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# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 09:05am
Very nice !!Quoting: bushbunkie # Posted: 26 Jan 2011 06:56 Reply Quote Good Luck, Spee.....I feel your frustration and we just went for it. Here's what we put up last summer on the Bruce Penninsula and now have just had a well installed. The bunkie is wired and insulated and we have a 2000 watt king generator. Having the water and electricity...only when you nee it...has made it a lot more comfortable. I also went on line to the "luvable loo" website and built a compost toilet...even my wife loves it! This summer's project is an outdoor shower! Good luck on your little piece of heaven! Bunkie The Loo Outhouse well Very nice!!
That's exactly what I want to do, did u have to get the well dug or Was it already existing ?
# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 07:53pm
Had the well drilled by a local guy who did all the wells in the area. I think it only took a day or two...but like I said..when you have water you can keep clean, do dishes, make a shower area...really adds to the comfort....I'm glad we did it. The bunkie is10 x 10 and 14 feet high. The loft is 6 feet high....boys sleep upstairs, we sleep down. The overhang is great for when it's raining...just sit in bed ...open the door and relax. Cheers.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2011 01:23pm
You have my sympathy... Muskoka has become a playground for the wealthy and most of the "locals" are as disgusted as you are with the bureaucratic stuff that's thrown at them. The suggestion of a trailer is probably your best bet to start. If you wanted to do a Walden thing, you should have bought land elsewhere. Sorry to be a downer. Maybe you could look a little farther up highway 11. Ex-Muskoka resident speaking here.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2011 10:02am
Quoting: Anonymous You have my sympathy... Muskoka has become a playground for the wealthy and most of the "locals" are as disgusted as you are with the bureaucratic stuff that's thrown at them. The suggestion of a trailer is probably your best bet to start. If you wanted to do a Walden thing, you should have bought land elsewhere. Sorry to be a downer. Maybe you could look a little farther up highway 11. Ex-Muskoka resident speaking here.
Ill see in the spring whats in the cards for the property, no chance of me getting a place farther north... I have a 2.5 limit for my vacation property.. I might need to look farther east ...
# Posted: 3 Feb 2011 05:50am
That $10,000 sure would buy you a nice {big) camper trailer.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 08:38am
I say go for it...If your lot is private enough, try and tuck a little bunkie into the back lot somewhere and begin your adventure.
# Posted: 7 Feb 2011 10:26pm
Quoting: Speee muskoka lakes, all building permits go through them. maybe you should try doing a budget for a legal cabin . we built one up that way 10 years ago for 25000$ it had 576 sq ft there was no develoment fee at that time. you know you do not have to finish it all at once . also in that area i am sure you could always sell if you were not happy with the way it turned out.. 576 + a 1.5 garage might do the sq ft you need???? built in 2000 25000$ all in
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# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 07:28am
Quoting: Just maybe you should try doing a budget for a legal cabin . we built one up that way 10 years ago for 25000$ it had 576 sq ft there was no develoment fee at that time. you know you do not have to finish it all at once . also in that area i am sure you could always sell if you were not happy with the way it turned out.. 576 + a 1.5 garage might do the sq ft you need????
That would be perfect, BUT it appears there is now a 950 sqft min and 10 000 in dev fees. Once the snow melts, ill revisit the options.
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 09:19am
well you get a permit for 950 sq feet ,frame up the building , finish the bit you want for a cabin , get a move in permit, then finish the rest later into a garage or storage or what ever! the one above i started with a 24 x 24 garage package from rona and they accepted the stamped plan that came with it for the building perment ..I would say, with confidance ,you could do the hole thing with permits , for 50 large
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 09:21am
50 large vs. 2k for a small cabin .... hmmmm if i had the 50 large to drop on it sure... but 2k sounds a whole lot better :) BUT i might get forced to rip it down.. lol
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 10:06am
you have 50 large two bedroom cabin in the woods near bracebridge ...i sold the on in the pic for 269 and i didn't have to hide behind a tree !! but I get the point ,it shur would be a lot simpeller your way !!
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 10:08am
Quoting: Just you have 50 large two bedroom cabin in the woods near bracebridge ...i sold the on in the pic for 269 and i didn't have to hide behind a tree !! but I get the point ,it shur would be a lot simpeller your way !!
Also a very good point !! Resell option
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 05:22pm
Hi Just, It's a tough call... the Ontario bylaws now won't let you build a garage anymore and live over the loft like they used to do...we checked, cause that was our plan originally because that's how friends did it...15 years ago. They want the min. 1000 sq. ft to be all living space. But before you start the build, you need to put in your septic system @ $15000. and it goes on and on.... That's what we were told anyway..
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 09:41pm
the cost of a septic system is set by the lot if it has 5 feet of sandy soil the cost could be as little as 4000$ i know thats unlikely near bracebrige . but you should find out!! likewise one should find out at what stage the will issue a move in permitt ..hay i don't know you are talking to a guy with a no permit shak trailer in a bush that lyes in a flood plain no build zone !!!
# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 04:08pm
Hey! We've been to Bracebridge, BEAUTIFUL area, and as far as my understanding went it has lots of expensive cottages worth well into the multiple six figures... these requirements are likely due to the municipality wanting to maintain property values... I endorse checking somewhere else where you can build something in accordance with reasonable bylaws and without unnecessary scrutiny.
# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 09:07pm
I love the looks of your place
# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 11:09pm
Quoting: Erins#1Mom I love the looks of your place tanxs
El Wood
# Posted: 25 Feb 2011 02:40pm
Came across this site a while back searching about sheds/cabins in Ontario. We're in similar situation as Spee. We've recently purchased approximately 5 acres in outskirts of Bracebridge. The land is zoned for Rural Residential. Most of the land around is zoned Rural Use. We've recently met with planning department and basically this is what we were told: • No sheds or cabins of any kind, not even on a skid, even if less than 10 square meters unless there is dwelling unit (85 square meters) on property. • Trailers are allowed as long as they are not occupied more than 60 nights per year and as long as they have their wheels intact on the unit and therefore considered road worthy and not permanent, even if it sits on the property all year. There is an upcoming change to this by-law, something along the line of definition of trailer. Current by-law is from 70's. We were advised to call with type of trailer before purchasing to avoid any disappointments. • Even with a master plan to exceed minimum square footage, cannot building a dwelling unit in phases (even if we paid all the development fees with first permit application) • On a good note, since the property is less than 10 acres, we don't need any permit to cut down trees, as long as it's not clear cutting the entire property • Open fires are not allowed from April to October except for warmth and cooking (which is what we'll be using it for), or if there is high fire hazard (very dry times during the summer) as per signs posted around the area. • No restrictions on dining tents, or any types of tents. • Outhouse: apparently although it's still a "structure", is allowed on the property. (We joked about making a fancy outhouse with bucket system that remained very clean and pristine...almost sleepy-worthy!) Although we had hoped to go the small cabins route, it seems we will end up with a trailer on the property. No development fees, no increase in property tax and it is legal. Plus we can get the land insured as vacant lot (can't be too careful with liabilities these days) and trailer insured separately. I'm rather disappointed as I feel a small cabin would be lot more pleasant on the land but we don't want to put in all that effort only to have to tear it down.
# Posted: 25 Feb 2011 02:50pm
Sounds like were in the same boat, Dont want to spend countless hours to have to ripp it down !
Quoting: El Wood No sheds or cabins of any kind, not even on a skid, even if less than 10 square meters unless there is dwelling unit (85 square meters) on property.
Luckily my property has an old,run down shed I can use for storage/firewood.
Quoting: El Wood • Trailers are allowed as long as they are not occupied more than 60 nights per year and as long as they have their wheels intact on the unit and therefore considered road worthy and not permanent, even if it sits on the property all year. There is an upcoming change to this by-law, something along the line of definition of trailer. Current by-law is from 70's. We were advised to call with type of trailer before purchasing to avoid any disappointments.
I will likely look into a trailer as it seems to make the most sense. At least to get me started.
Quoting: El Wood • No restrictions on dining tents, or any types of tents.
Good ! since I intend on getting a couple tents
Quoting: El Wood Outhouse: apparently although it's still a "structure", is allowed on the property. (We joked about making a fancy outhouse with bucket system that remained very clean and pristine...almost sleepy-worthy!)
I plan on making an outhouse at some point, I think im willing to take the risk on that one :)
Stay in touch and let us know how your property works out.
# Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:45pm
Minimum size regulations are ridiculous, especially when the minimum size is 900 sqft.
Maybe a trailer like this would be ok.....
# Posted: 3 Mar 2011 07:38am
Yup...saw these when we were first tossing around ideas...they're awesome....but 10 times the cost of a bunkie! Ha! But if you have the funds...it would be nice.
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 3 Mar 2011 08:48pm
bushbunkie, did you pt the well in or was it there when you bought the place? I'd like to get one done and am wondering about the cost.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2011 07:43am
Barrys Bay, We put the well in when we bought the property. We paid $3000. They had to drill over 100 ft. Best thing I think we've done....even though it wasn't cheap. we just capped it with a hand pump we bought at TSE.
Now, washing up, doing dishes, etc. much easier. Will make this year's "build a shower" project a lot easier.
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 4 Mar 2011 11:14am
Thanks bb. So I take it this is the going rate right now to drill a well that deep? I would love to do it but have always heard it was a lot more than that. Anyone else can let me know what the cost was for them? I think I'll make some calls to the local well folks when I'm up there next time.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2011 11:17am
Quoting: Barrys Bay Thanks bb. So I take it this is the going rate right now to drill a well that deep? I would love to do it but have always heard it was a lot more than that. Anyone else can let me know what the cost was for them? I think I'll make some calls to the local well folks when I'm up there next time.
I was quoted more than that..... one guy said 8 and one said 9
Barrys Bay
# Posted: 4 Mar 2011 11:31am
Exactly why I never done it because I heard it was around 10,000. Maybe 3000 for a ground well.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2011 03:40pm
Quoting: Barrys Bay Exactly why I never done it because I heard it was around 10,000. Maybe 3000 for a ground well.
Hey BB, The price was in line with what others in the area had paid 3-4 years ago...talked to a neighbor who had just built a house two years ago....we did barter a bit back and forth and agreed on that price. I think some well drillers may be more motivated than others. When (if) we ever build, we're ready for water hook up. It's worth checking around...
# Posted: 5 Mar 2011 03:09am
Quoting: bushbunkie .they're awesome....but 10 times the cost of a bunkie!
Yes, that's a very nice one. I just used that as an example because it gives an idea of how the trailer can be hidden once in place. But, if you pay someone else to build a bunkie using high-end materials and finishes, it could cost $200 a square foot too. If you build it yourself, are fine with an unfinished interior, don't need an inside bath, etc, you can obviously do it for much less. The trailer might cost $3500 new; less for a good used one. From that point on it shouldn't cost any more to build on the trailer than it would be to build the same structure sitting on skids on the ground.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2011 09:55am
Quoting: soundandfurycabin an unfinished interior, don't need an inside bath, etc, you can obviously do it for much less. The trailer might cost $3500 new; less for a good used one. From that point on it shouldn't cost any more to build on the trailer than it would be to build the same structure sitting on skids on the ground.
Hey Soundand fury cabin, Yup...that is true...you've got a good point. When we built our 10X10 bunkie...our plan B (in case we ever had to remove it) would be to get it forklifted onto a flatbed and moved. That's why it's sitting on patio stones on a gravel bed. The base is pressure treated wood.
We would probably sell it and come up with another plan for our property. What's funny, is that the local contractors think these rules re. minimum sq. ft suck as well...one ol timer told me that years ago...people would slowly build their dream cabin/cottage/home over years......save up and every few years do something different like put in more gravel...build a septic...put in a well...put in a foundation for a garage ...etc...always work available for the local folks. Now...they expect you to buy the property and put up a minimum 1000 sq. ft. "second home"...I don't want anything that big... So it has made the dream out of reach for many who are not in that position (I'm still paying for my kids travel sports...then post secondary education!!!)
I also come up often and dump $$..too much my wife would say... into the local economy...the local hardware store, home depot,gas station, restaurants, grocery store, pizza places, etc while on vacation because that is now our regular destination point....sigh...
# Posted: 26 Mar 2011 12:09pm
Just stumbled across this site, and I'm glad I did! I own a woodlot just east of Bracebridge, and have wanted to build a small, rustic cabin on it but also ran into the same frustrating 900 sq.ft. min. + septic + yada-yada-yada, which is a far cry from the 'simple' life I want when I'm up there. Given the whole climate change thing, you'd think the powers that be would be encouraging people like us who want to minimize our impact on our surroundings as much as we can. But I guess the tax $$$ are far more important. I also know that the owners of those mega-mansion "cottages" always manage to bend the rules far more than us Walden types - once again, money talks.
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