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# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 04:09am
I have been doing maintenance and renovations for a friend at a rural property in west Finland. the previous owners husband and wire died soon after each other and this place was abandoned since then which was 2011. After cleaning up this place I asked the owners which are the 2 daughters of the last occupants if I can buy it. So they got an appraisal from a estate agent who says its worth around 10k euros! The neighbours say its only worth 1000 euro. There has been alot of elemental damage from water getting through the rooves esp the main house and the other outside buildings are badly damaged by water. The property size is 5000 sq meters. I will try upload more pictures so the readers can see what this place really looks like.
This place would be perfect to live off grid get some solar panels build a beekeeping compound to make honey and money to live off theres also a well spring.
Its not exactly a small cabin but it is off grid. Kinda.
Should I make a loan and buy this place? the cottage water damage hole
|  the sauna
|  the cottage
|  water leak spots cottage roof
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 04:15am
The main problem is getting up on the roof of the main house. Its probably just a couple of loose or broken tiles which need readjusting. Its quite high up there. I could probably cut down some trees and build a scaffolding or something. But to fall from up there is gonna hurt alot.
Ive been here for 3 weeks when I got here this place looked like crap imagine neglect and nature taking over. It looks a ton better and for what they are asking 10k I think this is a dream house and property. It has so much potential. People judge a book by its cover. I am not one of them. This is a once in a lifetime. All I need now is to figure out how to get 10k euros a loan or make a deal with the owners because beekeeping takes at least 2 seasons to make money right? Im also new to beekeeping.
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 04:27am
some more pics water damage in the room below the hole in the main house roof
|  build a pool to catch the drips until I can get on the roof somehow
|  attached a board to the roof hole where the leaks were to keep in the heat so I can try dry it
|  the badly damaged barn roof
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 08:20am
Judging from the photos, in most places the house would be considered a "teardown", so it's not worth much more than the value of the land itself. IF the basic structure is sound it _might_ be salvageable, but you'd have serious mold issues to deal with. If not, you would have to consider the cost of demolition and removal added to the cost of whatever new structure you choose to build. With that much water damage it's not just a "few roof tiles"; it will almost certainly need a complete new roof including the decking.
I thought our cabin was bad when we took possession, but this looks far worse.
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 09:09am
I have to agree with Fanman on this for sure. I've done reno's on old houses & a couple that had been abandoned. 1st lesson learned is what you see ON the surface is a great indicator of what's underneath. The mould, mildews and rot is very visible. The black mould really shows too and that shit is Terribly BAD (use NIOSH Mask when getting that out. IMO that is beyond Rehab... you'll spend more on repairs than the 10K for the property, the neighbours are likely right on this point, that you just want the land.
Having a well etc is great but that will also need a "Good Look" as it may be compromised (safe bet that it is being in a forest).
Another thing to consider as an option, how much can be recovered / reused & how much waste to deal with... then of course access to materials & what that will cost.
Simply put, When negotiating to buy this work under the assumption that the building are of zero value & in fact will cost you to demolish & rebuild and low-ball from the get go. Also look around the area to see what "Land is Actually worth" in that location. I personally would NOT pay above the Land Value.
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 09:56am
yes that spring is in the forest. it sure has a strange smell. theres probably a lot of dead critters on the bottom. Its about 4 metres deep. regardless I still use it to wash myself and sauna. I just scoop slowly from the top to prevent mixing it. I first heat it in the sauna boiler as much as possible then use a combo of cold + hot its not bad. the well
|  the old spring house
|  spring house
|  ripped away the old spring roof and put this
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 10:35am
Recovery, repair or renovation of a building like that was the sort of project my brother and I would not take on at any price before we retired and sold the business.
If the land is valued then the land should be purchased for a fair land value. Maybe a discount because of the need to remove potentially hazardous materials? What are Finland's rules on the demolition and disposal of of potentially hazardous waste materials?
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 10:53am
I am quite conscious about water. That simple Ground Water well may be ok for "utility" purposes but even then, it can be quite tricky.
So you have a Ground water well and a separate spring ?.. It may be prudent (if possible) to let a couple of water samples from the Spring and get that tested.
ICC raises a really good point on "Disposal. Given the age etc, there is more than likely some seriously nasty lurking in the buildings.
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 02:51pm
Hello. The value is in the land. We started watching Maine Cabin Masters on Hulu this winter. That show is very interesting. The masters renovate old Maine cabins. Most of them are in really bad shape. What many would consider tear downs. One of the first things they have to do is the foundation in almost 100% of the cabins. Lots of rot and shifting. We’ve seen them almost take a cabin apart. They have lots of help especially when they are doing the roof. The pink insulation we’ve seen them pull out of cabins is so gross. Full of mold and animal droppings. I’m thankful we paid the extra for spray foam. I suppose it depends on if you are young enough to take this on, have help and have the funds to renovate.
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 06:34pm
Do Not make the mistake of becoming emotionally attached to what you see as potential. That is like thinking you can change the character flaws in a new girlfriend/boyfriend......
# Posted: 28 Apr 2024 08:49am - Edited by: mojjo88
this is what the whole 5000sq meters property looked like back in the day. there was all kinds of home grown agriculture etc etc and the place isnt much different except the neglect and nature damages it will take a bit of time to get back to the 50s but its still possible.
woodshed in top right is still dry and in good condition toolsshed in the middle right has some leaks but its ok
main house bottom right has multiple leaks in the roof but its still liveable
L shaped building top left has serious water damage full of holes and probably going to collapse soon enuf
sauna building lower left is working ok but needs sealing around the chimney water gets in there
and the well is next to the sauna
and there is a ton of space to throw in some beehives to make a living which is my plan..
pity I dont have the 10k yet. they itchin to sell so theyll probably put this on the market soon and some lucky dude will get it before me