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# Posted: 5 May 2011 03:19pm
Hi there ... stumbled upon this site looking for foundation options for our cottage project. Please check out our blog at : http://kennedylakecottage.blogspot.com/
# Posted: 5 May 2011 06:21pm
Kennedy Lake, BC? Well howdee, almost neighbour. *S* We aren't too far from you. We're west of Princeton.
Your knotty netty outhouse looks great!! What a deal you got with all the pine for only $50!!! Keep the updates coming.
# Posted: 6 May 2011 02:13pm
Howdee!!! We are wondering about what kind of foundation to use. Kennedy Lake is zoned as a resort so we have to "technically" be able to move the cabin if need be. Log skids seem to be very popular there, but my brother is suggesting posts. How long have you had your place near Princeton for Hattie? We would like to build our place so that we can use it in the winter too. We are told we can expect as much as 8 feet of snow in any given winter. Has that been your experience too? Cheers!
# Posted: 6 May 2011 04:14pm
We have owned here for 8 years and lived here full time 3 1/2 years.
In total we get on average 5 feet of snow. About 1 - 2 feet stays on the ground at the deepest (the rest just settles and evaporates). The mountain passes can be pretty bad in the winter months. When we owned our place as a cabin only, we locked it up during the winter months and drained the water (in case of freezing pipes if the power died). We would lock up on November 11 and open as soon as the weather allowed (late February or early March). Our biggest fear was always those mountain passes.
We tell our kids not to visit during the winter months because we are afraid of them getting into an accident. We stay close to home in the winter. Last December we had to head to Vancouver for the birth of our grandson. We got out fine, but barely made it back home due to a blizzard through Manning Park.
# Posted: 10 May 2011 12:44pm
The foundation is really getting me frustrated. Im wondering if anyone has had experience with skid foundations. Any input would be great! T
# Posted: 18 May 2011 01:24pm
Ok... so we've sorted out our foundation issues. We are prepping for three log skids to come onto the lot this coming weekend. Plus... we are doing some post and piers for our deck area. The skids need to be off the ground and on blocks. So we have 9 concrete "tiles" 20x20x4 dug down to solid ground... mostly shale on the building lot. We put the tiles in the ground and built up post to be level with each other. We only got three done last weekend, and they still need some leveling, but now we know what we're doing it will go faster. Our friend is going to cut the skids from us at his mill and deliver them this Sunday.. hope we're ready!! DSCF1264_2.JPG
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# Posted: 1 Jun 2011 04:27pm
So the timbers didnt arrive as planned... I forget we are working on "Kennedy Lake" time.. In retrospect it was probably a good thing because it took us way longer to level everything. Hopefully they will be there when we go up this coming weekend. ( I paid for them ahead of time to help grease the wheels..lol) We have a load of 2x10s being delivered on Saturday so we can get started on framing the floor.