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# Posted: 10 Jun 2012 11:02am - Edited by: trollbridge
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We can never seem to get the blueberries (or raspberries) on our land before the bears do!!! Have fun in can cool off at the Plywood Palace right?!?

That is a cozy little cabin near Iron River-good quality craftsmanship Owen and I like the door. I also love how it is tucked into the trees!

Spent the day in the ER with Mr.Troll yesterday. He was passing a kidney stone and thank God for morphine he would tell you! We left after they were assured that the pain was gone and I ran his prescription into Walgreens and we went to grab a bite to eat (neither of us had eaten yet and were now starving!). No sooner had we placed our order at the counter and the pain returned with a vengeance! We took our food to go and I ran back into Walgreens to get the pain pills and we went home where he spent the next hours passing yet another stone. That one was in his kidney when we left...the odds that it decided to come out then are amazing to me! Anyways...hope this is it for him. One positive the almost 29 years we have been married, I have NEVER been able to talk him into seeing the doctor. One time he went on his own to have the tip of his thumb reattached after cutting it nearly off at work, but now he will have to see our family doctor for some follow up stuff and I couldn't be more excited about that!!!! FINALLY!!!!

Hope ya'll have a great Sunday!

# Posted: 10 Jun 2012 03:03pm
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Kidney stones are the worse. When I worked in the ER, we had a one way glass. We could see the patients as they came in. You could always tell the kidney stone patients. They were sweaty, pale and walking the floor. My brother-in-law is a kidney stone factory. Years ago, the closest Sam's wholesale was in Knoxville (1 1/2 hours away). He, my sister and his brother decided to go. In the middle of shopping, a kidney stone attack occured. They went ahead, checked out and went to the nearest ER. 2 hour wait; they decided to just head back home to Kingsport. My brother-in-law in the back seat with his brother feeding him beer after beer (bought at Sam's). Well, by the time they got back to Kingsport, he was not in any pain. Flushed that thing right out. LOL.
Congrats on daughter's graduation. ? from high school?

# Posted: 10 Jun 2012 06:14pm
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Quoting: ErinsMom
We could see the patients as they came in. You could always tell the kidney stone patients. They were sweaty, pale and walking the floor.

LOL...I have to chuckle...this is exactly what happened as we walked in to Urgent Care. My husband went to sit and I stood in line to register and the next thing I know they are trying to get him into a wheel chair. They skipped right past Urgent Care and to the ER department- no wait there! I still think it is so odd how the one stone passed while there and the other one the CT scan showed in the kidney-but it decided to descend into the ureter right after we left-weird!

Yes my daughter graduated from high school and in these parts a big grad party is the norm (UGH!). She wasn't that interested but as it got closer she changed her mind.....thought I was off the hook, but it turned out to be fun so I'm glad she decided she wanted a party.

# Posted: 10 Jun 2012 10:35pm
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Tell the Mr, I share his pain. Had one, one time, hope never agian.
Congrats to your daughter on her graduation. My youngest niece is graduating tomorrow night.

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 11:05am
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You went through that too huh Bevis? OUCH!

At least he knows there aren't any more-the scan showed one coming down and was very near the bladder and the other was in the kidney still. Now he knows they both have left him (via kurplunk). I told him he is only allowed to skip rocks when we go to Lake Superior! Hope he drinks lots of water today and lays off the pop! A good time to improve his health I think!

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 11:22am
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Quoting: trollbridge
Didn't get to the cabin this weekend cause our 2nd grandbaby was born Friday morning!

oh my gosh.trollbridge i am behind the times.i am so happy to hear of your grandbaby being born even if i am late in wishing u loving all u have been all pretty wonderful.little cabin,big the sign -what happens at the cabin ,stays at the cabin.hee it doesnt.hee hee.just joshing ya.good your wood stove and all the pans around it.good n wonderful job on all.

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 11:27am
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Thanks cabingal3!!! I love my cabin! So true though...What happens at the cabin NEVER stays at the cabin.....LOL!!!!

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 11:28am
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no.i love your cabin.hee is wonderful.
no.gar wrote a book on ours.nothing stays at the

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 02:53pm
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Quoting: cabingal3
.gar wrote a book on ours.nothing stays at the cabin that would be good reading!!!!! Would love to hear all your secrets!!! LOL!!!! That would be a good thread to start-"What happens at the cabin stays at the cabin" true or false? please explain and pictures make it even better!! LOL!!!! Embarrassing and funny little stories that I'm sure we all have!

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 04:47pm
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ha ha...he wrote a book of nothng says in the cabin for sure.ha.

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 06:13pm
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Mrs. Trollbridge....I think...talking about cabin books, my daughter was in this week-end and is in the process of looking over about 900 cabin picture photos and putting a photo book together with captions and all. I will have to help her along with Old Buddy. I told her I want the book to start with the first day Old Buddy and I were ever at the site and bring us to the present. There are a lot of great ideas on the internet about it my daughter showed me. (Don't forget I'm not 21st century compliant)! In fact she just made a small booklet for my wife for Mother's Day. It was beautiful and very sentimental. Anyway....hopefully, within the next month or so it will happen.

Old Old Buddy

# Posted: 11 Jun 2012 11:27pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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Yes, I have seen books that are made and printed up with hardcovers and all-would be a great keepsake! LOL...your daughter is sure going to have fun trying to narrow down pictures! I would love to do this too...someday...the other thing I want to start is a log (book) at the cabin for a note or two to be made from each visit-just whatever somebody wanted to write with the date. Years from now it would be fun to read!

Oh and yes it's me...Mrs. T

# Posted: 12 Jun 2012 03:02am
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Quoting: cabingal3
nothng says in the cabin for sure

i meant to say nothing stays in the cabin for sure.
trollbridge,i love the idea of a journal and have the note book ready and then get so busy enjoying things out there-i never put my ideas down on paper.i like your idea of everyone or anyone doing this...with the date.good idea.
only it would just be me and gar and the chippes.

# Posted: 12 Jun 2012 02:38pm
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Quoting: cabingal3
only it would just be me and gar and the chippes.

It would still be fun though cabi!
The notes on wildlife and weather alone would be interesting and of course progress made on the cabin would be good to note as well!

# Posted: 12 Jun 2012 02:44pm
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sure.that was my plan to it.good luck.
i am sure putting this into plan.

# Posted: 12 Jun 2012 03:27pm
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I began a handwritten journal of every cabin visit.
... weather.. wild life spotted... projects...
Its changed so much in just a year and a half...... I love the cabin...

# Posted: 12 Jun 2012 08:01pm
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My grandmother and grandfather had a cabin back in the 40's and 50's and they had a journal as well. It covered close to 20 years until they got too old to go out to the cabin. I was there when I was about two through six and that's about the last time they had photos of us kids out there. That journal was pretty neat but I was too young to fully enjoy it. I think I'm going to get one also!
I guess this forum serves the purpose of a journal for now. I guess I could go through it day by day, photo by photo and write about the experience of building/staying at the cabin. I told my wife that I hope she doesn't think I'm crazy for always wanting to go "up there" but I find complete serenity while I'm there. It's not a real nice creature comfort cabin...but it's a "cabin" for sure. I always said, " Whenever you have to look for snakes before you turn the bed know you're in a cabin!" I doubt that my wife would appreciate me saying that! She knows how much I enjoy being there....thank God it's only 10 minutes from here (my home).
Old Buddy had his last final exam today in his Registered Nursing program and he got the highest score in the class. We are so proud of him! He has truly worked harder at this than he has ever worked at anything...and rightfully so. Suffice it to say that the Hawk's Nest Cabin would never have happened without him! He still has a few weeks of working (volunteering) in the emergency room until he graduates on July 13th. He'lll be taking his "boards" within the next couple months I think. Please pray for him. He'll be a fine nurse....with a lot of compassion and wit (I have no idea where he got the wit) LOL!
Anyway.........I think I'll be buying myself a logbook here shortly.

Old Old Buddy

# Posted: 13 Jun 2012 04:06pm
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You bet I will keep Old Buddy in my prayers! I can tell how proud you are of him and he will make a wonderful and caring but fun nurse!!!

Of course your wife thinks you are crazy- but that is just because all wives think their husbands are crazy!!!!!!! LOL!!!! Don't worry though...we know we are just as crazy too!!!

You is too bad you don't have your grandparents cabin would be so interesting to read through wouldn't it? It isn't in the family somewhere is it? Maybe someone packed it away possibly?

Mrs. Troll

# Posted: 13 Jun 2012 04:48pm
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Quoting: oldbuddy
Anyway.........I think I'll be buying myself a logbook here shortly.

me too Old Old Buddy!

# Posted: 13 Jun 2012 08:38pm
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trollbridge wasn't ever kept by anyone. The problem was that there hadn't been anybody to the place in years and it had been broken into on several occasions. I remember even into the 1980's and there was still an original "Victrola" music cabinet like the RCA models with the picture of the dog and the horn. My grandparents had been long gone and my parents never thought about taking it home and it was eventually stolen also, along with other items hardly worth mentioning. Anyway...the cabin was eventually sold and that was that.
I'm planning on going up Friday night after work for a few hours. I hope to start our log then!

# Posted: 14 Jun 2012 10:16pm
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Too bad OOB, but that is probably a very common story.

Friday night sounds like a great night to start your log!!!

I'm not sure if I want to just start with the current date or try to give a brief history to date. I feel like it would be really hard to keep it brief because I would have a million things to say! LOL! Maybe just a timeline? Not sure.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2012 01:13pm
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I hope you guys survived this latest craze of flooding trollbridge. I think my place escaped the worst of it (barely south enough) but Duluth, the North Shore, and Superior look like a total mess. We have friends up near Shroeder, and highway 61 has mud and rock slides across it, and is washed out in other sections by creeks that run under it.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2012 04:34pm
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Trollbridge, I wonder how Moquah is?? I hope the plywood palace is still intact!! LOL ...I am gonna call dad and find out how things are up there in Ashland. Ill report back later! Hope your place, and your bridge are ok!

# Posted: 20 Jun 2012 05:05pm
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My Polar bear got out.


# Posted: 20 Jun 2012 05:36pm
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LOL on the polar bear...but to bad for all those other animals!

# Posted: 20 Jun 2012 07:08pm - Edited by: Dillio187
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I got a good laugh out of the seal in the middle of the street. Someone setup a Twitter account as 'Feisty the Seal' and was having some fun.


# Posted: 21 Jun 2012 12:44pm
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The photos and info I can find are devastating. I can't get any specific info but I am hoping everything is okay for all of us. sad.

# Posted: 21 Jun 2012 06:17pm - Edited by: OwenChristensen
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Most of us are fine. The washouts are here and there , but not everywhere. The water has drained away fast. We had a funeral today and everyone got in and out of town just fine. I did here there was a long detour from Floodwood arround to Hibbing and back down #53 to Duluth. I do have to go to Grand Rapids tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to add some time to the trip.
I think I'm going to come out of retirement to help with the washout repairs here in town. A very long time ago , I was a backhoe operator.


# Posted: 22 Jun 2012 10:52am
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I've been thinking of you and your family. I hope the funeral was a nice memorial to your sister's life.

I still seem to be having trouble finding out much info-as of last night I saw on the news there is still standing water flooding every UW-Superior campus building. With news like that they aren't saying much about the outer areas. I am so sick of rain. It has rained here at home a lot this week too. Oh well...we can't control the weather can we? Take care.

# Posted: 22 Jun 2012 05:00pm
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trollbridge, be glad you have had rain, here in the southern part of the state we are still in drought and trees are losing their leaves! The strawberry crop down here was non existent and many strawberry farmers lost their entire crop! We have not heard form dad in Ashland yet either?? Do you think your bridge is still in place??

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