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# Posted: 14 Aug 2022 07:57pm
Its been a bit since I posted an update. Things have been slowed by "life". Weddings, holidays, COVID (twice), kids growing up.. but I have still been able to keep pushing things forward. Actually, this should be the last "in construction" update. Hopefully the next one will be everything completed (maybe not the upstairs floor as we are still debating materials).
Anyway enjoy. I know some will look at it and think "Huh, it doesn't look like a cabin". Thats ok, our inspiration was a high end RV. We aren't much for the cabin look and wanted something different. I thought it was neat to have all the amenities of the city in the middle of no where. IMG_1059.JPEG
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# Posted: 14 Aug 2022 07:58pm - Edited by: travellerw
More. IMG_1048.JPEG
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# Posted: 14 Aug 2022 08:42pm
Quoting: travellerw I thought it was neat to have all the amenities of the city in the middle of no where.
I agree. I love mini-splits too.
Looks great. Nice cabinets. Custom? Self-built?
Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 14 Aug 2022 09:12pm
Do whatever works for you and your family. Who are we to judge? There is no reason to gatekeep cabins.
# Posted: 14 Aug 2022 09:33pm
Quoting: ICC I agree. I love mini-splits too. Looks great. Nice cabinets. Custom? Self-built?
Thanks fella.
The mini-split I really wanted. I have never worked with AC and it was a mystery to me. It was like magic that you could put 2000W in and get 10000W out in either direction. So I spent a bunch of time reading up on refrigeration and how it works. Really neat stuff and so many advancements in the last 10 years. I will be doing the whole vacuum/nitrogen purge myself. Although I probably won't be in time for some AC this summer, I'm looking forward to the heat function to help bring the cabin to temp quickly this winter (I may add a 9K BTU unit to the bedroom. Then tie that unit and the generator into a logic controller to heat/cool the bedroom at night... Of course this is way in the future and it has to get snuck past the wife).
The cabinets are my wife's find. She is a thrifting queen and found them for free. They weren't perfect and needed some TLC (slide replacements, some gluing the cabinets, ect)... but by my math they saved us about $3K. She actually found us a bunch of stuff we have used. The wall lights you can see in the pics she found at a 2nd hand store for $5 each, brand new in the box. Pretty sure a company dropped them off as they were a PIA to figure out how to put together. We found the TECK cable that is feeding the cabin at like %10 new cost. Sure it was used, but looked like brand new. It pays to watch the local buy-sell and auctions.
I'm really looking forward to completing everything.. I'm not 30 anymore and I really feel some of these days. Damn tiling kicked my but and it feels like I got run over by and elephant!
# Posted: 14 Aug 2022 10:14pm
Mini-splits are all over the rest of the world and have been for years. They are great "magic".
# Posted: 15 Aug 2022 07:52am
Looking great!! What type of floor did you go with?
# Posted: 15 Aug 2022 08:58am
Nice! We are looking at mini splits for our AZ home... what's the point, especially at night, cooling a whole house when you are in one room at a time.
# Posted: 15 Aug 2022 09:14am
Great job Trav!
# Posted: 15 Aug 2022 02:05pm
Quoting: WILL1E Looking great!! What type of floor did you go with?
We went with a waterproof laminate. I can attest that it is indeed waterproof as we left 4 boxes out in the spring rain for 2 months. Still looked like new.