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# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 11:49pm
Quoting: turkeyhunter Quoting: hattie What is the square footage thanks........900 sq. ft.
What are your dimensions? It didn't look that big. Does that include the loft space?
# Posted: 11 Jun 2011 08:23am
Quoting: MikeOnBike It didn't look that big. Does that include the loft space? yes..........including 1/2 loft. with 3 ft knee wall in half loft which i will build tomoorow.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2011 09:32pm
Beautiful place!!
# Posted: 12 Jun 2011 06:35am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
headed down to camp this morning to install my 3 RED cedar beams overhead in the den area, Man do they smell nice. I had a friend saw them for me , I also got the red cedar slabs for making stuff for the cabin, coat/hat rack etc???........any suggestions???
also building knee walls this morning in the loft area. Going to be another hot day. Will work only till around noon or so!!!!!!!

# Posted: 12 Jun 2011 09:17am
Nice looking beams, mostly red which means they're mostly heartwood. I kept some slabs also, planning to build a short fence on either side of my gate. Possibilities are endless when it comes to cedar slabs.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2011 01:56pm
Very nice looking cedar and will look great in that cabin.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2011 04:28pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
dang it's H O T !!!!!!!!!!!!
got the knee walls built this morning on each side of the loft area, going to have a small storage area on each side as well ( behind knee wall)

got the 3 red cedar beams installed this morning as well.

pic --looking from the loft bedroom to the den area........... the red cedar smells nice in cabin

also removed all but one temp. bracing today as well, except the one vertical 2 x 4 in the center of the room( the one in center of last pic), the friend who has the sawmill cut four 4 x 6's from the red cedar, going back over and buy the 4th one, and put it in center of the wall --up to the LVL beam for added support. ****Forgot about the 3 strongback temp. braces on the den wall, those will be removed when i insulate and put my t & g pines boards up.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2011 06:14pm
That really looks good and you have done a great job with construction. You are a pro.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2011 06:50pm
Knee walls look great- and perfect for storage!
I LOVE the beams!!
# Posted: 14 Jun 2011 07:08pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: Montanan Knee walls look great- and perfect for storage!
i will have a couple small doors on each side to store, my hunting gear.
went back by the sawmill got my other beam, and he had 4 boards he had cut off the same cedar, when he cut my beams. I bought the board for 10 bucks---DEAL for sure.

the other beam is on the left, and the 4 boards that are to the left of it, it was he charged me 10 bucks for.
also picked up this 36" x 48" BRAND NEW shower unit, off Clist... with new faucets and shower head for 150 total---just what i was looking for...........and only a 15 mile drive to pick it up!!!!!

# Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:06pm
Did you get the cedars from the property? Had they "cured"? Also, I am amazed at all the good items ya'll find on craigs. In my area, I can't find anything.... No windows, nothing.
Gary O
# Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:28pm
Oh, that's starting to really come together Turk. Thanks for takin' the time to show your progress. Gonna be sweet.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:40pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: Erins#1Mom Did you get the cedars from the property
bout 4 miles up the road the way the crow flies........:-)
Quoting: Erins#1Mom Had they "cured"?
trees were cut about 10 years ago-- guy was clearing his fence line for high fence game preserve....and my friend got them and stored them until now. he sawed them Friday......$20 each for the 4" x 6" 's.....i bet PT ones were at least that much at 12 ft lenght. I love the way the cedar smells and looks.
-Quoting: Erins#1Mom I am amazed at all the good items ya'll find on craigs. i love CList, you can find anything you are looking for, i looked at showers at home depot, they were 387 plus tax----and i got faucets and shower head too.......i bet that is 75 dollars or more
Quoting: Gary O Gonna be sweet.
Thanks garyO just getting to hot to work down there now...........:-(
Gary O
# Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:46pm
I'm sure that mason jar didn't get to far outta reach.....
# Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:48pm
Quoting: Gary O I'm sure that mason jar didn't get to far outta reach.....
full of apple pie ;-) or sweet tea
# Posted: 16 Jun 2011 08:21am
Lookin good! Love that cedar!
# Posted: 17 Jun 2011 06:48am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: Timberjack Lookin good! Love that cedar! thanks---i love cedar as well. Lasts a long time, and smells great.
went to the big city yesterday ( how does folks handle the traffic every day is beyond me) and got my cottage doots, hard to find any with out plastic grid on them, i wanted to whole cabin to be "no grids on the windows"....not a easy task...........but the guy at the building supply said that was was the new fad....no grids........great.
so picked up 2 --36" doors.
Stuart Feaver
# Posted: 17 Jun 2011 06:53pm
Looks good, are you going to have a porch,looks like the same foundations i have.
# Posted: 17 Jun 2011 10:21pm
the back porch will be the lenght of the cabin.....and 8 ft wide
the front will be a small 8 x 8 10 x 10 or so deck............with no roof........will be coming and going through the back porch. The front porch will be my archery practice deck......... with some 3d targets set up in the front door yard.
# Posted: 25 Jun 2011 09:53am
# Posted: 25 Jun 2011 01:46pm
Oh T.H. I am so impressed.I hope to be following suite with my cabin over the next 6 months.It's been so wet and rainy this spring that it has set me back a good 6 weeks or so.I have been bidding my time by working on the horse barn.It's prettynear done now so I can get started on my cabin.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2011 09:59pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Thanks folks--i appreciate it. went down this morning to the camp---got the verticle cedar beam installed 1st thing, removed the temp. brace pole.
got both outside doors installed, what a PIA!!!!!
got 4 locks installed, have to go back and do some finish work with chisels on the striker plates. It was the hottest day yet at camp a solid 100 deg. I have offically knocked off work on this project till fall. Will do a few small things early in the morning down there---but nothing big.

# Posted: 26 Jun 2011 10:23pm
Looking good. Man it must be hot as heck to not do any more work till fall. It has been in the low 70's here and at night in the low 50's. I don't know if I could take that heat. Your place looks great.
# Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:15am
Quoting: neb It has been in the low 70's here and at night in the low 50's
neb---PLEASE send me some cooler air please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
got a lots of things i need to do down there, but just so DANG......................H O T!!!!!!!!!!!
# Posted: 28 Jun 2011 10:29pm
I have never been south any further then the Black Hills of S. Dak. I do know people that have visited your area and have said in can get so hot and humid. I love the cold weather and wish I could send you some cool weather. We are suppose to get 90's tomorrow and can hot here for a few weeks in July but the night's get cool so that helps. Again great job on that cabin you have done a ton of work so far.
# Posted: 28 Jun 2011 10:37pm
What is the blue color in front of your front door? Are you going to get power to your cabin or use a generator?
# Posted: 29 Jun 2011 07:38am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: neb What is the blue color in front of your front door?
it's indooor / outdoor BLUE carpet that i used in under my awning in my old camper that i sold. Also that really the back door and where i will come in and out of.
Quoting: neb Are you going to get power to your cabin or use a generator?
local co-op power, i have it at my old cabin and am going to run it underground and with a friends of mine ditch witch, and water from a existing well i use at my old cabin. 1st thing i done after i cleared building site, was run a temp. power & a 3/4" water line to a temp., pole w/ light and ground fault rec.so i could use for the build.
It's so hot here you have to have AC to make it during archery season.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2011 10:59am
Hey hows it going, Just wondering, what did you use for your roof rafters? are those 2x6's? what is your spacing? how much did it cost for your roof? and what size are the panels and cost for each one? Im about to do the same for my roof. Yours looks really good. Great job!
# Posted: 29 Jun 2011 01:59pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: Mark2011 what size are the panels and cost for each one? Im 16ft and they were about 1.55cent per foot ( i think) , the metal for the roof cost me less than $900 with ridge vent and 3 bags of screws
Quoting: Mark2011 what did you use for your roof rafters? are those 2x6's? 2" x 8"'s
Quoting: Mark2011 what is your spacing? 16" on center
Quoting: Mark2011 Yours looks really good. Great job! thank you sir i appreciate it. note--on the rafters i used 2 x 4 pine not PT on 24 inch centers, the metal co. said not to use PT as it will discolor the metal roof in time.Hope this helps in your build.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2011 06:09pm
green envy....sigh....sigh...sigh...looks good on yah, Turkeyhunter. Really turning out to be a place you're going to spend an awful lot of time. Watching someone's dream materialize...how good is that. Cheers.
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