and I'm going out to see what material are avilable here at the house so I can start playing!
09. Stairs complete.
# Posted: 12 Sep 2010 05:57pm
More recent projects to take up.
1. the new table top 2. the whole little table (2x3 feet) 3. the shutters with my first painting 4. the deer target. it's time to start practicing from the deer stand
--MikeW 01_table_top.JPG
|  02_table.JPG
|  03_shutters.JPG
|  04_deer_target.JPG
# Posted: 13 Sep 2010 12:31am
That's one heck of a steep set of stairs. What's the rise/run on it?
# Posted: 18 Sep 2010 11:56am
really good Post Mike.thanks for all the well info. we are sure gonna need this.
# Posted: 19 Sep 2010 02:34pm
Kramer, if I remember right its a 10" rise and a 6" run. It's almost ship ladder. Quite a pain in the butt to travel up and down after a few drinks.
# Posted: 19 Sep 2010 08:53pm
I finally found my camera. Here are a few good pictures from the weekend.
01. This is a huge tarantula. I noticed something move inside a 8x8x16 cinder block. I saw it and I jumped. It's approximately 6" overall size. 02. My son playing big buck hunter. It's a game we love to have. 03. My first food plot (patch) is now 2 weeks old. Not doing so bad. 04. The weird tree. I'm not sure what is growing on it, but it sure looks cool.
P.S. more to come... 01_tarantula.JPG
|  02_zack_playing_buck.jpg
|  03_two_week_food_plo.jpg
|  04_weird_growth_on_f.jpg
# Posted: 19 Sep 2010 09:00pm
More pictures.
05. My desired location for a second food plot (patch). 06. The clearing for the second plot from the north. It's about 8 feet wide and 40 - 45 feet long. 07. The clearing for the second plot from the south. 08. The racoon skin is out of the house and into the cabin. It's up there with other misc taxidermy works.
P.S. just 2 more... 05_new_food_plot.JPG
|  06_new_plot_from_nor.jpg
|  07_new_food_plot_fro.jpg
|  08_racoon_hung.JPG
# Posted: 19 Sep 2010 09:03pm
Last two pictures.
09. Shutters open. 10. Shutters closed.
I still have one more set of shutters to make. I need to get on that soon too. I also have a few other misc projects to add to the cabin, such as gun racks and flooring and paint. More to add to this week's work for around the house action.
--MikeW 09_shutters_open.JPG
|  10_shutters_closed.J.jpg
|  |  |
# Posted: 21 Sep 2010 03:02pm - Edited by: Marcosmyros
Glad to see I am not the only crazy person in oklahoma wanting to live smaller.
# Posted: 21 Sep 2010 09:26pm
I can't necessarily say that I am looking to live smaller (even though I wouldnt complain). I am actually building my deer camp, and that has turned into a weekend getaway, and that is turning into an archery and gun range, and a large personal garden, etc. etc. etc.
Thank you for reading along.
# Posted: 8 Oct 2010 02:34am
I fixed my shower! I had a problem with a narrow faucet (poor design). I replaced it with a decent valve and not I have great water output. Too bad the valve looks ugly :( I'll take clean and ugly over stinky any day.
P.S. I'll try to post pictures once i get back home, or after I try taking them with the cell phone.
# Posted: 10 Oct 2010 08:14pm - Edited by: unixfmike
Well I was able to get a little stuff done again. 11 hours after arriving back at the cabin I got called into work. So here is what little I was able to accomplish in the short period before bed.
1. My gunrack my daughter painted. 2. I replaced the pretty shower knobs for the better functioning ball valve. It doesn't look too good but it works. 3. My 3/4 window shutters wth a bear painted on them. 4. The overhead shelf that will run the full length of the front wall.
I got some hunting tomorrow and deer feeders to build. Hopefully next weekend I'll be able to spend more time doing some work.
--MikeW 01_gunrack.JPG
|  02_shower_valve.JPG
|  03_bear_shutters.JPG
|  04_overhead_shelf.JP.jpg
# Posted: 17 Oct 2010 04:33pm - Edited by: unixfmike
So more updates. I spent this weekend hanging out.I also built 3 new deer feeders and filled them, but I did not take pictures. They are on 3 natural trails.
1. The bathroom is painted! 2. The bathroom is painted! (now to put in all the trim). 3. I put up another cieling panel and built the other 1/2 of my shelf that goes the full length of the front (west) wall. 4. This is the original land plans, and where I stand now.
Hopefully I will be able to finish up some more next weekend. I am not sure if I will have time, or if I will be out in Lexington deer hunting!
--MikeW 01_bathroom_painted..jpg
|  02_bathroom_painted..jpg
|  03_ceiling_panel_hun.jpg
|  04_cabin_land_plans..jpg
# Posted: 8 Apr 2011 06:11pm
I woke up this morning, went and bought my flooring, hooked up the trailer with the ATV, and went for a 3 hour drive for a weekend of finishing the cabin and some much needed ATV joyriding. Apparently in the recent weeks there was a wildfire that swept through the area. My cabin is now ashes. Along with my generator, tools, kitchen utilities, those huge Elk antlers, a few bbguns.
Sigh, what a bummer. Looks like a horrible end to this great project.
--MikeW 00_burned_trees_not_.jpg
|  01_burned_deer.jpg
|  02_cabin_foundation_.jpg
|  03_burned_remains.jp.jpg
# Posted: 8 Apr 2011 07:20pm
Am speechless. So very sorry for your loss. Hope you can rebuild.
All the best
# Posted: 8 Apr 2011 09:08pm
My heart truly breaks for you and this terrible loss. It is the one thing that we all fear and it is heartbreaking when it happens to someone who has put so much hard work into their dream. I am so sorry....
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