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# Posted: 15 Jul 2011 01:01am
Quoting: husker16 hattie, what exactly is your business? You're place looks awesome!
Thanks!! We run a small (3 unit) motel. Our rooms are themed. Guests can stay in the Bank, Saloon or Barbershop. It's great when the family wants to visit because we always have room. *S* Our office/house was built in 1912 but we built the motel in keeping with its style.
# Posted: 16 Sep 2011 01:59pm
Quoting: TomChum Wow, now that's a water feature. Is that lake on your land? Do you have a cabin on the land?
It's in Southern Colorado, and technically, there's not a cabin, there's a shed.
The water feature is a pond on the ranch that butts up to our place.
# Posted: 16 Sep 2011 02:51pm - Edited by: Malamute
Quoting: neb ... I just need to figure out how to cut birds mouth cuts for the rafters tha sit on the top plate. I want an open rafter with a 2x10 main beam and tie rafters into that. I will have to shoot from the hip and build as I go.
Neb, have you started yet? Birdmouth cuts arent hard. Books from the library should give enough info, but when you decide what roof pitch you want, build your gable walls, wet the ridge, and you can just lay the rafters a,longside the gable wall for a template for length, then cut the angle with your speed square to get the angle cut right. You can also step off the rafters with a framing square and stops if you know how. Your friendly library may have a book that expalins that also.
Will post some pics later....
# Posted: 16 Sep 2011 04:48pm - Edited by: Malamute

Out the front gate, early June a couple years ago,

Taken off the porch,

Taken from the yard,

Some of the country I like to get out into that's close by,

# Posted: 16 Sep 2011 05:16pm
thoughs is sum hills Mal. Very nice!!
# Posted: 17 Sep 2011 10:18am
Quoting: Malamute I just need to figure out how to cut birds mouth cuts for the rafters tha sit on the top plate. I want an open rafter with a 2x10 main beam and tie rafters into that. I will have to shoot from the hip and build as I go. Neb, have you started yet? Birdmouth cuts arent hard. Books from the library should give enough info, but when you decide what roof pitch you want, build your gable walls, wet the ridge, and you can just lay the rafters a,longside the gable wall for a template for length, then cut the angle with your speed square to get the angle cut right. You can also step off the rafters with a framing square and stops if you know how. Your friendly library may have a book that expalins that also. Will post some pics later.... Yep I got it done. I would like to say I always enjoy your posts and you are living the life being at the cabin full time. The country you live in is the country I love. I am always in the breaks and that kind of country you live. Thanks
# Posted: 21 Sep 2011 10:19am
Hey Mal,
I don't know if you're trying to keep it quiet or not, but does your place back up to Wetterhorn?
Love that area.
# Posted: 21 Sep 2011 10:04pm
I'm sort of private about where I live, but I don't know where Wetterhorn is, if that helps.
Can do Yellowstone as a day trip.
# Posted: 22 Sep 2011 09:58am
Oh, fair enough. That jagged mountain looks like a dead ringer for one we have in the San Juans. Although I suppose there are lots of mountains that are jagged. Amazing spot.
# Posted: 22 Sep 2011 11:14am
Malamute, your electricity lines, are they embedded in the walls, or just run around the floor etc?
Curious how a log cabin handles electrical lines and such.
Beautiful place, btw.
# Posted: 22 Sep 2011 10:25pm
I run them in chink joints a row or two up from the floor, and along door frames or corners to get height for switches, and lights. Can also drill holes for wiring when stacking logs, but I've managed OK with running them like I mentioned.
# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 06:12pm
Malamutes place looks like paradise. I seriously envy you. Lisa
# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 06:48pm
Hubby and I were placing a geocache on the mountain overlooking our town. He took this photo looking down on our village and I just love it because it covers the entire town. It shows the river and bridge on the right and the old Kettle Valley Railway/Trans Canada Trail on the left. Our place is hidden behind the pink Coalmont Hotel which is in the centre of the photo. *S*
# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 07:30pm
Fun at the cabin..... Cabin up north
|  Dogs at the cabin
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# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 07:13pm
To all you new folks here we all would like to see pictures of your cabin or a picture of your land. Post a picture of that dream land you own.
tnky03@gmail.co m
# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 08:37pm
Your place is beautiful! What a view!
# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 09:28pm
That is awesome.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 09:57pm
hattie you can tell the google people to eat there harts out.nice little town and i hear the fokes ar'nt bad eather.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 10:59pm
neb: Thanks!!
Just: Yup - the folks in our town are the very BEST!! *S*
# Posted: 19 Mar 2012 10:26pm - Edited by: Tucker
Hi, I'm a lurker and first time poster. Thanks to all for sharing their advice and ideas. My cabin isn't overly small but it is definitely rustic. It's in the highlands of Lanark Ontario. Its on a 3 season road in an area with a few other cabins/cottages in the woods, some abandoned or close to it, some with a view of the small spring-fed lake, most quite private and all with deeded legal access to the road and waterfront area (picnic tables, swings, mini beach, big firepit, docks etc). My land is about 1.5 acres, with Canadian Shield rock exposed in places and is not far from the shore (but technically across the path thus not a waterfront property, which is how I could afford it). My wife and I have camped for years and were looking at camper trailers, but found this last September. It is actually two parcels, the upper campsite/parking area and lower plot with the cabin. The building is 16x40 and was built over 60 years ago, apparently. In the winter of 08 the snowfall was extreme and the roof caved in. The prior owner left it for at least a few months if not a season before replacing it, inexplicably with 2x4s oriented the wrong way in a homemade, wacky truss and beam arrangement. I plan to sister 2x6s to the rafters and put a metal roof on. First, the walls also need to be straightened- the corners are square and plumb but both walls lean to the north. After the collapse they just slapped the place back together, unfortunately. But the place still feels quite sturdy- though I would like a closer look at the frame and foundation. Exterior is pine board, also installed after 08, and lacking the battens for now. The floor and 2x4 stud walls are original. Lots of work to do this summer. Besides the remedial work, I would like to install proper doors, one on each side, a floating deck on the waterfront side, and more windows. No hydro, well or septic. I'd like a small solar setup. There is an old, big Fisher stove outside with new looking firebrick. I'd like to reinstall that. If I had the money I would start fresh- maybe in a while. For now the place is an upgrade over tenting and lots of room for my young family. Looking forward to sharing ideas on off grid living, repairs, improvements etc. view from the campsite/parking area
|  view from a little bit in front of cabin, to shared floating dock
|  front? of cabin and shed (facing lake)
|  interior
# Posted: 19 Mar 2012 11:12pm
my place at the lake was built in 49 ,something about old wood ,welcome aboard fellow ontarian . just
# Posted: 19 Mar 2012 11:14pm - Edited by: mrmiji
Shot from above my 77.4 acres. The first photo has a read line defining the property but doesn't include it all. The second photo shows the rest but no lines. You'll figure it out though.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 12:35pm
Hi, I have just been reading this forum for ideas for off grid facilities i.e. water supplies and solar solutions...some great info and I will continue reading but thought I should post in this section to include my cabin on your list!! I am not in the States, I'm in the UK but my cabin is in Bulgaria in the mountains and it has views to die for ... I just need to get me a few home comforts (hot shower, lighting and maybe a sauna for the winter months) and life will be sweet. Moving out in Jan 2014 so I have some time to do the work...if I can wait that long  .

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 01:34pm
Took this last weekend

# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 03:01pm
Here is a pic of ours...started building in 1995...comfy inside but not drywalled yet...probably shouldn't have made it comfy inside as the drywall might be done by now! 721 sq ft on 10 acres in central Wisconsin. 1_005.jpg
|  cabin_and_misc._025..jpg
|  Cabin_July_09_3.jp.jpg
|  IM000283.JPG
# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 04:58pm
Very nice
# Posted: 28 May 2012 02:03pm - Edited by: OwenChristensen
Way remote and lots of wildlife. Can't hear barking dogs or sirens, horns or human voices. Just the way I like it.
# Posted: 28 May 2012 02:55pm
OwenChristensen Very nice you are like me if I hear vioces I just paddle faster and harder!!!!!!
# Posted: 29 May 2012 01:55pm
Awesome pics!
# Posted: 29 May 2012 02:06pm
A few more! summer_2010_332.jpg
|  summer_2010_333.jpg
|  summer_and_winter_20.jpg
|  summer_and_winter_20.jpg
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