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# Posted: 19 May 2011 10:22pm
Along the black line paralleling the power line, you'll see a blue dot. That's where I'm putting an 8' X 12' Bunkhouse. I'll be building on cinder blocks bringing the floor up 5' and allowing for a robust amount of space for batteries and a potable water tank along with generator storage.
Where you see the cut trees, you'll also note a serpentine cut in the ground. Deer move bed there and in the stand of trees below. They cross from there over the ridge on the way to the pond and also move through there on the way to a post oak stand that's rich with mast. I'll have a commanding view of my property and, being on the crest of a butte, will have a commanding view of the valley below.
I'm going to put an outdoor shower below the Bunkhouse four large windows out the front and sides along with a door in front and an oversized wood stove centered on the back. I'll skin it with concrete shingles that were left on the property. It'll have a deck mounted to oil drilling pipe also abandoned on the property.
Circumstances have me waiting a couple months before construction and, yeah, I'll be working in the heat.
# Posted: 19 May 2011 10:30pm
Looks like a wing strut in the top left... You took that picture yourself, didn't you? It's a beautiful and mystical peice of land you have there. Good luck with your build.
# Posted: 19 May 2011 10:42pm
You're quite correct, sir. I love the place. I go out one day a week but would really like to start going Friday night and coming back early Sunday.
# Posted: 20 May 2011 12:35am
Where's the airstrip going to go?
# Posted: 20 May 2011 09:26am
It's a little hard to tell from the photos but there really isn't a flat spot big enough to build a strip. Though I don't have a picture to illustrate the view from the Bunkhouse site, these are a few photos from well below at a different location looking in the same general direction. DSC00671.JPG
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# Posted: 21 May 2011 09:58pm
Discussing my plans with my favorite hillbilly friend, he's adamant that rural areas in OK don't require a build permit offering his brother as an example that had just built a 3000 sq ft home on Beaver County without a permit.
My mind raced thinking about just how big to go now. I'm going with "not much". I'm thinking a 12 X 12 still elevated about 4-5' on cinderblocks (providing space for potable and grey water and batteries) with 5' overhangs on the front and back.