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# Posted: 30 Dec 2013 04:54pm
OB Great progression thread of your place thanks for sharing! looks like beautiful land youve got there! Has anyone connected on that nice buck from the earlier photos? Take care
old old buddy
# Posted: 30 Dec 2013 07:13pm
ATB Thanks for the comments! This is Old Old Buddy talking to you (Old Buddy's Dad). The buck in question was almost bagged two years ago but Old Buddy got to shakin' because he was hyperventilating so bad when he squeezed off the cross-bow.
Actually, it was a shot taken moments before darkness and he had to miss it by inches but it just about ruined his winter! We have not seen any large bucks since that week on our porperty. However, the coal mining started this spring and drove about all the wildlife off. We see a few does come to the feeder but we have no interest in killing does...especially since we're seeing so few deer. The "one that got away" would have been a beautiful mount...oh well....there's always next year....right? Old Buddy may have a comment for you talking about me dropping his bow before the hunt and knocking the "scope" off! Ha!
Anyway....thanks for the comments. Where are you from? Do you have a cabin on here? OOB
# Posted: 30 Dec 2013 10:18pm
Quoting: old old buddy Where are you from? Do you have a cabin on here? OOB OOB I'm from north of you in Michigan (a Spartan not a Skunkbear), after 6 yrs of looking finally bought my own 55 acres (didnt close til late October missed 1/3 of deer season!) but if the averages are right I should have 30 more years of enjoying it. I just finished my cabin a few weeks ago and have'nt posted anything yet . Actually cause I'm embarassed that I cheated and should say the Amish community in the area finished a 12x16 gambrel style shed for me (after it took me a weekend to just build the foundation frame and I wanted to hunt). Also I have no electricity and blew through my 18 volt batteries the first day up cutting the for the frame and realized that I would be sleeping in the freezing car or not using the place til spring if I didnt get the help. They did 1000% better than I could have on my own and came and put it up in a day!
Too bad to hear about the mining starting up and displacing your wildlife you looked plush with turk and deer. No wonder your land caught my eye I had relatives in coal country that I got to go and roam the woods with them for a month most summers! Again great job on your place and I wish good and safe hunts to you and your family. Take care ATB
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 06:45am - Edited by: Sarg68
Quoting: old old buddy We see a few does come to the feeder but we have no interest in killing does...especially since we're seeing so few deer. If you figure that a doe has on average two fawn a year (And that's not even over a life time) that is a lot of deer you are killing to eat one this winter. If the numbers were high in the area I might see killing one that was old but, that's not what we are seeing right now. OOB and OB, You guys live close to the cabin so what have you seen in the area for deer? Or even dead on the road? I have seen two young bucks on hoof this year and I would say they are brothers four pointers and one of them was a two point because he had one side broken off. That's it! Here is the kicker they were both in Zanesville near the high school. We have a huge population of does that run together in a herd. Are we going to see the number of SEO deer drop to the numbers we used to see back in the 70 and 80s? I haven't been into Maxwell's in McConnelsville to talk and see what they have seen this season. I'm going down in a couple of weeks and I will report back. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:14am
Sarg68 We are not seeing many deer in Jefferson County and Belmont County according to many people I have talked to.
Last year (spring of 2012) we had two does with two separate litters of triplets a month or so apart on our game camera and I am told by many hunters that the coyotes have probably killed most of them before they reached maturity. I hate to think of that but it sounds reasonable. We're still seeing lots of turkeys....just not to many deer and absolutely no bucks this past year on our property.
The number of deer kileed on the roadways is way down from a few years ago around here. I remember 2-3 years ago seeing dozens of fawns killed along the roadway. I have not seen one fawn killed this year. Sure makes you wonder about the coyotes....
Old Buddy has seen one or two nice bucks within a couple miles of our property but I haven't seen anything. I just pray that 2014 is a better year for the deer. I have never seen a coyote on our property but I know they are there. We picked up one on the camera a couple years ago but that's it. You would think you would see more of them if they're killing that many fawns and/or mature deer.
I will be on the hill this week-end come hell or high water
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 09:36am
It's hard to imagine, but in 1909, deer were extinct in Ohio. They actually had to reintroduce them. My friend in hocking had a black lab that would kill one or two fawns a year....used to tick me off.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:27am
Deer numbers where I am are down too. A lot less sightings in fields at dusk, and road kill sightings. We had Bovine TB scare north of me which they gave unlimited doe permits for a few years knocking numbers down then there was the EHD which took out a bunch south of us. I had a lot of coyote photos on my trail cams, let a local guy upstate trap my property and in 2 months he got 2 yotes hopefully that will help with the deer numbers. I see a 5 doe group on my property regularly and only saw a 3 point and a spike for bucks this years shortened hunting season. Hopefully a short term down cycle and numbers will rise again.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:00am
Folks, I have to invest some time this year teaching my 21 year old a little more about hunting. During that process I plan to do some coyote hunting. Might as well us them to increase his shooting skills and his sitting skills. I still think that the coyotes are just pushing these deer around the state like they tend to do out west. I sure hope that's all it is or we are all going to have to invest some time to coyote hunting. Everyone have a safe New Years eve tonight. My pop calls it amateur night. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 1 Jan 2014 07:32pm
Well....Old Buddy, a friend of ours and myself made it to the cabin today to start the year off right. We had to take the four-wheeler because the hill was very soft. We did some shooting with handguns and had a little meal and sat around chewing the fat for a couple hours. It was 34 degrees in the cabin when we got there so I got a quick fire going and it was real comfy in about 20-25 minutes.
I keep forgetting to get us a journal so I'm going to try to concentrate on getting one soon to start the new year out.
I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, prosperous new year 
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 21 Jan 2014 06:43am
OOB, You guys okay or did you turn into an Old Old Icicle? Hope everyone is okay and we hear from you soon. Take care and stay warm, Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 21 Jan 2014 08:39am
Sarg68 We're fine....thanks for asking! I haven't been up to the cabin since the 1st of the year My wife and I just got back from visiting family in the Richmond, Va. area for the past four days and I haven't made it to the hill yet. I'm still on Vacation today but with the snow coming down it's doubtful that I'll go up today.
I haven't posted a picture on our site for ages so I would like to get some new photos in the coming weeks. Since Old Buddy's days off are Wednesday and Thursday (permanent) it's really hard for the two of us to get together to go up. For the past three years it has been pretty much a week-end visit almost every week-end but that changed about six months ago with his new job. It sounds like you guys are making regular visits to your cabin.
Have a great new year and thanks again for checking on us
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 26 Jan 2014 10:40am
I still haven't had an opportunity to get back up on the hill due to the work schedule and the snow and road conditions. I hate it that it has been almost four weeks since being there (I have never gone more than two weeks previously). I always like to check for downed trees and everything. I'm sure we have about 8" of snow on the cabin. I would love to go up today and get a nice fire going....I figure it's about 10 degrees F. in the cabin.
old old buddy
# Posted: 29 Jan 2014 07:47pm
Well, we went to the cabin for the better part of the day. It was about 2 degrees outside and it was only 10 degrees inside. It took the better part of an hour for the cabin to heat to a comfortable temperature. We had steak and potatoes for lunch. It had to be cooked on the Coleman stove indoors because the wind was strong outside it kept blowing out the flame on the gas grill. We had a nice nap in the afternoon. Didn't get any work done...again. Some pics from the today.  Note OOB's breath in the upper left corner.   The work crew. 
old old buddy
# Posted: 30 Jan 2014 07:09am
We had such a nice day yesterday. It was burrrrrrrrr cold but we were bundled up good and never was out in it for long.
I left Old Buddy and Little Buddy at the bottom inside the truck with the heat and I loaded 150# of corn on the 4-wheeler and took it up to the cabin and got a dandy fire going so it would start heating up before I took Tristin (Little Buddy) and his dad up. I went back down and picked those two up and we returned to the top.
It was 10 degrees inside the cabin when I started the fire and had risen to 30 by the time I returned with the three of us. Like Old Buddy says, it probably took at least an hour for the cabin to reach 70 degrees. Even then...everything you touched was (felt) frozen.
I had some canned goods that froze inside a five gallon bucket. I took them out and put them on the counter-top. Six hours later they still had frost all over them inside the nice warm cabin! Before we left, I opened them all up and dumped them outside along the base of a tree for the animals. The turkeys probably loved the whole-kernal corn....even as cold as it was.
I really liked the picture of the two of them sleeping. That's part of the tradition at the cabin
I can say it's one of the nicest 2 degree day I've spent in awhile 
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 2 Feb 2014 11:36am
Hey guys looks like fun was had by all. Boy Tristin shot up like a weed this winter. Stay warm looks like round two is on its way into SE Ohio. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 7 Feb 2014 08:23pm
It's nice to know you are still hanging around this place. It gives one a sense of solidarity with the past. BTW, it takes my cabin 4 hours to heat up from a cold start. Enjoy it.
old old buddy
# Posted: 8 Feb 2014 01:00am
BlaineHill Thanks......have you been staying at your cabin pretty regular this past year? Since my son's days off are different than mine....he hasn't spent near as much time as I have this past six months but I try to get up there at least once every week or two.
I'm willing to bet it would take close to 24 hours to heat everything in the cabin up to room temperature, when it's 10 degrees outside. But I have to say....we had a really good time...even in the cold!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 8 Feb 2014 06:40pm
OOB, Want to talk COLD, here's a story for you friend. Tom is in the process of crossing over from cub scouts to Boy Scout and his Troop that he joined camps every month rain sleet or shine. As his den leader I felt that I should take him and the other ten year old to their first camping trip with this Troop. It was last night and it was -4 outside, I like to have froze to death. I came home this afternoon and they have one more night out there. Those boys have so much energy that are never COLD. I kept thinking boy now I know why I own a cabin complete with queen size bed and wood burner. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 8 Feb 2014 07:26pm
Sarg68 I'll guarantee you one thing....those boys are better men than I am! Were they sleeping in a tent outside?
I couldn't imagine it. I'd be afraid I'd wake up dead the next morning
Sounds like one tough kid to me. I hope everything goes well for Tom and his troop! Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 9 Feb 2014 06:35am
OOB, Yes it was in tents. I spent the night with them Friday and came home around 2PM Saturday. I wasn't doing one more night than I needed to. Worse part was getting up at 1AM to pee, boots were like ice. I told the troop leader I would help on any camp out from April to September but that was it. Really enjoyable to watch our youth running around in the great out doors having a good time and learning to be good men. Talk to you later Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Feb 2014 06:49pm
Sarg68 My favorite experience in the Boy Scouts was in 1962 during the summer. I was eleven and joined about 15 other scouts and three adults for a 62 mile segment of the Appalacian Trail in five days with an average of thirty pound packs. We left Caledonia State Park in Pennsylvania (located on US30 about 10 miles west of Gettysburg) and hiked to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, about 62 miles to the north.
My wife and I drove to Caledonia State Park about two years ago (fifty years later!) and I found the trail that led into the woods and it all came back to me. I had forgotten about the white painted hash marks on the trees which marked the trail from Maine to Georgia. As soon as I saw that first vertical hash mark.....I felt like I was eleven all over again. It was a great feeling.
My brother and I attended the National Jamboree at Valley Forge, Pa., in 1964 also. Two weeks with 53,000 scouts Great memories.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 14 Feb 2014 12:43pm
OOB, That Boy of mine sure does love the outdoors and Scouting. He keeps me busy because he also takes guitar lessons and is a red belt in Tai Kwon Do. Sound like you had a good time with scouts yourself. OB will have to get Tristin in cub scouts when he turns six. Its a really good experience for them and Tom and I really had a chance to bond doing it together. Well the older boys are missing the cabin, they told me today to plan a trip so looks like Middle of next month we are going to head down and get the food plot put in and get back to clearing fence lines again. I hope the clinic will be finished by then, the first full payment is due in April. Its coming along slow with the weather being so bad no one wants to show up to work. No damn wonder the economy is so bad. Think I will head down to make sure everything is still intact on Monday. Your right its just hard to get motivated to go when its this cold. Hope you and the family stay warm and I talk to you latter. Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 07:20pm
Old Buddy, Little Buddy and I just got back from the cabin. We went up right after work and got to stay for about two and one-half hours (long enough to get a nice warm fire going, fill up the deer feeder and "kick-back for a couple hours.
When we arrived the cabin door was "wide-open" again! After checking closer we believe that the wind blowing and flexing the cabin could be the culprit. Remember....we never lock it shut...we just close it. After looking around and not seeing anything out of place we shut the door and pulled on it a few times and it "popped" open. Anyway...that's what Old Buddy thinks and I have to agree with him. I'm surprised we didn't find turkey poop all over the place because I had two fifty pound bags of whole corn lying on the kitchen counter from the last trip up. Anyway...no harm...no foul
I was considering taking tomorrow off and we were going to spend the night but I figured that I would wait for better weather before I take a day off. We still had a good time just going up tonight.
The snow was pretty lying everywhere.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 07:36pm
OOB You may want to get one of those hasps that the piece you put the lock through turns 90 degrees. You wouldn't have to lock it but just turn that center piece and it would hold it shut for you. Glad you hear that the two of you had a good time. Snows melting away here in Zanesville and the water is running down the streets like a creek in some places. Wont be driving that two well drive back to the cabin anytime soon. Have to park in the front of the field and walk in until I get some gravel down one of these days. Take it easy. Sarg
# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 07:37pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
OOB....how about installing a "ole time screen hook & eye latch" on the out side ....just to keep the wind and rats out... just to latch when ya head home.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/170705067/pile-of-vintage-hooksgate?ref=sr_gallery_1&sref =sr_b80f89a2f9544d09102d0648cda12da9fd783a462450e5979287c931894cd8c4_1392770355_14560 201_door&ga_search_query=door+hook+and+eye&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_view_type=galle ry
# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 08:37pm
^^We use them on our outdoor shower and outhouse to keep the doors from blowing open. ^^
old old buddy
# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 08:57pm
turkeyhunter You were reading my mind. I told Old Buddy that very thing before we left the hill tonight. I told him all we need is a hook and eye-bolt to latch before heading home. Next trip...hopefully.
I thought maybe you had gone to the old hunting grounds in the sky it's been so long since I heard from you
Anyway.....we still had a good time! OOB
# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 09:04pm
Quoting: old old buddy turkeyhunterYou were reading my mind. I told Old Buddy that very thing before we left the hill tonight. I told him all we need is a hook and eye-bolt to latch before heading home. Next trip...hopefully.I thought maybe you had gone to the old hunting grounds in the sky it's been so long since I heard from you
GREAT minds think a like..still kicking ..just been busy getting my SPRING chores done...planted some Leyland cypress trees at the southern camp and at the house the last couple days..in the 70's today...and cleared up down trees and pine limbs from the ice storm last weekend..LOL
# Posted: 19 Feb 2014 07:01am
OOB, Guys I know you leave it unlocked so people take what they want without destroying the cabin but, why not just lock it? I don't recall you having any damage done to the place when you got robed so let them come in the way they did before. We all know that locks are to keep honest people honest because criminals will get in with or without a lock. Just a thought before you spend another penny on keeping the door shut. Have a good one folks. Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 19 Feb 2014 04:44pm
Sarg68 The way they came in before was through the unlocked door. I hate to lock it because I just know that someone would beat the windows out of it to get in (before even trying to open the window because they're all unlocked too). Probably all I really need to do is to put a shim where the lockset is so that more of the bolt will catch the jamb. Just a little adjustment
Old Old Buddy
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