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# Posted: 8 Oct 2015 07:39pm
Finally got thru your entire thread pr post and I can say I enjoyed it. I have been trying to take pictures myself building my cabin in West By god Virginia and can understand the labor and enjoyment of seeing progress. Not so much on my end but following your thread you have come a long way, but on another note my wife says I have. Please check out my progress I will be heading back up this November to hopefully finish in drying in my cabin its 18' x 24'.Hope to see more and as for the oil and gas companies I hope they slow down destroying beautiful land and wild life....
old old buddy
# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 11:12pm
I will certainly remember your comments and remove the suicide-knob...I have about five acres of fairly level ground that we mow but I may have an opportunity to take it off the property...from time to time.
In reference to the M jumping out of gear in 5th, I haven't had that problem. I drove it to a parade one day this summer, about 15 miles away and was running about 25MPH according to my wife close behind and I'm happy to report she never jumped out of gear. It's a 47 model and looks like a shines new red Corvette!
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 11:25pm
When we put the floor joists in on the cabin, we then put the insulation in from the top and stapled the side tabs like you would on a wall. Then we put 30. Pound felt paper down across the joists...perpendicular. We overlapped the felt paper about 8 Inches. We were told by another cabin builder to make sure we put the felt down for a vapor barrier. After we finished with stapling the vapor barrier down, we put the 3/4" tongue-and-groove plywood down.
Months later we put the plywood (from underneath the cabin) up against the bottom of the floor joists and screwed them into the joists. We only used 1/4" plywood but since it is nearly two feet above the ground I wasn't worried about it. There is a great deal of air that blows under the cabin and keeps everything dried out. You can see the pictures of it taken looking up at the floor from the ground, on the first few pages.
Whereabouts are you located in West Virginia? I'll check your site out. Hope this has helped. I can tell you the cabin NEVER feels damp inside and I believe the felt paper is the main reason it doesn't.
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 11:31pm
Oh yea...I forgot to tell you above...the floor joists are 8" but the insulation is only 6" so the plywood on the bottom of the cabin is about 2" away from the insulation with no contact with it. I hope that helps.... old Old Buddy
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 08:29am
Thanks appreciated it ! I'm located about 1 hr from Parkersburg across from Marietta Ohio towards Clarksburg in Doddridge county. Been looking myself for property in south Ohio since my in laws live in Port Washington and my wife would really like to move back to the area.
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 08:33pm
Rowjr I looked at all of your photos on your first page and clearly saw the rows of supports down the middle of your cabin. I don't know how I missed that last night but I did. Anyway...I hope your insulating goes well. It should go pretty quick. You might consider putting the felt paper on the bottom before your plywood goes up. I believe it makes a huge difference. Whereabouts do you live in Florida?
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 08:46pm
Well...Old Buddy and I, along with my four grandchildren, Whitney, Garyn, Tristin and Kelsey, made it up to the cabin today for a photo shoot and a nice camp fire. The kids had a great time as well as my son and I. The second hill was rutted out terrible from the heavy rains but I finally got the Honda Foreman and trailer up the hill...with the kids inside the small trailer. We just creeped up the hills in 1st gear. We both took a lot of pictures and Old Buddy will put several on the site tomorrow. It has been ages since we have had all the kids up there at the same time. I wanted several good photos to be included in the book we're having made. This will be the last pictures that will be included in the book before it goes to printing. I am really excited about it!
original old buddy
# Posted: 11 Oct 2015 11:17am
Another trek made onto the hill. The weather was perfect, I had some music playing, hotdogs grilling, and a small fire for the kids going. Too bad days like this are far too uncommon for all of us. Hunting season is approaching. I hope we can see another big boy this year. I hope you all are doing well. kids got a trailer ride up the hill
|  more of the grandkids
|  Pap and the grandkids
|  OOB and I taking a selfie lol
original old buddy
# Posted: 11 Oct 2015 11:24am
Almost forgot to give credit where credit is due. This is Lew, a friend of my Dad's that we call "The Mad Cap". He got that name from his hat he wears while cutting grass. Looks like something out of the French Foreign Legion. lol. He has been a big help for my Dad and myself on our various "endeavors" lol. Here he is pictured at the hill on a break from weed whacking.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2015 12:04pm
Quoting: old old buddy Whereabouts do you live in Florida?
Southwest Florida Venice .They call it the little city on the water or its known for its shark teeth. Its really hot though looking forward to moving back up some day.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2015 12:18pm
Did you all ever thought about getting a side by side to run up and down on that driveway of yours maybe build a garage at the entrance or something ?
old old buddy
# Posted: 11 Oct 2015 01:04pm
Rowjr Our driveway...as you put it, is 4/10 of a mile long and consists of three fairly steep hills. Actually, we ascend about 600 feet in 4/10 of a mile if that would give you any idea how steep it is...
I bought the Honda Foreman 500, which gets us up there with no problem. But yesterday, with the small children, I wanted to pull them up in the small utility trailer, behind the Honda. Due to the severe steepness of the second grade and the large ruts,that wasn't possible. They had to walk the second hill and part of the third, before getting in the trailer. But it was fine. We are due to get another bulldozer up there to clean up the roads.. No need for a garage...we aren't there enough.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 11 Oct 2015 04:03pm
I tell you one thing those side by sides wouldn't have a problem hauling all of you up the hill. Here in W V I've seen those Polaris side by sides go up some really steep hills hauling a pretty good load but I can understand what your saying with the children and all.
old old buddy
# Posted: 11 Oct 2015 10:56pm
I agree with you about some of those side-by-sides. I know those little 800cc Razors do well. Really, the Foreman has always done a great job but the ruts were so deep and wide that In order to get up the hill with the trailer and kids...I would have lost one or all of them and it just isn't worth it to me to chance it.
On one load a couple years ago, the Honda 500 pulled a gross weight of 2,300 pounds up those steep slopes. I was pretty impressed with that. That included the Honda, me, the trailer and the load of treated lumber. If the roads are in good shape it would have been easy to pull the kids up the hill but the 7-8 inches of rain we had in the past two weeks, played havoc with the steep grades...
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 12 Oct 2015 10:38pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
OOB and OB~glad you got the family back up the HILL.....good times for sure. Great pic's and great memories for the family!!!
speaking of side x sides...I just bought this one last week for hauling my grandboys on when they come visit me at home and camp.....it is a MULE...
really like the power steering and fuel injection on it.
# Posted: 12 Oct 2015 11:49pm
Quoting: Rowjr Southwest Florida Venice I'm east of you on Lake Okeechobee. Moore Haven...small little country town, just the way I like it.
old old buddy
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 08:22am
That was a good choice for you. My cousin has one exactly the same as yours and loves it. He's had it for 7-8 years and has no complaints! Do you ever get through Wheeling, WV area on Interstate 70? Old Buddy and I would love to sit down to lunch or dinner with you sometime just to "chew the fat"...so to speak. Let me know if you ever come through this way.
Have a great Holiday season and "Happy Hunting,"
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 04:37pm
Cool just having that truck bed is nice....
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 04:39pm
If your passing thru that area don't forget Cabela"s 
old old buddy
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 09:28pm
I've been to Cabelas more times than I care to mention. The Highlands (where they are located) is the closest large shopping area to us. It's 28 miles from our home.
The pickup beds I like the best are the ones on my Silverado and Dodge. It is rare when I get to drive a pickup to the cabin. It has to be very dry for a week or two for me to make it up all three hills. I can also make it up when the ground is frozen...just not snow covered.
# Posted: 14 Oct 2015 01:40pm
Lets hear more about this book sounds interesting ?
old old buddy
# Posted: 14 Oct 2015 09:14pm
I just talked to the girl that is formatting it, yesterday. She said it will be approx. fifteen inches wide and twelve inches high. I don't know how many pages it will be yet. Because it has so many photos, she said she would try to put four photos on one page and narrative on the opposite page, when practical. It will have over 400 photographs and right now she told me the book is over 400 page in length. That 400 number is purely coincidental. I explained to her that the last six or seven pages of the forum has very few pictures so it should go pretty quick when she gets there. She said that trying to get the narrative to coincide with the photos is what takes so long. The neat thing is...every word that you, me or anyone else on this forum who made a comment on our site...will be in the book! So this just may be the first you have ever appeared in, ROWJR!
I really am excited about it. I think it will be worth every bit of $650.00. If I want a second book, it would cost me less but she told me it would still be in the $450.00 range. The book will be hardback with a stitched binding and it will have a paper cover with photos of my choice on the front and back as well as a few paragraphs "about the author" ...lol. Truly, I am looking forward to it.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 08:46am
Quoting: old old buddy I would love to sit down to lunch or dinner with you sometime just to "chew the fat"...so to speak. Let me know if you ever come through this way.
Old Old Buddy!!! for sure I will let you know when I am back in the area. Came through by God WV ....back around the first of Sept...on my south from the northern camp in Maine.
Will let you guys know when I am back in your area for sure!!!
Looking forward to hunting season....finished planting all my food plots last Friday!! And got a good rain on them Friday night. 
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 08:56am
I really think that is so cool and can understand how the photos could add up from just my end and I'm only at the dry in stage but also I live a 1000 miles away. My cabin started years ago but one thing I learn it would of never started without the influence and land being pass down from my father which is now not living but I call my cabin Dad's place. He love reading books and I'm sure he would enjoy reading yours maybe I will as well one day. On another note my wife's family live in Tuscarawaras County on top of a hill and were possibly looking for land between them and my place in W Va. which seems to be Washington county and some others. I love the terrain in south east Ohio and possibly might be in your area one day. Our goal is to move within the next 3 years but property might be purchase sooner if I can find property.
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 09:09am
turkeyhunter I will look forward to meeting with you and Old Buddy some time. He and I would both like that.
Good luck hunting. I would normally post a message to you on your own site but it doesn't look like you use it much...
Anyway...good to hear from you! Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 09:10am
As for hunting I'll be up soon as well to work on my cabin and maybe I could share some pictures from my game camera or possibly good hunting shot
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 09:15am
Rowjr Washington County is real nice country. I worked there four four years, back in 1984-1989 as a sergeant on the Ohio State Highway Patrol. My wife and kids loved the area and my son still enjoys drivin'tg there to visit. I hope you find what you are looking for. Finding land won't be hard...you just won't get the gas and mineral rights, in all probability.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 09:43am
Even without mineral and gas rights is it normal rights to at least still connect to a gas line if it crosses your property ? in W Va. its common practice to have rights to feed 1 dwelling on your property if it crosses your property since you own the property above it...Maybe not in Ohio ?
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 03:43pm
That would have had to been negotiated by the current land owner, I'm pretty sure. We have a lease and the gas company was not interested in doing just that. I would have loved to had a natural gas hookup...but no dice. I know that was very common years ago...but not now. I'm only speaking with most people I know that have leases here in Ohio, in a five county area.
A friend of mine from WV had free gas even though he didn't have any mineral or gas interests. The exact opposite happened to him....The capped his well and told him that he would no longer receive free gas. He fought it with an attorney but still never got his free gas back after they shut off his tap! He had to go with LP Gas and it about "broke him" in the winter.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 04:12pm
Propane and firewood sounds like the plan alternative then
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