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# Posted: 21 May 2017 08:24am
My cabin is on a private road....and Im the only property on that loop....so I need to try to keep it up enough to drive it on a regular basis. I knew this before I purchased the property...thought no big deal. Problem is...I didnt expect to have so much rain this spring...snow was minimal (MN). Plus now the trucks and ATVs like my road for doing their 4 wheeling...its more challenging than the smooth roads everywhere else. I now have puddles and low muddy spots...fairly remote..dump truck wont fit to dump gravel.
Ive been looking for a drag or harrow....to pull with my truck. Ive seen the farm harrows...with spikes, but im not sure this is what would work for me.
Plus a way to drag one off to one side....to get the edges of the road without driving in the sticks...or downed trees....these drags are usually only about 5ft wide.
Ive been looking at any object I could use as a drag also
Any expertise or good ideas appreciated!
# Posted: 21 May 2017 10:19am
My neighbor has a length of railroad track that he drags behind his tractor. He says it doesn't work well.
The best thing is a tractor with a 3 pt hitch and a grading scraper, or land plane. This is designed to level out the road.
# Posted: 21 May 2017 07:32pm - Edited by: paulz
I have a similar situation, too steep and narrow for dump trucks. But, I have a 4x4 pickup with a slide in dump bed that will do 2-3 yards at a time. Also have a tractor with scraper but loose dirt or gravel should drag easily with whatever.
Greenland South
# Posted: 21 May 2017 08:36pm
I'm at the end of almost 4km of clay road that used to be maintained by an oil/gas company. They shut the wells in a few years back, so if I want it maintained I have to do it. I use a land plane similar to the one in the photo. You need a tractor with a 3 point hitch to use it. It usually takes me 2-3 hours a few times a summer. There are all sorts of things people have hobbled together that don't require a tractor. Some with varying degrees of success. The land plane also doesn't require a great deal of experience to start getting good results.
# Posted: 21 May 2017 08:54pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
You can make a weighted drag, something with cross beams and lots of pins welded in place, ie chunks of rebar, this can break up the road bed, then flip it over to do finish. I made one for a guy who had a motocross track, he could add weight in the form of rocks as needed. A chunk of chain link fence or expanded metal to finish smoothing too works great. Just roll the leading edge up to prevent digging in ad you drag it.
# Posted: 21 May 2017 10:02pm
Consider an I beam. Weld short rebar rods on one side for scarifying. The other side leave smooth. Depending on the width of the beam you choose, you can add weight to the beam if needed. Weld eyes, hooks or some type of bracket for the chains to hook to whatever you pull with. Have fun!
# Posted: 21 May 2017 10:04pm
Toyota, you can come prep my ballfields anytime.
# Posted: 22 May 2017 10:27am
Me personally...
I adapted a box blade built for a cub cadet mower to mount to one of my ATV's. I put a winch on it to lift it, and now I can put about 120 lbs of ballast on it. Works great in dragging down ruts.
Here it is clearing snow at the house:

I find this one of the handiest units I own. Now I just gotta put a front blade on it too, and it will be perfect.
# Posted: 23 May 2017 08:21am
i use a piece of heavy duty floor grating with concrete block chain on for balist...... chain with20 ft of chain... use a bolt and make a loop to fit over ball on truck....make offset to drag on angle to crown road....... or make one chain to do lawn ....will just pull around trees with one chain.....will make your yard so level you might want to plant grass....LOL
# Posted: 24 May 2017 06:14am
Thanks for the ideas!
Looks like I will start with a pallet with weight...on a chain....until I can build something appropriate.
The offset on the chain is what Ive been thinking about...I might use two chains...one hooked to the left or right side of the bumper....to hit sides of road...not just the center. Im using a truck....so I cant get as close to the edges as an ATV.
I guess its not rocket science...just start dragging something.
Hardest part might be finding space to turn around!
# Posted: 24 May 2017 09:27am
A drag is also a good way to knock down tall weeds and small gads and brush along the sides of the road , or around your camp. I use an atv , and drag. It lets the light in and encourages the clovers and shorter grasses to grow. Helps to keep the mosquitoes back , a bit from camp. You don't have to chase a lawn mower, as much. old 243