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# Posted: 6 Mar 2012 10:42am
So far the only problem I really have with the poly is the shiny surface it creates. It is more durable...keeping the paint from peeling. Do they make more of a satin finish? I will have to look.
# Posted: 15 Mar 2012 03:32pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Okay....so yes, there is such a thing as a satin finish in poly so check that off my list of things to figure out. One down a million to go!
The next couple of things to figure out that have got me in a quandary are how to finish the bedroom ceiling and what color paint for the walls in that same bedroom. This goes back to the multiple opinions and "changes" that keep being thrown my way!
I bought a new upholstery about 2 years ago (yes this cabin is taking forever!) for the two chairs in the living room cause they aren't staying like that. It has some grey blue in it that I was planning to use for an accent color here and there along with of course, the red. Well a suggestion has been made by a certain someone that those chairs go upstairs and new chairs in leather be found for downstairs. Hmmm...okay....depending on how strongly he feels about this he may get his way. If so, in my mind that changes everything and it isn't even my fault this time!!!!! LOL!!!
My last thoughts with our bedroom was for a tin ceiling but then I started to feel really broke and the same wood bead board went back on sale and well, our ceiling will be wood. Here is my dilemma:
Paint? or stain/poly to match the rest? any thoughts? I was leaning towards the paint until I painted the bead board I used for the kitchen back-splash-----kinda a royal pain!!! Ahhhhh, I just don't know. If paint, it will be an antique white. Oh and yes...in the summer months it is kinda "dark" in there.
And two of the bedroom walls need painting and I don't know what color to go with. Thoughts there? I could just do white, but I know me and after a while I will be craving some color and then will be faced with having to paint again. Trying to avoid doing it twice, cause hello....the goal here is to enjoy the cabin-not work on it the rest of my life!!!
All opinions are welcome....after all, the water is already muddied .....Thanks!
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 04:14pm
Hey I thought I would update anybody who may be interested in this news. My grandson Preston just had his check up today to see if the surgery that he had done on his bladder (moving the ureters up) during the end of January was successful or not.......I am pleased to announce that there is no more reflux and the surgery was a big success!!!! No more antibiotics either!!! So happy for him and his parents and feeling fortunate to be living at a time when modern medicine can do so much. Got to run-I am actually picking up my 8 year old to take her to have follow up lab test done......I hope we hear good news for her too!
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 05:58pm
God is looking out for you and yours.
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 07:16pm
Thank you ErinsMom-((HUGS))
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 08:16pm
That is wonderful news trollbridge!!
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 09:52pm
# Posted: 9 Apr 2012 10:45pm
Thanks! It was a long time to wait for the good news we got. Glad they can put this behind them now.
I am assuming no news is good news for my daughter too-she had an infection that took 3 different antibiotics to finally(hopefully) get rid of it.
These bugs are scary now days...very resistant!
# Posted: 12 Apr 2012 12:10pm
Have not been here for awhile. Sounds like you have had good news on the family front!
Searching photo's for paint color, ideas as well, also. Our shabin is so small that I think dark will close it in to much. White is not an option because I know it would drive me nuts. Leaning towards tans...I hate picking colors. I have been playing with stain colors for the deck also this last week. Glad I bought small sample cans first because the color I thought I would like ended up being very different than the swatch. Love the photo's, keep them coming!
# Posted: 13 Apr 2012 03:06pm
So glad to hear the good news about your grandson!
# Posted: 14 Apr 2012 10:48am
Yes...LS5...always take your swatches or samples to your cabin and look at them in the lighting that is there. It is very different standing in the store and looking at them! It is hard to balance the coziness desired without our little cabins becoming a cave isn't it? So different between winter and all the snow reflecting light in to summer and being under a canopy of leaves. I havn't yet figured out our paint colors-need to take the time to do that soon.Tans are always good cause they are warm. We have a lot of tans in our house and I never tire of it-you'll have to post pics of your place...have you been making much progress?
Thanks Montanan-we were very relieved. Have you been enjoying your cabin this spring?
# Posted: 21 Apr 2012 03:40pm
Glad to hear the good news about your grand-children. Is it me or does it "just seem" like we worry more about our grandkids than we did for our own kids? I'm sure it's just that the years have passed by so quickly that we have forgotten just how much we worried for our own kids. I know it's a sin to worry...and I have cut down a good bit...but I'm still sinning.....from time to time. I always try to put everything in God's hands but I apparently have this little red devil perched on my shoulder saying, "Old Old Buddy...aren't you a little worried about that? Him? Her? Them?" etc.
I do a lot of praying "on the hill" while I'm alone. It's just really great time spent up there.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 23 Apr 2012 08:07pm
Quoting: oldbuddy Is it me or does it "just seem" like we worry more about our grandkids than we did for our own kids? I can't tell you yet...I'm still in the thick of worrying about my children that are still at home! Now I just worry about the grandchildren too!
I'm not very good about putting it all in God's hands either...I too need to work on that Old Old Buddy. I would get a lot of praying done up on "the hill" too. It looks like such a peaceful place where reflection and prayers could be concentrated on.
I love the excitement both you and Old Buddy have towards your place. I know you couldn't be happier to have both the land and the cabin...it is fun "watching" you make memories there with each other and the rest of your family!
# Posted: 23 Apr 2012 09:19pm
Thank you for your comments. I always have a problem wondering if I'm talking to Mr. Trollbridge or Mrs. Trollbridge. Is there a way that I can tell without you giving it up in conversation? I think I'm talking to Mrs. but don't really know for sure. That's why I always sign off Old Old Buddy, eventhough I come up as Old Buddy. But you're right...we both love going up on the hill and just enjoy watching it all unfold! I wish that my wife wasn't so afraid of riding the four-wheeler. She isn't interested in going unless she can ride up in the truck. Unfortunately, there's about 4-5 months that the truck just won't make it. She really enjoys it once she's there but is deathly afraid of the four-wheeler going over backwards with her on the back. No...she won't ride on the front either. I guess I need a side-by-side for her! You have to understand it is a very steep hill. A few of my friends with 4X4 trucks have looked at it and said, "You're crazy!" It seems that the younger the driver is the better chance I have of talking them into trying it! Ha!
The four-wheeler just crawls right up it...slow or fast. The climb is 4/10 of a mile so putting stone on the entire hill is out of the question. For now.....it's the four-wheeler.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 24 Apr 2012 10:11am
Old Old Buddy...Yep you are talking to Mrs. Trollbridge. Sorry for the confusion! My husband signs in as Mr. Troll if he post anything. He reads a lot but is not very quick at typing.
Too bad your wife is nervous about the 4 wheeler. I think she will get more use to it over time if she can force herself to do it enough. Steep hills are nerve wracking. There are some situations we encounter while snowmobiling where I am like "Oh s***!!!" and I just have to push my way through the fear. Feels good afterwards. It could be that being a passenger makes her feel more out of control-do you think she would drive herself up the hill?
# Posted: 24 Apr 2012 06:04pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Another weekend...another few things done. Our bedroom ceiling is hung thanks to our two oldest sons. We just need to stain and poly it! So happy to have that hung. Got our light fixture in the bedroom hung too. We got the cement board up and the seams meshed over and the "mud" in all the cracks and hopefully we will be able to do the stonework soon. We also got the tin hung on the wall below. The cabin was a full place with all three grandbabies! The weather wasn't very good for getting outdoors so my son rigged up a swing for the kids inside. They enjoyed that! We came home early Sunday to celebrate our daughter Shannon's 18th birthday. Where do the years go??? 100_8683.JPG
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# Posted: 24 Apr 2012 06:05pm - Edited by: trollbridge
and more...grandson Preston sure enjoyed the baked beans, Cody...the youngest guest at 3 months, and Morgan swinging with her baby doll. 100_8701.JPG
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# Posted: 24 Apr 2012 06:19pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Last Friday before we left I made a list of all the jobs that need to get done just to finish the cabin. I have always avoided doing this and I should not have done it then either-the list is pretty overwhelming that is for sure, plus as soon as I walked in I realized another couple things I had forgotten about Oh well...I am going to go find that list now and at least cross off the things we did get accomplished...make it a teensy bit shorter anyways. Sigh! Hope some day we can see the finish line!
# Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:19pm
trollbridge I spoke to the Mrs and asked her if she would drive herself up the hill and she said, "Oh...God no!" She's a wuss.....what can I say? Oh well, she'll just have to wait for the truck and a better road!Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:39pm
That is too bad...but I bet the look on her face was pretty funny! You will have to get a little side cart or a trailer she can sit in with a 5 point safety harness! LOL!
# Posted: 25 Apr 2012 05:21pm
I just love your place!!! It looks fantastic (and the grandbabies are awfully darling, too.) I know what you mean about the to-do list. Ours is pretty scary too. I don't know when we'll get up to our place next. It's "mud season" up there right now and I doubt the road will be passable for quite some time. With me laid up with my bad knee, there's no way I can hike in. The Mr. might take a short trip up there soon, just to see how the spring run-off is going and to do some more trenching and culverting.
# Posted: 25 Apr 2012 06:08pm
Montanan Sounds like something I should be doing, Montanan!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 25 Apr 2012 07:58pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Ahhh...The battle of hills, spring run-off and all that mud!!! Remember it all to well at our home when we first moved in---one season of that and the blacktop driveway was installed! LOL!
At the cabin we couldn't be more pleased with our driveway. It has always been firm and the water all goes where we planned it....so sometimes we do manage to get things right!!!! If either of you ever decide to put rock down-maybe in particularly wet spots-don't waste your $$$ on gravel. Make sure your base is big rock-to the point of feeling weird to drive on. Once that is well packed then a smaller gravel can go over the top for a smoother road surface. Too small to start with and it just sinks into the mud.
Montanan it really is a bummer about your knee so I hope your road dries out quickly so you can drive up and be able to enjoy your cabin. Yes, walking in would really aggravate your injury
# Posted: 25 Apr 2012 09:08pm
Trust me....if I ever put stone down, it will be about 10"-12" rocks of all sizes and shapes. Over here in Ohio we have slag, bank slag in particular. In case you didn't know, slag is a by-product of the steel making process. It's basically all the impurities of limestone, coke, pig-iron and steel. If it comes out of the blast furnace, it's grey colored when it dries out. They "skim" all the slag off the top of the steel when everything is molten and then they load the slag into steel ladels built on train cars. They haul them over to a deep pit and tip (dump) the ladels into the pit and it hardens over a period of a few hours. At this point it resembles the lava in Hawaii that has hardened, except it's light grey in color. When they dig it out of the pit, it comes out in rocks of all sizes and is taken to the crusher for different sizes to be make. If you took a load of it before it goes to the crushers it's called bank-slag and comes out in rocks from 1/4" to 12"-18"and is exactly what I would want to use because it crushes and packs so well. The biggest problem is that most of the mills are closed down and bank slag is getting fairly rare. But...it's cheaper than about any other mined rock or river stone. Oh well... Just a little Ohio Valley tour of the defunct steel mills!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 26 Apr 2012 02:40pm
Thanks for the lesson OOB, it would be fun to take a "field trip" to the steel mills and to the slag pits. I may never need it but it is still fun to learn about! There's just something appealing to me about all that industrial stuff---most people think it is an eyesore and I get that, but then it is so much more and such an important part of industrialized America. I have such fond memories of going with my dad across Kansas as he sold fasteners to all sorts of different businesses and later when we moved to Minnesota and he would travel up to Superior,Wi. and make sales to Frasier shipyards. Every time we drive by there when we go to Lake Superior I think of my dad and look at all the ships in drydock and wonder how many of his bolt and nuts are holding those huge ships together still. Simple things like that always bring a smile to my face.
# Posted: 26 Apr 2012 05:51pm
Yes- we already had our "dirt man" use his excavator last summer to move a bunch of big rocks to the area that gets really soupy (there's a seasonal spring on the hill above it that "weeps" all spring and into summer.) The builder also put in a couple of big trenches to deal with the run-off, but one is poorly placed. The Mr. plans to rent a mini-excavator of some sort to move some rock around, fill in the trenches (after we place culvert pipes) and then move some of the soil that was left in mounds next to the road when the dirt guy put down the rock. We plan to use that soil around the cabin, as it is currently a big rock and gravel area. We're hoping that if we put some soil down, some vegetation will spring up.
I'm not sure when or if we will ever do a "real" road with grading and gravel. It's so darn expensive just to get the gravel there. With a little more work on our own, I think we can make it pretty passable. As it is, we can even get the minivan up there in the good months of the summer and we can get the truck up there except when there's snow.
# Posted: 7 May 2012 05:53am
Quoting: trollbridge I made a list of all the jobs that need to get done just to finish the cabin. Never, never do that! lol
# Posted: 7 May 2012 05:55am
I just love the log surround on the pass-through. Your floor being in, will make a huge difference. It will be done before you know it.
# Posted: 8 May 2012 10:36am
Quoting: Tim Never, never do that! lol I know......I had a weak moment followed by an overwhelming feeling of despair! Then I picked myself up by the boot straps and made a pledge to stay in positive spirits while we continue to stumble our way towards the finish line................I may just collapse when we get there though-overtaken with total relief and happiness!!!!!
# Posted: 15 May 2012 07:44pm
Had a great weekend at the cabin! Here are some updated photos....then the camera battery died. The built in bunk bed we built using all the "leftover" wood from our walls-the pieces with bark still on them-I like the "campy" look! Also one side of our stone wall now finally has stone on it! YAY! We also did hang more sheet rock...not much more of that to do either....better get busy deciding on paint colors! Double on bottom-single on top
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