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# Posted: 1 Dec 2012 11:25am
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Im thinking a girl on December 8th !! I wish you a speedy delivery. XO

# Posted: 1 Dec 2012 07:24pm
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Thanks everybody on baby watch with us

Sounds like a good guess Lisa! I was thinking a girl too for a good part of the pregnancy but now I really don't know...can't wait to be surprised though and so glad it is now December 1st....I wanted a December baby.

The only days I cannot go into labor are December 6th and 7th-my Dr. will be incapacitated those days-he has his annual Colonoscopy planned. I reminded him there is a bathroom right in the labor/delivery suite that he could feel free to run off to when he needs to.....................but he has to deliver this child, so I will do what I can to avoid those days! He will let me go as late as the 13th if all is well...I personally don't think I will make it that far though.

I was up during the night last night and couldn't fall back asleep. My mind was racing around with a million different thoughts but mostly I was thinking about how it has been such a wonderful treat to experience another pregnancy. So many things I look forward to and yet so many things I will miss at the same time. Such a time of reflection it was lying in bed thinking back to the beginning when I was soooo worried about being pregnant at my age and the feeling of shock when it set in. Then the fear that it would end in miscarriage because the odds were so very high. I remember making up my mind that I wanted no testing done that looked for problems...that if the baby wasn't to be healthy I did not want to know back then-I wanted to fall in love with him or her and deal with whatever we needed to after the birth. I remember being so upset about sharing the news with our daughter and her husband who had been trying unsuccessfully to have their own baby and how it would seem so unfair to them. I am so happy that they are now expecting themselves and are through the first trimester so they can relax and enjoy the pregnancy. I remember the surprise of the older kids and the excitement of the younger ones...especially our 9 year old who read every page in the book the clinic gave me and counted down every week with me-always very proud to show off my belly when we were out in public and so happy every time I came to her school. I remember tears of joy rolling down my face when at 22 weeks we had a routine ultrasound and saw that the baby was developing normally and the ultrasound tech getting flustered and asking me if I was okay as she clumsily handed me she'd never seen a pregnant woman cry so many tears of relief!! LOL! It's good to know that old fashioned manners still exist...that men still smile and hold the door for pregnant women or offer to carry their groceries out to their car for them. As strange as it always sounds to me, I will miss my 3 1/2 year old grand daughter Morgan asking "Grandma, is your baby kicking?" because she wants to feel with her hand or watching the delight on her face when the baby has the hiccups and she awaits with anticipation each little "hic". Preston and little Cody I think, are going to miss feeling the baby roll around as they sit on my ever shrinking lap and Cody especially, as he seems to really enjoy sleeping with his head on my belly. I always wonder if they will have a special bond?

Well, enough reflection for now......... but it truly has been a most extraordinary time in my life, one that I am forever grateful to experience and I look so forward to the magical season of joy ahead...I can't think of a better time of year to be blessed with a new baby!

# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 04:29pm
Reply Quote I sit still waiting...

Thought last night was the night but I was wrong-all signs of labor ceased after keeping me up for a couple hours. I feel like a cat today...all I've done is lay around in the sun napping in my pj's-well I guess cats don't wear pj's but whatever

I suppose I should be grateful that I can just lay around but I feel guilty instead-after all there are things I could/should do. Oh well.

Now I hope the baby decides to stay put for the next couple days since my Dr. will be unavailable. We are suppose to get snow this weekend...that would be fun...maybe we'll be driving to the hospital during the night with fluffy snowflakes falling through the light cast from the street lamps...that is always so pretty

# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 10:15pm
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December Babies!
Wish you well

# Posted: 8 Dec 2012 06:26pm
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What's taking so long?

# Posted: 8 Dec 2012 07:59pm
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Really...........I agree Owen.......been feeling like here we go-nope, guess not, all week now! Yesterday tried shopping all afternoon and staying busy all evening and all it did was wear me out! Today...same thing so far....made cookies....been out-up on my feet....all I have is a very sore lower back!! Dang...BUT....there is hope.......

We are now officially under a WINTER STORM WARNING!!!! If that doesn't set the tone for a little night of "getting to the hospital" adventure then I don't know what does!!!

It hasn't started snowing yet but...I am really counting on this!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!!

BTW...isn't that picture Shotgun posted adorable??? What could be any cuter???

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 08:20am
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Yes, SNOW! What a nice Sunday. It's my only day off. A quiet day waiting snow come down. I'll plow tomorrow.
Good luck with the wait. Do you have fourwheel drive?

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 01:06pm
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We have all wheel drive if we need it...but sadly at this rate it doesn't look like we are going to need it.

The snow is coming down but the baby is showing no interest! Ugh!
Maybe later....I'm going to drown my sorrows in a Christmas cookie...

Enjoy your relaxing day...are you getting a lot up in Duluth? I might as well be at the cabin at this rate

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 04:14pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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There's still time...extended the warning to midnight tonight! I tagged along to town to get more gas for the snowblower and 4 wheeler...very bad road conditions. The sirens were going off the interstate and we could see cars in the ditches. Tow trucks gassing up and state troopers dropping people off at Perkins. Our daughter was working today and said it was all day back and forth with stranded motorist. When we got home I snapped a couple pictures...would be a beautiful day to bring a baby into the world.

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 06:39pm
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'Spose to get 15'' now....I'm thinking SNOW DAY for the kids!!!

We are talking about going back to town to get pizza for cautious side wants to send Mr. Troll and our 15 year old son, but my adventurous side wants to go with adventurous side usually wins these arguments..........LOL.........

Been playing with the new's how it looks out there now.

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 06:42pm
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Here's a peek through the front door....our Christmas tree is in there.

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 06:51pm
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Very nice and festive. Your place looks wonderful. So far we only have 6''. We're hoping for the big lake to help out.

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 09:09pm
Reply Quote's a snow day!!!! Now all we need is a baby too! Maybe the pizza will do the trick...and the ride to town was fun btw

Owen...hope the lake can help you out too...and 6 degrees tomorrow for a high.....BRRRR...

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 01:47am
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Love the winter wonderland! Hope that baby comes soon!!!

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 09:53am
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we ended up with just shy of 17" down here in suburbia.

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:22pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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Dillio...over in western Wisconsin our official total was 16.2 inches as of 7:30 this morning and it snowed a bit more after that. Sure is beautiful!

Mr. Troll gets credit for putting the lights out this year and I think he did a great job I tend to get frustrated with Christmas lights too easily-love looking at them and totally admire the time and patience it takes...but this is one area where I can remember my dad having no patience and I know why!

oh and still no baby! My Dr. called this morning to see how I was feeling. I will be seeing him tomorrow anyways but he wanted to discuss the plan for the week and set me up with the OB dept. on Thursday if I don't go into labor before that on my own. I gave him the okay...but come oooonnnnnn baby, we want to meet you!!!!!!!

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 11:08pm
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We missed out on the snow...our grass is still as green as can be! All it did is rain all day on Sunday here in Milwaukee... I like the snow at the cabin but it can stay away from the house in town!

Cant wait to see that first baby pic!!!

# Posted: 11 Dec 2012 01:47am
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trollbridge, your place looks beautiful with all the snow and Christmas decorations!!! I love it!! Keep us posted on the baby watch. Hmmm....maybe we should have done some kind of lottery for this. *S*

# Posted: 11 Dec 2012 07:41pm
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How about today?

# Posted: 11 Dec 2012 08:32pm
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I'm liking the lottery idea. What sort of prize are we talking?

You can't play.....

# Posted: 11 Dec 2012 09:32pm
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Alrighty y'all....................guess what??????

Still no baby!!!!

If guesses are gonna be made I will keep the details of my appointment today quiet, but I can't stay pregnant you better get your guesses down quick! What are you, time, sex and weight?

# Posted: 11 Dec 2012 09:50pm
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Mrs. Troll......I hope you're handling the discomfort OK. I think you have a sensational outlook on your pregnancy. I can't imagine the stress you ladys go through with each pregnancy.....particularly close to the delivery time!
Whatever you do.....make sure you get the little one out before midnight of the 31st! Ha! Mussn't forget your little "tax deduction."

I remember soooo many women saying, "If I could deliver this baby myself....I'd already have him/her out!" or something like "I just want him/her out!...Now!"

The snow pictures and talking about your pregnancy reminded me of my wife when she delivered our daughter (second born). Old Buddy came first! Anyway.....since Old Buddy was a 9 pounder and my wife had him C-section, our daughter's delivery was "scheduled." Too bad no one told Mother Nature about it. She was born during the blizzard of 1978. Tina was driven to the hospital the night before her delivery by her mom and dad because I was working the Ohio Turnpike as a State Trooper and on my way back home for the delivery. I got a 48 hour pass for the birth of our daughter because the State of Ohio needed me too badly due to the blizzard. Nowadays the fathers/mothers take the standard six weeks off with each birth. Anyway.......when my mother , mother and father in law and I drove to the hospital on the appointed morning for the delivery, we had to park at the bottom of a hill from the hospital, about 1/2 mile long with 36 inches of snow laying everywhere! I remember taking two steps forward and sliding three steps backwards down the hill! I had to pull both of the ladys most of the way up the hill. Needless to say,once we got inside the hospital, things could only get better! As luck would have it, she was born about an hour after we arrived.

I have already said a prayer for you, the baby and your family. We are all sitting on "needles and pins" awaiting word of your new addition. Cabins are great but babies have no competition. I hope you and your family have a great Christmas and holiday season

Old Old Buddy

# Posted: 11 Dec 2012 10:52pm
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Friday the 14th, 3pm, boy, 8lbs 10oz.

very scientific, wild ass guess

# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:52am
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I'm guessing Thursday, Dec. 13 at 2pm, girl, 9lbs.

# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 01:54am
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Today! On 12/12/12...a girl, 8 lb, 6 oz.

# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 06:46am
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Saturday afternoon; girl weight 8lb 8 oz

# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 07:33am
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Sunday morning 4 am. 8lbs 2 oz. girl.

# Posted: 13 Dec 2012 11:28am
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12/13 11:13

# Posted: 13 Dec 2012 05:27pm
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Friday morning...2 am 8 lbs 2 oz. and a.Girl!!!!!!

# Posted: 13 Dec 2012 07:21pm
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Friday afternoon 1:30pm boy 10lbs

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