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# Posted: 25 Jun 2011 06:45pm
I've been lurking for a couple of months but thought I would post a few shots of our cabin. We designed the cabin ourselves and hired a company that specializes in handcrafted log cabins to build the shell. They built it on pier blocks and did all the log work, cut the window and door openings to our specs, and put on the wood roof panels. The rest is up to us. So far, we have installed all the windows and doors, insulated around them, and put tar paper and framing on the roof.
The roof metal will be delivered on Monday and we will install the roof insulation and the metal (hopefully we can get that done in 2 days.) We'll have a spring-fed water system and septic- we're hiring someone to do that. We'll be doing all the finish plumbing ourselves. We will be on the grid so we'll also be doing the wiring (and by "we," I mean my husband.)
We have a construction loan, so time is a huge factor for us. We need to get it done (i.e. done enough to pass inspection) by the end of the summer. We're both teachers, so we only have until mid-August before we go back to work. Oh, and we have 3 kids, ages 10, 7, and almost 5.
A few photos taken last weekend:
1) Exterior, as I walked up the path from the spring where we get our water.
2) Interior, looking out the front (aka "view side")
3) A shot out the back door at the approach road, and the husband, dog, and borrowed ATV. Cabin_June_19_016.jp.jpg
|  Cabin_June_19_011.jp.jpg
|  Cabin_June_19_009.jp.jpg
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# Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:47pm
That is very nice and you should be very proud of your place. You have a great view and your cabin looks like a post card picture. Great work.
# Posted: 25 Jun 2011 08:28pm
SO beautiful !!!
# Posted: 25 Jun 2011 08:47pm
Congratulations on a beautiful place!!!
# Posted: 25 Jun 2011 09:36pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: naturelover66 SO beautiful !!! x2......
your cabin is ONE of my favorite's build on the forum ...............i love the look of those logs!!!!!! And what a view!!!!!!
# Posted: 9 Jul 2011 12:40pm
Thanks for all the wonderful comments! We're very pleased with how the cabin looks.
We did get the roof metal on, though it took 2 separate trips because there was a giant pit on one side of the cabin for a few days while the septic was dug/inspected/approved. The good news is that the septic is done and the water development will happen next week.
Next, we're on to interior work- framing the interior walls, putting in the hearth and wood stove, plumbing, electrical, flooring, etc. We're still trying to decide on flooring, as our budget is limited. We want wood...wondering whether we ought to spend the $$ on tongue and groove, or just put down planks.
Here are a few photos of the roof metal, and also one of the camp kitchen we're using until we have running water and build the "real" kitchen. Side one finished
|  Working on side one
|  Finishing side two
|  Temporary kitchen
# Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:43pm
Quoting: Montanan are a few photos of the roof metal metal roof looks great!!!!!
Quoting: Montanan camp kitchen we're using until we have running water and build the "real" kitchen.
i need to build a temp. camp kitchen in my cabin as well.---i like to keep my hands clean when cooking and eating your's looks great the wooden posts set it off.
# Posted: 14 Jul 2011 09:51am
Thanks turkeyhunter. Yes, the temp kitchen has really improved cabin life! The sink and drain bins have revolutionized the dish washing procedure (I was taking everything down to the stream before.) Now I see how easy it would be to just have a dry cabin.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2011 01:55am - Edited by: Montanan
The husband is up at the cabin now. To-do list included installing roof cap (done, as of today), framing out bathroom walls (done today, and pics to come- with fixtures set into place- at least the tub and toilet), and build hearth for wood stove (to be done tomorrow.)
Hubby did not take the measurements for the clearances on the stove, so he had to drive out of the canyon and call home for them today (no cell service for 30 miles in either direction at the property.) But he reached me and I passed on the info- and the freight company delivered the stove to me today. It will be on the next truckload up.
Does anyone know if there are requirements for pad/hearth size? I read something (that I cannot now find) about insurance not covering the cabin if your wood stove hearth/clearance are not to "code" (whatever "code" might mean.) If we follow the manufacturer's guidelines for clearances, will we be okay?
The spring development project should be done by Friday, so next week's agenda includes plumbing work. After that, we're on to electrical (aiming for the first week of August to tackle that.) Clock is ticking- the school year here starts August 24.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:35am
you guys have got a lot done so far this summer, looking forward to more pic's............this is one of my favorite build on the forum. down south a lot of schools start back aug 1..........
Quoting: Montanan If we follow the manufacturer's guidelines for clearances, will we be okay?
i think they should kmow more than the insurance agent, at my old camp the insurace agent just made a pic of my wood stove and said it had to be triple wall stove pipe through the wall , which i had. keep us updated-----
# Posted: 21 Jul 2011 01:06pm
Thanks turkeyhunter. I appreciate the info- and the compliments!
Here are a few other photos- taken earlier this summer, but they show the site and the interior a bit better. Cabin on site
|  main floor interior
|  loft area view side
|  loft area rear
# Posted: 21 Jul 2011 07:51pm
Very nice !!
# Posted: 24 Jul 2011 01:18pm
We really love your cabin-the logs are amazing! Do you have any pictures of your bridge? Your land is beautiful! How many acres and where? Montana? You are lucky to have the summers off with a place like that to go to. How long is your drive from home? Keep posting pics. and updates!
# Posted: 25 Jul 2011 08:23pm
Thanks trollbridge. Attaching a few photos of the bridge. They aren't good photos though and don't show the detail. The former property owner put it in. It's a very beefy bridge- no problem with tractor trailers crossing it!
Yes, the property is in central Montana. We have 32.5 acres, which includes almost 500 ft of fishable creek frontage (the husband and boys have caught plenty of trout in there!) We're also 8 miles from a ski area, which we consider to be THE BEST part about the location. The property is about 2.5 hours from our home.
I'll try to get a few more photos up this evening (have to get them off of my husband's camera.) We're headed back up later this week and plan to work on plumbing and installing the wood stove.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2011 10:26am
I can see why you were happy that your bridge was already in place!!!! I wouldn't want to slip off the edge though! I can see why you are concerned about plowing in the winter also-I get the feeling your driveway is long and with a ski hill so close you will want to be there. Your land is beautiful though. I love the hills/mountains.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2011 03:03pm
Looks like you have a good place for a gate. Wow, it's coming along. Nice place. I like your front door entryway logs!
....How are you going to keep from moving out there full time?
# Posted: 27 Jul 2011 10:17am
Thank you! And yes- it would be tempting to live there full time!
We have already installed a gate at the bridge- will try to get a photo on this next trip. And yes, the driveway (aka road) is pretty long and steep. Eventually we'll get something with a plow (ATV or something) but in the meantime, I am going to look into hiring a local to plow once a month for us. We'll be up there a lot in the winter and it snows a LOT. Snowshoeing up in below 0 temps in the dark with 3 small children does not sound too fun.
Here are a few more photos: Roof finally complete
|  Bathroom walls framed
|  Sleeping loft with one "real" bed so far
|  Cool night shot- Big Dipper above cabin
# Posted: 27 Jul 2011 10:45am
Beautiful pictures! I think having someone plow you out once a month is a good idea then if you have an ATV or plow truck you could more or less "maintain" between times. We just call our guy the week before we go up to give him time to get it done. We generally arrive Friday nights in the dark also so it is nice to drive right in. You are so lucky that you have all summer to work on your place. I wish we could get to our place more frequently. Hope everything stays on your timeline and you get done before school. Enjoy!
# Posted: 27 Jul 2011 05:40pm
Montanan - The "cool night shot" photo is fabulous! Your place looks incredible! You must be very proud!!!
# Posted: 8 Aug 2011 01:01pm
Trollbridge~ yes- that was my idea about the plowing (call ahead and be able to drive up upon arrival Friday evenings.) Unfortunately, my husband seems to think it's an unnecessary expense and that we can just hike up in the winter. We'll see who wins that debate. ;o)
We've just returned from a long work session. We installed all of the "out" plumbing, so we now have a flushing toilet as long as we pour water in (woohoo!) We can't get water in until we get the electric hooked up, as we have a pump from our collection cistern (spring-fed.) Hopefully, the guy from the utility company is coming today. The husband is up there waiting for him now.
We also got all of the trim done around the interior of the windows and installed the floor in the bathroom (needed to do that to set the tub and toilet properly.) We went with 8" pine planks and they look great- will look even better once we get them sanded and coated with polyurethane.
We have been working to get the wood stove installed but that has turned out to be a royal pain-in-the-you-know-what. First, we got the wrong flashing, then it took hours to get the hole cut for the cathedral box, and then we had a piece of single wall that would not fasten into place...and the boring story goes on. We'll have to finish that project next weekend. But we do love the looks of the stove and hopefully have a couple more weeks before we really need the heat at night.
Here are a few more photos. A shot of the beginnings of the kitchen being cobbled in
|  We got all of the bathroom fixtures from craigslist- from a 1906 home
|  The wood stove
|  Bridge with gate (for trollbridge)
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 12:53am
A frustrating turn of events: the utility company guy did show up yesterday but determined that the electricity pole on our property is old and "not up to code." Apparently it is too short and does not have a transformer on it. So, it will have to be replaced before we can run power...at OUR expense, which will supposedly be in the ballpark of $3500. ACK!!! And it gets worse- they said it will be 6-8 WEEKS before they can get anyone out there to do it!
I am beyond irked. Has anyone encountered this?? Is there any way to put pressure on them and get them to do the work sooner rather than later?!
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 05:24am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: Montanan I am beyond irked. Has anyone encountered this?? Is there any way to put pressure on them and get them to do the work sooner rather than later?!
i dealt with something simlar at my old camp last wek, with the local power co. It was so furstrated to say the least. I called in a couple favors, and it did not work. Sooooooooooooo had a friend who knew someone on up yhe ladder to get things rollin........and got it done in a couple days. Maybe Neb will chime in on this one, sorry for your wowes.:-( Your cabin is awesome to say the least one of my top 3 on the forum of all time. I love it. Congrats on all ya ll's hard work. It shows ---I hope the elect will be hooked up soon.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 10:34am
Sorry to hear about that...it reminds me of our woes with the county and the DNR over our bridge. Before we bought the land we obtained a bridge permit which was revoked for some mysterious reason and then we were told the only way we would get a new one was if we paid to have a 100 year flood level determined and btw it could cost up to 20,000. We were so pissed! How do you just take away a valid permit? Many people tried to help us out and ultimately we did the survey. Luckily an engineering company was already working close by so they did it for 4000.00-we were grateful to them but pissed it still set us back that money. We are building our cabin with as many reused materials as we can find and paying as we go so 4000 would have gone a long way towards other things! Still gets me mad-
I hope you win your battle with the power company...we are waiting to fight that one another day.
Your cabin is coming along nicely. I really like your bathroom fixtures and I still agree with you on paying someone to do your driveway:) So worth it!
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 02:55pm
If it was me I would take the 4000 and buy solar. You can get a nice system for that much and you never have a power bill after that.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2011 12:25am - Edited by: Montanan
Well...the summer is nearly over for us. The husband reports back on Monday and the kids and I go back to school/work a week from today. Boohoo!! We spent a long weekend at the cabin and got the wood stove and chimney installed. Wow- that chimney is tall and heavy! It took both of us on the extension ladder to get the top 2 sections and rain cap up- sketchy work!! But it is done and we'll try it out as soon as we get a fire extinguisher up there. ;o)
We also made a concerted effort to just have some fun with the kids this time- feel like we've left them to fend for themselves a lot while we've worked (not that they have suffered- between the creek, the forest, the zip line, bikes, and toys, they have been well occupied.) But we did take off an afternoon for a hike, played games, went for a swim, etc. It was what cabin life SHOULD be! Can't wait until we can do more of that and the work is more "elective."
So, my husband is still up there and aims to be back on Thursday. Today he put in the flooring and cabinetry in the kitchen. Tomorrow is T&G on one side of the interior walls (have to leave one side open for the electrical and inspection), finishing the hearth, and sanding/polyurethane the bathroom floor.
From now until it's "finished" we are weekend warriors. We're still stuck on the time line for the electrical, but we got the customer agreement from the utility company and it's "only" $1000 (rather than $3500) so that's slightly less horrifying. I looked into the option of hiring someone privately, but the utility company is not going for that, so we're stuck. It is what it is, I guess. We have until the end of November to pass inspection.
Some new photos: Installing the final fasteners on the chimney brace
|  Wood stove finally installed!
|  Finally- a comfortable piece of furniture in the loft
|  Sleeping area- mostly real beds now
# Posted: 17 Aug 2011 12:33am
A couple more shots: Moving ahead on the bathroom (excuse the greasy tshirt!)
|  A good shot of "our" creek. We have 450' of frontage here. Cabin is up the hill to the left
|  |  |
# Posted: 17 Aug 2011 08:23am
Your cabin is absolute heaven............. I love the tub.......... creek....... just everything about it. I dont know how you find the strength to leave !!! Youre stronger than i am...... thats for sure. Im positive your children will remember this summer for the rest of their lives with wonderful memories. Beautiful job !!!!! Lisa
# Posted: 17 Aug 2011 08:33pm
You are building a beautiful place. A place of memories....
# Posted: 17 Aug 2011 10:30pm
Quoting: Montanan Wow- that chimney is tall and heavy! Oh boy can we relate to that!Quoting: Montanan We also made a concerted effort to just have some fun with the kids this time- feel like we've left them to fend for themselves a lot while we've worked Can relate to this also! We struggle with this every time we go up. It is hard to find a balance when there is so much work to do and so little time to do it in. It is hard also because we have a 7 year old daughter and then a 14 year old son...neither one occupies the other very well!
You made a ton of progress this summer. I love your cabin and really look forward to seeing it all done! You have much to be proud of:)
# Posted: 21 Aug 2011 10:21pm
Very very nice. Keep us posted on more pictures.
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