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# Posted: 1 Aug 2013 12:19am
Great looking place and fantastic that the whole family is enjoying it.
old old buddy
# Posted: 1 Aug 2013 06:21pm
stickbowcrafter Thank you for the coments! We still have a long way to go. DSo you have a cabin on here? I'm guessing you're a bow hunter by your name...probably an instinctive shooter???
I just love it when the entire family goes up to the cabin and spends the day. This past Sunday was truly a beautiful day! There was a nice breeze all day with a high of 73
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 12 Aug 2013 08:07am
I took a friend of mine up the hill yesterday early evening for a few hours. He's a former marine.....quiet type. I never heard a word from him going up the "rather steep incline" in the truck and when we got to top he got out of the truck as white as a ghost. I looked at him and said, "Pretty steep ain't it?" He just stared at me and me and said, "It was different." I asked him if he was afraid coming up the hill and said he didn't want to talk about it?? He loosened up about 10 minutes later and said he had never been in a vehicle coming up a grade that steep in his life.
I guess he thought I was going too fast up the incline but as bad as the road gets rutted out...you can't lolligag...if you know what I mean!
I told him the next time he could drive and he said "No way!"
I said it in here once before a few years ago and I'll say it again,"It's amazing what you can get use to" 
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 12 Aug 2013 09:24am
Lol...hi OOB! Great story!
How have you been doing? How's summer going and all your projects? Family doing well? I hope so!
It is funny what you get used to over time...I'm glad you're getting to your place for relaxation-we have a tough time getting to ours during the summer months 
old old buddy
# Posted: 12 Aug 2013 08:47pm
trollbridge Hi Mrs. Troll. I was unaware that you had difficulty getting to your place in the summer. Why is that exactly? I don't recall you mentioning it in any of our conversations. I always thought ours was the MOST DIFFICULT to get to in the summer. I know the people up north and out west have a tough time in the winter....but the summer???
The family is fine and thank you for asking. Your baby is so precious Old Buddy is Nursin' it (it's been over a year now). Big Red turned four in May and his baby girl will be one on September 13th!
Our summer project is finishing the painting of the cabin and the addition of the batten strips. Heck...the cabin may be five years old before I get those strips on it We still haven't done anyting to the inside because we're so busy enjoying the outside. We just took two more recliners up last week (I call them beds) so now we have four recliners and a couch not including the table and chairs. It looks like it's time to build on
We have all the wood cut up and kindling all done so it would be nice to get the cabin completely painted before cold weather.
Thanks for asking about us. Take care.....Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 15 Aug 2013 10:52am
LOL...I just meant that we are so busy with other things we can't seem to find the time. No problems physically getting there.
I'm glad you are having a great summer and enjoying your place. I love your paint color and when you get the battens on it really will make it look finished.
Where do you find the space for all those recliners? LOL...they generally take up quite a bit of real estate!
Once again we are behind on cutting wood...we really need to get our butts in gear. I want to be able to spend a lot of winter days and nights cozy at the cabin and we are going to need more wood than what we have ready!!!! I love how we are coming into fall soon. I can imagine it is very beautiful up on "the hill" when the leaves change!
Did they finish all the mining and dig a pond? Is it filling with water and holding? That will be a great little addition for wildlife eventually.
Take care, Ellen
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Aug 2013 08:56pm
trollbridge Reference the mining.....they are still playing around with equipment on the "other side" of the hill but they did build a large pond directly across from our cabin about 250 yards away. Because all this land was mined in the 20's or 30's everything along the highwall including our land and that pond is "fill." Most of the fill is all rock. It will not hold water. To prove that point even further....if you look at the highwall from our porch, it lies about 80-90 feet from the cabin. If you stand at the edge of the highwall directly as you walk out from the cabin, you are actually about 10 feet lower than the ground where the cabin is. When we get a huge rain (like a couple weeks ago when we got 2" in less than an hour) all that water comes running off that 40-50 feet highwall directly at the base and that spot that's roughly 8-10 feet lower than the cabin and is so contoured that the water can't get out. BUT......I have never seen so much as a eye dropper full of water ever lie there.Therefore, the water is running straight down the highwall and into the rocky ground, probably runs underneath of us at some point and comes out of the hill in some other location.
Makes sense to me 
The recliners are great. We keep two in the cabin and two in the add-on room. I refer to them as beds!
We have plenty of wood cut but Old Buddy wants to cut some more cherry. I think we have plenty for this year but I'll tag along if he wants to. I hope your family has a great fall and winter. Make sure you set aside time to spend at the cabin!
Old Old Buddy....Gary
# Posted: 16 Aug 2013 07:17pm
Too bad it won't hold water, Gary. That would have been nice!
I promise you, we will make time to get to the cabin. Labor Day weekend looks like quite a few of the kids will be able to come!
old old buddy
# Posted: 17 Aug 2013 07:49pm
We all just got back from "the hill" around 5:00PM. All four grandchildren, wife, daughter, son, son-in-law and I spent the afternoon on the "mountain" as the grandkids call it. There was a nice breeze all day long. We took the kids for rides on the four-wheeler and the three oldest shot .22 caliber rifles with pap
We even had a fire for about four hours. It was really nice. Had a nice meal around 3:00PM.
Old Buddy and I rode the four-wheeler over to where we had the target (before they covered it up with rock from the mining). There are several large pieces of machinery working just over the other side of the hill about 400 yards away from us. I think they are clearing a bench off....getting ready to "long-wall" mine the same rock face that's on our property in so many pictures. Thank God it's out of sight of the cabin and our property.
When Old Buddy gets a chance I'll have him post a few pics of the day.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 23 Aug 2013 07:41pm
Old Old Buddy, Do you own your oil and mineral rights? Really like your place and what you have done so far. I found this site about a year ago and shortly after bought my property and cabin in Morgan Co. My boys (4) are all gone from home but one of them who is 10 and I wanted a way to be able to see them from time to time. This is the way to do it! I get to stay there all night at least once a month with the ten year old, and the 21 year old goes down once a week to help me do things. The 23 year old makes it in from the Cincinnati area about once a month to visit. Its my slice of heaven on earth. Cheers
old old buddy
# Posted: 24 Aug 2013 12:10pm
Sarg68 In answering your question....yes we own the gas and oil rights to 65 acres. No wells in the area yet as Belmont County is the hot spot for now.
Anyway....I just got home from the cabin with my son (Old Buddy) and his son (Little Buddy). We went up last night and got there right before dark. It had cooled off enough that we sat around a camp-fire for a couple hours and then went inside. I took my generator with me so we ran the "A.C." all night and had good lighting.
I woke up today, put the coffee on and the three of us had a breakfast of fried ham and scrambled eggs! Old Buddy had to come down before noon so we pulled in the driveway around 11:20 AM.
I took a ride across State Route 78 from Clarington (on the river) all the way to McConnellsville about a month ago when we had those terrible rainstorms on a Saturday morning. It was a beautiful drive with some beautiful homes along the way. Was we close to your cabin at any point of that trip?
The cabin has been the best thing I have ever been involved in. It is so quiet and peaceful there and the grandkids love it too. Good luck with yours.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 25 Aug 2013 07:11pm
Old Old Buddy, You sure was close! I'm located close to the over look on 78 just before you get to Ringgold that you can damn near see lake Erie from. That's an exaggeration but you sure can see a long way on a clear day. Headed down for the day tomorrow to do some work. I need to finish one of the fence rows that I've working on all summer. I've been plagued with chain saw problems and the last three times hardly anything got cleared. That problem has been fixed now. I bought a Stihl Farm Boss with an 18" blade Friday. Up till now I've been using my 23 year olds saw a Polan 18" and have broken it three times. He called me Saturday and told me to bring that new one to his house to use and he would bring it back when it broke. LOL. Glad you boys had a good time last night up on the hill. Momma is going with us to stay this Friday night. Her fist trip back since I bought the place. I wanted to make the place livable before she came down to stay with us there. Its just about there now. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 25 Aug 2013 08:53pm
Sarg68 Do you have any photos of your place? I forgot to look to see if you had a site on the forum. I'd like to see what you are working on.
As far as Ringgold....that doesn't sound familiar to me. How many miles east of the Muskingum River are you? That's the only way I could kind of guess real closely to where you are. Are you pretty close to the Big Muskie Bucket at the roadside rest?
My wife has not stayed at the cabin yet. With no running water....she said an overnighter would be her limit and then she'd have to go back home to get a bath Seriously though.....I told her that would be fine since it only takes ten minutes to get home....then I could bring her back up.
My father-in-law has been living with us for almost 16 months and he has numerous health problems (85 y.o.a.) so it's almost like taking care of a child. She has very little time of her own but she'll probably be putting him in a nursing home within the next few months due to the many difficulties he has. Anyway, after that....I have her promise that she'll spend time with me at the cabin.
My son and grandson love staying overnight which makes me happy When my daughter/son-in-law and other two grandkids come in from the Columbus area...they all love coming to Pap's cabin
Talking about chain-saws my son bought a Stihl saw bigger yet than the farm boss and paid close to or slightly over $600.00 for it. It originally came with a 20" bar and had no problem handling that so we decided to put a 16" bar on it and with the power it has now it rips through any tree 12-16" in diameter in a flash! He really likes it. I think he's had it for going on four years now. He has not had a problem with it and it starts up real easy each season. I'd say you made a good choice.
We did have a great time and I finally broke over and fixed a meal. Old Buddy usually does most of the grille cooking but I fixed breakfast on our two-burner Coleman bottled propane stove.....and what a fine meal it was! It was cool enough outside for a fire but since the cabin was still 78 degrees when we got there, we plugged the A.C. in. It is so nice to just set the thermostat and let it kick off-and-on all night long. I have a 4000 watt Champion (3500 peak) and have used it forover three years now and love it. It never missed a lick and ran for almost 11 hours and used about 3/5 of a tank. I was happy with that.
What is the Sarg68 mean? Prior military/police experience or active? I'm nearing my 63rd birthday and retired from the Ohio Highway Patrol almost 11 years ago as a Staff Lieutenant. I haven't missed a thing and never looked back.
Give me a jingle when you get a chance
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 26 Aug 2013 07:44pm
Old Old Buddy, I do have a site on here you can take a look at http://www.small-cabin.com/forum/6_3785_0.html Sarg68 I took from Beetle Baily because I'm a retired Sergeant First Class (E7) from the Army. My 23 year old is a Sergeant in the Army Reserves and his logon here at the forum is Sarg89. I don't know how much you know about the Army but, I was in Counter Intelligence. I've followed your site for about a year now so I did know about you being retired from the Patrol. You may know my father-in-law Terry Moore he was a Patrolman for a number of years before he went to work at OU Zanesville. I'm 45 years old and have four boys 23, 21, 19 and 10. No grandkids yet. I had a very interesting day at the cabin today. I was teaching my 21 year old to use the chain saw and this was only the second time he has used it and it kicked back and got him in the right leg. He was really damn lucky and it only made a superficial wound that took 10 stitches to close up just below his knee. 20 years of experience really paid off today. He said on the way to the hospital "I sure am glad your a Army dad and not a some wimpy dad". I recommend that if you use a chain saw or know anyone who does you recommend they buy chaps. I've been meaning to buy some but who wants to spend $75 on them right? Well I picked up the kids copay for him that was $112 and now I have to buy the chaps and I will have $187 in them. Lesson learned. Ringgold is just a little place where 555 crosses over 79. Don't blink or you will miss it. Great talking with you and I hope you enjoy the pictures of my cabin as mush as I enjoy yours. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 8 Sep 2013 01:24pm
Well...another first. The MRS and I went to the hill last night and arrived late (8:30 PM) and it was d-a-r-k!
I immediately hooked up the generator and got the lights working so she immediately felt safe and comfortable. We even fired up the AC and let it run off and on all night long on thermostat control. We went to sleep around 11:30 and she slept until 9:35 AM. I got up and started mowing grass while she cooked breakfast. It was only about 70 degrees but it was muggy
I was soaked by the time she called me to eat and it was time for a break anyway. Ha!
We came down earlyaround 12:30 PM but she had a great time she says. Maybe next time we'll do two nights!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 9 Sep 2013 10:37am
Wonderful Gary! I'm so happy for you that you got to have that time together at the cabin. Yay! I think there will be many more nights she spends there. Was it better going up the hill in the darkness of night? Maybe not quite so scary for her, or was it even more so? Fun!
old old buddy
# Posted: 9 Sep 2013 06:34pm
trollbridge Reference the darkness for my wife: It is of little concern because she keeps her eyes closed going up the hill everytime because she is so afraid of the uphill journey. Seriously...she keeps her eyes closed because of the steep grade. Oddly enough...she isn't afraid going down the hill ???
We had a great time though. It was pitch black when we arrived and as soon as we fired the generator up and turned the lights on...she was fine
She enjoyed working her "word find" book until she got tired and that was it. There will be many more for sure. We have been taking care of her 85 year old father for the past 16 months and he has about four disabilities so she pretty much has had a full plate for the past year. Her sister (who lives in Virginia) has always promised that she would take him after she retired to give Tina a break and she lived up to it. He is now living with her in Virginia but should be in a nursing home.
Anyway.....she has all this free time now and is starting to enjoy her life much more.
We still haven't finished painting the cabin
Have a great a fall Ellen 
# Posted: 10 Sep 2013 09:14am
I'm glad to hear her sister has come through and that Tina has gotten a break now. I'm sure you will have many more wonderful times together relaxing up on the hill.
It is interesting that coming down the hill doesn't scare the beejeebees out of her! But for her sake I'm glad 
Fall will be a great time to finish painting your cabin 
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Sep 2013 08:14am
trollbridge Well...we made it to the cabin (by ourselves) for the second straight week-end. We went up around 6:00 PM Friday night and had a grand time. We had an outside fire and by the time we came inside, it was time for a fire in the wood-stove!
I just took the chill off and tried not to get it too hot (I failed) and by the time we went to bed, it was down to 80 degrees. I woke up at 3:30 AM and started another small fire to take the chill off and Tina never even heard me
We had a real nice breakfast and just layed around like a couple of "slugs." I kept waiting for it to warm up to about 65 degrees but it took forever so while I was waiting inside the cabin, danged if I didn't drop off for another two-hour nap
We had plans in the late afternoon, so we cleaned up and came down off the hill. We had a great time just talking about the kids and grandkids and the future. It was therapy for both of us.
Old Buddy is getting into the swing of things with his new job. His little girl, Kelsey, just turned one on the 13th and Big Red turned four in May. He's in Pre-School and loves it.
I actually watched Tin'a face as I was driving up the hill and she does keep her eyes closed going up the hill
How about this nice weather. We haven't had the central air on at home for three days now! Tina and I both love the fall...we call it jacket weather!
Nice chattin with you. Hope you and yours are doing fine. Did I read "a long time ago" that you are a teacher? If so, how many years? I could possibly be confusing you with Montanan. Your little Noelle is a doll.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 17 Sep 2013 08:30pm
Old Old Buddy, Sure sounds like you had a nice trip! Can't beat a fire in the stove and cool morning at the cabin. The boys and I won't make it down to stay until next month. They are planning a big squirrel hunting trip. Will probably install our stove then. Last year we used a propane wall heater and stayed every month except December, January and February. I don't care for the propane smell that it puts off. I'm sure we will leave it installed as a backup but only for an emergency. Take care Todd
old old buddy
# Posted: 28 Sep 2013 01:37pm
wELL.....Pap took the two grandsons to the cabin yesterday around 5:00PM. for an over-nighter.
I took the generator just so no one got scared of the dark for their first stay over, together. Tristin is four and Garyn is six. They had a great time....I'm told. Ha!
We had a nice camp-fire last night after spraying ourselves down with Deep Woods Off The boys were ready to come inside around 8:00PM). WE talked and ate and laughed until around 10:30 PM. I turned all the lights off but one inside and left the outside dusk-to-dawn light on all night for the boys. We were up at 7:30 AM and had breakfast and had to take two "big hikes" about 1/4 mile each.
I always try to give them a gun safety class whenever I'm around both of them. I always tell them that any gun they see at someone's house is LOADED! and that they need to tell an adult that they found it before anyone touches it. Gradually...they are both catching on about never knowing if an automatic pistol is loaded or not until an adult renders it safe. Hopefully, something will stick in their little heads. They love to shoot with their dads and Pap!
We had hot dogs for lunch and headed off the hill. I was out-voted because they wanted to come see Grandma!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 4 Oct 2013 12:03am
I really enjoyed reading your thread, cabin looks good. 
old old buddy
# Posted: 4 Oct 2013 05:26pm
redbeard It's just a nice place to take the kids and enjoy a sleep-over or for hunting in the winter. It's not fancy but it's dry and warm in the winter! The road to get up the hill is terrible and most people don't want to go back once they made the trip up the hill....it's that steep!
If you read our entire thread it had to take you 2-3 hours. It took me like 2:45 hours.....and I knew what it was going to say
I have enjoyed this cabin like nothing else in my life and whenever I'm not working.....I want to be at the cabin. The Mrs. hasn't reached that point yet....but she still closes her eyes going up the hill
Thanks for the comments and I'll be following your progress.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 4 Oct 2013 08:05pm
Hey old timer what are you going to use as a catch phrase when she starts keeping her eyes open on the way up that hill? LOL Quoting: old old buddy but she still closes her eyes going up the hill Cheers friend, enjoy the weekend and I hope you get to the cabin. Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 4 Oct 2013 09:10pm
Sarg68 Same to you! I would like to go up tomorrow afternoon to put some corn in my feeder. I don't know if that will happen or not yet. Lots of things to do on the week-end, right?
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 5 Oct 2013 05:08pm
Well....I was fortunate enough to talk the wife into going on the hill with me to fill the feeder. I bought 200# but was only able to get 150# into the feeder. It had close to one bag left in it apparently so I brought a 50# bag home with me.
We wasn't up there too long. I changed the timer so that it comes on at 0700 hours for eight seconds and then 1600 hours for eight seconds. The feeder hopper will run for probably about a month or so until it runs empty. I'll have another load ready to go by then.
Attn: Turkeyhunter
The price of whole corn dropped from $11.99 for 50# to $9.79! That's the first drop in three years in my locale.
Anyway....we had a nice quiet hour or so alone, which was nice.
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 16 Oct 2013 04:42pm
I took Old Buddy, my cousin and one of my best freinds with me to the cabin to shoot .40 caliber pistols (Beretta's, Sig Sauer's and Glock's). We spent about three hours, went through about 300 rounds of ammo.
We had a great time. Wish it would have lasted longer. Old Old Buddy
SE Ohio
# Posted: 17 Oct 2013 07:33pm
Saw in another thread that someone stole your air conditioner. Thieves are never around when one is target shooting! I bet we're all wondering if it was the junker ATV guys...
With your limited access, it might be easy to set up a game camera or two on the entry route. Good luck!
old old buddy
# Posted: 18 Oct 2013 09:19am
SE Ohio You were reading my mind...I swear. We're in the process of installing cameras to capture intruders from a better vantage point.
You know....if they would have told me they needed something because they were starving or hadn't eaten for a long time...I would have helped them out like I always have. But just to steal it for $7.00-10.00 worth of scrap and then drug it down the hill (by hand I have to assume) it really grinds me. I guess just knowing they know exactly where it is concerns me. It is very secluded and that's why I always have at least a large bore hand-gun with me. It really touched me somehow (negatively) and while I still love going up to the cabin, I wonder what will be missing the next time.
My son says that even if we catch them, they'll do a short stint in jail and then for retribution, they'll probably come back and burn it down....or worse.
I appreciate your comments and to be honest with you, if I caught them in the act I don't know what I might be capable of with a shotgun loaded with 00 buck. It kind of scares me sometimes... I guess as time goes on.....if nothing comes up missing.....maybe we'll be O.K. 
Old Old Buddy
SE Ohio
# Posted: 18 Oct 2013 09:37am
Old Old Buddy,
I've got my place "stocked" with garage sale and thrift store stuff mainly, and I still get robbed. I think most of these desperados have a combo of mental health and addiction issues. No telling what they'll take, but by having minimalist junk stolen it can be less painful, but painful just the same. I too am apprehensive about what I'll find when I arrive, and of the potential for "scorching" retribution.
With that in mind, I've got to finish packing and go to my cabin now
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