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# Posted: 3 Jul 2023 11:07am - Edited by: Crake
May 2023 - continued
I carved out a decent cavity in the styrofoam surrounding the stovepipe and stuffed in some fiberglass matting. I closed up the cavity with a sheet of tin. Should keep the heat well away from the insulation and wood.
Didn't have quite enough wood this trip. The back wall of the cabin will have to wait until next trip...
# Posted: 3 Jul 2023 11:09am - Edited by: Crake
May 2023 - continued
A lot of boiling clouds on one of several quad trips back and forth. Only a few brief showers though...
Here's where I ended up. Probably about 75% of the interior is done. I may install some trim in the corners and I am going to ultimately verathane the interior once its done (and I have a nice couple days on the land to let it all dry...
I finished up just as the sun was going down. Lit some candles and had a relaxing evening polishing off leftover whiskey and some peace and quiet... I cooked a pot of portable potato & onion soup over the G-Stove and let the fire burn well into the evening. I had to leave the door open a crack as it really cranks out the heat in this small space!
The fire eventually burned down and I woke around 4:00 as it was starting to lighten up outside. I think I'll knock down the G-Stove in the summer months as it's not really necessary this time of year. I have a solid-fuel Esbit stove for small cook jobs and there's always the firepit outside.
After breakfast I spent some time exploring on the land. There are about a dozen old elk/moose beds scattered all around a stone's throw from the cabin. Apparently I seemed to have set up in the nexus of all the game trails in this area...
I spent the rest of the afternoon repairing fence lines and scratching myself bloody on barbed wire. The fence needs a lot of work. I inherited a bunch of posts and enough wire to lasso the quarter section if I wanted. I'll probably work primarily on the north and west boundaries as these border on pasture land, while the south and east boundaries are crop and wildlife lands. Sounds like work for another weekend, however... I cut my trip short after I realized all my whiskey and food was gone... Until next time!
"Crake" Spring cabin
|  Spring showers
|  Out of wood
|  Evening rest
# Posted: 3 Jul 2023 11:23am - Edited by: Crake
June 2023
Passing through on my way up north for a work assignment, I realized I'd have 2 extra hours of free time, so I figured I'd make a quick pit stop/coffee break...
I hiked to the cabin from the south access trail in about 15 minutes and brewed up a cup of instant coffee on the Espit stove. There's a few mosquitoes and a lot of ticks. Picked about a dozen off my pants waiting for the water to boil...
Things sure have greened up since May. The land is still pretty spongy and wet this time of year and VERY lush. Not used to seeing it in the summer. The bears keep sniffing around - I see they've ripped down my "no trespassing" signs. They are obsessed with pulling down my fold-up sink on the back of the cabin to see if anything is inside, and tore off my lantern shelf off the front of the cabin.... nothing I can't fix easily - it's more amusing than anything. Fortunately they can't get any purchase on the door and the window is pretty secure (plexiglass) so I don't think they'll crack my little walnut quite yet...
Next trip I plan to put up a cellular trail camera to see if I can catch these characters at work.
"Crake" Morning coffee
|  Cup
|  Summer cabin
|  |
# Posted: 25 Aug 2024 05:54pm
August 2024 update
Hey folks, it's been awhile since I updated this thread. I started a new cabin build (New build 2 - central SK) for those of you who might be interested in that project.
I haven't done much work of any kind on the little cabin to date, but have been out to the quarter quite a bit. I did, as promised, put up a trail camera last fall to capture some of the obvious activity at the site. Fall of 2023, right after hunting season, I set up my camera. Within days of install, the neighbors started to pop out of the woodwork...
# Posted: 25 Aug 2024 05:59pm
What's really bizarre is for the first couple months of pictures, the only thing in the clearing was the cabin. I was receiving daily images of these guys coming in for a sniff. That winter I dropped a salt lick (off screen, to the right of the camera frame) and the big game activity really exploded.
There's been a mixed bag of elk, moose and deer that seem to frequent this clearing. When I returned this spring its pretty clear there is a nexus of game trails that all converge on this spot, so I'm probably catching game just passing through.
The wifey and I spent a night in the cabin this summer, and had the incredible treat of seeing three young elk bulls line up on the edge of the clearing while we were sitting in the cabin. They watched us quietly for about a minute before heading off deeper into the woods.
# Posted: 25 Aug 2024 06:08pm
I'd disconnected my camera subscription in the spring as the batteries started to fail but when I got home I was surprised to find a bunch more photos on the camera it had captured after the subscription ended. I guess it was warm enough to bring the batteries back to life on occasion, and I found a few more spring visitors on the SD card...
The trail camera has been a really great investment. It was constant entertainment this past winter, seeing who was popping by. It's also an added stress reliever - knowing everything is safe and secure at the site with a daily morning photo. I plan to set it up in the same place this fall.
Take care all! "Crake"
# Posted: 25 Aug 2024 06:51pm
Good stuff! We hooked up a trail cam this past week after seeing deer (whitetail) all summer and 5! buck together about 10 days ago (smallest was a 6pt). We are getting good traffic out in the meadow that has a great view through our north big windows; the 'deer block' is a success. We don't hunt anymore except with cameras.
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