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# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 11:11am
Hi everyone.I know Garyo told his story of our trip to our woods.So now i will share mine. We headed out.It was rainy here and i was happy thinking it would not be raining in our woods.hee hee.wrong.We had always only seen it spit,not real rain.We have never seen it snow there.And we never thought it could rain so much either.So the spring rains melt the winter snow. I did not tell Gar i looked at the Chemult road cam cause it was pretty bad.Chemult was not too far from our woods...so i figured we would make it. i made a pie before we left and potato salad and brought canned baked beans for us to eat.we had grilled peanut butter sand.and hot cocoa the first morning.Oatmeal the second morning.There s no meal like oatmeal! we were excited to walk about the new property with out being naughty and tresspassing to peek about.i wanted to save the mobile home/and part house.its cute.Gar looked at it and said no.i have to go by him cause he did point out the problems and then i could see. Theres alot of trash on the new property.we decided of many different ways to get rid of it all.well lets just say this...we will be working many years on this project.theres two campers and a mobile home that needs to be torn down.i am including pictures. i have visions of getting Jess,mayo,dawson,christian,and marky -our grandsons out there...like a couple of years down the line when they are all about 14-15 yrs old and having them out there to help tear stuff down.i got out there and raked a big pile for burning.gar had a good idea.recycle.put things in pile for recycle.and haul it on the way out-to home and drop the stuff off.i think we can also salvage some of the stuff out there. gar told me what we are doing to our cabin next.i am so excited to hear of these plans.a big front porch.and enclosed back deck.a loft for the grandsons to sleep. we are going out there for a week this summer and taking the boys.they are excited.we did get alot of burn piles going.so we made a dent in the mess. sure do love it out there.we are giving this indian girl to the neighbor man.he wants it.so this is basically alot of the projects we are looking forward to in our process to make it look like a park like setting...for fire safety issues.hugs cabi3 mobile home to be torn down
|  trash to get rid of
|  little red building
|  statue
# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 11:54am
Hi cabi...
Wow, that is quite an eclectic mix of stuff you have there on your new property. I can't help but to create in my mind the person who owned it before. For starters, that mobile home to be torn down probably would fetch a few bucks here in upstate NY ;-) I've seen people living in worse than that! Whatever you do don't get rid of that red building! That is just too unique to trash. You can find a use for it...how about a gravity powered shower building with the water storage up on the upper part? Is there anything left of the mobile home that can be reused or recycled? Heaters, windows, etc? Gary can fix it. He has lots of spare time at work!!!!!!!!!!!! :-0
# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 12:00pm
snicker.funny bob! yes he does.ha ha ha. hey Gar! i know i love that red building so much.it has a loft in it.its so cute.Gar says the roof leaks.it sure is cute.A young fellow who was a cook in Chemult built it and lived out there.This couple put in the well and did all kinds of stuff.When they had the 2nd baby...they left. Gar says the kitchen cabinets in the mobile home are pretty good.i noticed the wood in this place is realy good.theres a bedroom with a built in mirrored vanity with nice wood in good shape.i am sure there will be alot we will save...and use.I think we wil be tearing things apart of the rest of our lives. well its ok.When we were there this weekend burning -i would take things out of our old camper and burn them.SO we will just work along and do as we can.I think we need to move there and keep fires burning all winter to get rid of all this stuff.i really like the mobile home but squirels ate all the insulation .so.i think Gar is right.i sure like that little red building though.
Gary O
# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 01:48pm
Quoting: cabingal3 i wanted to save the mobile home/and part house.its cute
Quoting: bobrok Whatever you do don't get rid of that red building! Do I have to get the hose?!! It's junk...actually, that term would be an upgrade. But, in viewing squirrel's post, and the remarkable transformation they did, I am mulling in the back of my mind how I could do the same....so I'm thinking about it....just thinking, mind.
# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 05:33pm
Glad you had a nice weekend Cabi.......... and I love that little red building too....... and i love the statue. You have lots to look forward to this summer. Hugs back......... lisa
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 12:11am
Maybe we should start a "save the little red building" petition. *S* I like it too. Could you turn it into a clubhouse for the grandkids? That statue is amazing!
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 05:39am
i like the red building also.......... on the junk and campers,mobile home =$$$$ at recycle METALS!!!! here is ranges from 10 to $13.50 per 100 pounds. So it adds up quick. I have hauled off scrap around my hunting camp this spring and fetched 409 bucks!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 09:49am - Edited by: Gary O
I just did a sanity check.....yup, y'all are fruitcakes.
Yes, I'll do the math, price of gas consumption vs prices in the area for scrap metals.
Somehow I feel a bit ganged up on......gimme time people...gotta wrap my mind around trying to work with shoddy construction and make something sturdy out of it. If the MtnDons of the world had a close up peek at that hovel, they'd recommend two pcs of equipment.....a tractor with a winch....and/or a bull dozer..........and plenty of gas/kerosene mix....and a match.
As Just said in another thread, "I don't know if I have another cabin in me" I hear ya, y'ol' coot! I've done construction on aging structures. Ya tear into a wall and sh-----t! Then you hurriedly put on a sheet of paneling and cross yourself to counteract the curse for those that come after. Dry rot is unforgiving.
If that 'cute' red 'thing' had any redeeming value, I would be less resistant. However, I have one or two more builds in me, and it's going to be done by me, from the ground up.
......and thaet's all ah've got to say about thaet........
(somehow, I have the foreboding feeling that this won't be the last of the discussion, however........)
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 10:50am
Sounds to me like you want to rebuild it.
Just my feeling.
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 01:36pm
I love that little red building!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 02:24pm
Quoting: bobrok Whatever you do don't get rid of that red building!
Quoting: naturelover66 I love that little red building too
Quoting: hattie I like it too
Quoting: turkeyhunter i like the red building also
Quoting: samoni I love that little red building!!! Well now...seems there's a lotta love for the little red shed. What say we start the bidding at o-o-o-h saaaay $5000 (U-Haul). Hm..where'd everybody go?
OK, serious. Tell you what. I'll save the little red shed (that could?). And make something out of it...since the title is 'projects'.
Now to fight my cerebral cortex of which is knotting up as I type...
Gawd help me (...and my poor bride, for the colorful expletives she's about to endure...)
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 03:27pm
The red shed is pretty neat.. :D If it can;t be saved, looks like the windows are good at least.
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 05:28pm
Quoting: Gary O Gawd help me (...and my poor bride, for the colorful expletives she's about to endure...)
...which prompts me to ask a somewhat delicate question of you...
whatever happened to cabingal's 1 & 2
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 09:25pm
Quoting: bobrok whatever happened to cabingal's 1 & 2 bob,i am cabingal 1 and cabingal2 and cabingal3.hee hee. i have built 3 cabins with gar.thusly cabingal3
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 11:23pm
Soooooo The cute little red building will be ?? Lets give Gary ideas people............ Lets be......... creative.
# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 11:52pm
Ok....... how about a den/ office for writing inspiration upstairs for Gary..... And a hot tub/ reading room for Cabi downstairs...... Have those nice big windows facing the tub so Cabi can enjoy her bubbley while taking a soak?? When the Grandkids are getting a bit too rowdy , you can just sneak away to your little "adults only " red building. A fancy wood staircase winding up to Garys office/hideout...
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 12:01am
I say a fort for the Grandkids....All you need to do is make it safe and solid....Nothing fancy....They'll love it!!!! You can put in a zipline from the top floor to a tree nearby and wow, they'd have a blast!! Grandkids whooping and hollering as they fly past Gary O's head. *LOL*
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 12:09am
Zipline !! Ive always wanted to do that........ lol
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 12:14am
Poor GaryO. Really feeling sorry for u now my friend. And u thought u were gonna have a nice relaxing summer burning trash & pumping water. Oh, boy, r u in trouble now.
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 08:49am - Edited by: Gary O
Even though tongue in cheek, not terrible ideas. However, I'm going to reach back to teenhood and maybe further back to draw on inspiration, then keep checking on squirrel's progress in her thread. I can shore up areas where needed.
Quoting: bobrok Really feeling sorry for u now my friend. No need, just git yer arse out here..... and bring a level....with a bull dozer attached to it...........
There will be photos
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 12:26pm
i like the idea of a food storage building. insulate it and put shelving in and put all my canned goods,and canning and bushel baskets of turnips and taters i grow. that one wooden frame by there Gar,could be the green house and the back sort of tilled up space between these two buildings could be the start of a garden .is there too many windows for this idea??
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 12:27pm
i could see leather britches hanging from the first floor room and the upper area could store all my canning gear.
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 07:11pm
I've given this a LOT of thought and based on my knowledge of the situation here are my two proposals what cabi wants
|  what gary wants
|  |  |
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 08:20pm - Edited by: Gary O
Well gee, bob, that looks a bit demure and non-eventful. I was going with all the suggestions, and just to make everyone happy, I was thinkin' I'd build an 'adults only' play fort with a zip line from the hot tub to the boudoir, including several coat hooks for an assortment of the 'leather britches' and of course bottomless chaps.......
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 08:24pm
You ole "cowboy" you.
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 08:40pm
Quoting: bobrok You ole "cowboy" you. Oh, yeah, need somewhere to hang the whips and bolas.... Need them for the giddyup, to jumpstart me from afterbuild giddydown syndrome
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 08:44pm
Quoting: Gary O I was thinkin' I'd build an 'adults only' play fort with a zip line from the hot tub to the boudoir, including several coat hooks for an assortment of the 'leather britches' and of course bottomless chaps.......
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 09:18pm
Quoting: Gary O 'leather britches' gar did not know that leather britches are strung up to dry green beans.wow.i do not know who i am on this group.snicker.a drinking wild woman whose hubby is trying to heat me out of our jeep with hi powered heaters to strip down and a zip line from a hot tub to the boudoir..oh! bottomless chaps u say?? oh.well thats different! ok.i am game!cabi3
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 10:50pm
I seriously wondered what the "leather britches" were for........... LOL. Thought i was missing something...........
# Posted: 20 Apr 2011 11:17pm
lol.naturelover66.yeah.i am sure missing alot in all of this. i was just trying to go along with it all.snicker. i do like the idea of leather britches hung up in this shed though. beans i grew and strung up to dry.the perfect answer for people not on the grid.the only answer.
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