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# Posted: 18 Oct 2013 08:27pm
Our place in Vinton County also has very little worth stealing. That's the only way it's much fun for me because like OOB's getting at, there's really not much you can do. I know another guy near us who has a spectacular cabin - loaded with cool stuff and tools. I don't know how he sleeps at night (we're both about 2 hours away).
old old buddy
# Posted: 20 Oct 2013 06:28pm
Old Buddy, Little Buddy and I just returned from the cabin after a real quiet afternoon, pretty much just sitting (sleeping) in the cabin and "laying back."
Old Buddy was taking a nap so Tristin and I went for a walk and took up a position behind a big ole tree and watched and waited for the deer feeder to go off. It spooled out corn for its programmed eight seconds and made a heck of a racket in the woods. Within about two minutes I observed a deer (unknown sex) running through the woods right past the feeder and it was making a bahhhhh sound. It did it at least 7-8 times even after it was out of sight. I have never heard a deer make a sound like that in the woods. I'm thinking it was a doe but couldn't swear. I was waiting for a deer to come walking up to the feeder and this maniac came running right in front of me about 50 yards. Tristin didn't get to see it but I'll give him credit.....he was wispering and listening to Pap....trying his best to keep as quiet as a four year old could.
It was 56 degrees in the cabin so a nice fire sure felt good and sounded good "popping" and "cracking," and it was up to 72 degrees in no time. I have to admit....I dropped off for about an hour. What a beautiful day in the woods!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 21 Oct 2013 06:58pm
00B, Sounds like you guys had a nice afternoon on the hill top. I'll ask around about the deer incident and see what some of my buddies have to say about it. Tristin did a good job! Tom (10) went and sat in the two man tree stand with my 23 year old Saturday evening for three hours and Brendan said that Tom got board. Tom told Brendan that he liked squirrel hunting better because you get to move around more. I swear that Brendan and sit the whole day in a stand and never move, pee or sleep. Amazing! Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 21 Oct 2013 07:48pm
Sarg68 I have been told since my last ost that the deer I saw was definitely a doe and it was "bleating" or calling its fawn(s). I don't know how in the heck the doe could find them with her running at warp speed
We did have a great time (as usual) and that wood fire just puts me to sleep every time. My son didn't have a lot of time to stay on the hill, since he was going out "midnight shift" but we managed to squeeze in about three hours of "cabin time." As I said before...it's only a 15 minute drive to the house.
Did you "fire up" your wood burner yet?
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 23 Oct 2013 04:37am
It was about 25F at saturday night near my cabin. I fired up my stove 
# Posted: 23 Oct 2013 07:46am
OOB, I wrote up the wood stove follow up to you on my web page. I don't think you will get as much a laugh out of the stove lighting as I did when it occurred. The older boys sweat their butts off in the loft and made it known out loud. LOL Cheers Sarg68
Salty Craig
# Posted: 25 Oct 2013 09:58pm
OOB, you are a to camping what George Strait is to country music. I love the cabin and feel like I have been there. Its great to see another American who likes to hit it old school, without all the shiny bells and whistles. May peace, good health, and long life be yours!!!!!
old old buddy
# Posted: 26 Oct 2013 09:53am
Salty Craig Thanks for the kind comments! Where abouts are you located? You know....I'd like to make the cabin more aesthetic, but since none of my investment is covered I just try to keep the costs down and enjoy the moment. I don't know when we'll ever the finish the inside but all I know is that I can fall asleep up there just about any day of the year
I haven't checked the forum yet...are you building? Old Old Buddy
Salty Craig
# Posted: 26 Oct 2013 02:19pm
OOB, I'm in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley near Harrisonburg. My cabin is on the Northern Neck over by the Chesapeake Bay. I've been tinkering with it since 2010. I currently own 10.6 acres but have another piece of land under contract. The new piece is water front on a creek along the Rappahannock River. I love salt water hence the name ;) There is a pic of my cabin under (anybody in va). Also a few pictures of the property I have under contract under (Chesapeake bay property). Check em out!! It's hard to find anything more satisfying than spending the weekend away from the "real world". SALTY CRAIG
old old buddy
# Posted: 27 Oct 2013 07:07pm
Well....I went back to the cabin today with Tristin (grandson) and we had a great day!
It was absolutely gorgeous to start with which didn't hurt things. It was50 degrees in the cabin when we got there so we got a good fire going right away and things started warming up inside real quick. We were both hungry so I cooked up some "dogs" and had some grapes, chips, and just munched on a few things.
We went for a nature walk and I pointed out a few things to Tristin (deer tracks, deer scat, etc). I told him the little round deer "pellets" looked just like chocolate balls. Then Itold him "They don't taste like chocolate though." He laughed real hard when I told him and just said, "Deer chocolate!"
We had to take a nap after a nature walk and we slept for about an hour or more and when I woke up I remembered that the deer feeder was about to go off in about five minutes after we woke up. I got him dressed real quick and we ran out to hide behind a tree we did a couple weeks ago. I saw a doe approaching from the right about three minutes after the feeder "rang the dinner bell." I wispered to him "Here comes a deer" and pointed and he yelled "Where Pap?" That was the last time we saw that deer. 
We watched for another five minutes and I said that we better get moving and as soon as we started walking to our left toward the cabin....we jumped three deer that had apparently been walking real cautiously toward the feeder that I never saw. Anyway....he saw their white tails running and said, "Look Pap!" Not bad for a four year old
Before we left the same three deer came up to the same location where the feeder use to be....about 100 feet directly north of the cabin. I took some photos and video of them.....the same three small deer we have been seeing for two years now. Tristin really got excited watching them. We spent about five hours up there and then came down. It was a great day 
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 28 Oct 2013 08:51am
I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a live deer or elk. Long 
old old buddy
# Posted: 28 Oct 2013 07:11pm
a_pyrkin Hey Andrey! It is nice to hear from you! Have you and your wife and the dog been spending any time at the cabin?
I hope your Lab is doing better by the day. I know how "attached" we can get to our animals.
I haven't seen any pictures from you lately. How about some new pics?
Old Old Buddy
Salty Craig
# Posted: 29 Oct 2013 09:05pm
I like how y'alls pictures are full size instead of thumb tabs or whatever mine are. How do you load them? Salty Craig
old old buddy
# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 08:38am
Salty Craig I'll have to talk to my son (Old Buddy) about that. He posts all the pics. He'll contact you in the near future. In fact....he's a little behind from mine and Tristin's last visit
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 10:03am
Salty Craig I did it sometimes. It is necessary to lay out the pics on Google or a similar service. Then paste the link.
Salty Craig
# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 07:49pm
Ok thanks guys. I'm much better at camping than computing. I'm dumb as a brick with this stuff. Always struggling to learn. I will watch for old buddy to enlighten me. When I start my next build, I really want to share a detailed step by step and I like the layout of your thread. God Bless! Salty Craig
# Posted: 2 Nov 2013 03:12pm
Quoting: old old buddy My son says that even if we catch them, they'll do a short stint in jail and then for retribution, they'll probably come back and burn it down....or worse. Sorry to hear about you getting broken into. I had the same problem several years before I built my cabin. Stole a trailer and some tools. They finally caught them. They had stolen over $500,000 worth of stuff in the area. There were three of them. Two it was there second time getting caught. Both only did about 18 months before they were out. The third only had to do some class. Of course I never got my stuff back. It really pi$$ed me off that is all the punishment they got. So far no more problems though.
old old buddy
# Posted: 2 Nov 2013 08:20pm
missouriboy Sometimes I think you're just better off with some vigilante justice, but unfortunately that would involve something "very illegal" and it would be my luck to get sentenced to a long stint in the "big house."
Quite honestly...I don't know what I would do if I caught someone in the act of stealing from me. If you turn them in..you know they'll be thinking about getting even. If you let them go....they think you're afraid of them. Soooooooo.....what are we left with?
Old Old Buddy
I know the answer and you know the answer but we just can't speak of it. Nothing missing during the past 6-7 weeks so we'll see. I keep my fingers crossed.
old old buddy
# Posted: 9 Nov 2013 08:17am
Well....I'm getting ready to take my youngest grandson with me to the hill and waiting for my son-in-law and oldest grandson to come up later today. We'll all four spend the night and just have a great time. The boys just love running all over the countryside!
I packed four New York strips, hot dogs, canned potatoes, canned corn, etc., so at least we'll eat good while we're there. It just seems to me that they both eat better "on the hill" than they normally do. Maybe it's just country cookin.
I have to incresase the output on my feeder while I'm there since we're getting so close to deer season. I hoping for a great time with the four of us staying there.
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Nov 2013 01:45pm
I just got back from our mecca to the hill. Tristin and I got there about 1130 yesterday morning and the cabin was 40 degrees when I walked in. I got a fire going in short order and it was 'toasty" within about twenty minutes.
Tristin and I walked down to the feeder and dumped a bag of protein into the drum and hope for the best. We had a little nature walk and then back to the cabin. Around 2:00PM it was time for our afternon nap which lasted almost two hours. We woke up just in time to walk down to the big ole tree overlooking the feeder and watched four does walk toward the feeder. They spotted us but stood their ground and watched us for at least ten minutes before we walked off so they could eat their corn.
My son-in-law and other grandson's trip down fell apart when my grandson decided to stay home with his mom. Tony (son-in-law) showed up late (around 8:00 PM) just in time to put a couple strips on the "barbie" and we had a late supper but it was delicious.
We got up this morning and Tony fixed fried potatoes and scrambled eggs with coffee. Another delicious meal. I took my Glock .40 caliber pistol and my Smith & Wesson Model 586 (.357 magnum) with me. We took turns shooting and had a good time at that as well. I forgot how much a .357 kicks compared to my Glock
Anyway.....we ate one more time (the remaining two strips and hot dogs) and felt like a trio of fat cats by the time we left the hill.
It was cool all week-end but we had a great time. Lots of wind but no problems...thank God!
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 24 Nov 2013 05:25pm
Went to the cabin yesterday with a buddy of mine and we had a hell of a time getting up the hill in my pickup. It was slipperier than a mole's "hind-parts."
We had two hundred pounds of corn on and two salt licks and I sure as heck wasn't going to carry them up the hill. It was just like trying to get traction on slime. I finally backed down to the bottom of the hill and when I drove through the gate posts....I was puttin a ton of mud in the air! Once I got to the top of the first hill....it was real easy for the next two hills.
We started a fire right away and proceeded to fill the feeder and set the salt blocks. We also moved our portable camoflage blind where we get a real good look at the feeder about 40 yards down the hill from the blind.
Then we got the hog-legs out and sighted in my Ruger Super-Redhawk .44 Magnum for deer season. I don't know if I'll see anything but at least it's "sighted in." We returned to a warm cabin, had a bite to eat and just sat around enjoying the "ambiance."
We did get to watch a young Jake gobble up the corn for about a half-hour watching out of the blind after we moved it....but no deer. Hopefully they're waiting for December 2nd (beginning of gun season in Ohio) to come around 
It was a great time and we did experience a winter snow blizzard for about 15 minutes...and then it quit.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 25 Nov 2013 06:36am
OOB, Deer seem to be moving in the AM right now. I wondered if this cold snap would change that up but, you seem to confirm that it hasn't. Buddy of mine told me on Saturday morning that on Friday his son and kids went to leave for school and he heard some rustling around on the other side of the car. When he went around low and behold there were two small bucks on the ground laying with their horns tangled up. He put the kids in the car and then untangled them. They could hardly walk they were exhausted and one more so than the other. The one had its tongue hanging and didn't want to get up. Those are two lucky deer because at my house they would be in the deep freeze. Not often you can kill two deer with a pocket knife in your drive way. My buddy is a retired butcher so he would have butchered them for his son for free. O-well! Sounds like its time you get some stone on the drive way! I'm headed down to the cabin today for a little while. I need to stop in McConnelsville and drop of my 24yr olds new bow off at Maxwell's to have the draw adjusted, sites added and something else he wants done to it. He bought it off my brother and will be in from Cincinnati on Wednesday to pick it up. Other than that I think today is just going to be a drive by. Tom and I are going down to spend the day on Friday and overnight. So I will do something productive then. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 3 Dec 2013 01:46pm
Well....Old Buddy and I went to the hill Sunday evening and reached the cabin at about 0230 hours MONDAY MORNING. Obviously....we wanted to make the first day of gun season for deer but what a job that was.
We went with Old Buddy, my daughter -in-law, grandson and wife to the Christmas Train in Cumberland, Md. The train departed the station at 6:00 PM Sunday and returned at 9:00 PM. It's about 170 miles each way from here. We got home at about 11:30 PM and started gathering the necessities to take with us to the hill. By the time we got there...it was about 12:15 AM and after three tries, decided we couldn't get up the hill in the truck. Thus, we turned around, drove back home, got the four-wheeler out of the garage and trailered it back to the cabin. We finally got on the hill, fire going good, and ready to turn the lamps out at 2:40 AM
We slept for 3 plus hours and were up for "the hunt." We sat in a blind and fortunately got to watch two does for quite awhile, saw about 13 different turkeys and one fat squirrel. No other deer, no Bucks! It's a good thing I'm not a hard core hunter or I would have been upset. I told Old Buddy....getting a deer isn't real important to me but sitting in the woods is...watching wildlife. Believe it or not we had a great time. Since the weather is so warm we decided not to hunt today or tomorrow. I don't know if Old Buddy is planning on hunting tomorrow or not but I do know it's suppose to be around 60 degrees
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 6 Dec 2013 06:42am
OOB, I haven't heard hide nor hair from you this week and figured your have been hunting at the cabin. We scrapped the idea of hunt camp for this year. My oldest had commitments with the Army Reserves every weekend in the month of November and with his better half off this weekend there is no way he can get out of the house alone. LOL! So did any of you get a deer? Next year though I'm going to have to put some more time in with my 21 year old Hunter and teach him how to hunt. He wasn't really interested in high school and commitments ate up most of his time back then. So we will get hot on that next year. We have to get some fruit trees in the ground come spring and a food plot in the ground. Just not enough man made stuff in Morgan Co for the deer to eat and get big on. I think when they are mostly eating all natural then you have to go out of the way to bring them in. I'm ready to get back out to work at the cabin. I haven't not mush outside there since the weather got bad. I'm going to throw on my cold weather gear next week and cut up a poplar tree I dropped earlier in the fall. Then start with cutting up some stuff that needs cleared on the fences line. Well Cabin fans enjoy your weekends. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Dec 2013 04:20pm
You must have missed my post on your site on December 3rd! Better get the cheaters out and look a little closer Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 6 Dec 2013 06:30pm
OOB, I caught that post very early in the week and was referring to the fact that someone at your camp may have went back out this week. Cheaters hell old man I have to wear full blown glasses to see anything, of which I had on thank you. LOL! I for got to tell you that the heat not working in my truck coming home Sunday was because the radiator went out in the Frontier. I'm now unable to ever get up the hill at your place because I bought a 2WD F150 to replace the Nissan. Got tired of it wearing on my wallet with 149,000 miles it was time to say good bye to her. Stay warm and dry this weekend. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 11 Dec 2013 07:38am
OOB, How long are they supposed to be strip mining up by the cabin? Have you contacted the company doing the work and asked them if and when they will start restoration? They do a pretty good job of putting most everything back in order when they are done. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 11 Dec 2013 07:09pm
Sarg68 I talked to the project superintendent about three months ago and he said that they should be "all done" prior to deer season but they're still mining. They haven't started any reclamation yet. I know they do a pretty good job after they're done but who knows how long the wildlife will be affected once they are gone? I know one thing for sure...we're seeing a lot fewer deer than we did in years past but after talking to many others....I'm hearing the same from many people in south eastern Ohio. I wonder if it could be the coyotes killing all the fawns? That cetainly would have some impact on it. This is the first year we have not seen a single buck on our property. It sure gets to wondering about mining and displaced habitat.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 12 Dec 2013 06:52am
I think that if you own property we all owe it to ourselves to go out and start hunting coyotes. I was stationed in Southeastern Arizona when the ADNR reintroduced Pronghorn Antelope. This was a waste of their money and time because the coyotes figured out that they could cause a cow to abort its calf by running it over time. I think that they are just pushing the deer around to different areas here in Ohio. ODNR didn't do us any favors by introducing them into Ohio. Good luck. Sarg68
# Posted: 12 Dec 2013 06:03pm
Just an FYI, but it's just an urban legend that the Ohio DNR introduced coyotes. I've heard similar stories in Indiana. This link says they've been in Ohio almost 100 years: URL
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