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# Posted: 18 May 2010 03:58pm
Quoting: Drew share your building plans for your cabin ...or post plans here.
# Posted: 28 Jun 2010 05:45pm - Edited by: littlesalmon4
It is 20x20, made out of 6"x6"s. Not much for plans. Just make sure you have a minimun of 2 full logs without any joints over any openings.
# Posted: 13 Sep 2010 10:14am
Just wanted to tell you that that is a fantastic little place you have built. I am doing the same thing in about 3 weeks in Nova Scotia Canada. I have 2 acres of waterfront i have purchased. This looks almost exactly like the type i am going to build. Doing it out of 6 by 6 pine milled beams. I have just one question for you. What kind of nailing teqnique and type of nails and screws did you use when stacking the beams.
Excited and impressed
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 02:19pm - Edited by: littlesalmon4
I used 12" common spikes. I drilled the first log the same diameter as the nail and drove it into the log under it. Predrilling will allow the log to move a bit while everything shrinks as the logs dry out. All of my logs were cut from standing dead pine. I only had about 3/4 " of shrinkage. I have seen others built from logs with a higher moisture content shrink up to 3". On another issue. We used sill plate foam between each log to seal it and keep out and drafts. At -45C outside we have no frost build up inside from any leaks.
My neighborgh used pink insulation between his. He has had alot more settling and you have to chink between all logs to cover the insulation.
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 10:51am
Hello there!
Just thought i would drop you a note. I plan on building my cabin in Nova Scotia Canada in the next year. I was surprised to find that the cabin i am going to build is the same as yours. There are none out there i have seen on the internet that is the same. I guess that makes it unique. I plan on making it 15 by 22 with a full loft and big overhangs. Doing it all myself (i hope!!!!) I love your view of the mountains. I have a waterfront lot that is about 5 acres but no mountains but still a nice view. This has been a dream of mine for 30 years and hopefully will finally happen. Would love to here more about your retreat and maybe a humurous note of something that happened to you while building good or not so good. Are you enjoying your time there up to this point. Would love a reply from you.
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 11:16am
Hello again!!!
I did not realize that my posting in september actually went through. I have posted another one giving you similiar information. I am the one that asked you about type of nails you used. Anyway, I am the one who was building in Nova Scotia Canada a while back. I have put that off a little bit as my last posting says. Thanks for the info on the nailing. Also the advice on the sealing of the joints. That part was driving me crazy as to how i was going to do that. Now I know, thanks for the advice. Anonymous post of september 14 2010 and wolfy11 post of feb. 8 2011 are one in the same person. Thanks, John (Nova Scotia Canada)
# Posted: 9 Feb 2011 04:16pm
Littlesalmon4, Ihave a question for you about your roof. I am also in the middle of building a cabin and Im installing a metal roof over purlin almost exactly the way you did. I just wanted to ask if you had any problems with condensation forming under the metal panels or any problems with leaks? Did you seal the seams in any way or just lap them? and also I am assuming you insulated the rafter bays, how much noise is the roof when it rains after teh insulation?
You cabin is to die for, you did a great job. Hope to hear from you soon!
# Posted: 3 May 2011 03:36pm
All of the metal roofing is is lapped, with no caulking. It was installed by a friend who has a journeyman cladding ticket. I have not noticed any condensation, the ceiling is not finished, if there is condensation it is not enough to notice. The local building inspector said that if you think condensation will be an issue, strap with 2x4 instead of 1x4 to allow more air flow. Depending on the type of rain you get in your location there can be some noise, the insulation keeps most of it out. I find the sound of the rain extremly relaxing. Thanks for the kind comments.
# Posted: 3 May 2011 03:47pm - Edited by: littlesalmon4
You were looking for a funny story,,,,, This is not really funny but it is interesting. We were at our cabin the end of Feb 2011, our Maltise-poodle was under the cabin barking its face off. Now comparing a quiet old husky-sheppard to this new little dog we did what any responsible person would do. We told it to be quiet. This went on all weekend. We went back out to the cabin for Easter and the little dog starts in again barking its face off under the cabin. A friend of mine crawled under to look and said " there is something big and dead under here ". Turns out the mouthy little dog was saying " Hey guys, there is a dead wolf under here ". We removed it only to find a beautiful jet black and silver wolf. I dropped it off at the local taxidermist to have it tanned. We figured we would let the poor wolf move from under the cabin to the inside.
Weird but true......
# Posted: 3 May 2011 03:51pm
Other interesting stories are, I never managed to be the first at anything at our new cabin. I built and dug the outhouse, someone used it first. I built and installed a floating dock, someone used it before me. I built a cabin, someone slept in it before me. I built and installed the dock, Someone else caught the first fish of of it. It got to a point where a friend of mine's son yelled at me " I PEED OFF THE DECK UPPER FIRST"......
# Posted: 3 May 2011 04:58pm
littlesalmon4 - that is just tooooo funny!!!!! *LOL*
# Posted: 6 May 2011 03:42pm
Thought I should include a picture of the first fish thief
# Posted: 30 Aug 2011 05:31am
Good Job Dear keep it up.I like so much all cabin pics.
# Posted: 17 Jul 2012 12:51am - Edited by: littlesalmon4
thought I might post on here again. We have put on hold our ceiling and flooring to take some time to enough our place instead. We will live with the strapped ceiling and painted plywood foor and just have fun for a while. there will always be improvments along the way like the eccotemp l5 demand shower. What a luxury. Here are some photo's to enjoy DSC01588.JPG
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# Posted: 17 Jul 2012 01:21am
Wow, what a place. Nice pictures.
# Posted: 4 Jan 2013 08:16pm
Crikey! that fish is amazing! Can you tell me about your floating dock? Did you make it and what's underneath it?
# Posted: 4 Jan 2013 08:19pm
oh, and how do you drain your hot tub?
# Posted: 5 Jan 2013 05:05pm
Love the wolf story and the cabin is very awesome too!
# Posted: 5 Jan 2013 11:57pm
Dock is framed with treated 2"x6". floates with 55 gallon plastic drums. Hot tub come with a drain with it is slow because it is only 5/8", so i just use my pump to pump it out
# Posted: 9 Jan 2013 12:37pm
How do you like your EccoTemp? Nice fish BTW.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2013 06:56pm - Edited by: littlesalmon4
We have used the Ecotemp for 2 summers now. I have nothing but good to say about it. A 15 watt panel easily provides enough power to run the RV type water pump so a family of 4 can shower at will. That fish was killer. It shocked the heck out of me. We often catch many fish off of the dock but they are usually about 2 to 5 pounds. That one was 13lbs and almost pulled my daughter in.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2013 07:31pm
Nice cabin! Love it!
I will be adding an eccotemp to my cabin this summer.
I am interested in your solar setup specifically for the pump. Is it a 15w kit or did you just put it together with controller, battery and wiring? Looking to do this and I hadnt thought about a solar panel to charge the pump, but they would allow us not to have to use the generator.
Thanks! Aktundra
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 11:00am - Edited by: littlesalmon4
Thanks AKtundra I have a 15 watt panel and a small charge controller. This is hooked up to 1 12volt deep cycle battery which is wired to the pump on a switch. Very much the same as an RV set up. The panel i used is very much like this one at Amazon
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001RJOP5Y/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1/178-2394928-1087102 ?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_r=02CW8GZKWKEXE53X759H&pf_rd_t= 201&pf_rd_p=1278548962&pf_rd_i=B0006JO0X8
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 11:55am
Well if she is going to be the first to catch a fish off the dock she did it right! Nice fish, especially from a dock; you must have some really god fishing there.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 03:30pm - Edited by: littlesalmon4
You can see from the 2 pictures how fast she is growing up. The one thing that has stayed the same is that smile. Never seems to matter how old you get, hook and land a nice fish and out comes the smile.
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