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# Posted: 23 Jan 2011 06:17pm
Hi, i want to buy about 3-5 acres, near the Algonquin area, around either Bancroft, Haliburton, or somewhere in the Kawarthas.
I want to build a small 10x10 cabin, possibly put a trailer on the lot. I do not want some NOSY neighbor, with no life, walk on my property and complain and snoop, nor do i want some ridiculous town development fee like Bracebridge (which someone posted to be around 10k)
Anyone know of the best area to buy this land where i can possibly do this? Thanks.
# Posted: 30 Jan 2011 12:06pm
Our experience here in Ontario is that all municipalities operate under similiar bylaws. They won't even let you build a 100 sq. Ft. bunkie, unless there is already a building (home, cottage) on site. They don't want folks staying on their property in a bunkie, because they can't tax you on it and....over the years, unfortunately...people have done this irresponsibly and built a bunkie, built outhouses too close to waterways, brought up an old trailer or two and used them as party campgrounds and junkyards...upsetting the neighbors who actually live there year round. Believe me...when we were scoping out our property, we saw many places where old trailers / cars had been left to rot in the bush...now becoming someone else's problem. Those of us who do it responsibly and have pride in our property and respect that we do have neighbors who deserve piece and quiet are all blanketed under these restrictive bylaws.
The option is to take a chance and stay under the radar...build something that can't be seen from the road, keep it quiet and if you do have neighbors close by that you run into...maintain a friendly relationship with them. Use a compost toilet or "humanure" system to recycle your poop. Even if , down the road they discover you have a little cabin, they will most likely not mind...preferring to have a good quiet responsible neighbor. One word of advice...don't lend your bunkie out to friends...they may not understand the sensitivity of your situation.
Another option is Manitoulin Island....they are a little more flexible...they'll at least let you build a garage and stay in the loft above it...more $$ than a bunkie...but not as much as a cottage.
El Che
# Posted: 11 Feb 2011 09:16pm
You will need to build in an unorganized township. There are no bylaws regarding building and living in these kinds of townships. I lived in one for years and really enjoyed the feeling of freedom and privacy from the state and neighbours. Most people have a hard time minding their own business, but in unorganized townships you will find a lot more privacy.
Perhaps the downside is that it usually means driving a fair distance from any municipality and a lack of services such as road maintenance and fire protection. But I would give that up any day to have the privacy afforded by not having people who like to sit on boards and like to "rule" over others have any say in my life. From my experience, organized townships have their share of petty people on them who think that they have a fiefdom of their own, and tax the residents to fund their own board. Good luck in your endevour.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2011 08:45pm
El Che is right on the money. We built in a unorganized township. We had to get building permits but it was cheap and easy with no time limits on building. We take care of things ourselfs and like it that way.
# Posted: 6 Jul 2011 08:20am
hi lcstoronto,
Try this http://www.dignam.com/southern-ontario/land-for-sale-in-southern-ontario/4589-on/
It's close to the area you are looking for and for a great price. The company who sells property in this area are also very helpful on the phone. Their number is (705) 721-1515
I've bought numerous properties from them over the years
# Posted: 7 Aug 2011 09:08pm
Icstoronto, I just joined this forum, but if you would be interested in another province may I suggest Nova Scotia. I just purchased some property on Mulcuish Lake and it is quite private away from "NOSY" types.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2011 09:21am
Another option that I learned about from Tumbleweed Homes (google it for more info) is to build a cabin on a utility trailer. Couple of advantages: 1. you get a prebuilt base thats square and level without having to do any foundation work. 2. you can build half or majority of it in your own garage or possibly off site. 3. as a trailer you are exempt from the majority of building code bylaws- you only have to register it as a trailer. 4. the rv industry is pretty large and therefore if everyone started using this loophole it would likely stand up for quite some time as rving is popular in of itself and there would be push back.
Some obvious drawbacks of course: you need road access to your property, your cabin/trailer could be rather easy to steal by a anyone with a pick up truck, size of cabin is limited by trailer size.
Anyways not a plug for the site I mentioned previously but it is an interesting concept and its another solution to the building code problem
# Posted: 22 Mar 2012 05:32pm
Hey there, just wondering your assumption of a unorganised township? examples would be fantastic. I too share your views on privacy and to forsake modern day examples of tax dollars not well spent is a small sacrifice for your own piece of heaven off the grid !
# Posted: 9 May 2013 12:16pm
How did you attain a building permit as unorganised townships don't issue them?
# Posted: 28 Nov 2013 07:42pm
We have 293 acres of unorganized township land, some lake front, some river front and mostly wooded. We have built a two bedroom home with a shop, brought hydro in from the road, installed a good septic system, drilled well and the only permits we had to take out were for hydro and environmental [septic]. Nothing else. This spring with the road work completed we will be starting to construct a trailer park. Along with the trailers we wish to offer, as well, some lots for off grid cabins located a little farer back on the property. If anyone is interested contact me
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 04:05pm
If anyone is interested contact me.....Quoting: embo If anyone is interested contact me
Embo, How do i contact you? ...need to know whereabouts of your land, conditions , etc.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 06:07pm
What exactly qualifies a township to be "unorganized"? Also to "Bojan" I was looking at Dignam for property in BC. Did you purchase your's outright or make payments? Have any trouble with ownership or building on them?
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 06:31pm
alot of area's north of Timmins are all unorganized townships..
# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 06:36pm
[Quoting: rockies What exactly qualifies a township to be "unorganized"?
In Ontario, as i have discovered so far, it has to do with a population large enough and thru taxes be able to provide services which some want...garbage pickup, regular, paved road, maintenance, postal service etc., ie. organized management. politics. Some don't want this but rather keep it simple, and thus postpone the inevitable pressure of more population ruining the relative serenity of their seclusion.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2014 05:40pm
Our hunt camp is in an unorganized township. We have built on , and upgraded our camp , now it is quite nice. There is a township roads board , that looks after township road maintenance and plowing. Quite a few roads don't get plowed. Have a clerk treasurer . Our taxes are to the roads board, a nominal amount. The education portion is probably 75% of the total. provincial land tax , quite a small amount. We have quite a large acreage , all bush. We do keep a fairly low profile, and work hard , to be good neighbors. Be good to the local people , they don't need you, you need them. Old 243
# Posted: 1 Jan 2014 06:58pm
Quoting: old243 Our hunt camp is in an unorganized township.
Good to meet you in this way at least. You're right about the neighbors. It's the first thing i did when exploring the property. In fact, the one across the road toured me thru the considered property on his wife's atv, in the middle of moose season. So, we're about to do a similar thing on large acreage, unorg., South of N.Bay. Wondering if you are anywhere near?...or further north? Other several acquaintances of mine are also looking for a similar group/homesteading situation within 20 min of N. Bay, if you know of any piece large enough. cheers,...villager
# Posted: 18 Jan 2014 12:16am - Edited by: susanarscott
embo embo We are looking for a property with a couple acres to live off the grid in Northern Ontario. Want enough space for veggie gardens, and possibly chickens. Can you give us more info on where your property is and contact me please with details of your off grid offer. Thanks, Sue
# Posted: 18 Jan 2014 09:54am
Quoting: susanarscott embo embo
# Posted: 18 Jan 2014 10:25am
villager, we are in pringle twp . In from trout creek. The properties in this area have gone up a bit ,since the 4 lane came through. Would expect there are properties available. Contact a local realtor. Bush lots should be more reasonable, than waterfront. Good luck Old 243
# Posted: 18 Jan 2014 11:19am
old243 ,Thanks for contacting! We've been looking at a property in twp below you,.. should commit in spring. Open to shareholders of like mind...already have a website with many interested and a few committed. Ideally it would be great to have a real connection with any such projects for future co-supporting reasons...should meet some day. (Wonder why there is no "private messg. " feature on this great site.)
# Posted: 18 Jan 2014 04:31pm
villager, you might also knock on a few doors . The local people seem to know what is going on in the area. Doesn't hurt to ask. Go to the older farmers . Most have connections. Old 243
# Posted: 26 Jan 2014 08:27pm
Hi embo,
Also interested. Whereabouts?
# Posted: 3 Feb 2014 09:05pm
embo What is your contact info? We have a tumbleweed home and would be very interested in you are looking to open a park up in the spring ....
# Posted: 3 Feb 2014 09:17pm
Hi Micdundee:
As previously mentioned, we also have various options for likeminded folks in these interesting times. In fact the tumbleweed trailers are one of the best , flexible investments for exploring those options. I will be building my own , as well as a portable cabin,
# Posted: 15 Mar 2014 02:27pm
Quoting: embo This spring with the road work completed we will be starting to construct a trailer park. Along with the trailers we wish to offer, as well, some lots for off grid cabins located a little farer back on the property. If anyone is interested contact me
Hi Embo,
This is similar to what we are hoping to do. I would love to chat with you about your experiences. Could you please let me know how to contact you?
Thanks in advance, 
# Posted: 14 Jun 2014 01:47pm
I am extremely interested. Where is your property located?
# Posted: 27 Jun 2014 08:22am
Maybe this is where I will find the audience I am looking for. My home in Gowganda Ontario ( which is unorganized Taxes are only $300 a year)has been for sale longer than I anticipated. Trouble is finding the right audience. Maybe here is a good place. We are motivated to sell as due to family commitments we must relocate. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, 2, 560 sq. ft split level home with lake frontage. Pickerel, L. trout, N. Pike, SM Bass, Whitefish and Perch in this lake. We are surrounded by countless Lakes, Rivers and Stream plus canoe routes, snowmobile/ATV trails. Master has spa and exercise room, Huge 3 room workshop with att greenhouse, Large attractive equipment sheds and carport. House comes partially furnished and includes riding lawnmower and much more. Call me at 705-624-2130 or e-mail at Cathie_white@hotmail.com Visit our blog for more images and info. http://houseforsalegowganda.blogspot.ca/ Cathie & Doug view of the lake from back of house
|  master bedroom
|  kitchen
|  worksho[
# Posted: 27 Jun 2014 09:26am
Quoting: katevesco 2, 560 sq. ft split level home
While it's not my position to dictate what properties can be listed here you made me laugh. Your "Cabin" is two and a half times the size of my home in Ottawa! Most of the posters here are interested in much smaller dwellings/cabins.
Good luck!
# Posted: 28 Jun 2014 02:51pm
Comes from being an optimist. Can't help a girl for trying. Thought someone might see this and say something like................Not here but I know where you can post it. All is not lost. I always say if you can make a stranger laugh then I have done no harm. Thanks at least for your good wishes even if there just 'might' be a little tiny bit of sarcasm there.

# Posted: 16 Jun 2015 10:50pm
Hello, are you still selling your 293 acres ? where is your property located ?
Andrew Sobczak 705 543 1341 5431341@gmail.com
We have 293 acres of unorganized township land, some lake front, some river front and mostly wooded. We have built a two bedroom home with a shop, brought hydro in from the road, installed a good septic system, drilled well and the only permits we had to take out were for hydro and environmental [septic]. Nothing else. This spring with the road work completed we will be starting to construct a trailer park. Along with the trailers we wish to offer, as well, some lots for off grid cabins located a little farer back on the property. If anyone is interested contact me
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