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# Posted: 24 Jun 2011 01:57am
First off I am new to the forum. I have been lurking for quite some time and thought I would post up our cabin.
It's a long story but I'll make it short. My grandfather bought two tracts of land about 30 years ago, its been CRP land, cattle lease, and now we use it for hunting. He and my grandmother both grew up within walking distance of this farm. My grandfather grew up cutting tobacco on the property which originally belonged to one of his uncles. He always wanted to build a log cabin but never wanted to spend the money. My father was at a local historical site which has one of the largest log estates in the southeast one afternoon and ran into a man there. The got to talking and began talking about how he wanted to build a cabin on the property. Well the man owns a saw mill and was there to get ideas on how to build them. My grandfather passed away and we decided to build a cabin with money from the estate. It has really been very strange how coincidentally things have worked out with a trade we worked with the man for the cabin. We started clearing a spot and they have been in the process of building it. 
# Posted: 24 Jun 2011 08:40am
Great pics - looking forward to seeing more!
# Posted: 24 Jun 2011 09:18am
This is going to be a great project! cant wait to see the progression!
# Posted: 24 Jun 2011 05:54pm
What part of TN are you located? I live in Kingsport.
# Posted: 24 Jun 2011 11:40pm
I'm in Middle TN north of Nashville.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2011 04:17pm - Edited by: AU2009
Here are some progress pictures
Front Porch on

Roof Frame up

Roof is on and all but one window framed in and door in...staining and chinking left to do.

# Posted: 11 Jul 2011 05:15pm
only in my dreams wow !
# Posted: 11 Jul 2011 06:09pm
Looks great! Love the look of those logs.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2011 08:03pm
We have been thinking about what to do about Water and Electricity. Its on the highest hill around and not city water so you will either have to have it hauled in or do a rain catch.
We were thinking about putting 2 55ga drums on one side a few feet higher than our sink, catching rain water, and then gravity feeding it in. This is going to be a hunting cabin and we are worried that it will freeze in the winter when we will be using it most. So we thought about getting a solar panel and rigging up something to heat up the water to keep it frozen, but if we run a solar panel you might as well put it in the ground where the water won't freeze and use the solar power to run a pump and pump the water where ever it needs to go. Quite haven't figured out this problem yet but does anyone have any ideas?
Also, we are considering a therma coil to hook up to a small hot water heater for warm water and run on a stove. http://thermacoil.com/index.html
I really don't have a clue on solar panel as a power source and keeping batteries charged and such so have been digging around on the net and this site...
any help is gladly appreciated!
BTW Montanan I really like the way you did the stone in the floor, it looks really good. We were considering going with some rough cut wood floors, but probably will get some laminate. My sister moved in a place that had this new laminate down and I thought it was tile until I reached down and scratched the grout! Plus this will be easy to clean and cheap.
Also I really like the idea of running the RV range as a cook top and oven and running it on a small LP bottle. We will probably go minimalist the first year with a coleman stove and jug of water. With it only being 30 minutes from home and not too awful far from family it won't be bad.
Lights will probably just be by oil lamps, unless we figure out solar panels!
# Posted: 11 Jul 2011 08:47pm
beautiful place, TN has good people and beautiful country. Killed my best turkey in TN.
Quoting: AU2009 coleman stove and jug of water
coleman lantern & stove and a jug of water, all ya need at deer camp.
are those cedar posts on front porch???
# Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:36pm
Yeah, its just going to be a place to sit around and BS and drink beverages.
Yup they are cedar posts. We were going to go with rough cedar trunks around the windows/doors and use them as posts, but we weren't as crazy about them as we first thought.
# Posted: 12 Jul 2011 01:16am
Looks like a great place for adults to gather and drink adult beverages.
# Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:16am
Quoting: AU2009 Yup they are cedar posts. We were going to go with rough cedar trunks around the windows/doors and use them as posts
well the cedar posts look great and TN~~~ has PLEANTY of cedar :-)
# Posted: 25 Jul 2011 03:06pm
Here are some more pictures. Chinking is all done, just second coat staining, sealer, putting up trim work, roof insulation, and doors.
Here the insulation is going in the logs.

Here is the first coat of stain, will see another coat, and a sealer.

Still need to do trimwork

Still have to put the insulation in the ceiling and the guy is working on doing some beaded tongue and groove, depending on price its what we are going to do on the ceiling, or just do some rough cut cedar/poplar/oak.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2011 05:18pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
fine hunting LODGE!!!!!! love the logs!!!!!
are you going to use durovent, between the metal and insulation???? that is what i am using on my camp. The sell it at home depot.
# Posted: 25 Jul 2011 08:28pm
Looking great!! I love those windows, too.
# Posted: 25 Jul 2011 08:47pm
Cabin looks great! Great spot!
What's the size?
# Posted: 26 Jul 2011 02:45pm
Just going to be doing regular old insulation in the ceiling for now.
Its 20'x24' outside dimensions with a 6' porch.
Thanks for all the kind words! We are looking forward to finishing it!
# Posted: 26 Jul 2011 04:02pm
Quoting: AU2009 Just going to be doing regular old insulation in the ceiling for now
i was too, and eveyone i talked to ( contractor buds) said to use Durovent to get the heat out ( a channel) & to keep the mositure down when the metal roof sweats from heatng the metal roof up with my wood burner come hunting season.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2011 04:35pm
hmm, makes sense. I dunno, will have to look into it. We already have the insulation bought and cut and ready to tack up. If its a problem we might just have to redo it. Thanks for the heads up!
# Posted: 26 Jul 2011 04:53pm
what are yall using to cover up the frame in the eaves and also to cover the underside of the roof? We would like to do that bead board, but if its too much we will have to find something else. I guess rough cut oak or poplar would be alright, just curious to see what else is out there.
Also, what are yall doing for floor? This is a hunting cabin with no power, so carpet is out of the question and I hate to put in hardwood because I don't want to have to worry about muddy or wet boots...not that it will get abused, but cleaning with out water or power is not as convenient. We are thinking some type of laminate flooring, cheap and easy to clean. Then use some area rugs/carpet for around the couch and beds.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2011 05:05pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: AU2009 Also, what are yall doing for floor?
i want long leaf heart pine reclamed wood--BUT i am looking for a smoking deal on it because it so high $$$$
Quoting: AU2009 If its a problem we might just have to redo it. Thanks for the heads up!
no problem, i just don'r want a dampness problem with insulation/ mold problems down the road om MY build.
Quoting: AU2009 what are yall using to cover up the frame in the eaves and also to cover the underside of the roof 1 x 6's......white knotty pine.
go with some wide pine boards for your floor..........that cabin of your's is way to nice for laminate.
i love the way your log camp looks......awesome job on the build!!!!!
# Posted: 27 Jul 2011 10:04am
Quoting: AU2009 what are yall using to cover up the frame in the eaves and also to cover the underside of the roof? We would like to do that bead board, but if its too much we will have to find something else. I guess rough cut oak or poplar would be alright, just curious to see what else is out there.
You might also look into unfinished pine tongue and groove. We found some 2x6' T&G at our local builder supply store for $.45/linear foot. I think we're going to use it on the walls, as it's cheaper than the board and batten we were planning to use.
# Posted: 27 Jul 2011 05:44pm
AU2009 - This is beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished and furnished cabin! Keep the photos coming!
# Posted: 3 Aug 2011 01:00am - Edited by: AU2009
turkey hunter... I hear it. If we ever have a problem I know exactly what to do, but we bought the stuff and had it half in before I heard of duravent. Oh well! thanks for the tip though.
The construction is done. Staining and chinking done, doors and windows in. We are in the midst of deciding on flooring and ceiling. I am going to pick up a nice wood stove I found on craigslist this weekend with 14' of stainless pipe, 6 of which is double wall! Just going to stain the cabinets I bough for cheap and will be good to go. Its going to be simple. we have a set of bunk beds, and another twin bed. A round table and chairs, coffee table, a few odds and ends, and still need to get a couch (preferably a pull out) and two recliners. That will get it started, and I'm sure stuff will find its way up there over the years. For the first year we will probably just haul in our own water and use a grunt bucket if needed until we can figure out our sustainable water set up. Its only a half hour from home, and walking distance to some family and friends so its not a big deal.
Probably won't do too much work until it cools off!

# Posted: 3 Aug 2011 01:20pm
Just a thought, I am going to be installing reclaimed "weathered" cedar fence pickets on the ceiling of my place for a rustic effect ( also cheap, I got them for free!) I will also do 2 accent walls with the same material to contrast the typical drywall going up on the rest of walls. Craigslist is a great place to find people who are getting a new fence and giving away theyre old one
# Posted: 20 Oct 2011 10:12pm
we ended up putting some cheapo flooring down because it was quick easy and CHEAP. If we end up deciding we don't like it then we will just toss it and put in something else, but for 130$ it looks dang good. Hung sheet rock on the ceiling. Put some furniture it. Contemplating on what to do about the under pinning and some front steps. gotta get the stove in and ready to go with the rest of the furniture and deer season!!
Still to do:
Under pinning/steps/rock to set the stove on counter tops water (going to bury and use a pump and our generator) some sort of breaker box set up to where we can just plug the generator up and have regular floor sockets to plug in lamps, etc install stove

 deer hunt
# Posted: 20 Oct 2011 11:42pm
Cabin looks great.
# Posted: 21 Dec 2011 11:37pm - Edited by: AU2009
its been great so far in the cabin! I look forward to spending the weekend up there! Thanks for all the support in making a dream come true!

# Posted: 22 Dec 2011 07:21am
fine buck---lots of mass on that set of horns!!!!! good shot placement as well---congrats
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