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# Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:04pm
Since buying 80 acres of "officially unimproved" rural forest land in 2008, I've received several, very low-ball, unsolicited offers to purchase it, from out-of-state "investors". 'Never paid much attention to them since I have no reason or intention of selling. But now it seems things have changed, there still from out-of-state, but not so much low-ball prices. And they are coming more frequently. I realize the advent of online county records make this practice very easy. The last letter said "I buy and sell vacant land all across the US." and "I am a wholesaler, so my offer will reflect a below retail price." But it was the highest offer yet. I can't stop thinking that big-city rioting has greatly changed the rural land market, at least in some areas. And now for something completely different, all summer I've been very lucky to view frequent cabin visits from a family of Painted Buntings, 2 photos attached. adolescent male painted bunting
|  adult male painted bunting
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# Posted: 25 Jul 2020 04:38pm
No, its just someone who thinks maybe you are in hard times and will dump it. I get them in phases. Shortly after I bought my first 20 acres. I'm thinking to myself, if they wanted it, why didn't they buy it like me. They have been offering me about 8K for my 20 acre, lots, about 20% what I paid for them, have no idea of the improvements. Maybe they think a family member inherited it? I imagine many take it. I doubt it has anything to do with covid or liberal city rioting. Just some snake trying to get something for little to nothing. Mine falls directly into the shredder. I think this is the 3rd or 4th time I got his with these, all different companies. Last batch was from Colorado.
# Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:15pm
More than likely there going to select cut log the place and sub divide it into small enough lots to build a house.
If you ever decide to sell do all that. The logging may pay for the survey bill. Then put a small 20-40ft driveway on each and list them your self.
Out of the subdivided lots we bought the only one with a small driveway sold for the most. They also had all logging wood debris too.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:32pm
Yeah got my first offer about a month ago. They must be searching on undeveloped parcels as TMT said. Offer was twice what I paid 10 years ago during the crash, but everything has doubled since then.
# Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:17am
I've gotten these as well. Some claim to be "a young family" looking for peace and quiet. Most have been from admitted loggers, wood products companies, or foresters. We get these from realtors at our city home also. I guess it's just capitalism, free enterprise. They are trying to make a living like the rest of us. Wasting their time on me.
# Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:28pm
Interesting post
There is definitely a shift of "city dwellers" wanting to move out into the suburbs/countryside
I have just sold my house in Westchester, maybe 35/40 miles north from NYC
in 5 days, we had 45 viewings of the property - it was literally insane
Around 90% of all viewings were people from Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights, Manhattan, all NYC based.........all saying they NEED to get out the city
My wife is also a realtor and it is the same all around the Westchester area - People from the City are trying to move out because of what they experienced in the shut down
Now Westchester is NOT the Adirondacks or anything like it - but to a City dweller, it must seem like it...........3 acres, on a lake, pool, in the forest, etc...............compare that to a 900sq ft studio apartment (for about $1M+) in NYC!!
So i do think there is something to what you are saying and people are looking for more rural or even second homes to escape for the next virus or shut down
# Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:33pm
I had been saying this would happen for months Zorro. It happened after 9/11 too. The ADKs is not free of city type people.
Even up in dutchess county theres a big boom in the housing market.
# Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:55pm
I suspect low interest rates must be helping too.
# Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:55am
Getting it here in Ontario too. As others have said, the COVID combo of prepping going more mainstream, peoples' inability to travel but wanting to get out of town for vacation, and low interest rates plus government pandemic support, all together, have stimulated demand for recreational property and ability to pay for it for the (moderately) rich. And speculators are salivating at the prospect of hard-up property owners wanting to sell.
Not trying to start a political discussion, but interesting to see "liberal city rioting" in the comments above. Not a direct issue for us up here, at least not yet, but up here even the more right-of-centre press frames that issue as "U.S. federal agents using excessive force". So interesting to me to see social unrest as itself a motivator. (Not debating who's right, since as far as property demand is concerned, it's perception that matters anyway.)
# Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:29pm
'Not too sure of your "center-of-right press" description in Canada. Just my opinion, but in the US, 95% of MSM (main stream media) is lock-step left. Especially when you find out what they purposely fail to report. Most of MSM is as perverted as was Pravda was during the cold war. 60 days of rioting in Portland isn't about the presence of federal agents. And it isn't about "peaceful protests" either.
# Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:58pm - Edited by: Houska
I was actually referring to "that part of the press in Canada which is centre-right according to the Canadian spectrum", i.e. I was not parroting more left-leaning Canadian media, whose opinion is as you would expect.
We won't gain much from debating (especially here!) our opinions whether US media averages left, right, or centre. But your statement about Pravda is your heart talking, not your head. As someone whose parents were cold war refugees from Eastern Europe, I grew up with Pravda articles being read in the house (in North America), because biased as it was, reading between the lines was a source of information about the Old Country and which way the wind was blowing. You drew conclusions from what they said, how, and what they didn't talk about. I can confidently assert that its biases and selectivity were far more severe than any U.S. mainstream media (though some extremist U.S. media on both the right and left come close).
Anyway, this is veering off track. Nice pic of the buntings!
# Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:42pm
Quoting: Houska Getting it here in Ontario too. As others have said, the COVID combo of prepping going more mainstream, peoples' inability to travel but wanting to get out of town for vacation, and low interest rates plus government pandemic support, all together, have stimulated demand for recreational property and ability to pay for it for the (moderately) rich. And speculators are salivating at the prospect of hard-up property owners wanting to sell.
Spot on! The contractors in our area (central Ontario) are all saying exactly that. Cottages are being renovated for full time use as people now have an opportunity to work remotely and many are moving out of the city. Good, vacant land is being sold at a premium often with multiple bids. One big issue now for builders is finding materials. They are all complaining about hoarding, price gouging and much more travel to get what they need. Hope this improves by spring, when we plan to start building.