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# Posted: 22 Sep 2013 08:44am
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Lots of fun. Does Noelle share the binky with grandma? The porches look great. The whole place looks great! I think you need a bigger picnic table. Well off to my cabin to clean. All my snowmobile buddies are coming next weekend. ps, I see you have a roof on the danger ranger.
# Posted: 22 Sep 2013 02:25pm
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Yep, it has a roof on it and the windshield is removable. Mr. Troll added a rear facing back seat. The kids love that!
He has been up there this weekend splitting wood and working on installing the kitchen stove/oven (running gas lines). It will be nice to have the stove working.
Well, for the first day of fall the weather sure is gorgeous here. Leaves are beginning to change color. No Asian Beetles or Boxelder bugs yet. It seems like this is about the time they arrive so I am bracing myself 
Have fun cleaning up the cabin...even cleaning is more fun at the cabin. lol
# Posted: 22 Sep 2013 02:40pm
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Quoting: trollbridge even cleaning is more fun at the cabin
You'll have a hard time convincing me of that one! LOL
I've been so busy with my build, and other things, my place is becoming quite cluttered. I need someone to come in and clean for me! Good help is hard to find! I guess I could clean, but the lawn needs mowing, and the bees need checking, and .... It never ends!
# Posted: 22 Sep 2013 05:01pm
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Aw...... Great Pictures Ellen......... Little Noelle is so cute !! Love your Hammocks........ 
# Posted: 23 Sep 2013 01:18am
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Noelle is getting so big! Glad you are enjoying the cabin.
We are still finishing some finer details in the bathroom and kitchen, then those two areas will be done. Then we have to finish the skirting so we can get insurance, and put in a Toyo so we have heat for when we leave the place for more than 24 hours.
Enjoying the place probably won't happen until the snow flies, but we are slowly settling in. Pics on my build page soon hopefully.
# Posted: 7 Oct 2013 07:34am
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We need to keep in touch. Are you really going to Wakslayers? I don't think I will. I need to spend time at my cabin. I just agreed to build a last cabin for the year in Holyoke. It's a bigger one and will take until Dec. to finish. At least I'll be close to home and halfway to my cabin. That will make six this year and I'm still working at the small engine shop three days a week. I'd quit, but they can't seem to find anyone.
I hope you and yours are doing good. I hope you are getting some cabin time.
# Posted: 7 Oct 2013 09:22am
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Well, Owen, I was planning on going all along but now I have been over-ruled. My son plays Superior in football this Friday night and so we will go to that and then stay at the cabin. I have not been up to the cabin for a month now. We are racing the cold temps and needing to get the stone up on the other side of that arched 'pass thru' wall. That is what we will be working on. If I wanted to go to the concert, I was told I would have to go alone, I didn't think that sounded like much fun.
I am glad you have another cabin to build and good it isn't too far away. You've proven to be too valuable to the shop...but remember how long winter can get up there...it will be good to have the work!
Been busy with life. I do miss the cabin. Mr.troll was up cutting and stacking firewood for a weekend where I stayed home and our oldest son was up another weekend to hunt with a buddy. I was happy they didn't get anything on our land....lol.....they saw a mama with two fawns right out the living room window. I was cringing when he was telling me this....I said "you didn't, did you? Please say you didn't...she had babies...." I was so relieved they didn't!!! I think deer on our land should be off limits 
# Posted: 7 Oct 2013 07:03pm
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Hunting has got kinda' weird for me too. It's like when I walk out in the morning hunt, I keep from looking around for fear of being tempted. I like to hunt, but seldom shoot until the last weekend.
It would have been nice to meet each other. Maybe sometime we could do a tour of cabins in our area.
Enjoy the cabin. I hope you get to see some unexpected wildlife. Or maybe just some fall colors. Don't forget your camera. Claudia just came back for the Keweenaw on a photo taking trip. Of course it rained a lot.
# Posted: 7 Oct 2013 07:44pm
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Well, I see all is well in the North country. Doesn't look like I missed much on this thread while I was gone. 
# Posted: 8 Oct 2013 12:27pm
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Owen, I bet Claudia saw beautiful fall colors on the Keweenaw Peninsula! We have had a lot of rain lately, this is true. Soon that rain will be falling as fluffy white stuff Are the leaves past peek up in Duluth? I probably missed it again. We are getting nearer to peek down here.
Martian, Welcome back! All is well in the North. After your trip are you waking up in Kansas and saying to yourself "There's no place like home?" Lol! Where did you go anyway, down south to visit family? I hope whatever you did you had a great time. Now get back over to that MIL cabin and get workin!...we want to see more progress 
# Posted: 8 Oct 2013 01:00pm - Edited by: Martian
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TB, I did go see my family. It was good to be able to connect with them. Living in Kansas, I don't get to see the new additions to the family or get to just sit and converse with them. The weather was great for most of the trip, and the bike ran like a charm. I did have to ride in a few hours of rain coming home...oh well. It was worth it!
I have started working on the cabin again, but it is hard to get into it. There were a few little things came up with other customers that I've had to run over and take care of. Today is going much better. I'll post about the progress when there is some! LOL
# Posted: 8 Oct 2013 07:23pm
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Yes, welcome back Tom. Troll, the leaves are at their peak. It should be great at the cabins. I just got a shock! A young couple think they want our cabin and are coming this Sat. Just when I thought my financial needs are getting met. Gulp. I just spent a hour on the phone talking to them.
# Posted: 8 Oct 2013 07:45pm
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Thanks, Owen. Its nice to be back in my space, but I'm really missing the family, now. 
You've got quite a conundrum to solve. Do you sell or not? I'm sure you will make the best decision once you meet them. They may be the perfect people to take over your dream. 
# Posted: 9 Oct 2013 03:41pm
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That is a tough one, Owen! You are going to have to follow your heart on this. It does seem like your business has picked up. I'm sure you will do what is best for you and your family. Keep us posted about Saturday.
Tom, I am sure your family really enjoyed seeing you, too! And I know the time went by too fast-that's the way vacations always go! I am also sure that your family is missing you just as much as you are missing them 
It is an absolutely picture perfect fall day here! The air is warm and dry. The sun is shining. The breeze is rustling the leaves, which are gorgeous! It smells like fall and I love the sound the leaves make while scattering under my feet as I walk. It is so pretty when the wind blows hard enough to set loose a bunch of leaves at the same time. It is mesmerizing watching them float all the way down to the ground.
.....Okay, yeah, yeah, I'm weird....but someone once said "weird is a side-effect of awesome"....so I will take weird if it means there is the slightest little touch of awesome inside me 
# Posted: 9 Oct 2013 07:29pm
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Quoting: trollbridge weird is a side-effect of awesome
Well, that pretty much describes the TB I know! 
# Posted: 14 Oct 2013 04:36pm
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Went up this past weekend to collect more rock from the shore and get it up on the wall before it gets any colder. Next time the grout can be done....that, I have a hunch, will be a messy job. I want to get it done so that the kitchen countertops can finally get installed.
it was very nice having the stove/oven hooked up. Warm cinnamon rolls are a nice way to start the day Also after collecting all the rock from the beach we picked up a Chicago stuffed pizza to take back to bake at dinner. Laura then baked chocolate chip cookies that evening. I could really get into that wonderful little oven! Thanks Dan 
I will post some pics when I get a chance 
# Posted: 14 Oct 2013 07:25pm
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Well that sounds like a nice weekend. I would like to see your stone work. Flurries this weekend.
# Posted: 15 Oct 2013 07:32pm
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Finally putting pictures up...The "BIG" lake was beautiful this weekend with the clouds filtering the sunlight on the water. It made for very sparkly ripples and waves. The leaves were mostly off the trees-some maples still had their leaves though. Can you tell which quarter of the pizza was kid friendly?   sept_oct_2013_061.jp.jpg
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# Posted: 15 Oct 2013 07:34pm
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collecting rocks at the lake... sept_oct_2013_042.jp.jpg
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# Posted: 15 Oct 2013 09:19pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
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Hi Trollbridge. The stonework looks great. Last year was the first time I had a oven at the cabin. It sure was nice being able to bake a cake. Something I never have time to do when I'm home.
# Posted: 16 Oct 2013 12:31am
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Boy that looks great. A real crafty touch. Isn't it neat how our cabins have so much personality and aren't the same as someone elses?
# Posted: 22 Oct 2013 07:42pm
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Hi silverwaterlady! I really enjoyed the oven...should have got it hooked up a year or two ago 
I heard it snowed last weekend. Our son was up with his wife and another couple to hunt. We asked how many rocks had fallen off and he said a couple. We forgot the drill and didn't have finish nails to support the rocks while the mortar set....we used big nails here and there but the stones were having a lot of fun teasing us by jumping off the wall I am excited to do the grout and be done with those walls. I do really like how it is turning out, and it was fun to do I enjoyed doing something new.
You are right, Owen, I do enjoy all the personality each of us has put into our hideaways!
# Posted: 22 Oct 2013 09:00pm
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I think the arch looks great as well and I think using the stones you collected makes it so much better than just buying,anyone can go to the store.
# Posted: 23 Oct 2013 06:26am
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^This^. When I look at our cabin I see the trees that grew on our island and soon the rocks from our land on our three season porch. It makes it all the more precious to me.
# Posted: 23 Oct 2013 09:35pm
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Exactly, and that's why I can't sell my place. We didn't build like everyone else. We used what we had and built what we felt like. It won't be done, because we keep dreaming of something new.
# Posted: 23 Oct 2013 09:40pm
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Your cabin has a lot of character trollbridge!! Very nice.
# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 03:37pm
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trollbridge thought you would enjoy this: http://www.charts.noaa.gov/PDFs/14961.pdf
The NOAA is making all of their nautical charts available on PDF. The link to to Superior.
# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 05:26pm
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Thank you TheCabinCalls! That's pretty neat to have access to the info online!
# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 05:52pm
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Went up last weekend to get the stone wall grouted. We also got a lot more clearing of trees and underbrush done. Here are pics from the weekend... DSCN3852.JPG
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# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 05:56pm
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more... stone_wall_2.JPG
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