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# Posted: 26 Sep 2019 12:33pm
We are planning to go up to Manitoulin Oct 19/20 to look around at a 5-acre plots.
Apparently there were thousands of them chopped up in the 50's with a 40' easement on each end for access.
There is one specific one we are going to look at south of Gore Bay, but googling around by street view shows many a sign of "For sale" at the end of every road off of Hwy 540 it seems.
Interaction with the township by email (For the one specific plot) seems that they are open to a 473sq ft or larger seasonal cottage on these plots with just the paperwork and fees. Pylon/Bigfoot and just meeting code seem to be the cost of entry with pit sanitation acceptable.
We are looking to build Right around that size (500sq ft) main floor with a loft.
Anyone here who has purchased one of these plots and built? Any "Gotch-ya's" under the surface?
# Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:31pm
I think this is a great post, the subject/title however might be edited to be more related to the actual concern, and hopefully get more discussion on this, I think it is a great question many wonder about ... and I am sure others have answers to ... but those who are not looking for land but aleady have the experience you are seeking might overlook this post because they are not looking for land on that island.. anyhow great post.. great question.. I am only looking at this stage too so cannot help. I also have no experience buying land but have seen a few lots at $12,000 dollars etc here and there. 
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:41am
Well we are all set up - GPS, Cell roam set, dashcam etc etc...
I'll see about the thread tittle - What would you suggest John?
We have 2 target properties 1 south of Gore Bay @ 5.5 acres which I talk about above and then there is a 1/4 acre way out in the west end. The 1/4 acre, while small, is in an unorganized township so the build is far less complicated.
Hope to get up to Sudbury tonight (Lively On) for the first night, Second night is in Mindemoya - Agent will show us the 5.5. acre plot. The rest of the visit is driving down all of the country lanes that have for sale signs attached.
So Far it looks like the eastern 1/2 is very well served by a wireless internet service up to 5mb/ps with unlimited data (IPTV and general connection to the rest of the world.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:28am
As for a title if it is even editable that is.. Might besomething like ..
Bought Land And Tiny Housed - Any Lessons / 'Wish We Knew' / Experience to share?
Could be a title of sorts But really dont worry I feel kinda rude for saying it lol
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:36am
But congrats on the journey. I spoke with people in the at Algoma Mills area about getting setup in the area just north of it is a small body of water with for sale lots etc
Feel free to call me 6137093866 to chat about my research around there. West of Sudbury before blind river.
Also blind river is in huge debt due to a huge investment that went wrong and they lost out all citizens got in a rage and will take years to repay so they may be open to a new influx of taxpayers
May be flexible to modifying bylaws zoning to allow tinyhomes without primary house requirements
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:38am
Blind river selling land for plots
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:57am
OttawaJohn you are where I was a few short years ago. I got lucky and bought my land rally cheap, as it had been listed for 4 years and no interest. (someone kept knocking signs down) which I found via Realtor.ca. I won't say exactly where it is but after spending several thousands of km's driving & hunting for land I came across this. Now I have vehicle(s) and so mobility is a non-issue.
There is lands available for reasonable prices but I know of nothing that is within bicycle distance of a town. Dealing with carious counties can get tricky to say the east, some are very Urbanite in their thinking.... ON land, you have to be ready to jump on it and that means having the cash "in hand" and ready to go & that means having the grand+ for the Real-estate Lawyer too.... "Casually"Ask about things like year round "Hunt Camps" & various "recreational" property designations. That will be an indicator as to how open a county is. There are many "wood lots" around here used for regular harvesting but often post harvest many go up for sale, sometimes they get split and old off as small plots and generally pretty cheap because they have been striped of useable lumbers. Ponder on areas going north from Arnprior on the 17 up past Renfrew and towards Pembroke / Petawawa - Barry's Bay to Algonquin Park. Also look at the smaller town areas like Golden Lake or villages like Eganville and surroundings. That's basically the area I looked in and found places suitably priced and rules being fairly reasonable.
Keep in mind that drilling a well s not cheap, cable drilled my well to 260' deep in granite, cost was $35 a foot to drill, an extra $10 a foot for casing which is 10' into the granite and 2' above grade plus 1,000 for the seals etc. Pump, Pressure tank etc all extra on that. A Small solar system like I use (which is good year round) cost me 12 grand (2kw of panel, 856 Ahr's of total battery capacity) which could now be done with Li-Ion for the same price. (plus AC panels, Hardware and related)
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:45am
For the 5.5 acre lot, I have emailed the people of the township and found that "bigfoot" and Sonotube is OK - Must be over 473 sq foot and less than 900ish ( we will be between 473 and 500sq/ft) is seasonal only. The 1/4 acre is only a recent find. (Like Monday
I do not see us drilling a well. Rainwater catchment and a bevy of 19L water bottles for it for now.
Seasonal is not too big of a deal for us as we have a plot in Nicaragua (My wife of 30 yrs is from there) and we are building a house there (leave for 2 weeks build supervising in Nov) - So this cabin will only house us for lets say Mid July to end October. We would rent it from March ish to mid-July.
Our plan is to work in southern Ontario from March to July (We still will keep our house in Kitchener -Kids will probably still live there in the near future, and possibly rent out some of it) and stay up north in something we build until the end Oct and then down to Nicaragua until March and then Lather, rinse, repeat...
All starting at the end of 2021.. (Building cabin in summer 2020)
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:00pm
Very cool.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:15pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
If you want to rent the house than being closer to Gore Bay would be a good idea. There is a lack of rental properties there. Manitoulin Transport has their main terminal there and are always hiring. Workers have a hard time finding a place to rent.
If you are not drilling a well you can buy a water tank on wheels from the agricultural place outside of Gore Bay and pump water out of the lake. You are going to be living on the largest freshwater island in the world.
If you are arriving and leaving via the ferry it only runs until mid October.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:53pm - Edited by: bill_bly_ca
Quoting: silverwaterlady If you want to rent the house than being closer to Gore Bay would be a good idea. There is a lack of rental properties there.
Rental in the short sense - Weekends or weeks. We still want to have flexibility on the use at our whim - Rental is not a requirement for purchase but a supplement. Our focus has switched to the west end which gives more flexibility being unorganized. One place we have some questions and maybe an offer this week.
Quoting: silverwaterlady Manitoulin Transport has their main terminal there and are always hiring. Workers have a hard time finding a place to rent.
We seen the Manitoulin yard in Gore bay - Interesting as their trucks are a regular sight in southwestern Ontario. They must be sitting on pins and needles for the twinning of the bridge.
Quoting: silverwaterlady If you are arriving and leaving via the ferry it only runs until mid October.
We had Breakfast at the restaurant beside the dock - One couple was from Misery Bay but talked a lot about Silver Water - We drove by the 540 restaurant stop but heard them talk about the unfortunate passing of the lady who ran the stop earlier this year. We drove in from Espinola both ways.
Ran into a Mennonite from the KW area as we were buying dinner in Mindemoya - He was up visiting his brother who is farming on the island now.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2019 11:13am - Edited by: bill_bly_ca
Well, offer is placed on a 1/4 acre
One cabin for us (16/20) in the North west corner - Son's of the same side in the northeast and a similar closer to the road in the southeast corner.
Just have to have the offer accepted now 
# Posted: 4 Nov 2019 08:08pm
That's awesome hope they accept. It'll be a long winter waiting!
# Posted: 5 Nov 2019 05:23pm
Best of luck. We just bought 3 acres in South River. Exciting stuff 
# Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:30pm
Offer accepted, lawyer notified
Surprising that a title search is A) almost indifferent on where in the province it is done so our regular lawyer can do it here in Southern Ontario B) kinda sad that it is almost 1/3 of the Purchase price.
It will be a long winter for sure - But most likely we will not build until 2021 as we need to finish off the small house in Nicaragua first (35x80 lot with a 24x27 two-story house) where we are now for the next 10 days to get the building guys set - We have been building on it piecemeal for the last 5 yrs.
Will be quite the contrast - House of stone and a house of lumber
LoonWhisperer - Is South river unorganized as well?
# Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:18pm
Quoting: bill_bly_ca LoonWhisperer - Is South river unorganized as well?
Unfortunately, South River is part of an organized township (Machar) so you have to play ball.
Great to hear your offer was accepted. Congrats!