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# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 07:22pm
Picked this up today

Yanmar 276D. 27 HP diesel, 4WD, hydroshift, Independent PTO, power steering *AND* a 5' bush hog. It needs a couple front tires, a set of blades for the deck, and a lot of cleanup/service work but I think I got a good piece of equipment for my money. Can't wait for the rain to stop so I can get some work done!
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 09:18pm
That just looks like fun! 4 wheels and a PTO. The possibilities are endless.
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 09:18pm
Looks like it's time to play. Good luck with it.
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 10:09pm
Looks to be a great purchase. I have been thinking about a Model A or B John Deere AC or 8N Ford. Want a tractor for skidding a few logs out for my firewood, brush hog and clean up. Many people say that any tractor you buy should include a front loader. Also I think I would be better off with a wide front end in the woods in upstate New York. Looks like you have made a great purchase. Four wheel drive really makes a better way to go.
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 10:25pm
That machine should worth it's weight in gold for ya soon..
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 11:49pm
wow.thats pretty dog gone nice.we need one too.we are going to look for an old one from what good ole gar says.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2011 01:23am
Quoting: bridgeboy I have been thinking about a Model A or B John Deere AC or 8N Ford.
Quoting: cabingal3 wow.thats pretty dog gone nice.we need one too.we are going to look for an old one
I considered an older/bigger/cheaper tractor. This one will do more work in the same time on about half the fuel. If I was running a farm I would have chosen something different, for my property this seemed to be the right choice
# Posted: 24 Apr 2011 07:42am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
4x4 and diesel --you made the right choice----be careful on your new toy---congrats
# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 04:44pm
if you dont mind me asking, about how much did you pay
# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 04:46pm
Rob_O I was just looking at the same thing but your tires look wider, and no bush hog nice addition!
# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 05:58pm
Tractors can be indispensable at times. My dad has a small Yanmar he uses for little things, but we also have several antique Farmalls we use for bigger stuff. Sometimes, I really wish I had my Super A up here in NC. I'd love to have a new tractor, but I don't have the cash for that. lol
# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 06:36pm
Quoting: Anonymous Rob_O I was just looking at the same thing but your tires look wider, and no bush hog nice addition! if you dont mind me asking, about how much did you pay
I believe my tractor was originally sold with turf tires, and they bought ag tires to fit the turf rims when those wore out. Now it needs front tires so I'll be putting ag tires on that end as well
The bush hog was a must have. It has a broken blade so the seller threw it in for free.
By the time I put new blades on the deck, replace the tires and change out all the fluids and filters I'll have roughly $3k in the package.
# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 10:12pm
Nice. Can't live without my tractor (with loader). I try to imagine my projects without the Oliver and I can't even see it. You will enjoy having some power when you need it.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2011 11:57pm
Just a FYI for those who have never changed bush hog blades. Bring the torch set, a floor jack and a really big hammer.
If you don't have all these, buy another deck and sell your old one to someone that doesn't know any better!
# Posted: 7 Jun 2011 11:04pm
So with all the rain we've had this year I've discovered my clearing is not real well graded, and has low spots that become mud holes when a storm invades your cookout. To solve that problem, I picked this off craigslist 
Also picked up a Gravely L to keep the trail trimmed. Fresh rebuild on the motor and fully freshened up by a guy who's been using these things since before I was born. He showed me three of them with no commentary, I picked out one, he kinda smiled and said I got the best of the bunch
The picture below is not mine, but mine is very similiar

# Posted: 8 Jun 2011 08:36am
wish I could find one in NY for that money. Been looking for a while now. Good luck with it.
# Posted: 8 Jun 2011 07:05pm
Quoting: mag162 wish I could find one in NY for that money. Been looking for a while now
I had been looking for over 6 months when I found this tractor on Craigslist. They're out there, but disappear quickly - I bought both the tractor and the grader within 24 hours of them being posted.