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# Posted: 2 Oct 2014 10:34am - Edited by: ChuckDynasty
NY state has requirements on their web site.
Just saw this sign yesterday.
# Posted: 2 Oct 2014 10:47am
"This Property Guarded By Shotgun Three Nights Per Week.
You Guess Which Three."
# Posted: 4 Oct 2014 08:33am
In Maine all land not posted is open to hunting.Posting are signs every 50Ft along the edge of the property lines. When we first bought our land people were continually driving in the woods road to hunt.They had for years and didnt know a house was going up there.They usually just left and went in along the powerlines.A couple of folks wandered in from the back .Probably actually lost,.My wife gave one a lift back to his truck.It turned out they were related in some distant fashion.Nobody got nasty about anything.My response would have been to allow deer hunting west of the stream that runs across our land.The house is on the eastern part. Its a fact that far fewer people hunt than previous years in Maine..
# Posted: 29 Oct 2014 09:16pm - Edited by: Steve_S
I often thought that this one was pretty clear & leaving no doubt.
S&W Security
# Posted: 30 Oct 2014 07:29am - Edited by: jrbarnard
Seriously? No offense.. but signs do not yell. You could put out a "pretty please do not cross this line in the sand" sign and see if it changes anything.. but it won't.
Not trying to be harsh.. but good lord, the signs are to let people know this land is not theirs, but they already know that, or they would not be taking the signs down.
The hunters? I never met a single hunter that did not know for a fact they were hunting illegally.
Just get a no trespassing sign, stick your ear to it and if it yells back at you.. I'll eat my shorts :P
Ok.. in all seriousness, I get what you are saying, but my point in my trying to be humorous is you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Either you want people to stop coming onto your property and you take efforts to make that happen, or you do not mind it. Adding a sign that says, essentially, "hi, welcome.. but do not hunt here unless you ask me, camp here unless you ask me, mess anything up etc" and that is going to entice more people to go ahead and trespass.
I was in a deer stand last year at 6:30 am and watched a 4-wheeler drive across the middle of my ranch, and I own 330 acres. He got out of his 4-wheeler, with a friend, and kicked one of my feeders on another stand, then got back in and drove off the other way.
There is a fence there....correction, was.
Give a mouse a cookie, they are going to want a glass of milk.
Just get no trespassing signs, paint peace symbols on them and maybe glue a picture of someone hugging a tree and call it done.
They will get the idea.. heh
Good luck.
I too love visitors.. but I hate people that trespass due to "sight seeing" or "just checking it out.
My land is for ME and my guests. If you want to check something out, come check us out and we can give you a tour.. otherwise.. go buy your own freaking land.
p.s. can you tell trespassing is a pet peeve of mine? lol
# Posted: 30 Oct 2014 07:37am
Quoting: White Eagle Why do you guys feel you have the "right" to own the land on this planet? Because you purchased it for money?
lol.. sorry, late to the game.
Boy oh boy.. don't even know what to say to this that would not get ME labeled a troll or worse.
You and I are both just very lucky I did not see this post sooner.. heh
Ok.. all back to cool pictures of land and cabins! .. heh Oh, Chum.... don't take offense at the post I made.. I see your point and to each his own.. I just hate people that trespass.. LOVE visitors and will always let folks walk around and sight see, but if they are not interested in seeing ME.. then they have no business seeing my ranch.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2014 11:21pm
I don't like No Trespassing signs either, but put up one or two just to give the ATVer's pause a few years ago- when we put up our place I saw tracks leading right up to the cabin, turn around, and that was it. I decided to build up some brush and transplanted small trees from where we cleared the land in sensitive areas to keep them out. I have no problem with blueberry pickers who have been coming for ages, & asked a few just to not block the ROW.As far as security,we have a cable strung across the drive that's completely undoable (sic) and a good, very watchful neighbor nearby. In my situation, worrying about break-ins serves no purpose and is counterproductive. Humor trumps threats any day for unwanted trespassers. I think....
# Posted: 9 Nov 2014 05:11pm
The only sign I have are no hunting signs. In all the years in owning land I have never had a problem till oil came I to the area. Now if you don't have it locked up it will be gone and if not locked it will be gone sooner.
I have been thinking about a sign to put up and it would say something like this. "Make yourself at home but please don't steel or destroy"
# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 02:51pm
I saw one sign that read "If you can read this you are within range". Sure gets the point across.
# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 08:34pm
I don't like any of the signs that carry an overt or even obscure threat of violence. That is dumb and asking to have your hinnie bit if something goes wrong sometimes down the road. There is nothing wrong with a simple No Trespassing, Posted Keep Out sign. That gets the message across clearly. Check your state regs; some need the posters name and contact info.
# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 08:55pm
^ The state my property is in has it on their State web site. In a nut shell Posted, with name and address.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2015 11:21am - Edited by: KinAlberta
We've never minded people walking across our property, walking the trails or going down to the creek to look at beavers, fish etc. (there's an RV resort a block away). We just don't want any liability or property damage. So a nice Use Respect sign is all we need.
However, I was out at the cabin alone, late one evening last summer in the middle of doing tile work when someone started firing a rifle a few hundred yards away. Probably a neighbour shooting beavers ( without our permission). A PITA moment. No time to stop my tiling or desire to track the guy down to tell him we don't mind the beavers... So I just made more noise so the guy knew I was there. Stacked up a few 2x10s and let them drop so they made a nice rifle shot noise themselves. Never heard any whistling noises past my ear so I think it worked. 
Anyway, a lot of people see big beaver damns and the damage and figure we should be doing something about it but we don't mind the flooding and "damage" (even though it's putting our bridge underwater). It's natural and great for kids to see etc. Anyway, the guy with the rifle likely thought he was doing us a favour, and our land isn't well marked, and our cabin area is fenced from it (we used to run horses and cows to reduce the fire hazard on a few old pastures) so people may think it's crown land or something. Anyway, I just need friendly signs and maybe some No Shooting signs spotted about.
# Posted: 25 Feb 2015 12:53pm
KinAlberta: We too like our beaver. Unfortunately the RM we are in has a bounty on them so it seems people think it is legal to shoot them anywhere anytime.
My understanding from what my insurance broker said, in our area at least, is that we need NO TRESPASSING signs up to indicate private property for liability reasons.
We have a gambit of No Trespassing, No Hunting, Research Area: Authorized Persons Only, Under Video Surveillance, Wildlife Tomorrow and Stewards of Saskatchewan (latter two are habitat conservation programs we participate in) signs. Our fence posts look like a city street corner during the height of garage sale season!!! Still we get trespassers on Atv's, snow machines, walking in, hunting etc. People just feel they are entitled and who is going to catch them in the middle of nowhere. Last year we had a trail camera stolen. They cut through the cable and pried open the box.
People seem to have no respect for others or other people's property.
# Posted: 2 Mar 2015 10:11pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Well one thing in Canada I'd guess is that there's a bit of tradition of people moving freely about on property since so much of it was uninhabited or in the case of natives and early pioneers they likely went anywhere they desired. No harm no foul. Still, a few No Trespassing signs seem warranted.
I'd like to know what conservation programs you're involved in - and are they in Alberta too? On the issue of conservation, I have family in Saskatchewan. My late uncle built a thousand or more blue bird boxes (after reading about another man doing the same to save the species) and he put them on fence posts all around his town. Apparently, most of those birdhouse went when the fence poles went gone as farmers clear right to the road allowance. This uncle along with another uncle also bought farmland in Northern Saskatchewan for preservation and their kids donated it to the province upon their deaths. (It's an attitude you don't see often these days as people from average people as everyone seems to have ever growing wants so forever need more money to finance those wants.)
The Use Respect Program
Use RespectThe Use Respect program is an initiative of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and the Alberta Conservation Association. Its purpose is to build awareness of the rights and responsibilities of recreationists, agricultural leaseholders, and landowners, particularly as they pertain to recreational access to lands.
Here's the best sign I've seen so far:
 source: http://www.liska.ca/2014/06/ "50% of the Bruce still crosses private property. Generous land owners allow passage for travelers, so we are careful to respect their privacy and their property."
Page 4 of this is interesting - orange paint on fence posts
# Posted: 4 Mar 2015 09:28am
Unless your land borders state/public land, anyone finding their way onto it without permission realizes they're trespassing from the get-go. It's NOT THEIR land. As such, they've already demonstrated a lack of respect for the privacy and space of others. So reminding trespassers of this fact as if they didn't know is offering more courtesy than they probably deserve.
Yes, people can inadvertently enter your land from land on which they do have permission, but that's not typically how trespassing occurs. I'm a hunter and have known hunters all my life, and I have yet to meet any hunter that wasn't honestly aware of trespassing when they were in fact trespassing, or at least had a pretty good idea they were wandering off the land on which they did have permission to hunt.
Be polite but firm. And by no means should you ever feel hesitant about exercising your rights as a landowner, especially with those who are perfectly aware of their trespassing ways.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2015 07:33pm
I saw a good one, "Due to the high cost of ammo, there will be no warning shots". Actually, if you threaten people, then you might get negative reactions when you are not there. It upsets me that we feel we have to post signs for a few idiots but that is the real world. State and provincial parks were established to keep beautiful areas available to the general populations that would otherwise be lost to runaway developers.
In one sense, I agree with White Eagle, but without private ownership and the care and pride most people take with their properties, nice places would not happen and all of the nice areas would be destroyed. We may eventually all lose our properties due to unyielding high taxes and/or people with power and influence that will take it from us if it is valuable. Our place has no road or easy access and white it is a pain to get there, it keeps many curious lazy people out.
# Posted: 24 Jun 2015 10:21am - Edited by: KinAlberta
We also have these available here in Alberta...

excerpt: "Partners Alberta Beef Producers Alberta Fish and Game Association Alberta Hunter Education Instructors' Association Alberta Professional Outfitter Society Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Alberta Trappers' Association Ducks Unlimited Canada Federation of Alberta Naturalists Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta Hunting For Tomorrow Pheasants Forever Report A Poacher Trout Unlimited Canada Western Stock Growers Association"
# Posted: 24 Jun 2015 07:59pm
Please Stay Off MY Property - I Made A Promise That I Will Not Kill Again!
# Posted: 25 Jun 2015 03:56am
Here's one of the signs I had made up to supplement the plastic ones that I got from Home Depot.
# Posted: 25 Jun 2015 09:38am
We hunt our property all year round. So, my take on the signs is so they do not intrude on OUR use. Now, if all I did was camp, I probably would not care. I always tell people I want and like visitors, but if you are passing through, you are not a visitor, you are a trespasser.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2015 03:13am
The thing is, why does anyone care that someone is walking uninvited on their property? We have close to 2/3 of a mile of lakefront with a beautiful creek flowing through it and have always had people stop their boats and step ashore. Families from the very close by RV resort regularly walked onto our property to see the creek with all its wildlife. We've always been totally fine with that. Didn't care for any trash people left but that was very rare. Bottom line was that people were just wanting to see some nature and they weren't out to rob us or anything like that. And signs will never stop those that come to steal.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2015 03:22am
i paid for my "nature" and frankly.. if they want to see "nature" then stay in their boat and look at it. If they want to walk, unhindered" in "nature" then they can do what WE did and pay for it.
We do not have a problem with someone stopping into the cabin and saying hello and sharing coffee and asking to look around, our problem is with the people that ignore that this is our place and just drive on by etc. We were in our deer stand last year at 6am during deer season and a couple 'nature lovers' drove their 4-wheeler across the ranch, got out, looked around one of our feed tubs, and then drove back off in the 4-wheeler. Now, were these just 'nature lovers' or were they jerks that did not care if they were trespassing and / or wanted to find a deer and shoot it?
Does it matter? a Trespasser is a trespasser. If they had stopped in the cabin, we could have told them they would be disturbing people.
Now, we have a small lot on our current house. One day, I see shadows on the window blind that is closed. After 2 or 3 times, I look in the back yard and one of the neighbor kids is back there playing with his dog.....in our back yard... a kid we never really talk to. I was like, "what are you doing?" he says, playing with his dog....this is like a 15 yr old kid. I told him to get the hell out and ask next time he decides to go in our back yard.
Is there a difference between 1 and 100 acres? No. People should be respectful. If this was PUBLIC land, I would expect people walking everywhere and would not think anything of it... but if I am in the middle of nowhere, I expect the people around me bought THEIR land and would get upset if people were on their land as would I.
If you want people walking around your place, that is totally fine, but it is not out of this world to think people might not like it themselves.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2015 08:59am
I made you a sign that is sure to discourage trespassers. 
# Posted: 27 Jun 2015 03:43pm
Warning "Eyes in the Sky"
# Posted: 28 Jun 2015 04:43pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Quoting: neb Warning "Eyes in the Sky"
Yup. Soon it's going to be drones, drones, drones everywhere. Police looking for grow ops, FedEx delivery drones, Google WiFi drones, all the Gladys next door searching for their stolen gnomes (Gnome Drones). Maybe soon kids egging your house from the sky just to get photos of irate homeowners racing out in their ginches / gonches.
# Posted: 28 Jun 2015 04:53pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Quoting: Cowracer I made you a sign that is sure to discourage trespassers. cdc_sign.jpg
Actually, I wouldn't mind posting 20 or 30 funny keep out signs. That could be fun. At least people wouldn't think I'm some sort of nutty anti-social recluse. Maybe some warning about solar radiation and warnings about naked animals on the loose too. 
# Posted: 1 Jul 2015 11:08am - Edited by: cabinbiscuits
There seems to be two schools of thought here. One is people who don't mind people coming onto their private land, and the other is those of us who do. Personally I always thought that the type of property owner was easily identified by the No Trespassing signs.
Obviously it should come as no surprise to any of us, that as society continues it's' continued downward spiral of decay with life itself not being respected, property and other rights certainly won't be either.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 12 Jul 2015 04:39pm
How about "Geriatric Nudist Colony Border" 
# Posted: 13 Jul 2015 11:14am - Edited by: offgridjunkie
Removed Post
# Posted: 13 Jul 2015 01:42pm
Need to be careful with those "funny" signs... while they are humorous, my insurance company had a visit to my property and saw my *neighbor's* signs (which I have right-of-way through)... and requested that the signs come down as a condition of continuing coverage.
Where they right to do that? No... but then I need to make the choice to either drop them or keep them. While many of you would say "just drop them"... I had just dropped another company for pulling similar nonsense.
Also, if you ever do get into a real altercation involving a firearm... the other guy's lawyer is gonna eat you alive for having such as sign.
You may not be chuckling after all.
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