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old old buddy
# Posted: 1 May 2014 10:39pm
stickbowcrafter I swear the Department of Natural Resources should put a bounty on coyotes with the number of deer, dogs, cats, etc. they are killing everyday. I know they have severely impacted the deer population in our area in just the past few years.
Yes.....it felt great getting the truck on top of the hill. The first trip of many I hope this summer. How are you coming with your place, Brian?
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 1 May 2014 11:08pm
Yeah those yotes can be tough on critters for sure.
My place is coming along pretty good OOB. Got most of the roof done and covered with felt paper. I have to finish up the gable end and side overhangs then I'll be ready for metal. Have to set up scaffolding or get a lift in there. Was pretty sketchy working off ladders that high. I updated my thread with a bunch of pictures.
# Posted: 2 May 2014 06:36am
OOB, Originally we wanted to remodel and build on to the old clinic but it was it was cheaper to build a new building so that's what we did. The old building we have leased to a groomer and it will actually pay almost half of the mortgage. Until you own a business and do something like this its hard to understand what they mean when they say you have to spend money to make money. Cheers Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 30 May 2014 06:52am
I swear.......this week-end......come hell or high water......we're making a trip to the cabin. Old Buddy wants to build a wooden blind about 3-4 feet off the ground about 4'X8' so three of us can get into it at on time. We plan to insulate it and put sliding plastic windows in it from all sides. This weekend we want to put the four corner supports in the ground to get things started. It's been nearly a month since I was "up there" and I miss it. I think we're going up after church Sunday and spend the afternoon. I'm hoping for good weather. We are planning on just putting chip-board on the outside and painting it "camo-like." We'll probably just use rolled roofing for the roof. Anyway, we'll have fun.
# Posted: 30 May 2014 07:19am
I took camo tarp and wrapped it around my stand. It water proofed and colored it.
# Posted: 30 May 2014 02:22pm
We're planning a shooting bling too OOB. Keep us posted, I look forward to seeing your progress. Hope you get a chance to get up to your place.
Good idea OC, I have some camo tarps here. I used camo burlap one time, good camo but not waterproof.
I managed to get two days in at my property Memorial Day weekend. Got all the overhangs done on all four sides and started laying metal. Looks like another great weekend weather forecast. My 12 year old daughter is having 5 friends for a sleepover Saturday night for her birthday. My wife said why don't you just go up to the farm and get some work done LOL. Needless to say she didn't have to tell me twice. I'm hoping to have the roof completely done by the end of the weekend.
My Northeast Ohio 16 x 24 project with pics and updates
old old buddy
# Posted: 31 May 2014 07:55am
stickbowcrafter Looks like you have been busy. Are you dried-in yet? Don't know how much work you'll get done with a slew of girls to watch after! I was wondering as I looked through your photos.....about all the mud. Is that something that you will have to deal with every year or was it an unusual circumstance this year? We have to deal with it on our road every year so that's why we bought the four-wheeler while the truck sits at the bottom of the hill. It's really tough getting the truck to the top January through May each year. There have been a few exceptions.....but few. I hope you had a great week-end
Your kids will absolutely love going to the cabin growing up.....almost as much as their dad!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 31 May 2014 08:53am
Close to being dried in, hopefully 2 or 3 more work trips to get there. I'm headed up today and tomorrow and should have the roof completely done before I head home Sunday night.
My lovely wife will be handling the sleepover at home. I'm headed to the farm LOL
The driveway is much better than it was a year ago and I plan to get that finished by the end of summer. Still have to build up a little more by the gate and get some driveway stone/reclaimed asphalt for a top coat. Eventually, I won't have to deal with a muddy driveway. And once the landscaping is done around the barn and future cabin, mud won't be an issue there either.
old old buddy
# Posted: 2 Jun 2014 09:33pm
Well....the week-end came and went and I still didn't make it to the cabin. Tristin (Little Buddy) and I had planned to drive up in the truck since we hadn't had any rain for three days. I figured it would have dried out pretty good by yesterday. W-R-O-N-G!
When I turned into the woods from the hardtop road, it was like driving into a tropical rain forest. There was so much foilage that the sun couldn't get through to dry the road out. I didn't even try it in the truck and I wasn't going to attempt it with Tristin on the four-wheeler. I told him we'd have to do it next week-end with his dad (old Buddy). So, there went another week-end without a visit to the cabin. Old Buddy says we'll definitely make it next week-end! We'll see.
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 8 Jun 2014 07:30pm
Finally.....we made it to the cabin this morning. Old Buddy, Little Buddy and I went up around 9:00 AM. The hill was still way to slick for the truck but the Honda Foreman "walked" right up the hill!
It had been six weeks since I was there last and you could tell. The weeds were anywhere from 12"-18" high and the place definitely looked unkept. My plan is to go up next Saturday with the lawn mower and cut everything down. We normally only mow once a year so this will be it for this year. It was cool today with a steady breeze so Old Buddy and Little Buddy built a fire and we sat around it for a couple hours and then Russ made a little lunch on the grill for us.
We would have spent longer there but we had to get Tristin down home because he was getting T-Ball photos taken at 2:00PM so we left around 12:30. It sure felt good to visit, if only for a few hours. Now that Old Buddy has every other week-end off.....we'll be spending a lot more time up there this summer. He had been on steady days off of Monday- Tuesday for ten months.
Fortunately......it didn't appear that anyone had visited the cabin since our last visit. Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 8 Jun 2014 10:44pm
How do you attach so many photos and get full size. Seems I can only do the four per post and they are small like thumbnails. I would like to post a time line of photos but not sure how.
old old buddy
# Posted: 9 Jun 2014 06:40am
bukhntr I'll have to get Old Buddy (my son) to explain that to you. I have never had anything to do with any of the photos getting posted on here but I really like the full size pictures. I'll have him contact you about it. He keeps telling me..."you need to move into the 21st century, Dad..." lol
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 9 Jun 2014 07:47am
Sounds like a great day trip OOB. Yep it's time to start mowing, I had to brush hog the driveway edges on Friday. Wife is a teacher and her and the kids are done with school today for the summer. The schedule will be much easier for a few months so I hope to wrap up this barn and start enjoying the property again.
# Posted: 9 Jun 2014 07:50am
bukhntr, go to photobucket.com and sign up for a free account. You can upload your photos there and link to them here, allowing you full size pictures. I can send you instructions.
# Posted: 9 Jun 2014 09:23am
old old buddy OOB,
I haven't been in touch in a while and wanted to update you on some things. Shoot me an email jrdupilka@comcast.net and I can fill you in.
# Posted: 9 Jun 2014 04:50pm
Do you know if you can do the same from Flickr?
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Jun 2014 03:01pm
We finally made it back to the hill for a little work party. Actually all it involved was me running my Stihl weed eater for about one and a half hours. Whew!
The weeds were between 1' to 2' high. The old Stihl (22 years old) took 'em down like a sickle-bar! I took several photos that I'll have Old Buddy post this week. I had my son-in-law and three grandkids with me. Tony took the kids on four wheeler rides and I did the cleanin up. My arm was killing me when I got done.....I went through three tanks of fuel! I think I was tachin about 15,000 RPM's
I hope everyone had a great Father's Day Sunday with family and friends. Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 16 Jun 2014 10:00pm
Big Red at the firepit.
old old buddy
# Posted: 5 Jul 2014 06:46pm
Well, construction has commenced...we're building an 8' x 6' deer blind. It's going to be big enough for Big Red, Pap, and Tristin to deer hunt out of. We will be able to stay warm, dry, and talk while we're hunting. The corner posts are in. More to follow. dad and big red
|  pap and big red
|  corners in
|  |
# Posted: 5 Jul 2014 09:00pm
Sure wished I could get out to work on my Hunting cabin and food plots. But I broke my ankle over memorial day and had surgery june 3... still in a cast and no weight bearing.  That should be a cozy deer blind for ya'll.
old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Jul 2014 07:09am
Bevis Sorry to hear about your broken ankle. I know that is one of the most painful recoveries and you'll be a semi-meteorologist from now on because you'll always know when it's going to rain Seriously, I hope you make a complete recovery and it never bothers you again.
The blind should be pretty comfy when it's complete. It will be off the ground about three feet with and insulated floor, ceiling and walls. There should by plenty of room for the three of us. It's been a long time since we've had a project to work on.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 6 Jul 2014 07:58am
OOB, Looking good! Tristen is growing like a weed. I think everyone in SEO is playing the weather game as far as getting to the cabin. I hope to make it to the cabin Thursday of Friday myself to do some work. Take care and keep the posts coming. Sarg
# Posted: 14 Jul 2014 05:16pm
Ah, the projects never end. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Sep 2014 10:43am
I haven't been on here in ages. We moved from our primary home to a place in the hills. We haven't had internet for two months. I hope everyone is fine. I'll type more later. We haven't been to the hill for over two months.
# Posted: 15 Sep 2014 11:33am
Quoting: old old buddy I haven't been on here in ages. We moved from our primary home to a place in the hills. We haven't had internet for two months. I hope everyone is fine. I'll type more later. We haven't been to the hill for over two months.
wondered where you guys were!!!
in the hills....no spider web ( internet) available or ya just going off grid .....I could do without my satellite TV...before my spider web
# Posted: 15 Sep 2014 04:36pm
OOB, Glad to hear everything is okay. Been worried something may have happened to one of you or your father-in-law. I remember you guys moved him to VA last year. Well you get settled into your new digs and we will talk to you later. Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 17 Sep 2014 08:16am
Thanks for asking Sarge. We have been busier than a one-legged man in an ass kickin' contest. We are trying to keep up two residences and it's wearing us down. We haven't been to the cabin in almost three months. I hate it. We'll be there for part of deer season....for sure.
I hope the new clinic is workin out for your wife. Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 06:06pm
Well...we're back on the forum again. Russ and I are up here at the cabin for deer season. We're getting ready for dinner shortly. We have the stove going and its really comfy in here. It has been six months since I have been for six months and it was driving me crazy.
We sold our home, closed on it, emptied it out, had a new 32X56 garage built to hold all of our stuff, got everything stored and are in the middle of having a new hickory kitchen installed. This was the first opportunity I have had to come here and I missed it terribly! We just got here this afternoon and sat or n the blind for about thirty minutes and got to see two does already...good sign, hopefully.
I miss talking to all you regulars but we'll be back with any luck to regular posts.
# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 07:13pm
glad you guys reported in welcome back!!!! ....was wondering how everything was...boy how time flies. 
Good luck in the new blind. Hope ya'll get a nice buck from it.
# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 10:40pm
Good to hear from you again. Good thing about being away for a while is realizing how nice it is to be back. It is always better than I remember from the previous trip I know its not a hunting forum but post some pics of your hunt. Be safe enjoy
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