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# Posted: 9 Aug 2012 05:47pm
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Face screwing the stairs...the whole cabin is so rustic it is just part of the look right!??
Dillio...I didn't notice a single horse or deer fly last weekend and I do hate them. I couldn't even complain about the mosquitoes. Whaaat???!!!! Amazing huh! 
# Posted: 9 Aug 2012 08:38pm
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Quoting: trollbridge I hope it holds water year round We dug our pond in 78 at a cost of 500$ it has been at the center of our lives ever since. it has only gone dry once in 88 i think . we have carp and sunfish frogs and crayfish many plants call it home .
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:41pm
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Just, I like your pond...thanks for sharing pics! How deep is it?
If ours holds water year round I really look forward to winter and ice skating on it. I have a very "Norman Rockwell" image in my head of snowflakes falling from the night sky illuminated by a light or two that I want to place around the pond with a couple wooden benches nearby. I think another fire-pit built somewhere close is also in order! What could be better than that???
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 05:27pm
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The winter pic is taken sitting at the fir pit it's amoung the trees left side first pic. ours was 6 feet deep when we dug it , but soon filled in to about 4 ft we had it cleaned out about 10 years ago and its still about 4 ft in the summer . it always fills to the top in winter and makes for a good size Hockey rink about 60 x 100 . last winter wes so mild in ontario it never did get safe to skate on ..
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:07pm
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Quoting: Just last winter wes so mild in ontario it never did get safe to skate on Bummer But I do see your fire pit.
Are those geese your pets? Would love it if a couple geese or Mallards took up residency in our pond. I use to have a pet duck when I was a kid. Her name was peep! 
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:33pm
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wild geese and ducks often come but they never nest as we have cats around the farm that would take the young.the one thing you should discourage from using the pond is muskrats they can make a mess in a hurry.lets just say i ask them to leave as soon as i see one .
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:40pm
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Oh I love water lillies. Beautiful pond.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:46pm
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Quoting: Just lets just say i ask them to leave as soon as i see one gotcha! Good to know.
The water lillies are beautiful. How long did it take for your pond to really establish itself?
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:56pm
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as i recall about 3 years ,but i,m old and that was long ago 
# Posted: 10 Aug 2012 11:03pm
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LOL! Thanks 
# Posted: 26 Aug 2012 10:40pm
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We were up Saturday and today and got some work done-mostly a ton of outside clean up. Cleared some trees and branches, moved around some piles of logs and brush...amazing the amount of work that can get done with a tractor! We also got the mowing done out in the clearing again and on the driveway (Yikes!). My husband did some trail work with the brush hog and while he did that I got the first and today the second coat of stain and poly on the stairs inside. Last night Mr. Troll took a grinder to the log railings outside. They needed smoothing and mildew removal but what a messy job! saw dust everywhere. I moved some rocks around today that line some of our walkways. It was hot though so I also did my fair share of sitting on the screened porch! The place is looking good for the long holiday weekend. I can't wait to go back! misc_057.jpg
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# Posted: 27 Aug 2012 08:57am
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TB I wouldn't want geese to take up residence. Having worked on a naval station that was in a moderate climate I can speak with esperience on that subject. Geese over populate an area very quickly if they are protected. Then you have to watch where you step or where you go. I have seen more than one person chased across a yard because they got too close to a mother goose and her goslings. I my opinion the just big noisy pigeons, that happen to be good eating.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2012 08:52pm
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Yeah...I know they can be a nuisance. I do like the sound of them honking though!
# Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:06pm
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I have been busy all summer and not reading here. Lots to catch up on. I wanted to say Congratulations on the new blessing Trollbridge. Very exciting!!!!!
# Posted: 29 Aug 2012 12:18pm
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Thanks so much!
I had a check up yesterday and everything is going so well...and so fast...we need the clock to tick a little slower! I am starting my 7th month and there is much to do at home and at the cabin. I know the cabin will not be complete, but there are a few things I would like to get done before the baby comes 
# Posted: 6 Sep 2012 02:27pm
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Don't over work yourself and be careful. There will always be projects to get done and so little time. I like looking at photo's of projects as it keeps giving me hope that we will someday be done with the mess of building.
# Posted: 8 Sep 2012 07:51am
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Here's a picture of our new grand daughter. Everything is going fine.
# Posted: 9 Sep 2012 02:26pm
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Owen...thanks for sharing her picture. Could she be any sweeter? She is beautiful and I'm sure you are really enjoying her! I'm glad to hear she is doing well.
LSuperior5...I know, I'm trying to balance getting things done with not overdoing. Now that my kids are back to school when I have a day with out my grandchildren I try to make good use of the time. We did start on the babies bedroom and that makes me excited and nervous at the same time! Sure makes it seem more real.
# Posted: 9 Sep 2012 02:45pm
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Labor Day weekend was fun at the cabin and the weather was wonderful! Both Mr. Troll and I had a great time with 5 of our kids and all 3 of our grand kids and 2 of our kids spouses. The kids and spouse that were not able to come I thought about often and how they would have enjoyed themselves.
We had a visit from friends who had helped us during the early stages of our build and have since built their own cabin. They are nearly done with their place and enjoy it nearly every weekend. As they could clearly see we are still poking away at finishing work but they enjoyed looking at where we were, what we have done and reminiscing about the day they helped us stand up our center tree trunk and stood so high on the scaffolding to slip those saw blades over it!! Good memories............
Here are some pictures from the weekend. The next time I post it should be of some progress made somewhere-this weekend was all play. Our sure-footed goat of a grand daughter!
|  Our grandsons Cody and Preston
|  waiting for the wave!
|  They got soaked but had a blast!
# Posted: 9 Sep 2012 02:48pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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Breakfast our son and his wife made Sunday morning...yum! Best part? I didn't have to lift a finger! Homemade biscuits and sausage gravy. labor_day_2012_042.j.jpg
|  labor_day_2012_045.j.jpg
|  to the outhouse
|  making "cakes"
# Posted: 9 Sep 2012 03:01pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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Not the "BIG LAKE" but a lake close by that came with its own kind of fun! Clams that were brought back to camp and pried open with the high hopes that they would have pearls in them-oooo...our 9 year old is funny...this occupied her thoughts until....awwwww...ewwww...yuck....the discovery of a leach attached to her ankle!!!!! If anybody was trying to enjoy a relaxing afternoon snooze in their hammock or boat on the lake I'm pretty certain they were rudely startled out of peaceful bliss by the extremely loud and panicked screams that came out of her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!! Truth be told...it was pretty funny...and I would have done the same 
Mr. Troll is currently up at the cabin. He took all the remaining tin we had here at home and is getting a start on his tractor shed. I would have loved to be able to go but knew it would get too late on a school night for Laura. 65 degrees and sunny for weather-should be a perfect day for working. labor_day_2012_067.j.jpg
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# Posted: 10 Sep 2012 07:40am
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Yeah, we spent a weekend years ago make a deeper spot in our creek to cool off. It was all fun and game 'til one of the girls found a leach.
# Posted: 10 Sep 2012 09:28am
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Quoting: trollbridge We did start on the babies bedroom Ummm..with 25 kids already I would think you had a "babies room" already?? LOL  On onother note...the place looks great....we have a planned visit to Moquah in October! Toodles....
# Posted: 10 Sep 2012 10:03pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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Always a wise-crack huh!???!!! LOL! We've had many nurseries over the years this is true (not 25 though-SMACK!). Until recently we had 4 out of the 5 bedrooms in our house occupied, but the empty one was downstairs. When our daughter moved into her apartment for college our 15 year old son moved into her room but what he left behind was a big giant XBOX logo painted on his bedroom walls...black, grey and bright green walls and the last original (23 years old) carpet which actually was in pretty good shape considering...but that is because for about the last say...I dunno...5 to 6 years the carpet was buried under a layer of clothes and who knows what! Teens...jeez...they really should live in a barn! Anyways...the walls are freshly painted and new carpet installed. We don't know the sex of the baby so the room will be gender neutral but hopefully a calm and cheery place. The door can actually proudly remain open now 
Now we need to get some projects done at the cabin too 
# Posted: 10 Sep 2012 10:56pm
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Quoting: trollbridge but what he left behind was a big giant XBOX logo painted on his bedroom walls...black, grey and bright green walls
LOL! that cracked me up.
# Posted: 10 Sep 2012 10:59pm
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Good stuff. , New baby room. You're going to be busy forever.
My baby just moved out. Empty house.
# Posted: 24 Sep 2012 01:13pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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Had a nice weekend at the cabin. The tractor shed is coming along and is now ready for the tin roof. I must say I am super glad we built our cabin when we did cause boy have building supplies gone up in price!!! I guess I haven't paid too much attention, but I was really shocked at the 2x4 prices. I also noticed that blandex we paid 4.89 for a 4x8 sheet and now they were 12 something at Menards. WOW!
Mr.Troll made the roof trusses at home in the garage. That sped up work a lot. He also spent 69.00 on the Sure Bonder framing nailer at Menards that was on sale this past week-normally 119 0r 129.00. Totally worth every cent...for an inexpensive tool it sure has done it's job!!! Paid for itself in this one project alone   sept_22232012_005..jpg
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|  first fire of the season.
# Posted: 24 Sep 2012 01:17pm
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A couple more of the cabin. I was disappointed the leaves were not changing more-they had talked up an early peak this year...I'll probably miss it now! sept_22232012_007..jpg
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# Posted: 26 Sep 2012 10:16am
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So happy...we just scored a wood floor for the first floor of our cabin for free-well not quite free-my husband had to rip it out of the house so he lost a days pay technically. The people had it installed and then did not like it-threw a huge stink so they are getting an upgrade. It is oak wood with a dark finish, the only thing we will have to do snip all the staples off when we install it-a little more work but totally worth it! Yippee! I can't wait to get it installed as soon as the roof is on the shed we will start!
# Posted: 26 Sep 2012 11:22am
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now that is a score!
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