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# Posted: 18 Nov 2016 09:22pm
How much do you pay for your cabin and land? I pay $400.00 a year for cabin and 40 acres, I am not complaining, how about you.
# Posted: 18 Nov 2016 10:07pm - Edited by: OutdoorFanatic
$700 a year but I expect it to go up to about $1000 by the time I build my deck, shower and latrine.
Bunch of BS too! They watch you like a hawk around here. I'm 1/2 mile in the woods and got a notice from the state that they are coming out to measure and view my (as they call it) "Structure" this month.
To me, its a place to relax and get away from it all. To the town and state, it's just more free spending money for them.
# Posted: 18 Nov 2016 10:18pm
$170 for 10 acres, no cabin yet. West Virginia A guy down the road just turned 65 and his cabin and land taxes went down to $130 a year.
# Posted: 18 Nov 2016 10:26pm
Quoting: OutdoorFanatic $700 a year
What state?
# Posted: 19 Nov 2016 09:26am
2300.00 $ water lot and 800 sq ft cottage ont. Canada
# Posted: 19 Nov 2016 03:22pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Kudzu How much do you pay for your cabin and land? I pay $400.00 a year for cabin and 40 acres, I am not complaining, how about you.
I have 2, 20 acres plots, (40.52 acres total) side by side, forms a perfect 1/4 mile square. The 20 with the cabin is $210 a year, the other 20 is $32 a year. I pay $145 dues on each lot. So it comes to $532 a year for everything. I am a timber farmer in the eyes of my state, so 20 acres now goes about $32 a year.
bc thunder
# Posted: 19 Nov 2016 03:59pm
$120, 22.5 acres, Ont Canada.
# Posted: 19 Nov 2016 04:31pm
360.00 a year for cabin on 5 acres. I added a horse barn and 1 car garage...it will go up. Im in Northern Michigan. Lisa
# Posted: 20 Nov 2016 08:32am
Ohio 84 acres 1100.00 a year and that's in the forestry tax program. They haven't taken my improvements on the cabin into consideration. It was once a condemned structure to something very nice now. I expect it to jump.
Bancroft bound
# Posted: 20 Nov 2016 10:42am
1550 / year near Bancroft On., that's for 94 acres no buildings..... yet. Off Grid, sometimes they grade the road! Oh yea, they pick up garbage once a week. Not looking forward to buildings on it! Peace and Quiet...... Priceless.
# Posted: 20 Nov 2016 06:12pm
I own 50 acres in the Tug Hill area in N. NY. There is a 14x24 foot rustic cabin on the land that was built by my father in law shortly after WWII. He says it cost him and a friend about $200 to build it. It currently costs me a little over a $1000. for the year, including school tax. It is a 1 room cabin with a wood stove and a few cots and a coffee table. The Assessor had it in his books as a 2 bedroom camp with a full bath and kitchen, with a living room. He did Not want to judge on the assesment.
# Posted: 20 Nov 2016 07:07pm
This is one contest i wish i wasn't winning .
# Posted: 20 Nov 2016 11:59pm
$17 for 90 acres. Saguache County CO.
# Posted: 21 Nov 2016 01:30pm
80 acres and 20x40 cabin cost 1031.58 this year 587.15 of that goes to local school district, keeps going up every year.This is in west central Illinois,but I do get free deer permits since iam a land owner.I feel so Lucky! 
# Posted: 23 Nov 2016 12:46pm - Edited by: LoonWhisperer
Quoting: Just This is one contest i wish i wasn't winning . LOL
$95/yr for 11 acres in Ontario
# Posted: 24 Nov 2016 12:57pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
For many of you guys with grassland, pasture land, farm land, timber land, open prairie, you may have a state law which will greatly reduce your taxes.
I am taking advantage of my state law. It recognizes all those I listed above, I fall under timber land and am considered a timber farmer by the state. Cost me about $32 a year for 20 acres. It goes up as you add a structure, but there is limits as to how much land you can remove for structures. Mine is no more than 10% or I lose the tax advantage.
If you have open pasture land, then you need some grazing animals, so run an add for free to use pastureland. Farm land, better be producing a crop or have grazing cattle. My state used to require a harvest plan on timberland, but changed it, as they realize old growth is essential to the community (their exact words) and also the habitat it leaves for wildlife too. This applies to even open grassland, prairies etc. But if you are taking advantage of this and they find fraud, they can go back and colect taxes for 10 years. They cracked down in my state about 6 years ago.
I did have to submit a forest management plan. Its renewed every 10 years. I just hire a professional forester to do it. Submit it to the state assessors office. I just renewed my first 20 a year early and I just bought the second 20, so I did both at the same time.
If I had not built on my 40.52 acres, I'd be looking at $64 a year for all 40 acres. They removed 1 acre for the home-site (this is their words also) while the rest remains in timber.
There may be a minimum acreage to comply. For timber, it was 20 acres, but rounding works, ie 19.5 works. Some such as grasslands, 5 or 10 acres works too. But timber needs 20.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2016 10:07pm
I also take advantage of "greenbelt" agricultural laws in Utah for my 10 acres. The landowners association allows cattle to graze on the properties. No structures other than an outhouse, just a parked trailer. I pay very little property tax, but I do have to move a few cow pies.
# Posted: 28 Nov 2016 09:42am
Interesting that this topic just popped up. We just received our tax bill (our second year as owners). Our place is 1 acre, waterfront, on a small 184 acre lake. We have an RV, a bath house, and 2 docks. Last year the tax bill was $305...this year it dropped to $60.33! I have no idea why. Maybe they noticed that we have cleared an area for the cabin build...and took pity on us for what we are about to spend 
# Posted: 28 Nov 2016 03:15pm
$1418 3/4 acre lake lot and 1200 sq ft camp in Northern Maine.