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# Posted: 27 Sep 2011 06:00pm
Holy starry night!!!!! I love the stars don't you? I even painted (and I'm no painter) the scene from our clearing, looking up at the stars over the tops of the pine trees on some old doors we rescued from a nearby church that was going to be torn down. They will be our bedroom doors. I have to run out there and look up to the sky every time we have a bonfire cause it is just so pretty!
I am really excited about our counters now too. I simply can't wait to work on the inside stuff!
# Posted: 3 Oct 2011 04:52pm
Ok- back from another weekend at the cabin and I am thrilled to announce that WE HAVE POWER!!! Not only that, but my husband was able to get the electric water pump hooked up and now we actually have running water. It has transformed our lives up there (no more lugging 5 gallon buckets of water up the steep hill from the creek!) We don't have the kitchen faucet installed, nor the tub/shower, but we have running water in the bathroom sink.
Work this weekend (besides the power) included finishing the kitchen counters (decided we want to stain them before putting the clear resin on though, so that will wait until next time), building the half wall where the breakfast bar will be, putting in more flooring, installing the shower curtain rod and curtain, and a TON of organizing and clean up. I think we're ready for our guests this coming weekend.
Photos (sorry for the poor quality- I forgot my camera and had to take all the photos with my phone. Oops.) Interior from the back door (living room to the left, bathroom to the right)
|  AND...Houston, we have light!
|  The reason I never show this corner- full of building materials! But more organized now.
|  T&G on the half wall where the breakfast bar will be.
# Posted: 3 Oct 2011 04:57pm
A few more- including photos of the lamps for trollbridge. =) Breakfast bar area- and antique floor lamp
|  The other antique floor lamp- this one with a great barrel shade
|  Showing living area & bathroom (that ugly white back door will be painted to match the brown one)
|  Sunset on our drive home yesterday- ignore the bug splattered windshield
# Posted: 3 Oct 2011 05:23pm
That is awesome. You have a great cabin and something to be very proud of and looks great. I suppose it's back to teaching till next weekend. The snow will be falling soon do they plow the roads?
# Posted: 3 Oct 2011 07:35pm
Ahhh-I feel the excitement in your post! That is awesome montanan and yep...I love those floor lamps! Nice coffee table too! You will have plenty of cozy room for next weekend!
So electricity and water both in the same weekend...must have felt like you died and went to heaven!!! I am so excited for you and it really doesn't look like you have very much left to complete. Your breakfast bar will be fun to do and oh btw I really like the nails in your floor(that you did not hide them). Next weekend when you are up(and you have your camera :)) you will have to go outside at night and take a picture of your cabin with all the lights on inside...it will look like a postcard!!
# Posted: 4 Oct 2011 11:13am
neb~ yep- they are actually forecasting snow above 5000 ft this weekend, so we might get a dusting up there. The entrance to our property is on a state highway, so that will be plowed. The real problem is that they will end up plowing a wall of snow across the entrance to our road/bridge. We haven't figured out yet how we will address that problem. I'm hoping I can hire the local who does the town roads just south of us- just call him the day before we head up and ask him to plow a parking area for us. And yes- back at work until the weekend...counting down the days. ;o)
trollbridge~ thanks. =) Yes- it really felt like a quantum leap forward! We're definitely feeling like we're getting to the "finish work" stage. We even brought some supplies and tools BACK HOME last weekend! When will you be back at your place?
# Posted: 4 Oct 2011 01:13pm
Maybe you could just buy a snow machine and a sled and get in that way.
# Posted: 4 Oct 2011 05:07pm
Yeah- been lobbying the husband for that. Unfortunately, he's rather anti snow machine. At any rate, we'll need to at least plow out a parking space alongside the highway.
# Posted: 4 Oct 2011 06:20pm
I'm not sure we will be able to go up this weekend-our #2 son's birthday is Saturday and we will be planning something with him and his wife-they are the one's who had the baby in July and he's so cute I might add:) The following weekend for sure we will go. Last weekend we went up for just the day Saturday and got firewood for the whole winter split and stacked. That was a lot of work that at the time went fast cause our 1st son came to help, so we had two chainsaws and splitting mauls going but OMG let me tell you, the next day I felt like I had been crushed by a bus! So much bending and such! Glad it is done.
# Posted: 4 Oct 2011 06:37pm
Great project! I can really appreciate the work involved. I hope the electricity works out well for you. It always amazes me to see logs fit together so neatly - a real art. Nice metal roof - good choice.
# Posted: 5 Oct 2011 06:56pm
It looks great. I love the lamps, they add a warm welcoming feeling.
# Posted: 5 Oct 2011 07:45pm
What a fabulous place! Amazing how those logs fit together and the stell roof is a wise choice. Some beautiful shots of the inside and I am sure you will have great times there. Thanks for sharing your progress and details.
# Posted: 5 Oct 2011 09:39pm
BEAUTIFUL!!! Such talented folk we have here!!!! Congratulations!
# Posted: 6 Oct 2011 09:21pm
Hey...it is almost FRIDAY!!!! Think you got any snow at your cabin? Add a "winter scene" photo to your night time "interior glow" photo! I'm sure it will look gorgeous! Have fun :)
# Posted: 7 Oct 2011 12:54pm
Thanks everyone!! It is snowing at the ski area 8 miles from our cabin but that's at the top of the pass so it might just be rain at the cabin. But yes- trollbridge- I will get a winter scene if we have snow on the ground. We're headed out tomorrow. Enjoy your son's birthday and good job building the wood pile last weekend! We're going to be doing that this time.
# Posted: 12 Oct 2011 04:03pm
We are back from our weekend with my parents. We had a very nice time but did hardly anything, so I don't have much in the way of photos. We did get the kitchen faucet installed so we have running water in the kitchen now- woohoo! We also had a visit from the bank appraiser, who said that we are "95% done" with what they require to close the construction loan. Yay!!
Otherwise, we slept in, padded around in our pajamas, cooked elaborate breakfasts, and basically enjoyed cabin living. The "men folk" (including grandpa and grandsons) cut, split, and stacked a lot of firewood, so that was productive. We also went on a great hike on our property (to show the folks.) It was a glorious fall afternoon! Photo below.
We're home this weekend but going up the following weekend for 3-4 days to try to finish the big stuff. This might be the last time we can drive in for the season. Snow will be falling soon! Scenic vista on our hike- well above the cabin site.
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# Posted: 12 Oct 2011 04:48pm
Glad you got to relax and enjoy your family and cabin! Glad all went well with the bank...I bet you are a little bit relieved now that you know what is left to do. And water in the kitchen sink-yippee skippee :) I would make big elaborate meals too!! I've done flapjacks,eggs,hashbrowns,sausage and bisquits over the fire but each time I had to clean up with creek water :( so I would say having water to your sink is a very "happy" thing :)
# Posted: 25 Oct 2011 04:59pm
Back from another weekend at the cabin. Wow, it's hard coming back to "real life." More progress made- I spent the bulk of the weekend on my hands and knees, measuring, cutting, and nailing down floor boards. The floor is now 100% installed! We still need to sand and poly, but all the boards are in. I also sanded and stained/sealed the kitchen counters. My husband installed the hot water heater (woohoo for hot water!) and strung the rest of the wiring. He'll go up solo this coming weekend and finish concealing the wiring and hanging the rest of the light fixtures. Then we are pretty close to "done enough" for the bank. We'll have to get an appraisal before we can convert the construction loan to a mortgage, so we're biting our nails a bit about that. Can't wait to be on the other side of that stuff and just paying down the loan.
Photos: The living room area is finally usable!
|  This was the last section of flooring I finished installing.
|  Counters in and stained...thinking of putting a semi-gloss seal for extra protection.
|  Moring sun on the rear of the cabin- and wood pile.
# Posted: 25 Oct 2011 05:03pm
A couple more exterior shots: From below- looking up at the front (aka view side)
|  From the hill above the cabin.
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# Posted: 25 Oct 2011 07:45pm
Looks wonderful-so warm and inviting! Sounds like you are very close to being finished and I am happy for you :)
Did you use any kind of something around your sink(between the stainless and the counter) to form a seal? I really like your faucet!
# Posted: 25 Oct 2011 10:35pm
How do you plan on sanding your wood floor? How rough is it? Also how wide are the pine boards you went with? Did you just butt the ends together?
We are talking about doing this type of floor too. We have some maple hardwood floor but not enough to do the main portion of our cabin(LR & Dining). I think we will use that in the loft instead. The cabin is constantly morphing to make things work ;)
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 12:59am
Thanks trollbridge. We're getting close to being "done enough" but I don't think we'll ever be truly done. =) We just used silicone between the faucet fixture and the wood counter. We'll see how long it holds up. Thanks for the compliment on the faucet. It was one of the few "splurges" in which I indulged (if you can call buying it from ebay a splurge.)
The pine boards are 1x8s. It's the cheapest grade they carry at the big box stores but it's not too rough (no splinters so far.) Yes, we just butted the ends together. We're planning on renting a floor sander of some kind- mainly to smooth down any ridges between planks and ensure a smooth feel.
We'll see how durable these floors are. We really like the look, especially with the exposed nail heads (3 on each end of each board.) FYI, if you decide to go this route, you really have to choose each board individually. Many of them are warped and we found that buying anything longer than 8' sections resulted in too much warping. We cut each board in sections, ranging from 1.5' to 6' and then we laid them out like puzzle pieces to get the desired look.
We bought them in stages- as many as we could find that were straight and non-blemished. We'd bring each stack of 15-20 boards up to the cabin and let them sit inside for a while before installing them. We liked the look of 10" planks but figured we shouldn't go any wider than 8" because of the risk of shrinkage/warping. So, we'll see what happens. At least it's easy to replace one piece if there's a problem board! So far, they feel great and we have no creaking or noise. We just put a foam underlay over the subfloor and then laid down the planks.
Hope that helps!
old buddy
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 09:12am
You're place is truly amazing...I wish we all could have views around our places like you guys do.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 11:08am
I think we're beating you glacier gliders so far this year. Over 50" year to date. I'll only get a limited day Saturday, as we are installing the wood stove (better late than never).
When you you guys start skiing?
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 12:42pm
Montanan: Your place looks beautiful. Your hard work shows well. *S* Congratulations!!!!
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 08:34pm
wow, so beautiful!
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 09:54pm
I just discovered this thread. Those pictures all the way through are awesome. That is one heck of a nice place you got there. Wish I had the wherewithal to build such a nice cabin. Really looks nice.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 10:01pm
Again very nice, pictures say it all.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 11:12pm
Quoting: dstraate When you you guys start skiing?
I think the mountain is supposed to open the first week of December. You definitely have us beat! There have only been a few inches of snow thus far. I am NOT complaining, though- the longer the snow stays away, the longer we can drive in and bring supplies in the truck. After that, we'll be on foot.
Good luck installing the wood stove. Sounds like you need it!!
# Posted: 26 Oct 2011 11:16pm
Thank you for all the kind comments. We're pleased with the place. But I have to say that I really respect and admire you all who are building piece by piece with cash on hand. We were able to get a wonderful handcrafted log structure, but that comes at a cost. It's been rewarding to do all of the rest of the work ourselves- I'm so impressed by all of your projects done yourselves from bare ground.
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