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old old buddy
# Posted: 17 Oct 2015 08:11pm
I contacted the girl about making final plans on the printing of the book. I took several pictures of the grand kids on the 10th of October and texted them to her, to ensure that they would be put in the book in the correct chronological order. I also included a few photos of my friend, Lew "Mad Cap" Eiler, who was a big help in getting all the weeds cut down on the 6th of October so that the pictures with the kids would come out so nice. So far...it's over 400 pages!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 18 Oct 2015 02:09pm
I've been enjoying the story of your cabin and how it was born and raised, old old buddy! It will be nice to have it all assembled in a beautiful edition that you can look through whenever you want, and without electricity! Beautiful puxtures!
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 04:21pm
Really looking forward to reading the book who knows maybe I'll write one or create one of my cabin...really sounds exciting just thinking of it. Hope you all good luck !
old old buddy
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 09:38pm
Yea...I'm really excited about the book...especially with all the photos of the grand kids growing up right before our eyes. I had never really thought about it before but when they mentioned it to me it sounded like something I would really be interested in. I figure it will be sometime in November before I get it.
Old Buddy and I will be making plans for hunting in early December before long. We never did finish our hunting blind we started about a year ago. We got the four 4X4 corners in and that was it...we may move the feeder before hunting season to give us a better vantage point.
I can't wait to get in the warm cabin when it's freezing cold outside. I'd like to see about a foot or two of snow on the ground when we're up there hunting!
Old Old Buddy
original old buddy
# Posted: 7 Nov 2015 06:43pm
Last week up at The Hawk's Nest...Old Old Buddy and myself decided to try to get some major headway done on the deer blind. Its going to be 8x6 with studded walls, insulation, two windows, a battery powered radio, LP gas heat, and three comfy chairs lol. We'll probably do more talking and sleeping in it than anything, but thats what our place is all about...enjoying the company of others and relaxing. General foreman Big Red came up later to supervise the progress lol base posts
|  floor joists
|  floor on and covered
|  big red's approval
# Posted: 8 Nov 2015 02:08pm
looks like a nice vantage point for the deer hunting...save me a seat in there..lol....
# Posted: 9 Nov 2015 07:44am
You all need to add some height to it 
# Posted: 9 Nov 2015 08:32am
Quoting: Rowjr You all need to add some height to it
looks to me it's sitting on the edge of a bluff ...which gives you plenty of hight...by nature;)
# Posted: 9 Nov 2015 03:35pm
Looking forward to see more. I'll be in route to play with mine in a few days...
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 05:40pm
The blind will be 7' high in the front and 6' high at the back side. It will have plywood walls with a corrugated tin roof. Couple small windows in the sides and a front "slider-window of plexi-glass about 2'X4'. We'll paint it a light tan with darker lines painted on it to simulate trees....or at least that is the plan, there will be a small door on the backside about 3' wide and 4' high. Like someone said about my family, "They're big people," thus, the 36" width...lol
The back side floor is about three feet off the ground and the front edge is about five feet off the ground. There is a two feet ledge along the front side that will be outside of the blind. When we put the 2X6 wrap around the base for the floor we didn't cut the 8' boards off at six feet. We just let them extend..knowing we could use it to put some of our gear on...if need be.
TURKEYHUNTER You are right about the vantage point. We can see a pretty wide area with the height we are at. Old Buddy teases me about deer season...He tells me all I need is a camera and I'd be happy. Like I said about twenty pages back....it's all about being in the woods with my son and grandsons or my son-in-law if he wanted but since he's a veterinarian....I kind of doubt it.
I know one thing....we're running out of time to work on it before deer season gets here. I bought two ten feet long 2X6's to make X-braces under the floor to connect the four posts together just to tighten it up. Should help...we'll probably bolt them to the legs for rigidity. More later and GOOD HUNTING!
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 11 Nov 2015 01:35pm
turkeyhunter You are welcome at our cabin....anytime! I'd love to have you in the Hawks Nest Cabin! Nothing fancy...but warm and dry in the winter and you won't go away hungry..I promise you...
I'd really enjoy having a cup of coffee with you someday, as well. OOB
old old buddy
# Posted: 14 Nov 2015 12:41pm
Old Buddy and I spent the day working on the blind. He'll post pictures later. We got three walls completed and all but the last sheet of steel roofing. It is HIGH SITTING ON THE ROOF WITH 2X4 WALLS!
Hopefully get all the plywood on in the next few days. The road is terrible...the leaves are about six inches thick and won't allow the road to dry out. I need a set of LUG TIRES!
It sure will be nice when we get it insulated and put a propane heater inside!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 14 Nov 2015 09:08pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: old old buddy turkeyhunterYou are welcome at our cabin....anytime! I'd love to have you in the Hawks Nest Cabin! Nothing fancy...but warm and dry in the winter and you won't go away hungry..I promise you...I'd really enjoy having a cup of coffee with you someday, as well. OOB
Guys ~~I will take a trip up there and see ya'll one day!! That's a promise!
I am looking forward to it!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 14 Nov 2015 09:21pm - Edited by: Gary O
Just went from zero to twenty-seven (pages) in, well, I don't know how long. Very inspirational Very All American A true testament to what things were like a while back, and what things can be like today...if you put yer mind to it.
Great family stuff
The greatest
With so much wrong in the world today, it's good to see a bit of what's right
Keep a fire
Gary O'

old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Nov 2015 07:53am
Gary O Thanks for the kind comments....Like the rest of us on here, I can escape "the world's problems" when I am at the cabin. I have a feeling of complete serenity when I am there.
I hope to have the blind done by this week-end. Now I see it's time to replace our chimney pipe. Lasted a little over four years but the elbow is completely rusted out where it turns upward on the out side of the cabin. It never ends but I love it! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Old Old Buddy
original old buddy
# Posted: 18 Nov 2015 10:26am
Hers a few pics of the progress. the view
|  little more to go
|  |  |
original old buddy
# Posted: 18 Nov 2015 10:32am
It should be noted that old buddy was working in 30-40mph winds that day lol
# Posted: 18 Nov 2015 09:09pm
fellows that stand is the cats meow
ya'll with get lots of years of good hunting from that one...excellent view!!!!
lots of good memories with the grand kids hunting with ya'll!!!
and 100% organic / no hormone/ no recalls~~~venison for the freezer!!!
old old buddy
# Posted: 19 Nov 2015 11:06pm
Well...we are headed to the hill tomorrow to finish up the blind with all the plywood siding and last piece of roofing. I'm anxious to get it "buttoned up" and ready for hunting season. With insulation and a propane heater it should be "right snug" come hunting time...Lookin forward to spending some quality time with family and friends in it. Those 4X4 legs are still a little wobbly so I'm going to put two X braces under the floor with 2"X6" planks, bolted to the 4X4's. That should stiffin 'ear up a little bit! More pictures later...
Old Old Buddy
SE Ohio
# Posted: 20 Nov 2015 11:53am
From the view picture, looks like you'll be dragging the deer uphill... Good problem to have, though and I guess it comes with the territory (pun intended).
Looking at youth gun season this weekend, and wish I had such a blind! We literally hunt off our covered deck, so we have to pop indoors to get warm.
Lookin' great!
old old buddy
# Posted: 20 Nov 2015 08:11pm
SE Ohio Yea...will be dragging it uphill with a Honda Foreman 4X4...if we are lucky enough to get anything! Are you hunting with your son or grandson? Since I don't know your age, I figured that was a logical question...lol
We got all the wall studs done today, finished the roof and screwed plywood onto two sides. Tomorrow we will finish the other two sides and insulate. It sits up high with a nice view below but the hill to get to it, is a bear! We have a rope tied off to a large tree and pull ourselves up the hill (about thirty feet). Naturally, all the building materials also have to be drug up the hill. I am pretty well beat at the end of the day..working off a ladder for a good part of the day.
When it's done...it should make a nice blind for years to come. I figure the grandsons will have a few sleepovers in it...in the future.
Good luck hunting! Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 21 Nov 2015 07:11pm
Well...we made it on the hill by 9:30am to finish the blind (for the most part). We got all the plywood on, put drip edge on each corner to protect the edges of the plywood, Old Buddy painted the entire thing, I put tar on the roof to cover the holes in the tin and "she's ready" for deer season!
We still need to insulate and put the large plexi-glass windows in the front. We're going to use two sliders (by hand). I can't wait till we are sitting in it waiting for "a big slunger" to come walking by! We are both so tired tonight all I want to do is kick back and take a break...
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 22 Nov 2015 09:03am
Quoting: old old buddy Old Buddy painted the entire thing, I put tar on the roof to cover the holes in the tin and "she's ready" for deer season!
gal ya'll got it done!!!...what color did you paint it??
I got a BIG 10 point this past Monday on my farm. The rut was wide open here last 2 weeks.
Good luck this season!!!
old old buddy
# Posted: 22 Nov 2015 09:08pm
turkeyhunter Old Buddy painted it tan (he tried to find OD green) but it blends in pretty good for this time of year. He did a little artwork on it with some painted dark brown trees and a little bit of green along the bottom. I think it looks great. Old Buddy will post some pics. I'll tell you...we both worked to full days on it and I can't tell you how many screws we put in that thing. It should give us plenty of room and protection from the elements..on a lighter note...we made the door about 30" wide instead of 36." We wanted to make sure we couldn't get a recliner through the door...lol!
Congratulations on the 10 point. We haven't seen many deer around the cabin or within a few miles...I hope that isn't a sign of what is to come. I really believe the mining had a drastic effect on the deer population. Still plenty of turkey's, though! We have seen a few doe these past few years but the bucks are few and far between...We'll have a good time, regardless!
Have a great thanksgiving! Old Old Buddy
original old buddy
# Posted: 27 Nov 2015 09:38pm
Big Red and Pap in the blind getting ready for deer season
original old buddy
# Posted: 27 Nov 2015 09:45pm - Edited by: original old buddy
We're just about there.
original old buddy
# Posted: 27 Nov 2015 10:14pm - Edited by: original old buddy
It wont let me load my last pic for some reason
# Posted: 28 Nov 2015 03:39am
Tree house stand looks GREAT!!! Good Job Guys'
I think the tan paint and tree branches in black looks natural for the fall. And as much as I love OD green....it would just be a dark box on the open oak hillside. Looking forward to hunting pic's from your new build!!!
old old buddy
# Posted: 1 Dec 2015 03:27pm
Well....as luck would have it...Old Buddy and I both came down with bronchitis a few days before the hunting season and have both been "laid up" for the past four days. I guess we can bow hunt for the remainder of the month but this wasn't how we planned it...lol
At least we can get in the blind when we do go hunting.....We still have a "one day gun season" toward the end of the month so, hopefully, we can capitalize on that.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 1 Dec 2015 07:05pm
Quoting: old old buddy both came down with bronchitis
sorry u guys are sick ....lot of people sick right now around the holidays Hope ya'll get to feeling better and get in the blind.
BTW~~During Bow season can hunt with x-bow??
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