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# Posted: 25 Feb 2014 10:24am
Sounds like the latch bolt is not going into the hole in the jamb. Here's what I do. I take a tube of red lipstick ( my wife doesn't know) and smear some on the very edge of the latch bolt. Then I turn the handle to draw the bolt into the door. Hold it that way while closing the door. Once closed, release the knob allowing the bolt to release. When the bolt comes out of the door edge and bangs against the jamb it will leave a mark. Adjust the strike plate or hole in the jamb accordingly. Also, a lot if times it is loose hinges causing the door to sag a bit which throws off the bolt alignment.
old old buddy
# Posted: 25 Feb 2014 04:20pm
Snuffy Thank you Snuffy......we'll give her a whirl! I don't look for it to be anything too complicated....even for me
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 07:13am
OOB, So how much of the white hell did you get this time? Zanesville we got about 4". I'm so sick of snow and in need of a trip to the cabin for a full weekend. The new clinic is still going slow, I swear electricians, plumbers and HVAC guys need to invest in Carhart coats. When that bunch finishes up this week we should be on the down side of the build. Take it easy gentleman and I'll talk to you later. Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 8 Mar 2014 08:01am
Sarg68 We only got about four inches and no ice. Thank goodness!
I went up after work yesterday with a friend and the door was closed when we arrived but I was able to push it open. We adjusted the door closure and moved the "catch" down slightly and that seemed to fix the problem. We went ahead and put the "screen-door latch" on the outside anyway....just to be safe
It was a muddy mess...and the rear tires of the four-wheeler were throwing mud about ten feet in the air!
I won't be going up this week-end as we have plans but at least I know that the door won't be hanging open while we're not there.
Have a great week and enjoy this "warm spell."
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 8 Mar 2014 06:02pm
OOB Glad you made it to the cabin and fixed that door. Me its been a long cold winter of not being at the cabin but, the boy and I have plans for the 22 and 23 of this month. I hope the weather will be kind so we can clean the fence row out up buy the road and maybe have a fire outside for once. The new clinic finally started down the finish line with the inspection of water, electric and HVAC all passed on Friday morning. Now the project should go fast. We will have power Monday to the building by AEP, HVAC and AC installed and all the drywall up and the flooring installed. Sure am happy because its been a tuff two months trying to get this far. Pray for warm windy weather so we can get the cabins dried up and some work done. Cheers Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Mar 2014 09:16pm
Sarg68 Amen to the warm weather with a "little" wind. You have to be careful what you wish for! I was glad to get the door fixed. All I could think about all week was "I'll bet that door wide open!" I was happy to see it was closed when we arrived.
Good luck with the clinic opening A.S.A.P.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 01:33pm
OOB and OB -
I've tremendously enjoyed reading your forum from start to end. There might have been a day at work that I got nothing done because of it ! We have 16 acres in Virginia that we're looking to start building an off-grid 12x16 cabin (or 3!) on. Your project detail has been most helpful making me feel comfortable with the process. I'm a pretty handy gal and have all the tools needed to get this project up and running. I just need a boost of visual confidence and a pickup truck. Going to look at a truck tonight so maybe i'll get to cross that off my list! I hope to start my own forum soon . Thanks again - keep up the posting!!
old old buddy
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 05:14pm
peachnboo Thanks for the comments peachnboo! I'm sure with your attitude that your cabin will start happening sooner rather than later. My brother-in-law has forty acres in Amelia County Virginia. It's pretty much flat but beautiful woods. It's near a civil war battleground named Sailor's Creek. Ever heard of it?
Our cabin has been the best thing I have ever been involved with. I was 58 when I started about five years ago but it has been a grand time
I have no formal carpentry skills but my son and I did a pretty fair job on the basic structure. We still need to finish the inside and outside but it's warm in the winter and dry! The grandkids love it. Keep me posted on your progress.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 11:33pm
Glad to see you all survived the brutal winter and even managed to enjoy your cabin in the cold. I saw this thread and posted last year when I first joined this site but I must have went through it quick because I never realized how close you guys are to me. I live just across the border in Pennsylvania not far from the Pittsburgh airport.
I went back and enjoyed this thread in more detail and saw that OOB was stationed in Cambridge for his last stint with the hwy patrol. I owned 25 acres in Lore City up until 2011. Used to love eating at Mr. Lee's and the Bear's Den. I was fortunate to upgrade to a 40 acre piece and it's about the same distance from home but north up in Ashtabula County literally just down the road from Pymatuning Lake.
I got some of my cement pillars in the ground before deer season and winter but didn't get much further. Got tired of spending money on a hotel 20 minutes away and as much as I like my wall tent, it gets old setting up & breaking camp each time I want to work up there. So my latest plan started a few weekends ago with throwing up a 12x12 pole shed barn. It's coming along and it will be a nice place to store tools and sleep while I work on the cabin.
I passed on half a dozen immature bucks (one I probably shouldn't have) but did manage to get a mature doe on the opening morning of the archery season on the very first hunt on the new property.

Awesome thread, I enjoyed reading along and seeing all the updates. Maybe we could have an Ohio Valley cabin get together some time and go visit each other's little slices of heaven.
old old buddy
# Posted: 28 Mar 2014 08:28pm
stickbowcrafter Brian....thanks for the comments. Nice doe! We passed on two doe the first day of hunting season....only because we haven't seen that many deer in the past year. I don't know if that makes any sense or not but I don't really care if I ever get a deer....just as long as I get to sit in the woods and shiver a little
I'd say you're about 2 hours from us. Keep us posted on your building pics. Do you make your own recurve bows?
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 28 Mar 2014 08:49pm - Edited by: stickbowcrafter
Yessir, makes perfect sense. There's a lot of deer on my farm and in the area, plus we eat a lot of wild game here. I have killed enough immature bucks back in the day so I pass a lot of small bucks every year and take a few mature doe for the freezer. They have to be a really nice buck these days before I'll even take my bow off the hanger.
Yes, I build longbows and recurves. I prefer shooting and hunting with longbows but I do some compound bow, muzzleloader, shotgun and rifle hunting as well. I've used my longbows to kill everything from bison in South Dakota to wild boars in Hawaii.
I will try to keep my cabin thread updated. You guys have done a great job updating yours and I enjoy reading it.
# Posted: 28 Mar 2014 09:33pm
Brian I have some Osage Orange you can have that I cut at the cabin if you want it to built bows out of. I still don't have a big enough deer population around my cabin to take a doe. Hope that the food plots and fruit trees we are putting in brings the population up.
# Posted: 28 Mar 2014 11:53pm
Thanks Sarg, that's about the best wood for all wood self bows you can get. Years ago when I got into bow building, my youth and enthusiasm outweighed my reasoning and I cut and stored enough Hedge Apple to last several lifetimes 
If you want a nice bow from your property or just a cool heirloom on the wall of the cabin, I'll get a stave off of you and build a bow for you.
Those food plots and apples will make a world of difference. If you have enough property, take a few acres and make them as thick and nasty as possible and don't let anyone in the area. Having a safe, thick bedding area that never sees human intrusion will bring more deer than any amount of food you can provide.
old old buddy
# Posted: 30 Mar 2014 07:12pm
Well.....we just got back from the hill. Old Buddy, Little Buddy a friend and I went up for the afternoon. What a great time. I couldn't believe the day would have turned out so nice after waking up to and inch of snow.
We did a lot of shooting with .22 rifles and an old Colt revolver. Old Buddy had to shoot his AK-47 a few rounds. What a noise maker
Tristin loved shooting the 25 round mag of the Ruger 10/22...all by himself. He'll be five at the end of May
We had a delicious meal of New York Strips, boiled potatoes and green beans!! Yummy.
I think Old Buddy will post a few shots of Little Buddy (Tristin) shooting. A great time was had by all.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 31 Mar 2014 06:59am
Sounds like a great day. It sure turned into a beautiful afternoon. Family plans kept me from getting up to the property this weekend but I'm headed up this morning and working until dark. My goals are simple since it is just me today. I have to trim the foundation posts of the pole shed barn flush with the header boards and get the cap plate installed for the rafters to sit on. I have the lumber for the some of the girts too so I'll probably get the top girts on.
Besides that, I have to fill the feeder, check trail cameras to see what the turkeys are up to and maybe do some hinge cutting of some maples in the deer sanctuary. Oh, and I'm taking the generator today so I'm pretty excited to have power today. I tried cutting a 4x4 treated post with a hand saw while 8 feet in the air on a ladder last week...

Gonna finish my coffee and get the kids on the bus then I'm headed north. I'll update my thread when I get a chance.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:33am
Shot a .22? I'm jealous! I wish I could find such ammo. I'm down to 100 cartridges, saving them for squirrel season! Cannot even find .22 shorts, which are okay for the kids' single shot Rossi (shorts are so quiet don't need hearing protection).
Glad you had a good time.
old old buddy
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 01:04am
SE Ohio Thank you for the comments. I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but you can buy all the 22's you want on "gunbroker" on the internet. You probably won't like the price but it's all out there from the people trying to be as greedy as they can be. I was fortunate enough to have bought a lot of 22's in the past when they were $7.50 a brick. Now they run $60-70 for 500 rounds. I'm just saying..........
We've always done a lot of shooting so I tended to pick up a brick whenever I was in a gun store or Walmart. No more!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 07:04am
Fortunately I bought a bunch of .22LR ammo about three months before the school shooting that drove up all the prices. Back then I was paying $1.19 a box of 50 at Dunham's. I have 3000 rounds locked away for safe keeping and a couple hundred rounds out for the ten year old to plink cans with.
OOB, Glad to hear your trip up the hill was so enjoyable. Pop and I are headed down this morning to finish up the food plot. Talk to you later. Sarg
SE Ohio
# Posted: 3 Apr 2014 10:45am - Edited by: SE Ohio
Got REALLY lucky and found .22's at Walmart today. I purchased the max 3 boxes, 2/3 of which will go to a friend's firearm safety class- They thought they'd have to cancel due to lack of ammo. Kids will be able to target shoot next cabin trip, too.
I bet Wally will be sold out by day's end... 
old old buddy
# Posted: 3 Apr 2014 06:55pm
SE Ohio God bless you...you're a good man! How much were they? I'm guessing you were buying packs of 100 each.
Old Old Buddy
SE Ohio
# Posted: 4 Apr 2014 07:33am
Box of 550? Cartridges @ $24 each. Sold out same day. Was very lucky to catch...
old old buddy
# Posted: 4 Apr 2014 07:31pm
SE Ohio It does sound like you did real well. I hope the kids have a great time shootin' it up OOB
# Posted: 4 Apr 2014 10:03pm
Nice place!
old old buddy
# Posted: 5 Apr 2014 12:07pm
MississippiMud Thank you! Do you have a site on here? I couldn't find anything when I looked. Do you have a cabin in Mississippi or building one? Welcome to the forum.......I hope you hang around
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:42pm
Old Buddy, Little Buddy and I got back around noon from the cabin. We went up late last evening (just before dark) because it has been months since we spent the night.
As usual...we had a great time and Tristin really enjoyed himself. We spent a great deal of time outside this morning just cleaning up sticks and throwing them into a large campfire.
For the first time ever.....we heard two coyotes howling not too far away. I took several photos and videos on my camera but I don't know exactly know how to transfer them to here. Whenever Old Buddy tells me.....I'll post a few.09
# Posted: 28 Apr 2014 06:35am
OOB, Glad to hear that you and Tristin got to spend the night up on the hill. Can't wait to see the pictures and video of your trip. I have to make a trip down in the next few day to plant some trees that I bought from Soil and Water. My 23 year old made it down last Thursday and did some turkey hunting over the new food plot. He was able to call in two hens and a Tom. The Tom was to shy to come in close enough to shoot. He said it was well worth it even though he didn't bag one. Still not in the new clinic, hoping this week and its eating all of my time up. Talk to you later. Todd
old old buddy
# Posted: 29 Apr 2014 06:21pm
The three of us had a great time. I wish we could have stayed longer but at least we got to spend the night. It was the first time we had the truck on the hill in about four months.
I really enjoyed listening to the coyotes but I really wish they were hundreds of miles away. I'm pretty sure they are killing the majority of fawns these past two years.
Tristin had a great time rounding up sticks to put it the fire and helping Daddy do whatever. We were going to cut some trees down but Russ forgot that he had a very dull chain on the saw from our last excursion to the hill. Oh well...maybe next time!
I hope you get your Vet Clinic up and operational before long. My son-in-law is the chief veterinarian surgeon at Batelle Research in Columbus and he was largely responsible for laying out their new laboratory in West Jefferson, Ohio. I think he said the new lab (a few years ago) was about $10,000,000. BIG LAB! I'm sure your wife will be glad when it's all "behind you." Good luck with it.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 29 Apr 2014 08:40pm
Sounds like a good time to get into coyote trapping. Glad to hear you had a good time and it was dry enough to get the truck up there. Prime cabin time is getting closer!
# Posted: 1 May 2014 07:05pm
OOB, New clinic is just about finished on the inside with a final inspection set for Monday. Still need landscaping and asphalt finished when the weather dries up some. This is no 10mil Battelle Behemoth just a small three thousand square foot clinic. Comparable in size to most homes today. Consider this the new clinic is three times larger that the one we own and operated out of. She is very happy with the new place. I'll put up a picture when we are finished with the outside area. Cheers Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 1 May 2014 10:35pm
Sarg68 Sounds good! I'm sure you'll be very happy to get moved in and ready for business. Is the old clinic part of the new clinic now? If not....what will you do with the old clinic?
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